מאי שנא לגבי אברהם דכתיב כן תעשה כאשר דברת ומאי שנא לגבי לוט דכתיב ויפצר בם מאד א״ר אלעזר מכאן שמסרבין לקטן ואין מסרבין לגדול
Translation: What is the difference regarding Avraham, as it is written: 'We will do so, as you have spoken,' (Bereishis 18:5. They immediately accepted the invitation.) and what is the difference regarding Lot, as it is written: 'And he pressured them a lot'? (Bereishis 19:3) R. Elazar said: From here we learn that one should refuse the invitation of a spiritually small person, and one should not refuse a great person.
(a)Why did R. Elazar not say, 'From here we learn that one should not refuse a great person and one should refuse a small person'; which would better fit the order of the Pesukim?
1.Ben Yehoyada: The Pasuk 'we will do so, as you have spoken' alone does not necessarily indicate that one may not refuse a great person, as it could simply reflect their humility. However, when they later refused Lot's invitation, it shows that one does refuse a small person and the reason that they did not refuse Avraham is because it is not permitted. If humility were the sole reason for their acceptance, they would have also accepted Lot's invitation. So R. Elazar first discussed a small person, as their behavior with Lot explains the reasoning behind their earlier behavior with Avraham.
2.Ben Yehoyada (Answer #2): Although the Pasuk about Lot is a clear proof, the Pasuk about Avraham is not so clear. One could have said that they had originally refused him, but the Pasuk wrote the conversation in a brief way. Therefore, R. Elazar mentioned the proof from Lot (i.e. the small person) first.
כתיב ואקחה פת לחם וכתיב ואל הבקר רץ אברהם אמר רבי אלעזר מכאן שצדיקים אומרים מעט ועושים הרבה רשעים אומרים הרבה ואפילו מעט אינם עושים מנלן מעפרון מעיקרא כתיב ארץ ארבע מאות שקל כסף ולבסוף כתיב וישמע אברהם אל עפרון וישקל אברהם לעפרון את הכסף אשר דבר באזני בני חת ארבע מאות שקל כסף עובר לסוחר דלא שקל מיניה אלא קנטרי דאיכא דוכתא דקרי ליה לתיקלא קנטירא
Translation: It is written about Lot: 'And I will take some bread,' (Bereishis 18:5) and it is also written: 'And Avraham ran to the cattle.' (Which is much more than Lot offered.) R. Elazar said: From here we learn that the righteous say little and do a lot, and the wicked promise a lot and do not even do a little. From where do we know this about the wicked? From Efron. At first it is written: 'Land worth 400 shekels of silver,' (Bereishis 23:15) and in the end it is written: 'And Avraham heard Efron and Avraham weighed the silver for Efron, which he spoke in the ears of the sons of Cheis, 400 shekels of silver, transferable to the merchant.' (Bereishis 23:16) From this we learn that Efron only agreed to take 'kantri' (coins worth 100 maneh) because there is a place where shekels are called 'kantri.' (Avraham gave him 400 kantri instead of ordinary shekels, as he demanded at first. This is deduced from the phrase 'transferable to the merchant,' implying that it was accepted everywhere as a shekel.)
(a)Why is the word 'Kantri' written in the singular, when there were 400?
1.Toras Chaim: Usually, when someone is accepting a large number of coins, he will not be particular if a few of them are not perfect. Here, Efron was particular that every single coin of the 400 was perfect.
כתיב קמח וכתיב סלת א״ר יצחק מכאן שהאשה צרה עיניה באורחים יותר מן האיש
Translation: It is written: 'Flour,' and it is written: 'Fine flour.' (Bereishis 18:6. 'And Avraham hurried into the tent to Sarah, and said, Quickly prepare three measures of fine flour, flour... The two expressions are apparently mutually exclusive.) R. Yitzchak said: From here we see that a woman has a more begrudging eye on guests than a man. (Which is why Avraham had to give her clear and specific instructions to provide fine flour.)
(a)Rashi explains that Avraham asked for fine flour and Sarah provided regular flour. However, there are some texts that say the opposite, that Avraham asked for regular flour and Sarah provided fine flour. How then, does this show that a woman has a more begrudging eye on guests than a man?
1.Ahavas Shalom (Rav Menachem Mendel of Kosov, Parshas Vayeira) The higher the standard of hospitality at the beginning, the more likely it is that the standards will decrease with time. It is also less likely that they will want to invite more guests in the future.
2.Nechamas Yehuda (Rav Yisrael Malin, End of Drush 5 L'Shabbos haGadol): Rashi (Pasuk 10, dh 'Kaeis') cites the Midrash, that the angels' visit was on the Yom Tov of Pesach. The Gemara (Pesachim 40a) teaches that a pious person should not 'Yiltos' - soak grain (out of concern that it will become Chametz). The Gemara also implies that the word 'Soles' (which we have translated earlier as fine flour) actually means soaked grain (as 'Yiltos and 'Soles' come from the same root word.) If so, Avraham wanted to give them regular flour ('Kemach') that was not ground from soaked grains, as he felt that the guests were pious people. Sarah did not assume that, so she would have given them 'Kemach Soles' - even flour from soaked grains. Thus, the Gemara's statement, that a woman has a more begrudging eye on guests than a man, refers to the lesser esteem in which a woman holds the guests.
3.Shaar Bas Rabim (Parshas Vayeira): Sarah had worked on herself so much, that she did not have this trait. This was so outstanding and unusual that the Torah emphasised it by relating that she said fine flour, since all other women have a more begrudging eye on guests than a man.
4.Beis Yisrael (Rav Yisrael Benvenisti, Drush 48): The implication of the Pasuk is not this way. Rather, Avraham was speaking and he first asked for flour and then for fine flour. Since a woman has a more begrudging eye on guests than a man, Avraham first asked for something smaller (i.e. of lower quality) and then followed up by asking for something bigger.
5.Ein Eliyahu: Since women have a more begrudging eye on guests than men, Avraham only asked Sarah for regular flour and as he assumed that she would not want to use fine flour. But Sarah replied that she would prepare fine flour, as she was especially righteous and did not have the same attitude as other women.
כתיב לושי ועשי עוגות וכתיב ויקח חמאה וחלב ובן הבקר ואילו לחם לא אייתי לקמייהו אמר אפרים מקשאה תלמידו של רבי מאיר משמיה דרבי מאיר אברהם אבינו אוכל חולין בטהרה היה ושרה אמנו אותו היום פירסה נדה ויאמרו אליו איה שרה אשתך ויאמר הנה באהל להודיע ששרה אמנו צנועה היתה אמר רב יהודה אמר רב ואיתימא רבי יצחק יודעים היו מלאכי השרת ששרה אמנו באהל היתה אלא מאי באהל כדי לחבבה על בעלה רבי יוסי ברבי חנינא אמר כדי לשגר לה כוס של ברכה תני משום רבי יוסי למה נקוד על איו שבאליו לימדה תורה דרך ארץ שישאל אדם באכסניא שלו והאמר שמואל אין שואלין בשלום אשה כלל על ידי בעלה שאני
Translation: It is written: 'Knead it, and make cakes.' (Bereishis 18:6) And it is also written: 'And he took butter and milk, and the calf,' (Bereishis 18:6) but he did not bring bread in front them! Ephraim Makshaah, who was a student of R. Meir, said in R. Meir's name: Avraham Avinu ate ordinary (Chulin) food only when Tahor, (He treated it like Terumah, which may not be eaten when Tamei.) and that day Sarah Imeinu became a nidah. (Which means that the bread she had baked became tamei. Because she was already old, this was a miracle, and indicated that the birth of Yitzchak was a real possibility.) And they said to him, Where is your wife Sarah? And he said, She is in the tent, (Bereishis 28:9) to tell us that Sarah Imeinu was modest. (And therefore kept herself secluded.) Rav Yehuda said that Rav said, and some say that R. Yitzchak said: The Ministering Angels knew that Sarah Imeinu was in the tent, so then why did they ask so that he would answer in the tent? In order to endear her to her husband. (By impressing him with her modesty.) R. Yosi son of R. Chanina said: In order to send her the cup of blessing. It was taught in the name of R. Yosi: Why are the letters 'ayo' in in the word 'eilav' dotted? The Torah teaches proper conduct (derech eretz), that one should ask about his hostess. But did Shmuel not say: One should not ask about how a woman is doing? When it is through her husband, it is different and permitted.
(a)How does this fit with Shmuel's statement in Kidushin 70a-b that prohibits sending a woman greetings, even through her husband?
1.Tosfos (Kidushin 70b): The Gemara here is permitting asking a husband about the welfare of his wife. Shmuel was prohibiting sending a woman greetings via her husband.
אחרי בלותי היתה לי עדנה אמר רב חסדא אחר שנתבלה הבשר ורבו הקמטין נתעדן הבשר ונתפשטו הקמטין וחזר היופי למקומו כתיב ואדוני זקן וכתיב ואני זקנתי דלא מותיב הקב״ה כדקאמרה איהי תנא דבי רבי ישמעאל גדול שלום שאפי׳ הקב״ה שינה בו שנאמר ותצחק שרה בקרבה וגו׳ ואדוני זקן וכתיב ויאמר ה׳ אל אברהם וגו׳ ואני זקנתי
Translation: 'After I became old, (literally: worn out) I got youth?' (Bereishis 18:12) Rav Chisda said: After the flesh was worn out and there were many wrinkles, the flesh was rejuvenated and the wrinkles were smoothed out, and beauty was restored. It is written: 'And my master is old,' (Bereishis 18:12) and it is also written: And I am old.' We learn from this that the Holy One Blessed is He did not relate it the way she said it. (When Hash-m related Sarah's reaction to Avraham, He quoted her as saying that she, not he, was old.) R. Yishmael's yeshivah taught: Peace is so great that even the Holy One, Blessed be He, changed her true words for its sake, as it is written: 'And Sarah laughed within herself, saying, And my Master is old.' And it is written: 'And Hash-m said to Avraham.... And I am old.
(a)How do Chazal say that 'Hashem changed her words', when Sarah did in fact say that she was old?
1.Ramban, Rashbam, Ibn Ezra on the Pasuk: She had also said that 'My master (Avraham) is old', which was left out by Hash-m. This is also considered to be a change.
ותאמר מי מלל לאברהם הניקה בנים שרה כמה בנים הניקה שרה אמר רבי לוי אותו היום שגמל אברהם את יצחק בנו עשה סעודה גדולה היו כל אומות העולם מרננים ואומרים ראיתם זקן וזקנה שהביאו אסופי מן השוק ואומרים בנינו הוא ולא עוד אלא שעושין משתה גדול להעמיד דבריהם מה עשה אברהם אבינו הלך וזימן כל גדולי הדור ושרה אמנו זימנה את נשותיהם וכל אחת ואחת הביאה בנה עמה ומניקתה לא הביאה ונעשה נס בשרה אמנו ונפתחו דדיה כשני מעיינות והניקה את כולן ועדיין היו מרננים ואומרים אם שרה הבת תשעים שנה תלד אברהם בן מאה שנה יוליד מיד נהפך קלסתר פנים של יצחק ונדמה לאברהם פתחו כולם ואמרו אברהם הוליד את יצחק עד אברהם לא היה זקנה מאן דהוה בעי למשתעי בהדי אברהם משתעי בהדי יצחק בהדי יצחק משתעי בהדי אברהם אתא אברהם בעא רחמי והוה זקנה שנאמר ואברהם זקן בא בימים
Translation: And she said, Who would have said to Avraham that Sarah would have nursed children?' (Bereishis 21:7) How many children then did Sarah nurse? (Considering that she had only one child.) R. Levi said: On the day that Avraham weaned his son Yitzchak, he made a large feast. All the nations of the world gossiped saying, Did you see that old man and woman, who brought an abandoned child from the market, and claim: 'This is our son!'? And not only this, but they are making a large feast to establish their claim! What did Avraham Avinu do? He went and invited all leaders of the generation. And Sarah Imeinu invited their wives and each one brought her son with her, but did not bring her wet nurse. And a miracle happened to Sarah Imeinu, and her breasts opened like two springs, and she nursed all of them. And despite this they still gossiped, saying, If Sarah gave birth at the age of 90, does this mean that Avraham could have had a child at the age of 100? Immediately, Yitzchak's facial appearance changed and became like Avraham's. They all exclaimed, 'Avraham gave birth to Yitzchak.' (Bereishis 25:19) Until Avraham, there was no old age; (Meaning there were no visible signs of age.) whoever wanted to speak to Avraham would speak to Yitzchak, and whoever wanted to speak to Yitzchak, spoke to Avraham. (Because they looked exactly alike.) Avraham came and prayed and then there was old age, as it is written: 'And Avraham was old in age.' (Bereishis 24:1.)
(a)How could the Gemara say that there was no old age until Avraham prayed for it? There are many Pesukim earlier in the Torah that mention old age?
1.Maharsha: Avraham prayed that old people should be recognisably old, through their hair and beard turning white.
(b)Why did the Gemara quote the Pasuk in Parshas Chayei Sarah of 'Avraham was old in age'? It could have used the Pasuk earlier in Parshas Vayeira (Bereishis 18:11), 'And Avraham and Sarah were old'?
1.Maharsha: The Pasuk of 'and Avraham was old in age' was at a time when Yitzchak had matured and now had a beard which caused people to be confused and mix the two up. It was then that Avraham prayed and Hash-m made him look old.
2.Ben Yehoyada: As long as it was only the household members of Avraham who lived in his home, they were familiar enough to be able to differentiate between Avraham and Yitzchak. But once it was time for Yitzchak to marry, there was now a concern that his new wife would not be able to discern the difference between them, which would be very problematic. Therefore, it was at the time when Yitzchak was ready for marriage that Avraham prayed and Hash-m changed his appearance.
עד יעקב לא הוה חולשא אתא יעקב בעא רחמי והוה חולשא שנאמר ויאמר ליוסף הנה אביך חולה עד דאתא אלישע לא הוה דחליש ואתפח אתא אלישע בעא רחמי ואתפח שנאמר ואלישע חלה את חליו אשר ימות בו מכלל דחלה חלי אחריתי תנו רבנן שלשה חלאין חלה אלישע אחד שדחפו לגיחזי בשתי ידיו ואחד שגירה דובין בתינוקות ואחד שמת בו שנאמר ואלישע חלה את חליו אשר ימות בו
Translation: Until Yaakov there was no illness; (One lived his allotted years in full health and then died suddenly.) Yaakov came and he prayed, and then there was illness, as it is written: 'And he told Yosef, Behold, your father is sick.' (Bereishis 48:1) Until Elisha came, no one ever got sick and then recovered; but then Elisha came, he prayed, and recovered, as it is written: 'And Elisha became sick with the sickness that he died from.' (Melachim II, 13:14) This implies that he had been sick with a different illness. Our Rabbis taught in a Baraisa: Elisha was sick with three illnesses: One as a punishment because he pushed Gechazi with both hands, (See Sanhedrin 107b.) and one because he sent bears towards the children, (See Melachim II, 5:23.) and one, which was the sickness he died from, as it is written: 'And Elisha became sick with the sickness that he died from.' (Melachim II, 13:14).
(a)How does the Pasuk about Yaakov Avinu show that he was the first person to suffer illness?
1.R' Yeshaya Pick: The word 'הנה' - 'behold' indicates something surprising and striking.
(b)If there was no sickness until Yaakov, why does the Midrash say (Bereishis Rabah Parsha 59) that Avraham wrote over all of his possessions to Yitzchak in a Diatiki? (A Diatiki is a document written for someone who is dying.) If Avraham was healthy and died suddenly, why would he write such a document? The Midrash should have referred to it as a gift document?
1.Ein Eliyahu: When a person would write a Diatiki, it was out of concern that he would die, since it would come suddenly without illness.
(c)If there was no sickness until Yaakov, how can the Gemara in Bava Basra 16b say that Avraham Avinu had a precious stone around his neck and any sick person who looked at it would be healed?
1.Tosfos (Bava Basra 16b dh She'kol): Before Yaakov there was no illness that came 'naturally'; all came from a wound.
2.Tosfos Answer #2 (R' Tam and Ri): Until Yakov, no one became weak, i.e. mortal illness. From then and onwards, there was mortal illness, and no one recovered until Elisha.
(d)Why did Yaakov pray for illness rather than Avraham or Yitzchak?
1.Iyun Yaakov: Yaakov had been promised that none of his children would die in his lifetime (See Midrash Tanchuma Vayigash 9). Therefore, he did not rebuke them until the day of his death, so that they would be able to repent and would not die soon after him. And since he did not know when he would die, he would only be able to rebuke them if something would signal that he would soon die. He therefore prayed to be ill before he would die.
(e)How does the Gemara say that until Elisha came, nobody ever became sick and then healed, if the Midrash (Bereishis Rabah 65:9) teaches that King Chizkiyahu (who lived later) brought 'becoming healed from a sickness' to the world?
1.Bayis HaGadol (Pirkei D'R. Eliezer Perek 52:8): Until Elisha, no person was ever sick and was healed. After him, people could become healed through natural healings. After King Chizkiyahu, he introduced healing through prayer. (It could be that it is for this reason that Chizkiyahu hid the 'Sefer Refu'os' - 'the Book of Healings; and showed that it is Hash-m who heals.)