
WHEN ONE RETURNS THE SAME ANIMAL (Yerushalmi Perek 9 Halachah 1 Daf 38a)

א''ר זירא הדא אמרה גזל שמינה והכחישה מחזיר לו את השומן


Inference (R. Ze'ira): (Our Mishnah teaches that if he was Gozel a pregnant cow and it gave birth, he pays for a cow about to give birth.) This shows that if one was Gozel a fat animal, and it weakened, he returns to him [the value of] the [lost] fat.

אמר רב חסדא הדא אמרה גזל כחושה והשמינה מחזירה בעינה מפני שעיברה אצלו וילדה משלם כשעת הגזילה.


Inference (Rav Chisda): [Our Mishnah] teaches that if one was Gozel a thin animal, and it fattened, he returns to him intact. [The Mishnah says that] because it became pregnant and gave birth, he pays the value at the time he stole it. (If it were still pregnant, he would return it intact.)


THE AUTHOR OF OUR MISHNAH (Yerushalmi Perek 9 Halachah 1 Daf 38a)

מאן תניתה


Question: Who taught [the general rule in our Mishnah, that all Gazlanim pay k'Sha'as ha'Gezeilah]?

ר' יעקב דתני זה הכלל שהיה ר' יעקב אומר כל גזילה שהיא קיימת בעיניה ולא נישתנית מבריית' אומר לו הרי שלך לפניך


Answer: It is R. Yakov, for a Beraisa teaches 'this is the general rule that R. Yakov used to say. Every Gezeilah that is intact, that did not change bodily, he tells him 'yours (what I stole) is in front of you';

והגנב לעולם משלם כשעת הגניבה:


And a Ganav (covert thief) always pays k'Sha'as ha'Geneivah. (NO'AM YERUSHALMI - the Yerushalmi holds that for Geneivah, he despairs immediately, and the Ganav acquires through despair alone.)