
PIDYON TOVEL FOR MA'ASEROS (Yerushalmi Perek 7 Halachah 4 Daf 32b)

רבי יוסטא בי רבי מתון שאל הפודה כלכלה מיד הגזבר [דף לג עמוד א] מהו שתיטבל למעשרות.


Question (R. Yosta bei R. Maton): If one redeemed a basket [of Peros] from Hekdesh, is this [like a sale, which is] Tovel for Ma'aser [forbids eating Arai before tithing]?

[דף כט עמוד א (עוז והדר)] מתיב ריש לקיש והתנינן גנב והקדיש ואחר כך טבח ומכר. כמה דאת אמר תמן המקדיש אינו כמוכר ודכוותה הפודה אינו כלוקח.


Question (and answer - Reish Lakish): (This is obvious!) Our Mishnah teaches that if he stole and made it Hekdesh, and afterwards slaughtered or sold [he does not pay four or five]. Just like you say there that Makdish is not like selling, similarly redeeming is not like buying!

מילתיה דריש לקיש אמרה (מכירה כפדיון אמר) [צ''ל הקדש אינו כמכירה - הגר''ח קניבסקי שליט''א] ראוי הוא לפדותו ולאוכלו.


Inference: Reish Lakish's words teach Hekdesh is not like a sale. [This is because] it is proper to redeem it and eat it. (We explained this like HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA.)


Note: I.e. it is unlike a sale, in which the seller has no rights to get back what he sold. If not for Reish Lakish, one might have thought that Hekdesh is like a sale, just one is exempt from four or five for a different reason (the Ganav does not benefit it, or it does not take effect (e.g. before despair)... - PF)