GENERAL RULES OF DAMAGES (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 2 Daf 4a)
מתני' כל שחבתי בשמירתו הכשרתי את נזקו
(Mishnah): Anything that I am obligated to guard it, [if I did not guard it properly,] I was Machshir its damage (I must pay if it damaged);
הכשרתי במקצת נזקו חבתי בתשלומי נזקו כהכשר כל נזקו.
If I was Machshir part of its damage, I must pay for its damage as if I was Machshir all of its damage.
נכסים שאין בהם מעילה נכסים של בני ברית ונכסים המיוחדים
(There is compensation for the following, if they are damaged -) property to which Me'ilah does not apply; property of Bnei Bris; distinctive property.
חוץ מרשות המיוחדת למזיק ורשות הניזק והמזיק בתשלומין:
(One must pay for damage) in any place, except for the premises of the damager. Payment [for damage applies] in the joint property of the victim and the damager.
גמ' תני ר' חייה זה השור והבור.
(Gemara - R. Chiyah): [Anything that I am obligated to guard it] is Shor and a pit.
[דף ד עמוד ב] והאש לא תנה.
Question: Why was fire not taught?
א''ר ירמיה האש להכשר נזקיו.
Answer (R. Yirmeyah): Is fire considered damage of his property?! (It is like bodily damage, i.e. his arrows!)
אמר ר' יוסי ואין כיני האש להכשר נזקיו מקבל עליו ההתרייה בדעת זו ולוקה.
Question (R. Yosi): Is fire not considered damage of his property at all?! If so, if he was warned [that his fire might spread, and it did], he should be lashed [if it damaged a person, or burned on Yom Tov]!
מאי כדון.
Objection: You cannot say [that fire is like bodily damage. If so, why was it taught with the four Avos in our Mishnah, and not with the nine damages of man that R. Chiya added (1b)?!]
האש להכשר נזקיו מקבל עליו נזק צער ריפוי שבת ובושת.
Answer: Indeed, [fire] is damage of his property. [It is also like bodily damage. Through accepting warning,] he accepts on himself liability for Nezek, pain, medical expenses, Sheves, and embarrassment. (We explained this like NESIVOS YERUSHALAYIM.)