[7a - 34 lines; 7b - 39 lines]

1)[line 1]בינוניתBEINONIS- land of average quality (see Background to 6:36)

2)[line 3]יפה כחו בנזקיןYAFEH KOCHO B'NEZAKIN- he has greater rights [than Hekdesh] in damages [since he is able to demand restitution and Hekdesh is not]

3)[line 9]פטור... משלם נזק שלםPATUR... MESHALEM NEZEK SHALEM- Rebbi Shimon ben Menasheh interprets the word "Re'ehu" differently. He maintains that the verse is not teaching that one need not pay Hekdesh damages at all; rather, it is teaching that Hekdesh has greater rights than an individual.

4)[line 10]תם... מועדTAM... MU'AD- See Background to 6:44

5a)[line 12]דכ"ע בדניזק שיימינןD'CHULEI ALMA BED'NIZAK SHAIMINAN- [both Rebbi Yishmael and Rebbi Akiva rule] that we evaluate [land as Idis] based upon the [holdings of the] Nizak [and Rebbi Akiva's statement of "Lo Ba ha'Chasuv Ela..." agrees with the opinion of Rebbi Yishmael]

b)[line 13]והכא בפלוגתא דר"ש בן מנסיא ורבנן קמפלגיV'HACHA B'FELUGTA D'REBBI SHIMON BEN MENASYA V'RABANAN KA'MIPALGI- and [when Rebbi Akiva said "v'Kal va'Chomer l'Hekdesh"] their disagreement is based upon that of Rebbi Shimon Ben Menasya and the Rabanan

6)[line 15]מאי "לא בא הכתוב"?MAI "LO BA HA'KASUV"?- what [do the words] "the sole purpose of the verse is..." [which imply that Rebbi Akiva interprets the verse differently, mean]?

7)[line 16]מאי "ק"ו להקדש"?MAI "KAL VA'CHOMER L'HEKDESH"?- a) [if Rebbi Akiva agrees with the leniency of Rebbi Yishmael who allows the Mazik to pay land equal to the Idis of the Nizak even when he himself has higher quality land,] what [do the words] "And all the more so Hekdesh", [which imply that the Halachah being dealt with is a stringency, mean]? (RSHI); b) [since Rebbi Yishmael would agree to the Kal va'Chomer if he agreed with the derivation of Rebbi Shimon ben Menasya,] what [do the words] "And all the more so Hekdesh" [have to do with the crux of the disagreement between Rebbi Akiva and Rebbi Yishmael]? (TOSFOS DH v'Od)

8)[line 21]רמי ליהRAMI LEI- posed a contradiction to him

9)[line 23]"[בַּעַל הַבּוֹר יְשַׁלֵּם, כֶּסֶף] יָשִׁיב [לִבְעָלָיו; וְהַמֵּת יִהְיֶה לּוֹ]""[BA'AL HA'BOR YESHALEM, KESEF] YASHIV [LI'V'ALAV; VEHA'MES YIHEYEH LO]"- "[The owner of the pit shall pay;] he shall return [money to its owner - and the dead animal shall be his]" (Shemos 21:34). This verse refers to one who dug a pit in the public domain, after which an animal belonging to another fell in and died. The word "Yashiv" is seemingly extraneous, since the verse could simply have stated, "The owner of the pit shall pay money to its owner ..."

10)[line 23]שוה כסףSHAVEH KASEF- any item that has value but is not currency

11)[line 24]סוביןSUBIN- lit. bran, which is usually sifted from the flour; i.e., an inferior item

12a)[line 24]כאן מדעתוKAN MI'DA'ATO- here [when the verse reveals that he may pay with Subin, it refers to a case in which] he willingly agrees [to pay]

b)[line 24]כאן בעל כרחוKAN B'AL KORCHO- here [when the verse insists that he pay with Meitav, it refers to a case in which] he must be coerced [to pay by Beis Din]

13)[line 26]ישולםYESHULAM- it will be paid

14)[line 28]כדמרKED'MAR- [this contradiction may be resolved] through applying the principal of Mar (a third-person term of respect that here refers to Rabah, who raised Abaye and was his Rebbi)

15)[line 28]בתים, שדות, וכרמיםBATIM, SADOS, U'CHERAMIM- houses [that he does not live in (TOSFOS DH Mi), and are therefore liquid assets], fields, or vineyards [a) that total two hundred Zuz in value (RASHI in his first, preferred explanation); b) that are worth any amount, even more than two hundred Zuz (Rashi, second explanation)]

16)[line 29]מעשר עניMA'ASER ANI

(a)After a crop is harvested and brought to the owner's house or yard, he must separate Terumah from the crop and give it to a Kohen (Devarim 18:4). Terumah is one of the twenty-four Matnos Kehunah (gifts given to Kohanim by non-Kohanim - Bamidbar 18). Although the Torah does not specify an amount that must be given, the Rabanan set the requirement at between one fortieth and one sixtieth of the total crop.

(b)Once Terumah has been separated from the produce, the first tithe must be separated. One tenth of the remaining produce is given to a Levi; this is known as Ma'aser Rishon (Bamidbar 18:21). The Levi, in turn, must separate one tenth of his Ma'aser Rishon and give it to a Kohen (Bamidbar 18:26). This is called Terumas Ma'aser.

(c)Once Terumah Gedolah and Ma'aser Rishon have been separated from the crop, it is time to separate the second tithe. During the first, second, fourth and fifth years of the seven-year Shemitah cycle, the second tithe is called Ma'aser Sheni. Ma'aser Sheni must be brought to Yerushalayim and eaten there while one is in a state of purity (Devarim 14:22-27).

(d)In the third and sixth years of the seven-year Shemitah cycle this tithe is called Ma'aser Ani, and it is given to the poor (Devarim 14:28-29).

(e)In order to qualify for Ma'aser Ani, Tzedakah, or other Matnos Aniyim such as Leket, Shichechah, and Pe'ah (see Background to Gitin 59:54-56), one may not own assets in excess of two hundred Zuz. Once one qualifies, however, he may receive a single gift worth any amount of money, even if after receiving the gift he then owns more than two hundred Zuz.

17)[line 29]עד מחצהAD MECHETZAH- a) until [he has received an additional one hundred Zuz, which is] half [of the value of his holdings, since they never fall below half of their true value] (RASHI in his first, preferred explanation); b) [as much as he needs] until [he is able to sell his holdings for] one half [of their value, but not as long as he cannot receive at least that much for them] (RASHI, second explanation)

18)[line 30]הוי בהHAVI BAH- he delved into [the reasoning of this Beraisa]

19a)[line 30]אי הוזל ארעתא דכ"ע ודידיה נמי זל בהדייהוIY HUZAL AR'ATA D'CHULEI ALMA V'DIDEI NAMI ZAL BA'HADAIHU- if all real estate prices have fallen along with those of his own [holdings]

b)[line 32]אפילו טובא נמי ליספי ליה!AFILU TUVA NAMI LISFI LEI!- a) then he should receive even more [than two hundred Zuz, since his holdings are not worth enough to render him Halachically wealthy]! (RASHI in his first, preferred explanation); b) then even if [he is able to sell his holdings] for more [than half of their value] he should receive [Ma'aser Ani, since it is not his fault that he cannot receive fair value for them]! (RASHI, second explanation)

20)[line 33]אוקירOKIR- appreciated in value

21)[last line]איידי דעייל ונפיק אזוזיAIDI D'AYIL V'NAFIK A'ZUZEI- since he is obviously in desperate need of money


22)[line 1]אפילו פורתא נמי לא ליספו ליה!AFILU PURTA NAMI LO LISFI LEI!- a) then he should not receive even less [than two hundred Zuz, since his holdings are intrinsically worth enough to render him Halachically wealthy]! (RASHI in his first, preferred explanation); b) then even if [he is only able to sell his holdings] for less [than half of their value] he should not receive [Ma'aser Ani, since it is not his fault that he cannot receive fair value for them]! (RASHI, second explanation) (see also TOSFOS to 7a DH Iy for other explanations of this Sugya)

23a)[line 2]ביומי ניסן יקרא ארעתאB'YOMEI NISAN YEKARA AR'ATA- in the month of Nisan real estate appreciates in value [since it is then that one must purchase fields in order to plow them in time for the sowing season (RASHI), and it is then that people tend to rent houses (TOSFOS DH dev'Yomei)]

b)[line 3]ביומי תשרי זל ארעתאB'YOMEI TISHREI ZAL AR'ATA- in the month of Tishrei real estate depreciates in value [since it is too late to plow and houses are not in high demand]

24)[line 3]נטריNATREI- lit. guards; waits

25)[line 4]מזבניMEZABNEI- sells

26a)[line 5]עד פלגא אורחיה למיזלAD PALGA ORCHEI L'MEIZAL- it is normal for it to depreciate in value [in the month of Tishrei] down to one half [of its value in Nisan]

b)[line 5]טפי לאו אורחיה למיזלTEFEI LAV ORCHEI L'MEIZAL- it is not normal for it to depreciate more [than one half, and he is therefore Halachically considered an Ani for a limited time only (KEHILAS YAKOV 5:2 in clarification of the first explanation of RASHI)]

27)[line 7]איהוIHU- the Nizak

28)[line 7]הב לי בינונית טפי פורתאHAV LI BEINONIS TEFEI PORTA- give me a bit more land of average quality

29)[line 8]אי שקלת כדינך, שקול כדהשתאIY SHAKALT K'DINACH, SHEKOL KED'HASHTA- if you accept [Idis as] your due, then take according to its current [deflated] value [in Tishrei]

30)[line 9]כיוקרא דלקמיהK'YUKRA DEL'KAMEI- according to its future [inflated] price [in Nisan]

31)[line 10]הורעת כחן של נזקין אצל בינונית וזיבוריתHORATA KOCHAN SHEL NIZAKIN ETZEL BEINONIS V'ZIBURIS- you have limited the ability of those damaged to collect from average or inferior quality land

32)[line 11]רחמנא אמר ממיטבRACHMANA AMAR MI'MEITAV- the Torah says [that one damaged may collect] from superior quality land [implying that he has the upper hand in his ability to demand reparations]

33)[line 13]אי איכא לדמוייIY IKA LIDMUYEI- if you wish to apply [the concept that land appreciates and depreciates depending on the time of year as Rabah established earlier]

34)[line 18]נעלת דלת בפני לויןNA'ALTA DELES BI'FNEI LOVIN- lit. you have locked the door before borrowers; i.e., you have discouraged people from lending money

35)[line 20]זוזי גבךZUZI GABACH- my money is with you; i.e., you owe me money

36)[line 22]כתובת אשהKESUVAS ISHAH - The Jewish Marriage Contract

(a)When a man marries (Nisu'in) a woman who was a Besulah (virgin) at the time of her Kidushin (betrothal), he must give her a marriage document stipulating that she is to receive 200 Zuz from him or his estate should he divorce her or die. 200 Zuz are equivalent to the value of 960 grams of silver. This document is called a Kesuvah (lit. "written"). Tana'im disagree as to whether this obligation is mid'Oraisa (Biblical) or mid'Rabanan (Rabbinic) in origin (Kesuvos 10a).

(b)If the bride had been widowed or divorced and is therefore a Be'ulah (not a virgin) than she receives a different Kesuvah. The Kesuvah of a Be'ulah guarantees only 100 Zuz to the bride in the case of the dissolution of the marriage. There is no question that the obligation to give this document is mid'Rabanan in origin (Kesuvos 10b). A widow is termed an "Almanah" due to that which her Kesuvah is written for the amount of a "Maneh" (one hundred Zuz) (ibid.).

(c)If a woman is younger than three at the time of her Kidushin, she always receives 200 Zuz. This is because her hymen grows back even when broken at this young age, and she is therefore by definition a Besulah.

(d)The amounts detailed above are only the minimum required to be written into a Kesuvah. One may voluntarily add any amount onto his wife's Kesuvah, and doing so is considered a way of honoring her.

37)[line 24]בצירBATZIR- less

38)[line 26]מכל מקום קשיאMI'KOL MAKOM KASHYA- the question [of the contradiction between "Meitav" and "Subin"] remains unanswered

39)[line 27]כל דיהיב ליה ממיטב ליתיב ליהKOL D'YAHIV LEI MI'MEITAV LEISIV LEI- give him the best of whatever you give him [even if it is Subin]

40)[line 28]כי אתאKI ASA- when he came

41)[line 29]בי רבBEI RAV- the Beis ha'Midrash of Rav

42)[line 29]אי לא מזדבן הכא, מזדבן במתא אחריתיIY LO MIZDABEN HACHA, MIZDABEN B'MASA ACHARISI- if it is not in demand here, it is in demand elsewhere

43)[line 30]לבר מארעאL'VAR ME'AR'A- except for land [which cannot be transported]

44)[line 30]כי היכי דלקפוץ עלה זבינאKI HEICHI D'LIKPOTZ ALAH ZEVINA- so that [the Nizak will have land] that [he] can easily sell (lit. that buyers will jump upon)

45)[line 31]כשהן שמיןKESHE'HEN SHAMIN- when [Beis Din] evaluate [land in order to determine whether it is Idis, Beinonis, or Ziburis]

46a)[line 31]בשלו הן שמין?B'SHELO HEN SHAMIN?- do they grade [these levels] relative to the rest of the land belonging to he [who must pay]? (this is the opinion of Rav Nachman found in Kesuvos 110a)

b)[line 32]או בשל עולם הן שמין?O B'SHEL OLAM HEN SHAMIN?- or do they grade based upon [what] the world [at large considers to be Meitav, Beinonis, or Ziburis]? (this is the opinion of Rav Sheshes found in Kesuvos 110a)

47a)[line 34]למעוטי דניזקL'ME'UTEI D'NIZAK- as opposed to that [which is equal to the highest quality land] belonging to the Nizak [but rather equal to that which is generally considered to be high-quality land]

b)[line 34]למעוטי דעלמא נמיL'ME'UTEI D'ALMA NAMI- as opposed to that [which is generally considered to be high-quality land] as well [but rather equal to his own highest-quality land]

48)[line 36]כולםKULAM- all of [the Nizak, the creditor, and the woman who is owed her Kesuvah]