

úåñ' ã"ä åàôàä (åäøéí) [åäôøéù] îîðä çìä

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the fact that the Chiyuv Chalah takes effect already from the time of kneading.)

îùòú âìâåì îúçééá áçìä...


Implied Question: The Chiyuv Chalah begins from the time of kneading . ...

àìà øáåúà ÷î"ì -ãàò"ô ùòùä ëì äùéðåééí äììå, àéï æä àìà 'îðàõ' .


Answer #1: ... only the Tana is coming to teach us either that, even though he has made all these changes, he is still considered a 'Mena'etz' (one who angers Hash-m) ...

à"ð, îùåí ãäéëà ãàéï úçéìúå òéñä, àéï îúçééá áçìä òã àçø àôééä, ð÷èä äëé.


Answer #2: ... or that, there where it was not a dough to begin with, the Chiyuv Chalah does not take effect until after it has been baked (See Hagahos ve'Tziiyunim).



úåñ' ã"ä ìà äôøéù îï ä÷îä éôøéù îï äòåîøéí

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the opinions of Abaye and Rava.)

àáéé ìèòîé' ãàîø áøéù úîåøä (ã' å. åùí ã"ä àîø) 'ëì ãàîø øçîðà "ìà úòáéã", àé òáéã, îäðé. '


Clarification: Abaye follows his reasoning, when he said at the beginning of Temurah (Daf 6a & 6b) that 'Whenever the Torah says "Don't do something", and one does it, it is effective'.

åîôøù äúí ãèòîà ãéôøéù îï äòåîøéí îùåí "úòæåá" éúéøà...


Clarification (cont.): And, as the Gemara explains there, the reason that he must separate Pe'ah from the sheaves is due to the extra word "Ta'azov" ...

ãáìà "úòæåá" éúéøà ìà äéä îéçééá, ãëéåï ãòáø òì "ìà úëìä," äåä àîéðà ãàäðé åôèåø.


Reason: ... without which he would not be Chayav because, we would have thought that the fact that he transgressed (the La'av of) "Lo Sechaleh" would be effective and he would be Patur.

åìäëé àöèøéê àáéé áùîòúéï ò"ë ìø' éùîòàì ìîéîø 'ùéðåé áî÷åîä òåîãú' .


Clarification (cont.): And that is why Abaye needs to state that according to Rebbi Yishmael, Shinuy remains in its place (is not Koneh).

àáì ìøáà ãàîø äúí 'ëì ãàîø øçîðà "ìà úòáéã" ,àé òáéã, ìà îäðé' ,áìà "úòæåá" éúéøà îôøéù îï äòåîøéï...


Clarification (cont.): According to Rava, on the other hand, who holds there that when the Torah says don't do something, and one does it, it is not effective - he will be obligated to separate from sheaves without the extra "Ta'azov" ...

åìà îáòé ìéä "úòæåá" éúéøà àìà ìîô÷éø ëøîå àå ìøáé éùîòàì àé ùéðåé ÷åðä, àöèøéê ãîôøéù îï äòéñä.


Clarification (concl.): ... from which he therefore learns to render Chayav somebody who declares his vineyard Hefker or according to Rebbi Yishmael, if he holds that Shinuy is Koneh, that one (nevertheless) needs to separate from the sheaves.

åàí úàîø, ìàáéé ãàöèøéê "úòæåá" éúéøà ìçééá îï äòåîøéí, îô÷éø ëøîå, îðìéä ãçééá áôàä?


Question: From where does Abaye, who needs the extra "Ta'azov" to render the sheaves Chayav, know that someone who declares his vineyard Hefker, is Chayav be'Pe'ah?

åé"ì, ãúøúé ù"î...


Answer: We learn both things from there ...

åëï ö"ì ìøáà àìéáà ãøáé éùîòàì, àé ñáø øáé éùîòàì ã'ùéðåé ÷åðä', åãøéù "úòæåá" éúéøà ìçééá îï äòéñä, àí ëï, 'äîô÷éø ëøîå' îðìéä? ...


Answer (cont.): And that is also how we will have to answer Rava according to Rebbi Yishmael, assuming the latter holds that 'Shinuy is Koneh', and that he Darshens the extra "Ta'azov" to obligate separating Pe'ah from the dough - in which case, from where will he learn that 'ha'Mafkir Karmo' is Chayav? ...

ãîùîò ãääéà ãøùä àúéà ëë"ò...


Answer (cont.): ... because it seems that that D'rashah is unanimous ...

îããéé÷ áôø÷ áà ñéîï (ðãä ã' ðà. åùí ã"ä îéï) ãäà ãúðï äúí 'ëì ùçééá áôàä, çééá áîòùø', äééðå ëì îéï ùçééá áôàä çééá áîòùø...


Source: ... from the fact that the Gemara in Perek Ba Si'man (Nidah Daf 51a & 51b (See Tosfos there DH 'Miyn') explains the Mishnah there 'Kol she'Chayav be'Pe'ah Chayav be'Ma'aser' to mean that every species that is subject to Pe'ah, is subject to Ma'aser...

ãàé ìàå äëé, äøé 'îô÷éø ëøîå' ãçééá áôàä åôèåø îï äîòùø...


Source (cont.): Because otherwise, there 'Mafkir Karmo' would be Chayav Pe'ah but Patur from Ma'aser ...

åîàé øàéä äéà, ãìîà îúðé' ëøáé éùîòàì, ãîå÷é "úòæåá" éúéøà ìçééá îï äòéñä, åìà îééúø ìîãøù ùéúçééá 'îô÷éø' áôàä?


Source (cont.): ... and what proof is that, when perhaps that Mishnah goes according to Rebbi Yishmael, who establishes the extra "Ta'azov" to obligate taking Pe'ah from the dough, in which case it will not be superfluous to render 'Mafkir' Chayav?

àìà åãàé ìéëà ãôìéâ àääåà úðà ã'îô÷éø ëøîå ' ,åúøúé ù"î, ëãôøéùéú.


Conclusion: We must therefore say that nobody argues with the Tana of 'Mafkir Karmo', and that we learn both things from it, as Tosfos explained.



úåñ' ã"ä îøçå îòùø åðåúï ìå

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the ruling and explains why the Tana omits the Chiyuv T'rumah.)

åàôéìå ìîàï ãàéú ìéä áøéøä ...


Implied Question: Even according to the opinion that holds 'Yesh B'reirah' (on 89a) ...

ëì æîï ùìà äôøéù ôàä åìà áøøä, äéä äëì ùìå åðúçééá äëì áîòùø, åùåá ìà éôèø.


Answer: ... because as long as he had not separated Pe'ah and had not selected it, it all belonged to him, and it was all subject to Ma'aser, from which it cannot become Patur.

åàí úàîø, úøåîä ðîé ìúðé ùúåøí åðåúï ìå?


Question: Why does the Tana not mention that he must also separate Terumah and give it to the Kohen?

åàéï ìåîø ãúøåîä áìàå äëé éôøéù äòðé, ãëì ôàä çééáú áúøåîä...


Refuted Answer: One cannot answer that since all Pe'ah is subject to Terumah, the Ani will separate it anyway ...

çãà, ãà"ë î÷ãéí îòùø ìúøåîä âãåìä!


Refutation #1: ... Firstly, because this would mean that one gives Ma'aser before Terumah.

åòåã, ãúðï áîñëú úøåîåú áô"÷ (î"ä) 'àéï úåøîéï îï äì÷è åîï äùëçä ... ' .


Refutation #2: And secondly, because the Mishnah states in the first Perek (Mishnah 5) of T'rumos that Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah are not subject to Terumah'.

åðøàä ìôøù îùåí ãúøåîä ãáø ÷ì ìúøåí, ìà çù ìäæëéø.


Answer #1: It therefore seems that it is because Terumah is so easy to give that it is not necessary to mention it.

åéù îôøùéí ãìäëé àéï úåøí, îùåí ãáâåøï øâéìéï ìúøåí...


Answer #2: Some commentaries explain that the reason that he does not need to separate Terumah, is because it is customary to separate it already in the granary ...

ëãúðï áîñëú îòùø /îòùøåú/ (ô"á) 'îöà ôéøåú îîåøçéï áùãä -îëåðñéï, àñåøéí îùåí âæì; îôåæøéï, îåúøéï îùåí âæì...


Source: As we learned in the Mishnah in Maseches Ma'aser (Perek Sheini) 'If one finds fruit that has been flattened (after winnowing) in the field - if it is piled up, taking it constitutes Gezel; if it is scattered, it is permitted' ...

áéï ëê åáéï ëê, çééáéï áîòùø åôèåøéï îï äúøåîä, ìôé ùàé àôùø ìâåøï ùúò÷ø àìà àí ëï ðéèìä úøåîä âãåìä.


Source (cont.): ... Either way, it is subject to Ma'aser but Patur from T'rumah, because it is inconceivable for the work in the granary to have been completed and for Terumah Gedolah not to have been separated.




úåñ' ã"ä åúðï ìà äñôé÷ ìéúðå ìå ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara cites this Mishnah and not the Mishnah on Daf 96.)

úéîä, ãìà îééúé îúðé' ã'âæì áäîä åäæ÷éðä, òáãéí åäæ÷éðå' ãîùìí ëùòú äâæéìä, ì÷îï (ãó öå:), åàôé' ø"î ìà ôìéâ àìà 'áòáãéí ... '


Question: Why does the Gemara not cite the Mishnah (on Daf 96b) 'Gazal Beheimah ve'Hizkinah, Avadim ve'Hizkinu Meshalem ke'Sha'as ha'Gezeilah', where even Rebbi Meir argues exclusively by 'Avadim' ...

ãìéëà ìîéîø ãìãáøéäí ãøáðï ÷àîø ìäå, ëãáòé ìîéîø ì÷îï (ãó öä.)


Refuted Answer: One cannot answer that he is only speaking according to the Chachamim (but that he disagrees with them, as the Gemara attempts to say later) ...

ãäà ø"î àéú ìéä ã'ùéðåé ÷åðä' âáé 'ðåúï öîø ìöáò' (ì÷îï ÷:)


Refutation #1: .. seeing as Rebbi Meir specifically holds that 'Shinuy is Koneh', in the case of 'Someone who gives wool to a dyer' (later, on Daf 100b).

åòåã, äà ÷úðé 'âæì îèáò åðñã÷, îùìí ëùòú äâæéìä (ì÷îï öå:).


Refutation #2: Moreover, the Mishnah continues 'Gazal Matbe'a ve'Nisdak, Meshalem ke'Sha'as ha'Gezeilah'.

åé"ì, ãëì äðé äåé îöé ìîéîø ãäåä ñúí åàç"ë îçìå÷ú, ãôìéâé ì÷îï (÷:) ø"î åø"é á'öáòå ìå àãåí åöáòå ùçåø' .


Answer: In all of these cases one could answer that it is a S'tam ve'Achar-kach Machlokes, since Rebbi Meir and Rebbi Yehudah argue later (on Daf 100b) over a case where one was supposed to dye it red but dyed it black ...

åàò"â ãèòîà ãø' éäåãä ìà îùåí ãñáø 'ùéðåé àéï ÷åðä' ëîå ùàôøù ì÷îï ...


Implied Question: ... and even though Rebbi Yehudah's reason is not because he holds 'Shinuy Ein Koneh', as Tosfos will explain later ...

î"î, äééðå éëåìéí ìãçåú ëï.


Answer: ... nevertheless, we could have refuted the Kashya by saying that it is.

àáì ääéà ã'ìà äñôé÷ ìéúðå' àéï ìãçåú...


Implied Question: Whereas the proof from the Mishnah 'Lo Hispik Litno' (which the Gemara does cite) we cannot refute in this way ...

ãàôé' äåé ñúí áçãà îñëú åîçìå÷ú áîñëú àçøéúé, àéú ìéä ìø' éåçðï 'äìëä ëñúí îùðä' .


Answer: ... because even in the case of a S'tam in one Masechta and a Machlokes in another, Rebbi Yochanan holds 'Halachah ki'S'tam Mishnah'.



úåñ' ã"ä áéîé øáé ðùðéú îùðä æå

(Summary: Tosfos proves that Rebbi's Takanah was confined to his generation, that it applied neither before him or after him.)

àåø"ú, ãìà ìôðéå åìà ìàçøéå àìà ìãåøå ãå÷à ú÷ï, îùåí îòùä ùäéä åìà ìãåøåú äáàéï...


Clarification #1: Rabeinu Tam explains that Rebbi only instituted the Takanah for his generation, not for those before him and not for those after him ...

ãäà îòùéí áëì éåí ùî÷áìéí îï äâæìðéí, åãðéï ãéðé âæéìåú...


Proof #1: ... since we see that every day there are cases where one accepts from Gazlanim and judges Dinei Gezeilos ..

ëé 'ääåà ãâæì ôãðà ãúåøà' ì÷îï (ãó öå:)...


Example #1: Such as that of someone who stole a pair of oxen (later on Daf 96b) ...

å'ääåà ðøùàä ãâðá ñéôøà' (ì÷îï ãó ÷èå.)...


Example #2: ... that of 'the Narsha'ah who stole a Seifer' (later on Daf 115a) ...

å'ääåà øòéà' ãáô"÷ ãá"î (ãó ä.)...


Example #3: ... that of 'a certain shepherd' (in the first Perek of Bava Basra,

å'ðñëà ãøáé àáà' (á"á ãó ìâ:).


Example #4: ... and the case of the piece of silver of Rebbi Aba' (Ibid, on Daf 33b).

åàîø ðîé áàéæäå ðùê (á"î ãó ñà:) ã'øáéú ÷öåöä éåöàä áãééðéï' ...


Proof #2: And the Gemara also states in Eizehu Neshech (Daf 61b) that 'Ribis Ketzutzah (fixed interest) is extracted through Beis-Din'.

åìëê ìà ôøéê ì÷îï àìà îáøééúåú ãäåä ùåðä ø' çééà ùäéä úìîéãå ùì øáé, åìà ä÷ùä îîúðé' ã÷úðé 'îùìí ëùòú äâæéìä' ...


Explanation #1: And that explains why the Gemara only asks later from the Beraisos that Rebbi Chiya taught, who was a Talmid of Rebbi, and not from the Mishnah which rules that one pays the value of the article at the time that it was stolen ...

ìôé ùäîùðéåú äéå ÷åãí øáé àìà ùøáé ñãøí, àáì áøééúåú äéä ùåðä ø' çééà îä ùäéä îåñéó øáé òì äîùðéåú.


Explanation #1 (cont.): Since the Mishnayos preceded Rebbi, and Rebbi merely arranged them, whereas the Beraisos Rebbi Chiya added, based on what Rebbe added to the Mishnayos.

åø"é àåîø, ãîîúðé' ìà ä"î ìîôøê -ãìà ú÷ï øáé ãàéï î÷áìéí àìà îàåúï áðé àãí ùøåá òñ÷í åîçééúí áëê, åäéå ðéæåðéí áâæì åøáéú åîúôøðñéí áëê ëì éîéäí...


Clarification #2: The Ri however, ecplains that the Gemara could not have asked from the Mishnah - because Rebbi only instituted that one cannot accept from the sort of people whose main occupation and income is stealing, whose entire livelihood all their lives depends on robbing or lending on interest ...

ëã÷úðé 'äâæìðéï åîìåé áøáéú' ...ãîùîò ùàåîðåúí áëê, åëï øåòéí åëì äðäå ãîééúé...


Proof: ... as the Mishnah states there 'ha'Gazlanim u'Malvei be'Ribis' ... implying that that is their source of income, and so it is with the 'shepherds' and all the other cases that the Gemara cites there.

àáì îîúðéúéï ìà ôøéê ùìà òùå ú÷ðä îì÷áì îàãí ùâåæì åîìåä áøáéú áà÷øàé áòìîà.


Clarification #2 (cont.): ... and it does not ask from our Mishnah, because he did not institute the Takanah not to take from someone who steals or lends on interest only on the odd occasion.

àáì àéï ìôøù ãìäëé ìà ôøéê îîúðé' îùåí ãøáé ìà úé÷ï àìà áàåúí ùòùå úùåáä, åáøééúà ãîåëç îéðä îééøé áòáã úùåáä...


Refuted Answer: But one cannot explain that the Gemara does not ask from our Mishnah because Rebbi confined the Takanah to those who performed Teshuvah, which is how the Beraisa from which the Gemara asks is speaking ...

îã÷úðé 'åçééáéí ìäçæéø îôðé ëáåã àáéäí' ...


Proof: ... since the Mishnah states that they are Chayav to return it because of Kavod Avihem.

îë"î ääéà ã'âæìðéí åîìåé áøáéú' ìà îùîò ãàééøé áòáãé úùåáä.


Refutation #1: In any event the case of 'ha'Gazlanim u'Malvei be'Ribis' does not seem to be speaking in such a case.

åòåã, ùëì àãí éëåì ìäòøéí ùéòùä úùåáä åéçæåø îòöîå, åìà é÷áìå îîðå.


Refutation #2: Moreover, anyone can pretend to do Teshuvah and then return the article, which the owner will then decline to accept.

åëï ääéà ãëì äëìéí (ùáú ãó ÷ëâ:) ãàîø ø' çðéðà 'áéîé ðçîéä áï çëìéä ðùðéú îùðä æå' ,åääéà ãñåó àìå îöéàåú (á"î ãó ìâ:) ã÷àîø 'áéîé øáé ðùðéú îùðä æå' ...


Clarification #1 (cont.): Similarly, the case in 'Kol ha'Kelim' (Shabbos, Daf 123b) where Rebbi Chanin states that in the days of Nechemyah ben Chachalyah this Mishnah was learned, and the case at the end of 'Eilu Metzi'os' where the Gemara says that this Mishnah was learned in the days of Rebbi' ...

äëì îôøù ø"ú ãìà ðùðéú àìà ìääåà ãøà. åëï ääéà ãäåøéåú (ãó éâ:). åàéï ìäàøéê.


Clarificaation #1 (concl.): All of them, Rabeinu Tam explains, only refer to that generations. And the same applies to the Sugya in Horiyos (Daf 13b). But here is not the place to elaborate.



úåñ' ã"ä äà àáéäí çééá ìäçæéø

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Tana cannot be referring to the fulfillment of his moral obligation.)

åàí úàîø, ãéìîà ìöàú éãé ùîéí ÷àîø?


Question: Perhaps it means to fulfill his moral obligation?

åéù ìåîø, ããéé÷ îãð÷è ìùåï 'çééáéï' ,ãäåä ìéä ìîéîø 'àéï îçæéøéï' -ãäåä îùîò äà àáéäï îçæéø ìöàú éãé ùîéí.


Answer: The Gemara extrapolates (that it doesn't from the Lashon 'Chayavin', when it ought otherwise to have said 'Ein Machzirin', which would imply that their father would have to return it to fulfill his moral obligation.



úåñ' ã"ä àé òùä úùåáä ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the Sugya.)

åà"ú, åìéîà ëâåï ùìà ÷éáìå îîðå, ãàéï î÷áìéï îäí?


Question: Why does the Gemara not answer that, in compliance with the Halachah, one does not accept it from them?

åé"ì, ãàí äçæéø åìà ÷éáìå îîðå, ìà îçééáéï áðéí ìäçæéø îôðé ëáåã àáéäï...


Answer #1: Because in that case, we would not obligate his children to return it ...

ãúå ìéëà âðàé.


Reason: ... seeing as there would then be no shame involved.

à"ð, áãáø äîñåéí åî÷áìéï îäï îôðé ëáåãå.


Answer #2: Alternatively, it speaks by a specified article, which one accepts from them due to his Kavod .

åîùðé 'áùìà äñôé÷ ìäçæéø òã ùîú' ...


Clarification of Sugya: And the Gemara answers 'Where he did not manage to return before he died' ...

ìôéëê çééáéí áðéí ìäçæéø îôðé ëáåã àáéäï...


Clarification of Sugya (cont.): Which is why his sons are obligated to return it in honor of their father ...

åî÷áìéï îäï, ãìà ùééëà ú÷ðä âáé áðéí.


Reason: ... and they accept it, since the Takanah does not apply to the children.

åòé"ì, 'îàé áòé âáéä? 'ãàéáòé ìéä ìîåëøå àå ìäåöéà îúçú éãå, åîãìà çùù ìëáåãå, à"ë àîàé çééáéï áðéí ìäçæéø?


Answer #3: 'What is it doing by him?' He ought to have sold it or got rid of it in another way; And since he is not concerned about his Kavod, why should his sons be obliged to return it?

åëï ö"ì áàéæäå ðùê (á"î ãó ñá. åùí ã"ä úðàé), ãùí ìà éúëï ìôøù áò"à...


Sugya in Eizehu Neshech: And this is how we have to answer in 'Eizehu Neshech' (Bava Metzi'a, Daf 62a, See Tosfos there DH 'I Asah Teshuvah' & 'Tana'i'), where there is no other way to explain it ...

ãôøéê îäà áøééúà ìî"ã 'øáéú ÷öåöä àéï éåöàä áãééðéï' , ãîùîò äà àáéäï çééá ìäçæéø? åîùðé ëé äëà; åôøéê àé òáã úùåáä, îàé áòé âáéä?


Sugya in Eizehu Neshech (cont.): Since the Gemara asks there from this Beraisa according to the opinion that holds 'Ribis Ketzutzah Yotz'ah be'Dayanin', implying that their father is Chayav to return it; And it answers like it does here - 'If he did Teshuvh, what is it doing by him?'

åîàé ÷åùéà, àé øáéú ÷öåöä àéï éåöàä áãééðéï, àéï çééá ìäçæéøä àôéìå ìöàú éãé ùîéí, ëãîåëç äúí.?


Sugya in Eizehu Neshech (cont.): Now what is the Kashya, seeing as if 'Ribis Ketzutzah Ein Yotz'ah be'Dayanin', he will not be required to return it even to fulfill his moral obligation, as is evident there?

ãôøéê îääéà ãîééúé áñîåê 'äâæìðéí åîìåé øáéåú àò"ô ùâáå, îçæéøéï? ' åîùðé 'úðàé äéà' ,åìà îùðé 'ááà ìöàú éãé ùîéí' ëãîùðé äëà áñîåê...


Proof: When it asks from the case that it cites shortly 'ha'Gazlanim u'Malvei be'Ribis af-al-pi she'she Gavu, Machzirin?' And it answers 'Tana'i Hi', and not that it speaks where he comes to fulfill his moral obligation', as it will answer shortly.

ãëéåï ããøùéðï 'ìîéúä ðéúï åìà ìäùáåï', àå 'ìîåøà ðéúï åìà ìäùáåï, ' àôé' ìöàú éãé ùîéí ìà îçééá.


Proof (cont.): And since we Darshen that the Torah decrees 'death and not to return it', or 'to be afraid and not to return it', he does not need to return it even to fulfill his moral obligation.

åìà ëôé' øéá"ï ùôéøù 'ìîåøà ðéúï -äéøà àú ä' åäçøã îéøàúå, åìà ìäùáåï òì ôé á"ã' .


Refutation of Rivan: But not as the Rivan explains there' 'The Torah decrees fear' - Someone who is afraid of Hash-m and trembles out of fear of Him returns it, and not via Beis-Din.

àìà ö"ì ãäëé ôøéê 'îàé áòé âáéä? 'ãëéåï ãìà çùù ìîåëøä åìäåöéàä àå ìäçæéøä îôðé ëáåãå, úå ìà îçééáé áðéí îùåí ëáåã àáéäï.


Conclusion: We must therefore explain 'What is it doing by him?' to mean that, since he did not bother to sell it or to get rid of it or return it in deference of the owner's honor, his children are no longer Chayav to return it in his honor either.



úåñ' ã"ä ìöàú éãé ùîéí

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this Sugya with the Sugya in 'Eizehu Neshech'.)

áôø÷ àéæäå ðùê ìà ä"î ìùðåéé äëé, ìî"ã 'øáéú ÷öåöä àéðä éåöàä áãééðéï' ...


Implied Question: In Perek Eizehu Neshech (Daf 62a) the Gemara could not have given this answer - according to the opinion there that holds 'Ribis Ketzutzah Einah Yotz'ah be'Dayanin' ...

ãìãéãéä àôé' ìöàú éãé ùîéí ìà îçééá, ëãôøéùéú.


Answer: ... since, according to him, he is not Chayav even from a moral standpoint, as Tosfos explained earlier ...

åñåâéà ãäëà ëî"ã 'øáéú ÷öåöä éåöàä áãééðéï' àìà ãúé÷ðå ãàéï î÷áìéï îãøáðï.


Clarification: ... whereas the Sugya here holds 'Ribis Ketzutzah Yotz'ah be'Dayanin', only the Rabanan instituted that the borrower should not accept it from him.

åìà ùééê ìùðåéé äëà 'úðàé äéà' ëãîùðé äúí...


Implied Question: Nor is it possible to answer here that it is a Machlokes Tana'im - as it answers there ...

ãäðäå úðàé ãäúí ÷ãîå.


Answer: ... because the Tana'im that are mentioned there lived earlier (before the Takanah [See Tosfos there DH 'Tana'i Hi']).