
(a)We just learned that if the Kohen is old or sick, then he gives any Kohen he pleases the Korban to bring , whilst the skin and the flesh go to all the Kohanim in that Mishmar. What is the problem with this, assuming that he is ...

1. ... physically capable of performing the Avodah himself?

2. ... incapable of performing the Avodah himself?

(b)So how does Rav Papa establish the Beraisa?


(a)What is the Din regarding a Tamei Kohen bringing a Korban Tzibur be'Tum'ah?

(b)Rav Sheishes therefore rules that if a Tamei Kohen is bringing a Korban Tzibur, he appoints another Kohen to bring it, and gives the skin and the flesh to the members of the Mishmar to eat. What is the problem with this. assuming that ...

1. ... there are Tahor Kohanim available to bring the Korban?

2. ... all the Kohanim in the Mashmar are Tamei?

(c)How does Rava subsequently amend the Mishnah? To whom does the Tamei Kohen actually give the skin and the flesh?

(d)And how is the Tana speaking? Are there Tahor Kohanim available or not?


(a)May a Kohen Gadol who is an Onan ...

1. ... sacrifice Korbanos?

2. ... eat the Korbanos that he brings?

3. ... receive a portion of the Korbanos when they are distributed in the evening?

(b)Why might we have thought that he is permitted to eat Korbanos the following evening?

(c)What is the principle regarding appointing a Shali'ach to perform a Mitzvah on one's behalf?

(d)In that case, what is Rav Ashi coming to teach us, when he says that a Kohen Gadol Onan can appoint a Shali'ach to bring his Korban in his place, but that the skin and the flesh are distributed among the other Kohanim in the evening.


(a)We already discussed the basic details of 'ha'Gozel es ha'Ger u'Meis' presented in the opening section of our Mishnah. In the event that the Ganav dies on the way to Yerushalayim with the money that he stole plus a Chomesh and with the Asham, what does the Tana say happens ...

1. ... the Keren ve'Chomesh?

2. ... the Asham?

(b)From which Pasuk in Naso do we learn that once their father has already given the money to the members of the Mishmar, there is nothing they can do about it, should he die before he has had a chance to bring his Asham?


(a)In which order did the two Mishmaros Yehoyariv and Yeda'ayah serve?

(b)What will therefore be the Din if the Ganav ...

1. ... gave the money to Yehoyariv and the Asham to Yeda'ayah?

2. ... gave the Asham to Yehoyariv and the money to Yeda'ayah, assuming that the Asham has not yet been brought?

(c)On what principle is this ruling based?

(d)Seeing as the reason for this is because Chazal penalized the Mishmar of Yehoyariv for accepting the Asham prematurely, why did they not rather penalize the Mishmar of Yeda'ayah (and allow Yehoyariv to bring the Asham)?

(e)And what does our Mishnah rule in the case of a Ganav who returned the Keren, but not the Chomesh?


(a)Regarding the Pasuk in Naso (in connection with Gezel ha'Ger " ... ha'Asham ha'Mushav la'Hashem la'Kohen ... "), the Beraisa explains that "ha'Asham" refers to the Keren. What does "ha'Mushav" refer to?

(b)Why can "ha'Asham" not refer to the Korban?

(c)Rava explains that the ramifications of the Torah's referring to the Keren as "Asham" in two ways. One of them is that the Ganav will not have fulfilled his duty if he paid at night (which by a Korban, is learned from the Pasuk in Tzav "be'Yom Tzavoso"). What is the other?


(a)Another Beraisa suggests that we invert the two, that "ha'Asham" refers to the Chomesh, and "ha'Mushav", to the Keren. Which Din in our Mishnah would this negate?

(b)What does the Pasuk "ve'Heishiv es Ashamo be'Rosho, va'Chamishiso" therefore come to teach us?

(c)A third Beraisa suggests that the Pasuk is talking (not about Gezel ha'Ger, but) about Geneivas ha'Ger. What is the difference between the two?

(d)The Tana negates this suggestion however, by quoting the Pasuk there "ve'Heishiv es Ashamo la'Hashem va'Chamishiso". Which principle does this Pasuk teach us?


(a)What does Rava learn from the Pasuk "ha'Asham ha'Mushav" with regard to the minimum payment of Gezel ha'Ger? What does the Gazlan do if the amount that he stole is less than that?

(b)Rava asks what the Din will be if, in a case where the sum is sufficient to provide each member of Yeda'ayah with a P'rutah, but not Yehoyariv, the Gazlan gives the money to Yeda'ayah. When did he hand it to them?

(c)Seeing as when he gave it to them it is not their turn to serve, why might he nevertheless have fulfilled his duty?

(d)What is the outcome of the She'eilah?



(a)Rava asks whether the Kohanim are permitted to swap their respective portions of Gezel ha'Ger with one another (e.g. Sunday's for Monday's). This might be forbidden because the Torah refers to it as "Asham" (and Kohanim are forbidden to swap their portions in the Korbanos). Why, on the other hand, might it be permitted?

(b)What is Rava's conclusion?

(c)How does Rav Acha B'rei de'Rava quote Rava?


(a)Rava asks whether the Kohanim are considered the heirs of the Ger, or recipients of a gift from Hash-m. What are the ramifications of this She'eilah?

(b)Rav Ze'ira does not learn the She'eilah in this way. What does he take for granted, even assuming that the Kohanim are considered recipients of a gift from Hash-m?

(c)He interprets Rava's She'eilah in connection with the Mitzvah of Ma'aser Beheimah. What is the She'eilah? Why might he be Chayav?

(d)The reason that he might be Patur is connected with the Mishnah in Bechoros. Whom does the Tana there exempt from Ma'aser Beheimah?


(a)The Beraisa lists twenty four Matnos Kehunah, all of which were given with a 'Klal u'P'rat u'K'lal' ("le'Chol Kodshei B'nei Yisrael l'cha Nesatim le'Mashchah", "Zeh Yih'yeh l'cha mi'Kodesh ha'Kodashim min ha'Eish", "Kol T'rumos ha'Kodashim" respectively). Which two other things does the Tana list?

(b)What does the Tana mean when he says that someone who gives the Matanos it is as if he has fulfilled ...

1. ... the 'K'lal u'P'rat u'K'lal'?

2. ... the covenant of salt?

(c)How do we resolve Rava's She'eilah from this Beraisa?


(a)Which common factor pertains to all ...

1. ... ten Kodshei Hamikdash?

2. ... four Kodshei Yerushalayim?

3. ... ten Kodshei ha'Gevul?

(b)The ten Kodshei ha'Mikdash include Chatas Beheimah, Chatas ha'Of, Asham Vaday, Asham Taluy, Zivchei Shalmei Tzibur, Log Shemen shel Metzora, Mosar ha'Omer, the Sh'tei ha'Lechem, the Lechem ha'Panim and the Sheyarei Menachos. How many Korbanos does Asham Vaday incorporate?

(c)What is the difference between an Asham Vaday and an Asham Taluy?


(a)The four Kodshei Yerushalayim incorporate Bechorah, Bikurim, ha'Moram min ha'Todah ve'Eil Nazir and the skins of Kodshim. What is included in 'Moram ...

1. ... min ha'Todah'?

2. ... me'Eil Nazir'?

(b)Which skins (of which Kodshim) is the Tana referring to?

(c)The ten Kodshei ha'Gevul include T'rumah, T'rumas Ma'aser, Chalah, Reishis ha'Gez ve'ha'Matanos, Pidyon ha'Ben, Pidyon Peter Chamor, Sadeh Achuzah, Sadeh Charamim and Gezel ha'Ger. What does Matanos incorporate?

(d)What is the definition of ...

1. ... Sadeh Achuzah?

2. ... Sadeh Charamim?


(a)Zivchei Shalmei Tzibur constitutes the two lambs that are brought on Shavu'os. Under which category of Kedushah do they fall?

(b)What is ...

1. ... Log Shemen shel Metzora?

2. ... Mosar ha'Omer?

3. ... Sheyarei ha'Menachos?

(c)Why does the Tana omit the Moram min ha'Shelamim?


(a)What do we extrapolate from our Mishnah, which rules that if the Ganav gave the Gezel ha'Ger to the members of the Mishmar and died ... , his heirs cannot reclaim the money from the Kohanim? What would the Din otherwise be?

(b)In that case, why does ...

1. ... a Chatas whose owner died not go out to Chulin? Why do we not say there too, that the owner did not declare his animals a Chatas for nothing?

2. ... an Asham whose owner died not go out to Chulin, but is sent to graze?

3. ... a Yevamah who falls to a leper needs to make Chalitzah? Why do we not say that, had she known that she would fall to a leper, she would never have married his brother in the first place?