Who may give their Korban to any Kohen to do the Avoda, yet the meats and skins go to Anshei Mishmar?
- Any Kohen from a different Mishmar.
- A Kohen who is a Zaken or Choleh, who simply cannot be Oved.
- A Kohen Zaken or Choleh who can be Oved Al Yedei Hadchak, and eat the meats Al Yedei Hadchak.
- A Kohen Zaken or Choleh who can be Oved Al Yedei Hadchak, yet can easily enjoy the meats.
- A Kohen Zaken or Choleh who cannot be Oved at all, yet can easily enjoy the meats.
When does the Keren and Chomesh of Gezel Hager go to the Kohen?
- Whenever some robs a Ger.
- When someone robs a Ger without a Jewish family.
- When someone robs a Ger, who then died without Yorshim before the robber could repay him.
- When someone robs a Ger, and swore falsely to deny it. The Ger then died without Yorshim before the robber could repay him.
- When a Ger robs another Ger.
Which order must the Keren and the Asham of Gezel Hager be done?
- It doesn’t matter; one step may be done even years after the other.
- First the Asham is offered, then the Keren is paid.
- First the Keren must be paid and only then may the Asham be designated.
- The Asham may be designated before paying the Keren, but may not be actually offered on the Mizbeyach until the Keren is paid.
- First the Asham is designated, and only then may the Keren be paid, and only then is the Asham offered.
What Halachah comes from the fact that the Torah calls Gezel Hager “Asham”?
- The debt must be repaid by giving the Kohanim rams, which is the animal used for a Korban Asham.
- The Keren may not be paid at night, like a Korban Asham is not brought at night.
- The Keren may not be paid in parts, like a complete Korban Asham.
- Answers A and B.
- Answers B and C.
What is the difference whether Kohanim receive Gezel Hager as “Yorshim,” or as someone who receives a present?
- Must they separate a tenth as Maaser Beheima.
- May someone who stole a donut from a Ger give to the Kohen after Pesach.
- Must they pay inheritance tax.
- Must they separate a tenth as Maaser Kesafim.
- Does Sonei Matanos Yichyeh apply.