BAVA KAMA 61 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Ms. Estanne Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.

[61a - 40 lines; 61b - 47 lines]

1)[line 4]"... ולא אבה דוד לשתותם [ויסך אתם לה']""...V'LO AVAH DAVID LISHTOSAM [VA'YASECH OSAM LA'SH-M.]"- "[And the three mighty men broke through the army of the Pelishtim, and drew water from the well of Beis Lechem that was by the gate, and they took it and brought it to David;] nevertheless he would not drink of it, [but poured it out to HaSh-m.]" (Shmuel II 23:16)

2)[line 6]גמרא הוא דשלחו ליהGEMARA HU D'SHALCHU LEI- they sent to him a teaching received through tradition

3)[line 9]שמואל הרמתיSHMUEL HA'RAMASI- Shmuel the prophet, from Ramasayim Tzofim (Ramah)

4)[line 11]"ויסך אותם לה'""VA'YASECH OSAM LA'SH-M."- See above, entry #1.

5)[line 12]משום דעבד לשם שמיםMISHUM D'AVAD L'SHEM SHAMAYIM- because he acted with pure motives (for the sake of HaSh-m)

6)[line 14]דאמרינהו משמא דגמראD'AMRINHU MI'SHEMA D'GEMARA- for they said it in the name of the received tradition

7)[line 20]תנא בראTANA BARA- the Tana of the Beraisa

8a)[line 25]בקולחתB'KOLACHAS- rises up

b)[line 25]בנכפפתB'NICHFEFES- crawls (or scratches) along the ground


(a)The Talmud uses the following standards for measuring distance:

1.3 Parsa'os = 24,000 Amos = 90 Ris = 12 Mil

2.1 Parsah = 8,000 Amos = 30 Ris = 4 Mil

3.1 Mil = 2,000 Amos = 7.5 Ris

4.1 Ris (or Rus) = 266.66 Amos

5.1 Amah = 2 Zerasos = 6 Tefachim

6.1 Zeres = 3 Tefachim

7.1 Tefach = 4 Etzba'os

(b)In modern-day units, the Mil is approximately 912, 960 or 1,152 meters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions.

10)[line 30]שלוליתSHELULIS- a brook, stream, or collection of water. The Gemara defines Shelulis as either a pool that gathers rainwater, or a stream that gives its "booty" ("Shalal") of water to its tributaries.

11)[line 32]רבי אליעזר היא דתנןREBBI ELIEZER HI, DI'TENAN- the Tana of this statement in the Mishnah is Rebbi Eliezer, as we learn in a Mishnah. (Rebbi Eliezer's teaching that one is exempt for damage caused by one's fire which crosses over the width of Reshus ha'Rabim, i.e. 16 Amos, appears in the Mishnah on 61b, and is not merely a Beraisa as the alternate Girsa in the marginal note says)

12)[line 34]אריתא דדלאיARISA D'DALA'EI- a stream or small river from which water is drawn and used to irrigate fields

13)[line 36]ואלו מפסיקין לפאהV'ELU MAFSIKIN L'PE'AH (PE'AH)

(a)The corner, or end, of the harvest must be left in the field for the poor, as it states "Lo Sechaleh Pe'as Sadecha Liktzor... le'Ani vela'Ger Ta'azov Osam" - "Do not completely harvest the corner of your field... you shall leave them (the gifts of Pe'ah, Leket, Olelos and Peret) for the poor and the stranger" (Vayikra 19:9-10).

(b)The obligation to leave Pe'ah applies to each field. The Mishnah in Pe'ah (chapter 2) discusses various forms of natural dividers that might separate a large field into two separate fields, obligating each one in Pe'ah.

14)[line 36]ודרך היחידDERECH HA'YACHID- a private road, one which is four Amos wide

15)[line 37]מקום שמי גשמים שוללין שםMAKOM SHE'MEI GESHAMIM SHOLELIN SHAM- a place where rainwater gathers there

16a)[line 38]אמת המיםAMAS HA'MAYIM- a channel of water

b)[line 38]שמחלקת שלל לאגפיהSHE'MECHALEKES SHALAL LA'AGAPEHA- which distributes its "booty" of water to its tributaries


17)[line 1]באגני דארעאBAGANEI D'AR'A- crevices in the ground

18)[line 4]בית כורBEIS KOR

See Background to Bava Kama 58:13, 17.

19)[line 8]תנורTANUR- a dome-shaped oven (the opening of which is on top)

20)[line 10]בעלייהALIYAH- the second story of a house

21)[line 10]מעזיבהMA'AZIVAH- a mixture of mud and sand or stone chips, etc., that covers a ceiling and serves as a floor for the upper story

22)[line 11]ובכירהKIRAH- a stove

23)[line 18]הגדישGADISH- a stack of grain

24)[line 21]כפותKAFUS- tied up

25)[line 24]הבירהBIRAH- a large building or tower

26)[line 41]ארנקיARNEKI- a change purse or money bag that contains money

27)[line 42]מוריגיןMORIGIN- wooden boards equipped with sharp stones or metal implements that jut out from the bottom (or plain boards with sharp grooves cut into them), that are used for threshing grain. A person stood on the Morag holding the reins of an animal that was pulling it over the stalks of grain on the threshing floor.

28)[line 42]וכלי בקרKELEI VAKAR- utensils associated with cattle, e.g. the yoke and the plow