[50a - 49 lines; 50b - 54 lines]

1)[line 3]בעל התקלהBA'AL HA'TAKALAH- the owner of the pitfall, obstacle

2)[line 16]עד דטאים ליהAD D'TA'IM LEI- until he fills it up [with earth]

3)[line 22]חללCHALAL- a cavity

4)[line 24]לאושיןL'USHIN- holes for the foundations of a stone wall

5)[line 32]דארווח ארווחי לרשות הרביםD'ARVACH ARVUCHEI LI'RESHUS HA'RABIM- he widened Reshus ha'Rabim, e.g. he delivered over to the public the space on his land in which he dug the Ushin (RASHI, based upon the Girsa of the Bach)

6)[line 36]חפר ופתח ומסר לרביםCHAFAR U'FASACH U'MASAR LA'RABIM- if he dug or opened [a pit] and delivered it over to the public

7)[line 37]נחוניא חופר שיחיןNECHUNYA CHOFER SHICHIN- See Insights to Shekalim 14:1

8)[line 42]זכר של רחליםZACHAR SHEL RECHELIM- a ram (the ram from the binding of Yitzchak - RASHI)

9)[line 45]"וסביביו נשערה מאד""... U'SEVIVAV NIS'ARAH ME'OD"- "[HaSh-m comes, and does not keep silent; a fire devours before Him,] and there is a mighty tempest around Him." (Tehilim 50:3)

10)[line 46]מדקדק עם סביביוMEDAKDEK IM SEVIVAV- He is very exacting with those who are in His vicinity (those people who are close to HaSh-m)

11)[line 46]כחוט השערהK'CHUT HA'SE'ARAH- [even regarding fine details that are comparable to being as thin] as a hairbreadth

12)[line 47]"קל נערץ בסוד קדושים רבה ונורא על כל סביביו""KEL NA'ARATZ B'SOD KEDOSHIM RABAH, V'NORA AL KOL SEVIVAV."- "HaSh-m is greatly feared in the assembly of the holy ones, and held in reverence by all those who are around Him." (Tehilim 89:8)

13)[line 48]ותרןVATRAN- easygoing, lax in meting out justice (HaSh-m is forgiving when a person engages in the process of Teshuvah. However, the person who broadcasts that HaSh-m is a Vatran, willing to overlook sins even if a person does not do Teshuvah, will cause himself and others to sin.)

14)[line 48]יותרו חייוYIVASRU CHAYAV- his life should be doomed, open to misfortunes and catastrophic occurrences

15)[line 48]"הצור תמים פעלו כי כל דרכיו משפט""HA'TZUR TAMIM PA'ALO, KI CHOL DERACHAV MISHPAT..."- "He is the Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice; [G-d of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He.]" (Devarim 32:4)


16a)[line 1]ארך אפיםERECH APAYIM- one of HaSh-m's 13 attributes of mercy (Shemos 34:6-7; see Charts to Rosh Hashanah #4, Daf 17b), Erech Apayim means "long-suffering" and our Gemara interprets the plural "Apayim" as referring to two subjects of this attribute of HaSh-m's mercy: the righteous and the wicked. RASHI maintains that HaSh-m holds back, keva'Yachol, in this world, from rewarding the righteous and from punishing the wicked

b)[line 1]ארך אףERECH AF- long-suffering and willing to wait to mete out justice (RASHI)

17)[line 2]יסקלYESAKEL- to clear one's field of rocks

18)[line 5]ריקה!REIKAH!- empty-headed person!

19)[line 6]לגלג עליוLIGLEG ALAV- he scoffed at him

20a)[line 12]בורBOR- a round pit or well that is dug in the ground; cistern

b)[line 12]שיחSHI'ACH- a narrow elongated well

c)[line 13]ומערהME'ARAH- a cave (usually leading to a spring or water source)

d)[line 13]חריציןCHARITZIN- trenches

e)[line 13]ונעיציןNE'ITZIN- wells that are wide at the top and narrow at the bottom

21a)[line 19]להבלוHEVLO- its air that is hard to breathe (i.e., the limited space inside the Bor creates a situation where the somewhat rarified air of the pit, combined with the dust that rises due to a person or animal's fall (see Shabbos 95a), makes it hard to breathe inside the pit)

b)[line 19]לחבטוCHAVATO- its blow (the blow that the animal receives from the ground at the bottom of the pit)

22)[line 23]ספוגין של צמרSEFOGIN SHEL TZEMER- tufts of wool

23)[line 24]גובה ברשות הרביםGOVAH BI'RESHUS HA'RABIM- a hill in Reshus ha'Rabim (an animal may receive a blow from falling off of it; however, it has no injurious Hevel)

24a)[line 26]עד שיפול דרך נפילהAD SHE'YIPOL DERECH NEFILAH- until it falls normally, i.e. into something that has depth and face down (so that the Hevel of the Bor will certainly injure it)

b)[line 27]ונפל כל דהו משמע'V'NAFAL' KOL DEHU MASHMA- the word "v'Nafal" implies any type of fall

25a)[line 36]דקטיןD'KATIN- shallow

b)[line 36]וכריכאV'KERICHA- round

c)[line 37]דאריךD'ARICH- deep

26)[line 40]דמרבעאD'MERAB'A- square

27)[line 42]דמטללאMETALELA- covered

28)[line 45]לית בהו רויחא מלעיל טפי מתתאיLEIS BEHU REVICHA MIL'EIL TEFEI MI'TATA'I- since they are not wider at the top that at the bottom

29)[line 51]תוראTORA- bull

30)[line 51]לאריתא דדלאיL'ARISA D'DELA'EI- an irrigation channel


(a)A Tereifah is an animal that has acquired or was born with a fatal defect that will result in its death within a year. (There are some who maintain that a Tereifah can live for more than a year - see Chulin 42a-b.)

(b)One of the 18 types of injuries that results in a Tereifah is "Risuk Eivarim," where an animal cannot stand up after a fall, whether an injury is apparent or not.

32a)[line 51]אי שקיל מריה דהאי תורא קבא דקמחאIY SHAKIL MAREI D'HAI SORA KAVA D'KIMCHA- had the owner of this bull taken one measure of flour (as his sustenance)...

b)[line 52]ואזל תנא בי מדרשא 'אם שהתה מעת לעת כשירה'V'AZAL TANA BEI MIDRASHA 'IM SHAHASAH ME'ES L'ES KESHEIRAH'- and had gone to the Beis ha'Midrash to learn the Halachah that if one slaughters an animal that lives for at least 24 hours after it suffers a fall, that animal is deemed Kosher and not a Tereifah...

c)[line 52]לא אפסדיה לתורא דשוה כמה קביLO AFSEDEI L'SORA D'SHAVAH KAMAH KAVEI- I would not have [ruled that the slaughtering was unfit and] caused him to lose his bull that was worth many measures of flour