[29a - 47 lines; 29b - 35 lines]
1)[line 1]תרטא ... חלקא ... אוזיא ... רבעאTIRTA ... CHILKA ... UZYA ... RIV'A- terms referring to a) portions of meat (RASHI); b) utensils (RABEINU CHANANEL)
2)[line 5]מדהMIDAH- a measuring utensil
3)[line 10]מפני ברורי המדותMIPNEI BEIRUREI HA'MIDOS- [since otherwise people would lose out] due to the wine frothing [which causes the utensil to appear full even though it is not]
4)[line 11]מפני מצוי המדותMIPNEI MITZUY HA'MIDOS- [since otherwise people would lose out] due to the oil adhering to the walls of the utensil [which does not allow it to fully fill]
5)[line 13]כלי העומד למדהKLI HA'OMED L'MIDAH- a vessel primed to serve as the measuring utensil [once the current one is no longer fit for that purpose]
6)[line 25]לא קא עביד כדעבדין בחולLO KA AVID KAD'AVDIN B'CHOL- he did not act as is normal for a weekday [since it is unusual to bring a specific vessel to fill when making a purchase]
7)[line 39]דעבדי אינשי דמקרבי חמראD'AVDEI INSHEI D'MEKARVEI CHAMRA- it is normal for people to serve wine [informally]
8)[line 39]במנא דכילאB'MANA D'CHILA- in a measuring utensil
9)[line 41]גרביGARVEI- barrels
10)[line 41]גזבריםGIZBARIM- treasurers [of Hekdesh]
11)[line 42]אי אתם זקוקים לכךIY ATEM ZEKUKIM L'CHACH- it is not necessary for you to do this [since people are aware that they do not receive the full measure of wine and oil and take that into account]
12)[line 42]אין רצוננו בכךEIN RETZONENU B'CHACH- we do not wish [to benefit from that which rightfully belongs to others]
13a)[line 44]בורותBOROS- round wells
b)[line 44]שיחיןSHICHIN- elongated ditches
c)[line 44]מערותME'AROS- caves
14)[line 44]אדבריהADBEREI- took him for a walk
15)[line 45]קודרKODER- a) he may shovel using a utensil (RASHI); b) he may estimate the amount he wishes to remove [even using his hands], as long as he does not precisely fill the measure (RIF; see KORBAN NESANEL 3:15:7)
16)[line 45]נחתוםNACHTOM- a baker
17)[line 45]תבליןTAVLIN- spices
18)[line 46]יקדיחYAKDI'ACH- burn; in this context, ruin
19)[line 46]עיסתהISASAH- her dough
20)[line 1]הלכה למעשהHALACHAH L'MA'ASEH- the [final] practical ruling
21)[line 2]שוניןSHONIN- resift
22a)[line 4]צרורTZEROR- a stone
b)[line 4]קיסםKISEM- a wood splinter
23)[line 7]בוררBORER- selecting; separating desirable items from undesirable ones (or vice versa) in a mixture. (This is one of the thirty-nine acts of creative labor that are prohibited on Shabbos; Mishnah, Shabbos 7:2)
24)[line 8]אפתחאA'PISCHA- in the entranceway
25)[line 9]פוקוPUKU- go out
26)[line 10]לאבאL'ABA- to Rava bar Rav Huna
27a)[line 10]שקילא טיבותךSHEKILA TIVUSECH- your favor (O.F. gred - gratitude) is removed
b)[line10]ושדי אחזריV'SHADI A'CHIZREI- and thrown upon the thorns; i.e., your good intentions have accomplished nothing
28)[line 11]כמה מהולתא הדרן בנהרדעא!KAMAH MEHULASA HADRAN B'NEHARDE'A!- [this Halachah is already known;] many sieves are sifting in Neharde'a!
29)[line 11]דביתהוDEBISHU- his wife
30a)[line 12]נהלא קמחאNAHALA KIMCHA- resifted flour
b)[line 12]אגבא דמהולתאA'GABA D'MEHULTA- through the underside of the sieve [as a departure from the normal way in which she sifted]
31)[line 13]רפתא מעליתא בעינא!RIFTA MA'ALYASA BE'INA!- [do not sift in such a way; it is not necessary, and] I would like high quality bread!
32)[line 14]אגבא דפתוראA'GABA D'PESORA- a) onto the underside of the table (O.F. tornedoire - detachable extension of a table) (RASHI); b) onto the table [as opposed to into a bowl] (TOSFOS)
33)[line 15]הא דידןHA DIDAN- this is my [wife who is resifting in such a manner]
34)[line 15]ברתיהBERATEI- the daughter
35)[line 16]מרא דעובדא הוהMARA D'UVDA HAVAH- a) was very exacting in whatever he did (RASHI); b) was the one who taught this ruling (ROSH 3:16; see DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #3 and KORBAN NESANEL 3:16:30)
36)[line 16]בי נשאBEI NASHA- her father's household
37)[line 18]חנוני הרגיל אצלוCHENVANI HA'RAGIL ETZLO- a storekeeper whom he is a regular customer of [and will therefore not mind doing him a favor]
38a)[line 21]גדיGEDI- a young goat
b)[line 22]טלהTLEH- a young sheep
39a)[line 23]כףKAF- a foreleg
b)[line 23]ירךYARECH- a thigh
40)[line 24]פטםPATAM- a person who [raises and] fattens fowl
41a)[line 24]תורTOR- a turtledove
b)[line 25]גוזלGOZAL- a young pigeon
42a)[line 26]ככרKIKAR- a loaf of bread made from regular flour
b)[line 26]גלוסקאGELUSKA- a loaf of bread made from fine white flour
43)[line 28]אפרסקיןAFARSEKIN- (O.F. persches) peaches
44a)[line 30]סכום מדהSECHUM MIDAH- a) a specific measure (RASHI); b) according to the Girsa SECHUM MINYAN - the total number (e.g. I need ten now, and you already gave me thirty, for a total of forty) (RABEINU CHANANEL)
b)[line 31]סכום מקחSECHUM MEKACH- a price (RASHI); b) the total price (e.g. I need ten Perutos worth now, and you already gave me thirty Perutos worth, for a total of forty Perutos) (RABEINU CHANANEL)
45)[line 33]כדי ייןKADEI YAYIN- pitchers of wine
46a)[line 33]סלSAL- a basket [that can hold three or four pitchers]
b)[line 33]קופהKUPAH- a container [that can hold three or four pitchers]
47)[line 34]על כתפוAL KESEIFO- [one or two pitchers] on his shoulder
48)[last line]יפשילYAFSHIL- sling
49)[last line]מתחילין בערימת התבןMASCHILIN B'AREMAS HA'TEVEN- one may begin to take from a pile of straw [to use as fuel]