EATING AGAINST MAASER SHENI MONEY (Yerushalmi Ma'aser Sheni Perek 4 Halachah 5 Daf 25a)
משנה המניח איסר ואכל עליו חציו והלך למקום אחר והרי הוא יוצא בפונדיון אוכל עליו עוד איסר.
(Mishnah): If one put down an Issar (onto which to redeem Ma'aser Sheni) and he (redeemed and) ate against it half (an Issar) and then went to another place where the Issar was worth a Pundion (which is two Issar - meaning that half an Issar is now worth a full Issar) - he may eat against it another Issar.
המניח פונדיון ואכל עליו חציו והלך למקום אחר והרי הוא יוצא באיסר אוכל עליו עוד פלג.
One who put down a Pundion and ate against it half (a Pundion) and then went to another place where a Pundion is worth an Issar (rather than two Issar), he may only eat against it produce to the value of another half (of an Issar). (Note: There are differing ways given by the commentators to explain the rest of the Mishnah. The explanation presented here, that it is discussing an Am HaAretz, is given by the Rash, Tiferes Yisrael, Rav Chaim Kanievski and others.)
המניח איסר של מעשר שני אוכל עליו אחד עשר [דף כה עמוד ב] איסר ואחד ממאה באיסר.
One who (sees an Am HaAretz) put down an Issar and redeem Ma'aser Sheni, he may eat against it produce (he bought from the Am HaAretz) worth 11 Issar and 1/100th of each Issar (i.e. a total of 11.11 Issar or 11 1/9th Issar. This calculation will be explained). (If he was seen taking Ma'aser Sheni, we also assume that he separated Maaser Rishon and he mixed them both back into his produce (since he had redeemed the Ma'aser Sheni and the Maaser Rishon may anyway be eaten). As for the Terumas Maaser, the Mishnah assumes that he separated it from other produce for this produce. So if there was one Issar's worth of Ma'aser Sheni, it was the Ma'aser Sheni of 10 Issar's worth of produce. In addition, the since the Maaser Rishon, which was 1 1/9th Issar's worth, was returned to mixture and may also be eaten, there is a total of 11 1/9th of produce that may be eaten.) (The calculation can be explained in this way: Terumah and Ma'asros are separated from 100 measures as follows - First, 2 measures of Terumah Gedolah are removed. Then 10% of the remaining 98 i.e. 9.8 measures are separated as Maaser Rishon. That leaves 88.2 measures. Then 10% is separated as Ma'aser Sheni, which is 8.82 measures. Hence, the Maaser Rishon is 9.8 and the Ma'aser Sheni is 8.82 measures. Therefore, based on this proportion, if the Ma'aser Sheni was 1 Issar, the Maaser Rishon is 9.8/8.82 = 1 1/9th Issars. So in our case, since the Maaser Rishon was returned to the pile, the total that he may eat against the 1 Issar of Ma'aser Sheni is 1+ 1 1/9th Issars).
בית שמאי אומרים הכל עשרה
(Beis Shammai): He may eat only 10 Issars. (He is only assumed to have separated Ma'aser Sheni but not Maaser Rishon, so he is still required to separate the Maaser Rishon.)
[דף מב עמוד א (עוז והדר)] ובית הלל אומרים בודאי אחד עשר ובדמאי עשרה:
(Beis Hillel): It depends - if the Am HaAretz separated the Ma'aser Sheni from his own certain Tevel, it's 11 (and 1/9th). (As stated above, if he is believed for Ma'aser Sheni, he is also believed to have separated Maaser Rishon.) If it was Demai (doubtful Tevel, as the Am HaAretz separated the Ma'aser Sheni from produce bought from another Am HaAretz), it's 10. (The buyer must now separate Maaser Rishon and may only eat 10 Issars against the Issar coin, since the second Am HaAretz relied on the unreliable first Am HaAretz for Maaser Rishon.)
[דף כו עמוד א] גמרא תני רבי חייא שני איסרין פונדוין.
(R. Chiya) (Baraisa): There are two Issars in a Pundion.
א''ר מתניא מתניתא אמרה כן המניח איסר ואכל עליו חציו והלך לו למקום אחר והרי הוא יוצא בפונדיון אוכל עליו עוד איסר.
Support (R. Matanya) (Our Mishnah): If one put down an Issar and he ate against it half (an Issar) and then went to another place where the Issar was worth a Pundion, he may eat against it another Issar. (Since a Pundion is two Issar, that means that half an Issar is now worth a full Issar).
שמואל אמר לא מצייא תנייה [דף מב עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] אין יסב חד לעשרה צריך למיסב בחדא למאת. אין יסב חדא למאת צריך למיסב בחדא לאלף. אין יסב חדא לאלף צריך למיסב בחדא לעשרת אלפים:
(Shmuel): (Beis Hillel taught that for certain Tevel, it's 11. Beis Hillel could not have meant exactly 11 (but rather 11 1/9th). This is because if he separates one part for ten (he has only fixed up 9 of those 10 parts), so he must still separate a further one part for 100 (i.e. 1/100th) for the Maaser Rishon of that part that wasn't fixed up. If he separates that further one part for 100, he still only fixes up 9/10th of what must be fixed up and he must still separate a further 1/1000th for the Maaser Rishon of that part that wasn't fixed up. And if he separates that further 1/1000th, he still only fixes up 9/10th of what must be fixed up, and he must still separate a further 1/10000th for the Maaser Rishon of that part that wasn't fixed up.
[תני] בית (שמאי)[הלל] אומרים בודאי אחד עשר ובדמאי עשרה.
The Mishnah taught that Beis Hillel say - It depends - if the Am HaAretz separated the Ma'aser Sheni from his own certain Tevel, it's 11 (and 1/9th). If it was Demai, it's 10.
תני בר קפרא בין בדמאי בין בודאי אחד עשר הן.
(Baraisa) (Bar Kapara): (According to the first Tanna of the Mishnah), whether it's Tevel or Demai, it's 11 (and 1/9th).
הורי רבי יודן בי רבי שלום כהדא דתני בר קפרא
R. Yudan bei R. Shalom ruled like the Baraisa of Bar Kapara.
בית (שמאי)[הלל] כרבי ליעזר דרבי ליעזר אמר הנאמן על השני נאמן על הראשון.
The assumption of Beis Hillel that if he separated Sheni he also separated Rishon, follows the view of R. Eliezer (in Maseches Demai Perek 4 Halacha 3) that one who is believed for Ma'aser Sheni is believed for Maaser Rishon.
א''ר יוסי דברי הכל היא עשו אותו כתוספות הביכורים [דף מג עמוד א (עוז והדר)] מה תוספות הביכורים נאכלת בטהרה ופטור' מדמאי אף זה נאכל משום שני ופטור מן הראשון.
(R. Yosi): (The Gemara in Maseches Demai (ibid.) cites a Baraisa - If he brought out produce, telling us that it is redeemed Ma'aser Sheni, he is believed. If he says, "I redeemed it, but (if you wish) you redeem it'', he is not believed. The Gemara there then presents two opinions as to the author of the Baraisa. The first opinion is that it follows the view of R. Eliezer, who says that if they saw him separating Ma'aser Sheni, he is believed to have also separated Maaser Rishon. The second explanation as to the author is that of R. Yosi...) The Baraisa follows all opinions - They treated it like additions to Bikurim. (The main Bikurim must come from one of the 7 species, but one may add to it from other species.) Just as additions to Bikurim must be eaten in purity and are exempt from Demai (see Bikurim Perek 3 Mishnah 10), so too this doubtful Ma'aser Sheni must be eaten as Ma'aser Sheni in purity and it is exempt from Maaser Rishon (as we assume that it was already separated).
אתא ר' חנניה בשם רבי יוסי דר' ליעזר היא:
(R, Chananya citing R. Yosi): It does follow the view of R. Eliezer (as the Gemara there first presented).