PROBLEMATIC COINS (Yerushalmi Ma'aser Sheni Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 3b)
îúðé' ãìà ëøáé ãåñà ãúðé îçììéï îòùø ùðé òì àñéîåï ãáøé øáé ãåñà åçëîéí àåñøéï.
The Mishnah does not follow R. Dosa; as the Baraisa taught - R. Dosa says that one may redeem Ma'aser Sheni onto a token. The Chachamim prohibit it.
îä èòîà ãøáé ãåñà (ãáøéí éã) åöøú äëñó ãáø ùäåà ðöøø îçáéøå
What's R. Dosa's reason? The pasuk states (Devarim 14:25), "and bind up {Vesarta} the money'' - something that can be wrapped up {Nitzrar} (which includes a token).
[î''è ãøáðï] ùéù ìå öåøä åéåöà òì âá öåøúå.
What's the Rabbanan's reason? The pasuk includes something that is minted {Tzurah} and is in circulation as a result.
[ãó ä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] øáé éåñé áùí øáé éåçðï ãáøé øáé ãåñà îçììéï îòùø òì ìéèøà ùì ëñó
(R. Yosi citing R. Yochanan): According to R. Dosa, one may redeem Ma'aser Sheni onto a Litra of silver (even though it is not a coin, since it's weight is known and it's somewhat spendable).
àéìå àîø (ëñó)[ìéèøà] äåéðï àîøéï ëùí ùàîø ëñó ëê àîø æäá. àéìå àîø ëñó äåéðï àîøéï (ìäåöéà) ùáøé ÷òøåú åúîçåééï äåé (îäï) ìéèøà ùì ëñó
If R. Yochanan would have merely said 'a Litra' (a piece), one could have said that it applies to gold as much as silver. And if he would have merely said 'silver', one could have said that one could redeem even onto broken bowls and pans of silver - therefore he said 'a Litra of silver'.
òì àñéîåï. äëì îåãéï ùàéï îçììéï àåúå òì îòåú äðúåðåú ìàåìééø
The Baraisa taught that R. Dosa disagrees with the Tana of our Mishnah permits redeeming onto a token. All agree that one may not redeem onto money given to a bathhouse attendant (who would accept coins as if they were worth even more than their actual worth).
äãà ãúéîø áãøê ùäï éôéï àöì àåìééø àáì áãøê ùäï éôéï àöì äúåøîñø îçìì.
That's according to their value for the bathhouse attendant, but one may redeem according to their value for the Turmus bean seller.
îèáò ùðôñì åäîìëåú î÷áìúå øáé éåñé áùí øáé éåðúï ëàñéîåï.
(R. Yosi citing R. Yonasan): If there's a coin that has become disqualified but the government still accepts it, it's like a token (and it's a dispute between Rabbanan and R. Dosa).
øáé çééà áùí øáé éåðúï ëîèáò ùì îìëéí äøàùåðéí
(R. Chiya citing R. Yonasan): (Disagreeing) It's like a coin of earlier kings (about which a Tosefta - in Ma'aser Sheni 1:5 - teaches that they may be used to redeem).
[ãó ã òîåã à] ðéîø àí äéä éåöà òì âá öåøúå îçìì åàí ìàå àéðå îçìì.
Let us say that if it can be spent because of its image, it may be used to redeem and if not, it may not.
îèáò ùîøã ëâåï áï ëåæéáà àéðå îçìì.
A coin that was issued by a person who revolted, such as Ben Kuziva, may not be used to redeem.
äéå ìå îòåú ùì (ñëðä)[ééï ðñê]
Question: What's the law concerning coins that were exchanged with Nesech wine (used for idolatry)?
àúà òåáãà ÷åîé øáé àéîé àîø éåìéê äðééä ìéí äîìç.
Answer: Such a case came before R. Imi and he said, "Take their benefit to the dead sea.'' (i.e. one may not gain any benefit from such coins.)
[ãó å òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] äéä ìå îòåú ùì ãéñ÷ðéñ
Question: What's the law concerning coins of Diskanis (an earlier king)?
øáé éò÷á áø æáãé áùí øáé àáäå îçììéï ëãøê ùäï éôåú àöì äúåøîñø.
Answer (R. Yaakov bar Zavdi citing R. Abahu): One may redeem with them according to their value for the Turmus bean seller.
áé÷ù ìäåöéàï îçììï ëãøê ùäåà îçìì òìéäï.
When he wants to spend them (in Yerushalayim), he should redeem them according to the rate he had redeemed the Ma'aser Sheni onto them.