THE PROHIBITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH MAASER SHENI (Yerushalmi Ma'aser Sheni Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 1a)
[ãó à òîåã à] [ãó à òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä îòùø ùðé àéï îåëøéï àåúå åàéï îîùëðéï àåúå åàéï îçìéôéï àåúå åìà ùå÷ìéï ëðâãå åìà éàîø àãí ìçáéøå áéøåùìéí äéìê ééï åúï ìé ùîï åëï ùàø ëì äôéøåú àáì ðåúðéï æä ìæä îúðú çðí.
(Mishnah): Ma'aser Sheni - one may not sell it, give it as collateral, exchange it or use it as a weight. In Yerushalayim, one should not say to his friend, "Take this wine and give me oil'' and the same is true for all other fruits, but a person may give his friend a free gift of Ma'aser Sheni.
îòùø áäîä àéï îåëøéï àåúå úîéí çé åìà áòì îåí çé åùçåè åàéï î÷ãùéï áå àú äàùä.
Maaser Behemah - one may not sell it alive and unblemished; nor blemished, whether alive or slaughtered. And one may not use it to betroth a woman.
äáëåø îåëøéï àåúå úîéí çé. åáòì îåí çé åùçåè åî÷ãùéï áå àú äàùä.
A Bechor (firstborn animal) - one may sell it unblemished if alive and blemished whether alive or slaughtered and one may use it to betroth a woman.
åàéï îçììéï îòùø ùðé òì àñéîåï åìà òì äîèáò ùàéðå éåöà [ãó à òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åìà òì äîòåú ùàéðï áøùåúå:
One may not redeem the Kedushah of Ma'aser Sheni onto a token, onto a coin that is not spendable or onto money that is not in his possession.
âîøà îòùø ùðé àéï îåëøéï àåúå ëå'. àéï îåëøéï àåúå îôðé ùëúåá áå ÷ãåùä.
(Gemara): 'Ma'aser Sheni - one may not sell it etc.' One may not sell it because the pasuk ascribes it Kedusha (as it states in reference to Ma'aser Sheni (Vayikra 27:30), "Any tithe of the Land, whether it be from the seed of the land or the fruit of the tree it is Hash-m's; it is Holy to Hash-m.'')
àéï îîùëðéï àåúå îôðé ùëúåá áå áøëä.
One may not use it as collateral as the pasuk refers to it as a blessing (from Hash-m, as the pasuk states (Devarim 14:24), "for Hash-m, you G-d, will bless you''.)
ëéöã àéï îåëøéï àåúå ìà éàîø àãí ìçáéøå äà ìê àú äîðä äæä ùì îòùø ùðé åúï ìé áå çîùéí æåæ ùì çåìéï.
How may one not sell it? He shouldn't say to his friend, "Take this 100 Zuz of Ma'aser Sheni and give me 50 Zuz of Chulin''.
îàï úðà àéï îåëøéï àåúå ø''î áøí ëøáé éåãä áãéï äåà ùéäà îåúø ìîåëøå î÷ì åçåîø îä àí úøåîä ùäéà àñåøä ìæøéí îåúø ìîåëøä îòùø ùðé ùäåà îåúø ìæøéí àéðå ãéï ùéäà îåúø ìîåëø.
Who is the Tana that says that one may not sell it? It's R. Meir; but according to R. Yehuda, it should be permitted to sell it based on a Kal Vechomer...If Terumah, which is prohibited to non-Kohanim is permitted to sell; Ma'aser Sheni, which is permitted to Kohanim will certainly be permitted to sell.
ìà àí àîøú áúøåîä ùàéðä èòåðä îçéöä úàîø áîòùø ùðé ùäåà èòåï îçéöä.
Rebuttal: No, if you say it for Terumah, that doesn't need to be eaten within the walls (of Yerushalayim); would you say it for Ma'aser Sheni that does need to be eaten there?!
áéëåøéí éåëéçå ùäï èòåðéï îçéöä åîåúø ìîåëøï.
Reinstatement: Bikurim prove it, as they must be brought within the walls but they may be sold.
ìà àí àîøú ááéëåøéí ùàéðï úåôñéï [ãó à òîåã á] àú ãîéäï úàîø áîòùø ùðé ùäåà úåôñ àú ãîéå.
Rebuttal: Bikurim are different as when they are sold, their Kedusha is not transferred onto the money.
ùáéòéú úåëéç ùäéà úåôñú àú ãîéä åîåúø ìîåëøä.
Reinstatement: Sheviis proves it, as the Kedusha is transferred but it may be sold (under certain conditions).
àîø øáé éåãï îæå îëéøúä ùì ùáéòéú äéà çéìåìä.
Rebuttal (R. Yudan): Sheviis is different - the sale of Sheviis is actually its removal of Kedusha. (The Kal Vechomer about R. Yehuda's opinion is ultimately refuted.)