
TOSFOS DH v'Leis Lei Ha d'Tana d'Vei R. Yishmael...

úåñôåú ã"ä åìéú ìéä äà ãúðà ø' éùîòàì ëáùéí ùöîøï ÷ùä ëå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot learn from a verse in the Chumash.)

ìà äåä îöé ìîéôøê ãðéîòè òæ áú øçì î÷øà ãîîòèéï (çåìéï ãó ÷ìæ.) ùòø òæéí îìòîåã åìùøú ãáòéðï ãáø äøàåé ìùéøåú åìàôå÷é ðåöä ùì òæéí


Implied question: He could have asked that we should exclude a goat born to a sheep from the verse that excludes (Chulin 137a) hair of goats from "La'amod u'Leshares" (in the verse after Reishis ha'Gez) - we require something proper for service (Bigdei Kehunah), to exclude goats' hair!

ããéìîà ëéåï ãäåé îîéï äøàåé ìùéøåú ùäéà áú øçì ñâé áäëé


Answer: Perhaps since it is from a species proper for service, since it was born to a sheep, this suffices. (Therefore, we need "umi'Gez Kevasai Yischamam.")


TOSFOS DH b'Rachel she'Yaldah Min Ez v'Aviv Tayish

úåñôåú ã"ä áøçì ùéìãä îéï òæ åàáéå úééù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it says that the child is a goat.)

åäà ãð÷è îéï òæ


Implied question: Why did it say "a kind of goat"? (The same applies if it is a sheep!)

ìøáåúà ãàò''â ãäåòéì æøò äàá ìùðåú äåìã ìîéï òæ ëîåúå àôéìå äëé ìà çééùé øáðï ìæøò äàá


Answer: This is for a Chidush. Even though the father's seed helped to change the child to a goat like itself, even so Rabanan are not concerned for the father's seed.

åîéäå ãôøéê ìéôìâå áçåùùéï ìæøò äàá áòìîà ìà çééù ìøáåúà æå


Disclaimer: However, the one who asked "they should argue about whether or not we are concerned for the father's seed!" was not concerned for this Chidush.


TOSFOS DH b'Sa'ir Shel Rosh Chodesh

úåñôåú ã"ä áùòéø ùì øàù çãù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that the same applies to all goats of Musafim.)

÷îà ð÷è åä''ä ùòéøé øâìéí ãäëé ðîé ëúá áäå àçã:


Explanation: It mentioned the first [goat] mentioned [in Musafim], and the same applies to goats offered during the festivals, for also regarding them it is written "Echad".



TOSFOS DH Zachar v'Nekevah Ein l'Kohen Klum

úåñôåú ã"ä æëø åð÷áä àéï ìëäï ëìåí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that R. Yosi ha'Gelili agrees, even if they left together.)

)ààôéìå éåöà( [ö"ì àôéìå àéöàå - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ùðé øàùéí ëàçã ÷àé åîåãä ø' éåñé äâìéìé äëà


Explanation: This refers even to "if both heads came out at once", and R. Yosi ha'Gelili agrees here;

ãàò''â ãàôéìå àé ëåìéä øçí îé÷ãùé î''î îéï áîéðå àéðå çåöõ ëãàîø áô''÷ (ìòéì ãó è:)


Even if the entire womb is Mekadesh (there cannot be an interruption between the Bechor and the wall of the womb on any side), in any case [when two males leave together] Min b'Mino is not a Chatzitzah, like it says above (9b)...

äëà ùäéà ð÷áä åäåéà ôèø øçí ëîåä áèìä áëåøúå ìâîøé


Here that [the other child] is a female, and it is Peter Rechem like [the male], its Bechorah is totally Batel.

åìà ãîé ìääéà ãô' áäîä äî÷ùä (çåìéï ãó ò.) ëøëúå àçåúå åäåöéàúå


Implied question: Why is this unlike the case in Chulin (70a) "if its sister was wrapped around it and brought it out..."? (The Gemara was unsure whether it is Kodesh!)

ãäúí àééøé ëãðô÷ äåà ãøê øàùå åäéà ãøê îøâìåúéä ãìà äåéà àéäé ôèø øçí


Answer: There, the male came out head first, and the female came out feet first, so the female is not Peter Rechem.


TOSFOS DH Efshar Letzamtzem bi'Ydei Shamayim

úåñôåú ã"ä àôùø ìöîöí áéãé ùîéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how we rule.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ ëâåï äê ãìéãä ãàò''â ãàéï î÷ôéãéï áëê åë''ù áéãé àãí áîúëååðéí ìöîöí ùåí îãä àå ùåí ãáø ãåãàé àôùø ìöîöí


Explanation #1 (Rashi): This is in a case like here of birth, even though [Shamayim] is not adamant (that they come out simultaneously, perhaps they did), and all the more so bi'Ydei Adam, [for people] intend to make a measure or a matter exact, surely Efshar Letzamtzem.

å÷ùä ìø''é ëé ÷à îáòéà ìéä ìøáðï ãáéãé ùîéí à''à ìöîöí áéãé àãí îàé äéëé ôùéè (îöîöí) [ö"ì ðîöà - ãôåñ åéðéöéä] îëååï áéï ùúé òééøåú


Question (Ri): [The Gemara] asked according to Rabanan, who hold that bi'Ydei Shamayim Iy Efshar Letzamtzem, what is the law bi'Ydei Adam. How did it resolve from [a murdered body] found exactly [in the middle] between two cities?

äà òì ëøçê ðäé ãéëåìéï ìöîöí äãáø ëùîúëååðéï ìîãåã î''î ìøáðï à''à ùéäà äãáø îöåîöí áéï ùúé òééøåú ãëéåï ãáéãé ùîéí äåà ùîòöîå ðôì ùí îúçìä åìà ðúòñ÷å òìéå ìîãåã åìäðéçå ùí îëååï


You are forced to say that granted, they can be precise when they intend to measure, but in any case, according to Rabanan it is impossible that it is exactly [in the middle] between two cities, since it is bi'Ydei Shamayim! He fell by himself there. They did not engage with him to measure and leave him there exactly [in the middle]!

åðøàä (ìøáé) [ö"ì ìø"é - îäøù"à] ãàôéìå ìî''ã à''à ìöîöí áéãé ùîéí (àó ùôòîéí ùðîãã) [ö"ì ôòîéí ùðîöà - öàï ÷ãùéí] áå ùäåà îöåîöí


Answer (Ri): Even according to the opinion that Iy Efshar Letzamtzem bi'Ydei Shamayim, sometimes it is found that it is exact;

àìà ä''÷ àé àôùø ìáøø öîöåí ùáéãé ùîéí ëâåï ìéãä ãäëà ùàéï ôðàé ìáøø åìã÷ã÷ àéæä éöà úçìä åìëê àéï ùðéäï ìëäï


Rather, it means as follows. It is impossible to clarify something that is exact bi'Ydei Shamayim, e.g. the birth here. There is no time to clarify and be precise which left first. Therefore, the Kohen does not receive both of them;

àáì áéãé àãí ùéù ùäåú ìáøø îéáòéà ìï åôùéè ìéä îðîöà îëååï áéï ùúé òééøåú


However, bi'Ydei Adam that there is time to clarify, we ask about this, and he resolved it from [a body] found [midway] between two cities;

ãàé àîøú àé àôùø ìáøø àí äåà îöåîöí àò''â ãôøéùéú ãæéîðéï ãîé÷øé ùäåà îöåîöí ëéåï ãàé àôùø ìäáçéï ìà éáéàå ùúé äòâìåú îñô÷ ãîéìúà ãìà ùëéçà äéà åàéï ìðå ìúìåú îñô÷ ùàéøò ëï


If you will say that Iy Efshar Letzamtzem whether it is exact, even though I explained that sometimes it turns out it is exact, since one cannot perceive [that it is exact], they would not bring two Eglos amidst Safek, for it is not common, and we should not attribute amidst Safek that it occurred so.

åáîñ÷ðà ôùèéðï ãìøáðï àé àôùø ìöîöí åàôéìå [ö"ì áéãé - äá"ç] àãí


Answer (cont.): In the conclusion, we conclude that according to Rabanan Iy Efshar Letzamtzem, and even bi'Ydei Adam.

åîúåê äà ãôìéâé àîåøàé áô''÷ ãòéøåáéï (ãó èæ:) áôøåõ ëòåîã åô''á ãçåìéï (ãó ëç:) áîçöä òì îçöä ëøåá äéä ðøàä ãäìëä ëøáé éåñé äâìéìé ãàôùø ìöîöí ìëì äôçåú áéãé àãí


Pesak: Since Amora'im argue in Eruvin (16b) about Parutz k'Omed (the sum width of the breaches in a wall equates the sum widths of what remains standing), and in Chulin (28b) about whether or not [a Siman cut] half-way is like a majority, it seems that the Halachah follows R. Yosi ha'Gelili that Efshar Letzamtzem, at least bi'Ydei Adam.

åàéï ìåîø ã÷øé ôøåõ ëòåîã ëùãåîä ìðå ùäí ùåéí ãàó òì âá ãùîà àéðí ùåéí åëï îçöä òì îçöä ãùçéèä


Implied suggestion: Perhaps (there is no proof from there, for) we call it Parutz k'Omed when it seems to us that they are equal, even though perhaps they are not equal, and similarly half-way regarding Shechitah!

ãäà îôøù èòîà ãìà äåé ëøåá åëòåîã îùåí ãàîø øçîðà ìîùä ùçåè øåáà åâãåø øåáà


Rejection: It explains the reason that [half] is not like a majority, and [Parutz] is not k'Omed, because Hash-m told Moshe to cut the majority or fence the majority;

ãúéôå÷ ìé ãáìàå äëé äéä àñåø îñô÷ îùåí ãùîà ùééø øåáà


If [we are unsure if they are equal,] even without this, it would be forbidden amidst Safek, lest he left over the majority!

åäà ãôøéê áâéèéï áôø÷ äæåø÷ (ãó òç.) åäà à''à ìöîöí âáé îçöä òì îçöä îâåøùú åàéðä îâåøùú


Implied Question #1: In Gitin (78a), it asks Iy Efshar Letzamtzem regarding [if a man threw a Get to his wife, and it landed] in the middle, she is divorced and not divorced;

ãîôøù ëâåï ãàúå úøåééäå áäãé äããé áàøáò àîåú


It explains that the case is, both of them came within four Amos [of where it landed] at once;

åàôé' éäà äìëä ëø' éåñé äâìéìé î''î ãåç÷ äåà ìäòîéã äîùðä áëê ùàéï øâéìåú ìäéåú äãáø îöåîöí åñúîà ìà ëååðå ááú àçú ìáà


And even if the Halachah follows R. Yosi ha'Gelili, in any case it is difficult to establish the Mishnah like this, for it is not common to be precise. Stam, they did not intend to come at once;

åáô' ùáåòú äòãåú (ùáåòåú ãó ìá.) âáé ëôøå ùðéäí ëàçú ôøéê åäà àé àôùø ìöîöí åîùðé äà îðé øáé éåñé äâìéìé åø' éåçðï îùðé àôéìå úéîà øáðï ëå' îùîò ãàéï äìëä ëø' éåñé äâìéìé


Question #2: And in Shevuos (32a) regarding if both [witnesses] denied [knowing testimony] at once, it asks Iy Efshar Letzamtzem, and answers "it is like R. Yosi ha'Gelili", and R. Yochanan answers "you can even say that it is like Rabanan..." This implies that the Halachah does not follow R. Yosi ha'Gelili!

åëï áô' àøáòä àçéï (éáîåú ãó ëç.) âáé àçéåú àéðé éåãò îé ùðàï àîøéðï àìéáà ãøáé éåçðï ìà ñúéí ìï úðà ëø' éåñé äâìéìé


Question #3: And in Yevamos (28a, R. Yochanan said) "I do not know who taught the Mishnah of [four] sisters", we say [that he holds that] we do not have a Stam [Mishnah] like R. Yosi ha'Gelili!

ìëê ðøàä ãáéãé ùîéí àéï äìëä ëîåúå åäê ãùáåòåú åã' àçéï äåå áéãé ùîéí àáì áéãé àãí äìëä ëîåúå ëãîåëçà ääéà ãçåìéï åòéøåáéï


Pesak (cont.): It seems that bi'Ydei Shamayim the Halachah does not follow [R. Yosi ha'Gelili]. The cases in Shavu'os and Yevamos are bi'Ydei Shamayim. (Yad Binyamin - since simultaneous testimony does not depend on one person alone, it is considered bi'Ydei Shamayim.) However, bi'Ydei Adam the Halachah follows him, like is proven in Chulin and Eruvin.

åà''ú äà ãàîøéðï áô''÷ ãòéøåáéï (ãó ä:) ìçé äîåùê îãåôðå ùì îáåé ôçåú îã' àîåú àéï öøéê ìçé àçø ìäúéøå åàøáò àîåú öøéê ìçé àçø ìäúéøå


Question: We say in Eruvin (5b) that a Lechi (a vertical post to permit carrying in an alley) that extends from the wall of the Mavuy [towards the inside], if it is less than four Amos, we do not need another Lechi to permit [the Mavuy]...

å÷àîø øá äåðà (áø' éäåùò ìà àîøï àìà áîáåé) [ö"ì áøéä ãøá éäåùò ìà àîøï àìà áîáåé ùîåðä àáì áîáåé - äá"ç] æ' ðéúø áòåîã îøåáä òì äôøåõ


And Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua said, we said only for a Mavoy [at least] eight [Amos] wide. If it is seven [or any amount less than eight, a Lechi of four Amos] permits it, for Omed Merubah Al ha'Parutz (the wall exceeds the breaches);

øá àùé àîø [ö"ì àôéìå - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] îáåé ç' ìà öøéê ìçé îä ðôùê


Rav Ashi said that even a Mavuy eight [Amos wide] does not need [another] Lechi, no matter what you will say!

àé òåîã ðôéù ðéúø áòåîã îøåáä òì äôøåõ åàé ôøåõ ðôéù ðãåï îùåí ìçé ôéøåù ãàí ëï àéï áìçé (òùøä) [ö"ì àøáò - äá"ç] àîåú


If the wall exceeds the breaches, it is permitted through Omed Merubah Al ha'Parutz. If the breaches are greater, it is considered a Lechi. I.e. if so the Lechi is less than four Amos (so it is a valid Lechi);

îàé àîøú ãùåå úøååééäå ëé äããé äåä ìéä ñô÷ ãáøéäí åìä÷ì


Will you say that they (the wall and the breaches) are equal? This is a Safek mid'Rabanan. We are lenient.

îùîò ãàé àôùø ìáøø äãáø


Inference: It is impossible to clarify the matter!

åéù ìåîø ãìòåìí àôùø ìîãåã àìà ìà äèøéçå çëîéí ìîãåã ùí îñô÷ ëéåï ãáéï òåîã ðôéù áéï ôøåõ ðôéù ìéëà çùù àéñåø àà''ë äí ùååéí åîéìúà ãìà ùëéçà äéà


Answer #1: Really, it is possible to measure, but Chachamim did not obligate him to measure amidst Safek, since whether Omed Merubah or Parutz Merubah there is no concern for Isur, only if they are equal, and this is uncommon;

åîëì î÷åí àí äéä àéñåøà ãàåøééúà äéä àñåø ëéåï ùàôùø ìîãåã


In any case, if it were a Torah Isur, it would be forbidden, since it is possible to measure.

åæä àéï ìä÷ùåú òì øá àùé ëé ùåå ëé äããé ðîé ìùúøé ã÷ééîà ìï ôøåõ ëòåîã îåúø


Implied question (against Rav Ashi): Also when they are equal, it should be permitted, for we hold that Parutz k'Omed is permitted!

ãäúí ÷àé òì øá äåðà áøéä ãøá éäåùò ãñáéøà ìéä ôøåõ ëòåîã àñåø


Answer #1: Rav Ashi discusses the opinion of Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua, who forbids Parutz k'Omed.

åäøá øáé ùîòåï îééðáìà äéä îôøù [ö"ì ãäðé àîåøàé - äá"ç] ãôøåõ ëòåîã åîçöä òì îçöä ëøåá ñáøé ëøáðï ãàé àôùø ìöîöí àôéìå áéãé àãí


Opinion #2 (R. Shimon of Yeinvala): These Amora'im [who discuss] Parutz k'Omed and half-half is like the majority, hold like Rabanan, that Iy Efshar Letzamtzem, even bi'Ydei Adam;

åîàï ãùøé ëùãåîä ìðå ùäôøåõ ëòåîã îùåí ãàéîø [ö"ì òåîã îøåáä åàí úîöà ìåîø ùäí ùåéí øçîðà àîø ìà úùééø øåáà åîàï ãàñø îùåí ãàéîø - äá"ç] ôøåõ îøåáä åàí úîöà ìåîø ùäí ùåéí øçîðà àîø âãåø øåáà


And the one who permits when it seems to us that Parutz k'Omed, it is because I can say that Omed Merubah. And if you will say that they are equal, the Torah said not to leave the majority (open), and the one who forbids, it is because I can say that Parutz Merubah, and if you will say that they are equal, the Torah said to fence the majority.

åáòðéï æä éù ìôøù ääåà ãîçöä òì îçöä ëøåá


And we can explain like this the case of half-half (for Shechitah) is like the majority.

åäùúà ðéçà èôé ääéà ãñô÷ ãáøéäí ìä÷ì ëéåï ãàé àôùø ìîãåã


Support: Now it is fine the case of Safek mid'Rabanan to be lenient, since it is impossible to measure.

àáì ÷ùéà ìøáé ãîùîò ãñôé÷à ãàåøééúà äéä àñåø îèòí çùùà áòìîà ãùîà äí ùåéí àò''â ãàé òåîã ðôéù îåúø åàé ôøåõ ðôéù îåúø


Question #1 (Tosfos' Rebbi): It connotes that a Safek Torah would be forbidden, due to a mere concern lest they are equal, even though if Omed Merubah or Parutz Merubah it is permitted;

åà''ë äéëé ãéé÷ îðîöà îëååï áéï ùúé òééøåú )àôùø ìëååï åìöîöí( [ö"ì ãáéãé àãí àôùø ìöîöí - äá"ç] äúí ðîé àò''â ãàé àôùø ìëååï åìöîöí îåãå øáðï ãîáéàåú ùúé òâìåú îùåí çùùà ãàåøééúà ãùîà äí ùåéí


If so, how do we infer from [a body] found exactly in the middle between two cities that bi'Ydei Adam Efshar Letzamtzem? Also there, even though it is impossible to be exact and Letzamtzem, Rabanan [should] agree that they bring two calves due to a Safek Torah, that perhaps they are equal!

åòåã ãîàï ãàñø ôøåõ ëòåîã ìà àñø àìà îèòí ãà''ì øçîðà ìîùä âãåø øåáà ùçåè øåáà åàéëà ìîúìé èôé ìàéñåø îìäéúø


Question #2: The one who forbids Parutz k'Omed, forbids only because Hash-m told Moshe to fence the majority or slaughter the majority, and there are more reason to attribute to Isur than to Heter;

àáì (àí äéä ìúìåú ìäéúø éåúø îìàéñåø äéä îåúø ëãàùëçï îàï) [ö"ì àé äåä ìîúìé ìäúø èôé îìàñåø äéä îåúø ëãàùëçï ìîàï - ùéèä î÷åáöú, îäãåøú øá àéìï] ãùøé îùåí ãàîø øçîðà ìîùä ìà úùééø øåáà åìà àñø îèòí ãùîà äôøåõ îøåáä


However, if we should attribute to Heter more than to forbid, it would be permitted, like we find according to the one who permits, because Hash-m told Moshe not to leave over the majority. He does not forbid lest the Parutz is the majority.

åàí ëï ääéà ãìçé àôéìå äåé ñô÷ ãàåøééúà úéùúøé ëéåï ãáéï ôøåõ (îòåîã) ðôéù áéï òåîã ðôéù îåúø


Consequence: If so, the case of a Lechi, even if it were a Safek mid'Oraisa, it would be permitted mid'Oraisa, since whether the Parutz is more or the Omed is more, it is permitted.

åîäà ãôøéê áääéà ùîòúà ãôøåõ ëòåîã åäà àôùø ìöîöí âáé àí éù øéåç áéðéäí (ñåëä ãó èå:)


Implied suggestion: From the question in that Sugya of Parutz k'Omed "it is Efshar Letzamtzem!" regarding if there is a distance between [metal spits (rods) equal to the width of the rods, and Kosher Sechach was put in between, this shows that we rule like R. Yosi ha'Gelili, at least regarding bi'Ydei Adam]!

àéï ìã÷ã÷ ùåí ãáø ãøáéðå çððàì âøéñ åäà àé àôùø ìöîöí åëï øáéðå (ùîòåï åìøáéðå úí) [ö"ì úí - äá"ç]


Rejection: One cannot infer from there at all, for the text of R. Chananel and R. Tam says "it is Iy Efshar Letzamtzem!"

[åìâéøñúí - äá"ç] ðîé àéï øàéä ùéäà äìëä ëï


Implied suggestion: According to their text, we can prove that this is the Halachah (Iy Efshar Letzamtzem, even bi'Ydei Adam)!

ãìà äåé ëîå àé àôùø ìöîöí áòìîà àìà ëìåîø àé àôùø ìöîöí áùåí òðéï ùìà éäà àåéø îùäå áéï äñëê ìùôåã ëîå (ùôéøù) [ö"ì ôéøùúé - äá"ç] ùí


Rejection: This is unlike Iy Efshar Letzamtzem elsewhere. Rather, it means that it is impossible to be precise that there will not be any amount of air between the Sechach and the rod, like I explained there.

åáääéà ãñåó îëéìúéï (ãó ñ:) éöàå ùðéí áòùéøé (å÷øàå) [ö"ì å÷øàï - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] òùéøé îùîò ãñáø ìéä ëøáé éåñé äâìéìé àôéìå áéãé ùîéí


Implied question #1: The case below (60b, if one was tithing animals), and two went out together as 10th, and he called [both of] them Asiri. This shows that [the Gemara] holds like R. Yosi ha'Gelili, even bi'Ydei Shamayim...

ãàé ëøáðï ãà''à (îëàï îãó äáà) ìöîöí àåúå ù÷ãí äåé òùéøé àôé' éùúå÷ áå åäåä ìéä ëàéìå ÷øà ìòùéøé òùéøé åìàçã òùø òùéøé ãàéï àçã òùø ÷ãåù ùìà ðò÷ø ùí òùéøé îîðå


For according to Rabanan, [who hold] that Iy Efshar Letzamtzem, the one that was first is Asiri, even if [the owner] was silent, and it is as if he called the 10th "Asiri" and the 11th "Asiri". The 11th is not Kadosh, for the name "Asiri" was not uprooted from [the 10th]!