
IDENTIFYING THE SPECIES IN THE MISHNAH (Yerushalmi Ma'asros Perek 5 Halachah 3 Daf 25b)

àéæå ùåí áòì áëé ëì ùàéï ìå àìà çåø àçã î÷éó àú äòîåã.


(Tosefta): (The Mishnah discussed Baal-Bechi garlic.) What is that? Garlic that has a single row that surrounds the central stalk.

àîø øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì ëì ùàéï ìå àìà ÷ìéôä àçú.


(Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel): Garlic that has only a single layer of peel.

àéæå áöì ùì øéëôà ëì ùòå÷öå ðîòê ìúåëå.


What are onions from Richpa? Any onion whose stem is pressed inside its body.

øáï âîìéàì àåîø ëì ùàéï ìå àéøñ.


(Rabban Gamliel): Any onion that doesn't have poison.

[ãó îä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àéìå äï âøéñéï ä÷éì÷éï àéìå äîøåáòéï.


Kilkin beans are the square ones.

úðé øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì [àåîø] àéï îøåáò îùùú éîé áøàùéú.


(Baraisa) (Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel): There's nothing that grows naturally that is square.

äúéá øáé áøëéä åäúðéðï âåôä ùì áäøú ëâøéñ ä÷éì÷é îøåáò.


Question (R. Barachya) (Mishnah in Maseches Negaim): 'The Baheres blemish itself must be the size of a square Kilki bean'...?

à''ø áéñðà ëì âøîà äéà àîøä ìéú ìéä îøåáò. åìîä úðéðï ãéøáòðä äéà.


Answer (R. Bisna): On the contrary, the Mishnah itself shows that it's not square, or why would it have mentioned square? Rather, it was to teach that the Kohen should square-off the area when measuring it.

åäà ðâòä.


Question: What about 'Nagah' (which is square-shaped)?

îìà ÷éèøéï.


Answer: It has many protrusions.

åäà (àáéáà)[òðéáà] ãôéìà.


Question: What about 'Anivah D'Pilah'?

òâåì äåà îìîèï


Answer: The bottom of it is round.

[ãó ëå òîåã à] àéú ãáòé îéîø ìà àîø øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì àìà ááøéåú.


Some say that R. Shimon ben Gamliel only said it about creatures (but not foods).

åúðé ëï îøåáò áàåëìéï åàéï îøåáò ááøéåú.


Support (Baraisa): Food can be square but creatures cannot.

àéìå äï òãùéï äîöøéåú ëì ùâìâìéäï çãéï øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì àåîø ëì ùàéï ìäï öøåøåú


(Tosefta): 'Egyptian lentils' (listed in our Mishnah) are those that have a sharper edge than other lentils. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says that they are any lentils that are not mixed with pebbles (and dirt).

àéìå äï ä÷øé÷ñ ëì ùòå÷öéäï îòåèéï åäì÷èéäï îøåáéï.


Our Mishnah taught (Bechoros 15) that R. Meir added even Kerikas.) What is Kerikas? They have small stems and any hairs.

îä ãîé ìä àîø øáé éåñé ëâåï àéìéï ÷åðééúà.


What's comparable to it? R. Yosi says - for example, Kunaisa.

øáé éøîéä áòé ëøëîéï îäå ùéäå îåúøéï îùåí ñôéçéï.


Question (R. Yirmiyah): Is there a prohibition of Sefichin on saffron? (Saffron is not edible, so the Kedusha of Sheviis doesn't rest on it, but perhaps Chazal made the prohibition of Sefichin on anything that might be planted in Sheviis...?)

äúéá øáé úðçåí áø éøîéä åäúðéðï åäçùåã òì äùáéòéú àéï ìå÷çéï îäï ôùúï àôéìå ñøå÷. åôùúï ìàå ÷éñîéï äåà.


Question (R. Tanchum bar Yirmiyah): But the Mishnah (in Maseches Bechoros 4:8) taught - 'if a person is suspected of transgressing Sheviis, one may not buy even combed flax from him.' Flax isn't food, but it is still prohibited!

àîø øáé çéððà îôðé æøòä.


Rebuttal (R. Chinana): Flax is different as its seed is edible.

øáé îðà àîø àí îôðé æøòä åäúðéðï äçùåã ìäéåú îåëø úøåîä ìçåìéï àéï ìå÷çéï îîðå îéí åîìç. àéú ìê îéîø îéí åîìç îôðé æøòå ìà îùåí ÷ðñ àó äëà îùåí ÷ðñ.


Question (R. Mana): If it's because of its seed, but doesn't the next Mishnah there teach - 'If a person is suspected of selling Terumah as Chulin, one may not even buy from him water and salt.' Could you say that water and salt are prohibited because of their seed?! Rather they are prohibited as a penalty and so too here, the saffron seeds are prohibited, even though they are not edible.

îðçí áø îáñéîà àçåé ãéåðúï ÷éôà áùí øáé àîé ôùúï ðì÷çú îëì àãí áùáéòéú.


(Menachem bar Mavsima, brother of Yonasan Kippa, citing R. Ami): Flax may be bought from any person in Sheviis.

äãà ãúéîø ëùàéðå éåãò àí çùåã äåà àí àéðå çùåã äà ãáø áøéà ùäåà çùåã àñåø.


That applies when it's unknown if the seller is suspected, but if he is certainly suspected, it is prohibited.

æåâà ÷øéáéä ãøáé áà áø æáãé áùí øáé àáäå áé÷ééà ðì÷çú îëì àãí áùáéòéú.


(Zuga, the relative of R. Ba bar Zavdi citing R. Abahu): Bikia root (used for dyeing) may be bought from any person in Sheviis. This is when he is unsure if the person is suspected, but if he is certainly suspected, it is prohibited.

[ãó îå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé éåñé îúðé' [ìà] àîøä ëï æøò ìåó äòìéåï æøò ëøéùéï æøò áöìéí æøò ìôú åöðåðåú åùàø æøòåðé âéðä ùàéðï ðàëìéï.


(R. Yosi): Our Mishnah does not teach this way - as it says (Bechoros 14(g)), "Seed of the wild Luf, of leek, of onions, of turnip and radishes and other garden seeds that are not eaten (are exempt from Ma'asros and may be bought from anyone in Sheviis)''...

åúðé òìä æøò àñèéñ åæøò ÷åöä åæøò [ãó ëå òîåã á] áé÷ééà äà áé÷ééà òöîä ìà.


(Baraisa): Seeds of Isatis, Kotzah and Bikia (are also included); implying that Bikia itself may not be bought from just anyone...?

ãéìîà ãìà àéúàîøú àìà ëùàéðå éåãò àí çùåã äåà àí àéðå çùåã äåà äà ãáø áøéà ùäåà çùåã àñåø.


Rebuttal: Perhaps Zuga was referring specifically to when he doesn't know if the person is suspected. But if he is certainly suspected, it would be prohibited to buy.

ëéðé îúðéúà æøò äñéìåï ùì ìåó.


(When the Mishnah permitted buying wild Luf from anyone in Sheviis) it was specifically referring to wild Luf (but cultivated Luf would be prohibited).

çãà àéúà äåä ìä éøáåæéï ãúøåîä âå ëôúä ðôìåï ìâéðúà åöîçåï. àúà òåáãà ÷åîé øáé éåçðï åùøà.


A certain woman had Yarbuzin seeds of Terumah in her box. They fell in a garden and sprouted. She asked R. Yochanan, who permitted the growths.

àîø ìéä øáé çééà áø ååà åìà îúðéúà äéà ùàó òì ôé ùàáéäï úøåîä äøé àìå éàëìå.


(R. Chiya bar Vava to R. Yochanan): It's certainly permitted, as our Mishnah taught, "...and even though the seed is Terumah, the plant (that grows from it is not Terumah and) may be eaten.

àîø ìéä ááìééà îï ãìééú ìê çñôà àùëçú îøâðéúà àú àîø åìàå îúðéúà äéà:


(R. Yochanan to R. Chiya bar Vava): Oh Babylonian! After I revealed to you the earthenware, you found the jewel (- meaning, after I permitted it and I said the reasoning mentioned in the Mishnah, you then mentioned the Mishnah as a source.)