More Discussions for this daf
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4. Revealing secrets of the Torah 5. Revealing What the Torah Concealed 6. Ten Tefachim
7. Who was the Mekoshesh 8. באומר כל מקום שתרצה תנוח 9. רש"י ד"ה כמאן דמלי

hg asks:

Why 10 tefachim? Doesn't most carrying indeed occur at higher? What is the halacha?

hg, ny usa

The Kollel replies:

While I have heard your question asked before, there is an interesting Pnei Yehoshua (4a) who takes the exact opposite approach. He says that he does not understand how any carrying can be considered a Melachah higher than ten Tefachim. After all, any domain above ten Tefachim is considered a Makom Petur. There is no Melachah of carrying from a private domain to a private domain, the only other case of a domain above ten Tefachim (since its walls go up, as opposed to a Karmelis and Reshus ha'Rabim that seemingly should not be considered to have their air go over ten Tefachim). Accordingly, the Pnei Yehoshua tries to explain that Moshit is forbidden over ten only because it is called a Melachah by the Torah (see Pnei Yehoshua at length).

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose