
THE CORRECT ORDER OF SEPARATING (Yerushalmi Demai Perek 5 Halachah 1 Daf 20a)

úðéðï çìä áéï øàùåï ìùðé


The Mishnah described the order of tithing as first Maaser Rishon, then Challah and then Maaser Sheni...

[ãó îà òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] øáé éåðä áùí æòéøà àîø çìä àéï áä îùåí áì úàçø


(R. Yona citing Zeira): There is no prohibition to delay the giving of Challah, so one can tithe first and then separate Challah.

øáé éåñé áùí øáé æòéøà àéï îùðä àîåøä òì ñãø


(R. Yosi citing R. Zeira): The Mishnah was not said in order. (Since Challah is like Terumah, it must be separated first.)

åìà áãîàé àðï ÷ééîéï ìà ëï àîø øáé áà áøéä ãøáé çééà áùí øáé éåçðï îúðé' ãîàé äà áåãàé ìà åäëà áãîàé àðï ÷ééîéï


Question: Aren't we discussing Demai - didn't R. Ba son of R. Chiya say in the name of R. Yochanan that the Mishnah specifically refers to Demai (when allowing tithing before separating Challah), but if it's definite Tevel, the Challah must come first...?

úðé øáé çééà àó áåãàé òìéä


R. Chiya's Baraisa taught that the Mishnah also refers to definite Tevel and based on that, the two Amoraim disagreed...

øáé éåðä áùí ø' æòéøà àåîø æàú àåîøú çìä àéï áä îùåí áì úàçø


(R. Yona citing Zeira): There is no prohibition to delay the giving of Challah, so one can tithe first and then separate Challah.

øáé éåñé áùí øáé æòéøà àîø àéï îùðä àîåøä òì ñãø àìà ú÷ãéí çìä ìøàùåï åìîä ÷ãîä øàùåï îôðé ù÷ãîä ìâåøï


(R. Yosi citing R. Zeira): The Mishnah was not said in order. (Since Challah is like Terumah, it must be separated first.) Rather, you could take Challah before Maaser Rishon, but Rishon comes first because it's obligation came first at the threshing floor (but the Challah obligation only came when it was made into to dough).

åäøé ùðé ÷ãîä ìâåøï


Question: But the obligation of Maaser Sheni also came at the threshing floor (before that of Challah)?

àîø øáé îúðéä áãéï äéä ùú÷ãéí ìëì åìîä ÷ãîä øàùåï îôðé ù÷ãîä ìâåøï åëúéá áå øàùéú ùðé àò"ô ù÷ãîå ìâåøï àéï ëúåá áå øàùéú]


Answer (R. Matanya): Really Challah should come first, so why is Rishon first? Because part of the Maaser will become Terumas Maaser, about which the pasuk says 'first' - so although Challah is also called 'first', the Maaser Rishon precedes it because its obligation came first. However, Maaser Sheni comes after Challah because although its obligation came first, it is not called 'first'.

îòúä úäà çìä çééáú áîòùøå' åîòùøåú ìà éäå çééáéï áçìä ùëì ä÷åãí àú çáéøå çáéøå îúçééá áå


Question: If so, Challah should be obligated in Maaseros, but Maaseros should not be obligated in Challah, as whichever comes first, the other is obligated in it, but not vice-versa...?

[ãó îá òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åúðé ëï äòåùä òéñä îï äèáì áéï ùä÷ãéí çìä ìúøåîä áéï ùä÷ãéí úøåîä ìçìä îä ùòùä òùåé çìä ìà úàëì òã ùéåöéà òìéä úøåîä úøåîä ìà úàëì òã ùéôøéù òìéä çìä (åìîä ÷ãîä øàùåï îôðé ù÷ãîä ìâåøï åäøé ùðé ÷ãîä ìâåøï àîø øáé îúðéä áãéï äéä ùú÷ãéí ìëì åìîä ÷ãîä øàùåï îôðé ù÷ãîä ìâåøï åëúéá áå øàùéú ùðé àò"ô ù÷ãîå ìâåøï àéï ëúåá áå øàùéú):


Answer: But do we say this? Doesn't the Baraisa teach - Tevel dough - whether Challah preceded Terumah or Terumah preceded Challah, whatever was done is valid. The Kohen may not eat the Challah until he separated the Terumah, and vice-versa. (The Gemara doesn't resolve the discrepancy.)