PRODUCE USED FOR OTHER PURPOSES (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 7 Daf 31a)
îùðä úáåàä ùðéúðä ìùçú àå ìàìåîä åëï áàéâåãé äùåí åàâåãú äùåí åäáöìéí àéï ìäí ùëçä
(Mishnah): If produce was for use as animal fodder or to tie bundles; or to tie garlic or onions; there is no Shichechah.
åëì äèîåðé' áàøõ ëâåï äìåó åäùåí åäáöìéí ø' éäåãä àåîø àéï ìäí ùëçä åçë"à éù ìäï ùëçä:
Any vegetables that are hidden in the ground, such as Luf (a species of onion), garlic and onions - R. Yehuda says that there is no Shichechah; the Chachamim say that there is Shichechah.
âîøà à"ø éåðä ìà ñåó ãáø ðéúðä àìà àôé' ðåèìä ò"î ìéúðä
(Gemara) (R. Yona): Not only if it was used but even if it was cut to be used as animal fodder etc. there is no Shichechah.
úîï úðéðï äîãìé÷ àú äâãéù åäéå áå ëìéí øé"à îùìí ëì îä ùáúåëå [ãó ðæ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åçë"à àéðå îùìí àìà âãéù çéèéï àå âãéù ùòåøéï
(Mishnah in Bava Kama): If a person set fire to a haystack and there were utensils inside it, R. Yehuda says that he must pay for whatever was inside it and the Chachamim say that he must only pay for the produce (whether it was wheat or barley).
îçìôä ùéèúé' ãø"é úîï äåà àåîø ìøáåú àú äèîåï åëà äåà àåîø ôøè ìèîåï
Question: The opinion of R. Yehuda seems to have switched - there he obligates for (burning) something hidden; here, he exempts something hidden from Shichechah?
úîï (ùîåú ëá) åðàëì äâãéù àå ä÷îä îîùîò ùðàîø ÷îä àéðé éåãò ùäâãéù äåà áëìì åîä ú"ì âãéù ìøáåú àú äèîåï åäëà ùãê áâìåé ôøè ìèîåï
Answer: There, the pasuk states (Shemos 22:5), "and a stack of grain or standing grain or the field will be consumed" - if standing grain is mentioned, why mention a stack of grain? Rather, it is written to include something hidden. Here (Shichechah), the word 'your field' implies that which is exposed, but not something hidden.
îçìôà ùèúééäå ãøáðï úîï àéðåï àîøéï ôøè ìèîåï åëà àéðåï àîøéï ìøáåú àú äèîåï:
Question: The opinion of the Rabbanan seems to have switched - there (in Bava Kama) they exempt for burning something hidden; here, they obligate something hidden in Shichechah?
úîï àå ä÷îä àå äùãä îä ùãä áâìåé àó ëì ãáø ùäåà âìåé áøí äëà ùãê áâìåé ôøè ìèîåï ÷öéøê áâìåé ôøè ìèîåï åäåé îéòåè àçø îéòåè åàéï îéòåè àçø îéòåè àìà ìøáåú àú äèîåï
Answer: There, the pasuk compares standing grain to the field - just as the field is exposed, so too it applies to anything else exposed. But here (Shichechah), 'your field' implies exposed, this excludes something hidden; 'your harvest' implies exposed, which excludes something hidden - this is an exclusion following an exclusion which we are required to use as an inclusion - to include something hidden.
îùðä ä÷åöø áìéìä åäîòîø åäñåîà éù ìå ùëçä åàí äéä îúëåéï ìéèåì àú äâñ äâñ àéï ìå ùëçä àí àîø äøé àðé ÷åöø òì îðú îä ùàðé ùåëç àèåì éù ìå ùëçä:
(Mishnah): If one harvested at night and binds sheaves or one who is blind - there is Shichechah. And if he intended to only take the large ones (and come back later for the small ones), there is no Shichechah. If he said, "I am harvesting on condition that whatever I forgot, I will take" - there is Shichechah.
âîøà ëéðé îúðé' ä÷åöø áìéìä åäîòîø áìéìä åñåîà áéï áéåí åáéï áìéìä
(Gemara): Learn the Mishnah as - 'one who harvested at night, one who binds sheaves at night and a blind person, whether in the day or at night'.
àîø øáé éåðä ìà ñåó ãáø âñéï àìà àó ã÷éï ãëé îàçø ùãøëå ìéáçï áâñéï àôé' ã÷éï àéï ìäí ùëçä
(R. Yona): The Mishnah does not only mean if he intended to only take the large ones (and come back later for the small ones), but even vice-versa, because just as when he comes back for the small ones, he will notice any large one left behind, so too if he comes back for the large ones, he will notice any small one left behind.
àîø äøé àðé ÷åöø òì îðú îä ùàðé ùåëç àðé àèåì éù ìå ùëçä ùäúðä òì îä ùëúåá áúåøä åëì äîúðä òì îä ùëúåá áúåøä úðàå áèì:
The Mishnah taught - If he said, "I am harvesting on condition that whatever I forgot, I will take" - there is Shichechah. This is because he is making a condition against that which is written in the Torah - such a condition is not valid.