
GEMILUS CHASADIM (ACTS OF KINDNESS) (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 1 Daf 2b)

âîéìåú çñãéí: äãà ãúéîø áâåôå àáì áîîåðå éù ìå ùéòåø


Gemilus Chasadim - There is no minimum quantity (in order to fulfil them) when using one's body, but using one's money, there is a minimum quantity.

åàúééà ëéé ãîø ø"ù áï ì÷éù áùí øáé éåñé áï çðéðà áàåùà ðîðå ùéäà àãí îôøéù çåîù îðëñéå ìîöåä


This follows R. Shimon ben Lakish citing R. Yosi ben Chaninah who said that in Usha they agree that a person may give until 1/5th of his wealth to charity.

òã äéëï


Question: What is the minimum quantity?

ø"â áï àéðéðåà åøáé àáà áø ëäðà çã àîø òã ëãé úøåîä åúøåîú îòùø


R. Gamliel ben Ininua and R. Aba bar Kahana disagreed - one said that one must minimally give the amount of Terumah (usually 1/50th) as well as Terumas Maaser (1/100th, totalling 3/100th).

åçøðà àîø (îùìé â) ëáã àú ä' îäåðê åîøàùéú ëì úáåàúê ëîøàùéú ëì úáåàúê


The other one said - the pasuk states (Mishlei 3:9), "Honor Hash-m with your wealth, and from the first of all your grain" - meaning like the amount of Terumah (1/50th).

ø"â áï àéðéðåà áòé ÷åîé ø' îðà îä çåîù áëì ùðä åùðä ìçîù ùðéí äåà îôñéã ëåìä


Question (R. Gamliel ben Ininua to R. Mana): If he gives 1/5th of his wealth each year, in five years he will have nothing left?!

à"ì áúçìä ì÷øï îëàï åàéìê ìùëø


Answer (R. Mana): The first year he gives 1/5th of the principal; thereafter, he gives 1/5th of the earnings.

øá äåðà àîø ìîöåä òã ùìéù


(Rav Huna): He must give up to 1/3rd for a Mitzvah...

îäå ìëì äîöåú òã ùìéù àå ìîöåä àçú


Question: Does this mean for all of the Mitzvos or for any Mitzvah?

ñáøéï îéîø ìëì äîöåú òã ùìéù


Suggestion (Yeshiva students): For all of the Mitzvos.

àîø ø' àáåï àôé' ìîöåä àçú


(R. Avun): Even for one Mitzvah.

ø' çáéáà áùí øáðï ãúîï îäå ùìéù ìãîéí äéàê òáéãà ì÷ç àãí îöåä îöà àçøú ðàä äéîðä òã ëîä îèøéçé' òìéå òã ùìéù


(R. Chaviva citing Rabbanan of Bavel): It does not mean 1/3rd of his property; rather, it means to add a 1/3rd to the current value of the Mitzvah item. How is this done? If a person bought an item for a Mitzvah and then found a nicer one, how much should he be prepared to add to the value of the original item in order to buy the nicer one? 1/3rd of the value of the original item.

[ãó ä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] úðé ø' éùîòàì æä àìé åàðåäå åëé àôùø ìå ìàãí ìðååàåú àú áåøàå àìà àðååäå ìôðéå áîöåú àòùä ìôðéå ìåìá ðàä ñåëä ðàä ùåôø ðàä öéöéú ðàéï úôéìéï ðàéï


(Beraisa) (R. Yishmael): The pasuk states (Shemos 15:2), "This is my God and I will beautify Him {literally: make for him a dwelling}" - is it possible for a person to beautify his Creator?! Rather, I will make beautiful before Him His Mitzvos - for example, I will have a beautiful Lulav, Succah, Shofar, Tzitzis and Tefillin.

[ãó â òîåã à] àáà ùàåì àåîø àãîä ìå îä äåà øçåí åçðåï àó àú úäà øçåí åçðåï


(Abba Shaul): I will be like Him - just as He is merciful and graceful, so you should be merciful and graceful.

îòùä áøáé éùáá ùòîã åäçìé÷ àú ëì ðëñéå ìòðééí ùìç ìå ø"â åäìà àîøå çåîù îðëñéå ìîöåú


It once happened, that R. Yeshavev distributed all of his property to the poor. Rabban Gamliel sent him a message, asking, "Didn't the Sages say that (only) 1/5th of one's property should go to Mitzvos?"

åø"â ìà ÷åãí ìàåùà äéä


Question: Didn't Rabban Gamliel precede Usha (see (b) above)?

ø' éåñé áø' áåï áùí ø' ìåé ëê äéúä äìëä áéãí åùëçåä åòîãå äùðéí åäñëéîå òì ãòú äøàùåðéí ììîãê ùëì ãáø ùáéú ãéï ðåúðéï ðôùï òìéå äåà îú÷ééí ëîä ùðàîø ìîùä îñéðé


Answer (R. Yosi b'R. Bun citing R. Levi): They used to have this Halacha in their hands but they forgot it and the later Sages (Usha) arose and agreed with the earlier Sages. This teaches that anything for which the Beis Din toil to clarify will be established like Halacha LeMoshe MiSinai (an oral tradition from Sinai).

åàúééà ëéé ãàîø øáé îðà ëé ìà ãáø ø÷ äåà îëí åàí äåà ø÷ îëí äåà ìîä ùàéï àúí éâéòéï áúåøä ëé äåà çééëí àéîúé äåà çééëí ëùàúí éâéòé' áå


This follows R. Mana, who said - the pasuk states (Devarim 32:47), "Because it is not an empty thing for you" - and if it is an empty thing, it must have come from you. Why? Because you are not sufficiently toiling in Torah. "Because it is your life" - when is it your life? When you toil in it.

øáé úðçåîà áùí øá äåðà (ùîåú ìä) åáöìàì áï àåøé áï çåø ìîèä éäåãä òùä àú ëì àùø öåä ä' àú îùä àåúå îùä àéï ëúéá ëàï àìà àùø öåä ä' àú îùä àôé' ãáøéí ùìà ùîò îôé øáå äñëéîä ãòúå ëîä ùðàîø ìîùä îñéðé


(R. Tanchuma citing Rav Huna): The pasuk states (Shemos 38:22), "Bezalel, son of Uri, son of Chur, of the tribe of Yehuda, had made all that Hash-m had commanded Moshe." It does not say, "all that Moshe commanded him" - this teaches that Betzalel fulfilled even parts of the oral tradition that he was not informed of by his teacher, Moshe.

ø' éåçðï áùí ø' áðéé ëàùø öåä ä' àú îùä òáãå ëï öåä îùä àú éäåùò åëï òùä éäåùò ìà äñéø ãáø îëì àùø öåä ä' àú îùä àåúå îùä àéï ëúéá ëàï àìà îëì àùø öåä ä' àú îùä àôé' ãáøéí ùìà ùîò îôé îùä äñëéîä ãòúå ëîä ùðàîø ìîùä îñéðé


(R. Yochanan citing R. Banayei): The pasuk states (Yehoshua 11:15), "As Hash-m commanded Moses His servant, so did Moses command Yehoshua, and so did Yehoshua; he left nothing undone of all that Hash-m commanded Moses." It does not say, "all that Moshe commanded him" - this teaches that Betzalel fulfilled even parts of the oral tradition that he was not informed of by his teacher, Moshe.

ø' éåçðï áùí ø' áðéé ø' çåðä áùí ø' (îìàëé á) úåøú àîú äéúä áôéäå ãáøéí ùùîò îôé øáå åòåìä ìà ðîöà áùôúéå àôé' ãáøéí ùìà ùîò îôé øáå


(R. Yochanan citing R. Banayei/ R. Chuna citing Rebbi): The pasuk states (Malachi 2:6), "True teaching was in his mouth" - things that he heard from his teacher; "and injustice was not found on his lips" - even things that he did not hear from his teacher.

åøáðï àîøé ëé ä' àìäéê éäéä áëñìê åùîø øâìéê îìëã àôé' ãáøéí ùàúä ëñéì áäï åùîø øâìéê îìëã


(Rabbanan): The pasuk states (Mishlei 3:26), "As Hash-m will be your trust {alternatively: in your lack of knowledge; or it can be translated as 'your pocket' (see below)} and He shall keep your foot from being caught" - even from things that you did not know, Hash-m shall keep your foot from being caught - meaning that Hash-m will teach them to you if you toil in Torah.

øáé ãåñà àîø îï ääåøééä


(R. Dosa): It means that Hash-m will protect you that you will not stumble in a Halachic ruling.

åøáðéï àîøé îï äòáéøä


(Rabbanan): He will protect you from sin.

ø' ìåé àîø îï äîæé÷éï


(R. Levi): He will protect you from evil spirits.

àîø øáé àáà àí ðúú îëéñê öã÷ä ä÷á"ä îùîøê îï äôéñéï åîï äæéîøú åîï äâìâìåú åîï äàøðåðéåú


(R. Abba): If you gave of your pocket to charity, Hash-m will guard you from different types of taxes, damages and expenses, head tax and giving a tithe of one's animals to the king.

îåðáæ äîìê òîã åáæáæ ëì ðëñéå ìòðééí ùìçå ìå ÷øåáéå åàîøå ìå àáåúéê äåñéôå òì ùìäï åòì ùì àáåúéäï åàúä áéæáæúä àú ùìê åàú ùì àáåúéê


King Mumbaz gave all of his money to the poor. His relatives sent him a message, saying, "Your fathers added to theirs and their fathers' wealth and you are wasting yours and your fathers' wealth!"

à"ì ëì ùëï àáåúé âðæå áàøõ åàðé âðæúé áùîéí ùðàîø (úäéìéí ôä) àîú îàøõ úöîç åöã÷ îùîéí ðù÷ó àáåúé âðæå àåöøåú ùàéï òåùéï ôéøåú åàðé âðæúé àåöøåú ùäï òåùéï ôéøåú ùðàîø (éùòéäå â) àîøå öãé÷ ëé èåá ëé ôøé îòììéäí éàëìå


(King Mumbaz): My treasure houses are better than theirs! My fathers hid under the ground and I hid in the heavens, as the pasuk states (Tehillim 85:12), "Truth will grow from the earth and righteousness will look down from the heavens". My fathers hid away treasures that do not produce fruit; I hid away treasures that produce fruit, as the pasuk states (Yeshayahu 3:10), "Praise the righteous man for he is good, for the fruit of their deeds they shall eat."

àáåúé âðæå áî÷åí ùäéã ùåìèú áå åàðé âðæúé áî÷åí ùàéï äéã ùåìèú áå ùðàîø (úäéìéí öæ) öã÷ åîùôè îëåï ëñàê åâå' àáåúé âðæå îîåï åàðé âðæúé ðôùåú ùðàîø (îùìé éà) åìå÷ç ðôùåú çëí


My fathers hid away in a place that the hand can reach; I hid away where the hand cannot reach, as the pasuk states (Tehillim 97:2), "righteousness and judgment are the foundation of His throne etc." My fathers hid away money and I hid away souls, as the pasuk states (Mishlei 11:30), "and the wise man acquires souls".

[ãó ä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àáåúé âðæå ìàçøéí åàðé âðæúé ìòöîé ùðàîø (ãáøéí ëã) åìê úäéä öã÷ä àáåúé âðæå áòåìí äæä åàðé âðæúé ìòåìí äáà ùðàîø (îùìé é) åöã÷ä úöéì îîåú åìà îéú àìà ùìà éîåú ìòåìí äáà


My fathers hid away for others and I hid away for myself, as the pasuk states (Devarim 24:13), "And to you will be righteousness (charity)". My fathers hid away for this world and I hid away for the world to come, as the pasuk states (Mishlei 10:2), "And charity will save from death". And when a person gives charity, will he never die? It means that he will not die in the world to come.

öã÷ä åâîéìú çñãéí ù÷åìåú ëðâã ëì îöåúéä ùì úåøä ùäöã÷ä ðåäâú áçééí åâîéìú çñãéí ðåäâú áçééí åáîúéí äöã÷ä ðåäâú ìòðééí åâîéìåú çñãéí ðåäâú ìòðééí åìòùéøéí äöã÷ä ðåäâú áîîåðå ùì àãí åâîéìåú çñãéí ðåäâú áéï áîîåðå áéï áâåôå


Charity and acts of kindness are equal to all of the Torah's Mitzvos. Charity can be given to the living, but acts of kindness can be done even for the dead (such as through burial); charity can be given to the poor, but acts of kindness can be done even to the rich; charity is done with one's money, but acts of kindness can be done even with one's body.

øáé éåçðï áø îøéà áùí øáé éåçðï àéï àðå éåãòéï àéæä îäï çáéá àå öã÷ä àå âîéìåú çñãéí ëùäåà àåîø (úäéìéí ÷â) åçñã ä' îòåìí åòã òåìí òì éøàéå åöã÷úå ìáðé áðéí äãà àîøä ùâîéìåú çñãéí çáéáä éåúø îï äöã÷ä:


(R. Yochanan bar Marya citing R. Yochanan): We would not have known whether charity or acts of kindness are more beloved; but when the pasuk states (Tehillim 103:17), "but Hash-m's kindness is from everlasting to everlasting, and His charity to sons of sons", this shows that acts of kindness are more beloved than charity.