THE MITZVAH OF RE'IYAH (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 1 Daf 2a)
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The Mishnah taught that Ra'ayon (the requirement to come to the Temple on the three Regalim - Pesach, Shavuos and Succos) has no minimum amount.
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This refers to being seen in the Courtyard, but the Olas Re'iyah (the burnt-offering brought by those that come) has a minimum.
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And it follows the statement of R. Yochanan that the Olas Re'iyah must be worth a Ma'ah of silver and the Shalmei Chagigah (festival Shelamim offerings) must be worth two.
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(R. Yosi to R. Yochanan): (Disagreeing) The Re'iyah offerings do not have a minimum quantity from the Torah but the Rabbis gave a minimum quantity; a silver Ma'ah (Olah) and two Ma'ah (Shelamim).
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Question (R. Yochanan to R. Yosi): Do we ever find such a thing (that the Torah did not give a minimum quantity but the Rabbis did)?
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Response (R. Yonah): There are many cases when it was the Rabbis who defined the amount a Kezayis - such as a Kezayis of a Neveilah (flesh of an animal that was not slaughtered correctly) and a lentil size of a dead Sheretz (creature whose body imparts impurity).
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Answer: R. Yochanan's question was in reference to the teaching of R. Hoshiya - the pasuk states (Shemos 23:15), "They shall not appear before Me emptyhanded" - this implies that any minimal gift can be brought, but it was the Sages who said one silver Ma'ah and two Ma'ah.
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Question: If the Torah explicitly stated that there is no minimum, surely the Chachamim do not have the permission to add to that and say a silver Ma'ah and two Ma'ah?
àîø øáé éåñé áø áåï øáé éåçðï ëãòúéä ãøáé éåçðï àîø ëì äùéòåøéí äìëä ìîùä îñéðé ãå àîø îòä ëñó ùúé ëñó ãáø úåøä
Answer (R. Yosi bar Bun): R. Yochanan follows his reasoning, as he said that all quantities are Halacha Le'Moshe Mi'Sinai (a direct oral law from Har Sinai); so the quantity of a silver Ma'ah (for the Olas Re'iyah) and two Ma'ah (for the Shalmei Chagigah) are from the Torah.
[ãó â òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] øáé äåùòéà ëãòúéä ãøáé äåùòéà àîø äàåëì àéñåø áæîï äæä öøéê ìøùåí òìéå àú äùéòåø ùîà éòîåã á"ã àçø åéùðä òìéå àú äùéòåøéí åéäé' éåãò îàéæä ùéòåø àëì
And R. Hoshiya (who says that quantities are Rabbinic follows his reasoning that one who eats a prohibited item in this day and age, should mark down how much he ate of it, lest another Beis Din come and change the measurements of the minimum quantity and when the Temple will be rebuilt he will need to know if he must bring an offering for his sin.
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R. Yochanan retracted from his teaching (and he later said that minimum quantities are Rabbinic).
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(R. Yona and R. Yosi): R. Yochanan did not retract as can be proven from the following...
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Proof (R. Ila): Chizkiyah and R. Yochanan disagree - Chizkiyah said that a person can divide his obligation (of two silver Ma'ah for the Shalmei Chagigah) into two animals (since the quantity is Rabbinic). R. Yochanan said that he cannot divide his obligation - any animal he sacrifices must be worth two Ma'ah (since the quantity is a Torah requirement).
USING MAASER SHENI MONEY FOR A CHAGIGAH (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 1 Daf 2a)
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(R. Shimon ben Lakish citing Chizkiyah): Only the first animal that a person brings as a Chagigah fulfils his obligation, so although the first sacrifice must not even partially be from Maaser Sheni (as it does not fully belong to the owner), a second sacrifice may be bought with Maaser Sheni money.
[ãó ã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åø' éåçðï àîø èåôì àãí îòåú ìîòåú åàéï àãí èåôì áäîä
(R. Yochanan): One may use Maaser Sheni money towards buying any animal for Chagigah, but one cannot bring any animal solely from Maaser Sheni money.
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Question: If a person had separated 10 animals for his Chagigah offering and he sacrificed five of them on the first day of the festival, are the rest now also considered Chagigos that should be brought on the last day (if not before), or are they considered mere pledges that may not be brought on Yom Tov?
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Answer (R. Krispa): There is a dispute over this between R. Yochanan and R. Shimon ben Lakish - one said it can be brought on Yom Tov and one said that it cannot, but I don't know who said what...?
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Answer (R. Zeira): Let's explain this from their own words...
ø' éåçðï ãå àîø àãí èåôì îòåú ìîòåú åàéï àãí èåôì áäîä ìáäîä äåé ãå àîø ãåçä
R. Yochanan said that one may use Maaser Sheni money towards buying any animal for Chagigah, but one cannot solely bring from it; this shows that every animal is at least partially obligatory and it must be brought on Yom Tov.
[ãó ã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åø"ù áï ì÷éù ãå àîø àãí èåôì áäîä ìáäîä åàéï àãí èåôì îòåú ìîòåú äåé ãå àîø àéðå ãåçä
R. Shimon ben Lakish said that only the first animal a person brings as a Chagigah fulfils his obligation (and cannot be from Maaser Sheni), but later ones are not obligatory and may come from Maaser Sheni; this shows that latter sacrifices may not be brought on Yom Tov.
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(Shimon bar Vava citing R. Yochanan): He may continue to sacrifice them on the last day of Yom Tov, as long he was not able to sacrifice them earlier; but if he intentionally delayed sacrificing until later, he may not sacrifice on the last day.