ZEVACHIM 115 (25 Av) - Dedicated by Rabbi Dr. Eli Turkel of Raanana, l'Iluy Nishmas his mother, Golda bas Chaim Yitzchak Ozer (Mrs. Gisela Turkel) who passed away on 25 Av 5760. Mrs. Turkel accepted Hashem's Gezeiros with love; may she be a Melitzas Yosher for her offspring and for all of Klal Yisrael.

[115a - 29 lines; 115b - 44 lines]

1)[line 4]åàùí ðæéøV'ASHAM NAZIR

The Torah specifies five cases where the Korban Asham Vadai is brought (see Background to Zevachim 2:6). One of them is the Asham Nazir (a sheep within its first year), which is one of the Korbanos brought by a Nazir Tamei upon the renewal of his Nezirus period (Bamidbar 6:12, see Background to Zevachim 23:6).

2)[line 5]åàùí îöåøòV'ASHAM METZORA

The Torah specifies five cases where the Korban Asham Vadai is brought (see Background to Zevachim 2:6). One of them is the Asham Metzora (a sheep within its first year), which is one of the Korbanos brought by a Metzora upon the completion of his Taharah process (Vayikra 14:12, see Background to Zevachim 32:20:c-e).

3)[line 6]åàéìå çèàú ùééøàV'ILU CHATAS SHAYRA- whereas the Tana omits mention of the Chatas

4)[line 23]îàé øåîéàMAI RUMYA- what is the contradiction?

5)[line 29]ùúé àùîåú ìàçøéåúSHTEI ASHAMOS L'ACHRAYUS - one set aside two Ashamos as a guarantee so that if one should become lost, he would bring the other for his atonement (ACHRAYUS)

A person who is obligated to bring a Korban has the option of setting aside other animals as Achrayus ("insurance") for the animal that he intends to bring as his sacrifice, in case the first animal gets lost.


6)[line 7]åùéøé îðçåúV'SHEYAREI MENACHOS- the remainder of the Menachos, which are Kodshei Kodashim

7)[line 20]àåúáéä áøééúà ãùåéà áëåìäåOSVEI BERAISA D'SHAVYA B'CHULHU- he challenged him from a Beraisa which was capable of [refuting] all of them (all of the points raised by Rav Huna)

8)[line 22]åòáåãä ááëåøåúV'AVODAH BI'VECHOROS- and the Avodah (before the Mishkan was erected) was done by the firstborn

9)[line 27]æå ôøéùåú áëåøåúZU PERISHUS BECHOROS- this was the separation of the firstborn (the warning to them against approaching the mountain at Har Sinai, for it was the firstborn who were charged with performing the Avodah at that time)

10)[line 31]áîëåáãééBI'MECHUBADAI- through My honored ones

11)[line 33]éãåòé î÷åí äïYEDU'EI MAKOM HEN- they (the sons of Aharon) were cherished ones of HaSh-m

12)[line 35]çììéí çììéíCHALALIM CHALALIM- many corpses; i.e. HaSh-m bereaves you of your loved ones time and again