ZEVACHIM 115 (25 Av) - Dedicated by Rabbi Dr. Eli Turkel of Raanana, l'Iluy Nishmas his mother, Golda bas Chaim Yitzchak Ozer (Mrs. Gisela Turkel) who passed away on 25 Av 5760. Mrs. Turkel accepted Hashem's Gezeiros with love; may she be a Melitzas Yosher for her offspring and for all of Klal Yisrael.


TOSFOS DH Pesach bi'She'ar Yemos ha'Shanah Shelamim Hu

úåñôåú ã"ä ôñç áùàø éîåú äùðä ùìîéí äåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how this answers the question.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ åàéï æä àìà ìùîå


Explanation (Rashi): This (that it is a Shelamim) is just Lishmah.

îùîò ùøåöä ìåîø ãëéåï ãùìîéí äåà ëùùåçèå ìùí ùìîéí äééðå ìùîå


Inference: Rashi means that since it is a Shelamim, when he slaughters it l'Shem Shelamim, this is Lishmah.

åà''ú åäìà ëùùçèå ìùí òåìä àå ìùí æáç àçø äåé ðîé ùìîéí ëãàîøé' áô''÷ (ìòéì ç:) ìëì ãùçéè ìéä ùìîéí ìéäåé


Question: Also when he slaughters it l'Shem Olah or a different Korban, it is a Shelamim, like we said above (8b) - whatever he slaughters it for, it is a Shelamim!

åé''ì ãî''î ëéåï ãùìîéí äåà äøé äåà ëùø ìùîå åùìà ìùîå ëâåï ìùí ùìîéí åìùí æáç àçø


Answer: In any case, since it is a Shelamim, it is Kosher Lishmah and Lo Lishmah, e.g. l'Shem Shelamim (is Kosher Lishmah) and l'Shem another Korban (it is Kosher Lo Lishmah).


TOSFOS DH Mechusar Zman b'Ba'alim

úåñôåú ã"ä îçåñø æîï ááòìéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this refers only to Olah.)

àòåìä ãå÷à ÷àé åìà ààéðê


Explanation: This refers only to Olah, and not to the others. (The Gemara discusses whether or not the others are Mechusar Zman.)


TOSFOS DH Oh she'Hayu Bnei Shtei Shanim v'Shachtan Pesulin

úåñôåú ã"ä àå ùäéå áðé ùúé ùðéí åùçèï ôñåìéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks a contradiction from another Beraisa.)

äê áøééúà àéúà áô' äúëìú (îðçåú îç:) åäëà åäúí ÷úðé ôñåìéï


Reference: This Beraisa is brought [also] in Menachos (48b), and here and there the text says Pesulim.

åòåã úðéà äúí áàéãê áøééúà ôñåìéï åúòåáø öåøúï åéöàå ìáéú äùøéôä


It is also taught there in another Beraisa "they are Pesulim. After they become Nosar, they are burned in Beis ha'Sereifah."

åúéîä ãáúîåøä áô' àìå ÷ãùéí (ãó éè:) úðéà àùí áï ùðä åäáéàå áï ùúéí áï ùúéí åäáéàå áï ùðä ëùøéí åìà òìå ìùí áòìéí ìùí çåáä ø''ù àåîø ëì òöîï àéðï ÷ãåùéí


Question: In Temurah (19b), a Beraisa teaches that if an Asham must be a yearling, and he brought a two-year old, or it must be two years old, and he brought a yearling, it is Kosher, but the owner was not Yotzei his obligation. R. Shimon says, they are not Kedoshim!

åé''ì ãëàï ìùîå ëàï ùìà ìùîå ëãîùðé äëà


Answer: This (here) is when he offered them Lishmah, and this (in Temurah) is when he offered them Lo Lishmah.

åîéäå ÷ùä ãà''ë ÷ùéà ìøá äåðà äà àéëà äàé ãôñåì ìùîå åëùø ùìà ìùîå


Question #1: If so, this is difficult for Rav Huna - there is this case, which is Pasul Lishmah and Kosher Lo Lishmah!

åòåã ãàé áùìà ìùîå îééøé áúîåøä ì''ì ìîéúðé åìà òìå ìùí çåáä äà àôé' áîöåúå ðîé ãëéåï ãùìà ìùîå äåà àéï òåìä ìùí çåáä:


Question #2: If in Temurah it is Lo Lishmah, why did it need to teach that he was not Yotzei his obligation? Even if he brought [an animal the proper age] like the Mitzvah requires, since it was Lo Lishmah, he was not Yotzei his obligation!



TOSFOS DH Mah Ha'alah she'Hi Gemar Avodah v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä îä äòìàä ùäéà âîø òáåãä ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks that this is unlike a Sugya above.)

ñåâéà æå ÷ùä àääéà ãìòéì áøéù äùåçè (ãó ÷æ: åùí) ããøùéðï ìäëé ëúá øçîðà àå ìøáåú àú äæåø÷ ãìà úéúé îáéðééà åîùåí äëé ôèåø î÷áì áçåõ


Question: This Sugya contradicts the Sugya above (107b), in which we expound that the Torah wrote "Oh" to include one who does Zerikah, [which teaches that] we could not learn from a Tzad ha'Shavah [of Shechitah and Ha'alah], and therefore Mekabel b'Chutz is exempt!


TOSFOS DH v'Yasiv v'Ka'amar va'Yishlach v'Gomer

úåñôåú ã"ä åéúéá å÷àîø åéùìç åâå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings two opinions about who said this.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ åéúéá øá çñãà å÷àîø


Explanation #1 (Rashi): Rav Chisda sat and said.

åðøàä ìôøù ãéúéá å÷àîø àøá äåðà ÷àé


Explanation #2: It seems that "he sat and said" refers to Rav Huna.


TOSFOS DH Amar Lei Hachi Amar Rav Asi u'Faskuhu

úåñôåú ã"ä à''ì äëé àîø øá àñé åôñ÷åäå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos favors Rashi's explanations of this.)

ôé' ëîå ùàîøú àîø øá àñé ãåéùìç äééðå òáåãä ááëåøåú àáì çëîéí äôñé÷åäå åîðòåäå îìåîø ëï


Explanation #1: Like you said, Rav Asi said that va'Yishlach is Avodah through the Bechoros, but Chachamim stopped him and prevented him from saying so.

åùðé ìùåðåú ùá÷åðèøñ òé÷ø


Explanations #2,3: The two versions in Rashi are primary. (That day, Avodah through Bechoros ceased. Alternatively, the verse has an Asnachta (the major pause in the middle of a verse) after "Bnei Yisrael", to show that it is not read together with what follows (va'Ya'alu Olos), for others, i.e. the Kohanim, offered them.)


TOSFOS DH Ramzu ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu l'Moshe v'Lo Yad'o

úåñôåú ã"ä øîæå ä÷á''ä ìîùä åìà éãòå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos specifies what Moshe did not understand.)

ôé' åìà éãò áîé àáì äéä éåãò ùòúéã ä÷á''ä ì÷ãù àú äîùëï áàãí âãåì


Explanation: [Moshe] did not know whom [Hash-m discussed], but he knew that in the future, Hash-m will sanctify the Mishkan through a great person;

ãàîøé' áîãøù ùàîø ìå îùä ìàäøï äééúé ñáåø áé àå áê


We say in the Midrash that Moshe said to Aharon "I thought [that it will be sanctified through the death of] me or you."


TOSFOS DH v'Kibel Sachar Al Shetikaso

úåñôåú ã"ä å÷éáì ùëø òì ùúé÷úå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses Aharon's reward.)

úðéà áúåøú ëäðéí ùáùëø æä ðúééçã àöìå äãéáåø ãëúéá áôøùú ééï åùëø àì úùú åéãáø ä' àì àäøï åìà ëúéá àì îùä


Citation (Toras Kohanim): The reward of this [silence] was that Hash-m's speech came to Aharon alone. It says in the Parshah forbidding to drink wine [before doing Avodah] "va'Ydaber Hash-m El Aharon", and it does not say "to Moshe."

åúéîä ãáñéôøé ãøéù áôøùú ÷øç ãëúéá åéãáø àì àäøï ùåîò àðé ùäãéáåø àì àäøï ú''ì ëàùø ãáø ä' áéã îùä ìå áôøùú îçúåú äùøåôéí äà ìîãðå ùäãéáåø ìîùä ùéàîø ìàäøï


Question: In the Sifri at the beginning of Parshas Korach, regarding the verse "va'Ydaber El Aharon", it says 'one might have thought that Hash-m spoke to Aharon. It is written "Ka'asher Diber Hash-m b'Yad Moshe Lo" in the Parshah of the incense pans. This teaches that Hash-m spoke to Moshe, that he will tell Aharon!'

åùîà æä ÷åøà ðúééçã äà ãëúéá àì àäøï åìà ùéàîø ìáðé éùøàì


Answer: Perhaps [the Tana of Toras Kohanim] calls this "His speech came to Aharon alone", that that it is written "El Aharon", and not [that Moshe should] tell Bnei Yisrael.


TOSFOS DH Kelalos Ne'emru b'Sinai v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ëììåú ðàîøå áñéðé ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out another answer that we could have given.)

äåä îöé ìàéúåéé îãø' éåñé äâìéìé ãàîø áô''÷ ãçâéâä (ãó å: åì÷îï ÷ë.) ãàéï èòåðä äôùè åðéúåç:


Observation: He could have brought from R. Yosi ha'Gelili, who said in Chagigah (6b, and below 120a) that [the Olah of Sinai] did not require flaying and dissection.