[96a - 11 lines; 96b - 44 lines]

1)[line 2]éùáøå?YISHAVERU?- [why] should they be broken?

2)[line 2]ðäãøéðäå ìëáùåðåúNEHADRINHU L'CHIVSHONOS- we should put them back into the furnaces (kilns)

3)[line 3]àéï òåùéï ëáùåðåú áéøåùìéíEIN OSIN KIVSHONOS BI'YERUSHALAYIM- we do not make furnaces in Yerushalayim (in order to keep the air clean and pure)

4)[line 4]àùôúåúASHPASOS- garbage dumps

5)[line 5]àéùúîéèúéäISHTEMITSEI- it escaped him (he forgot)

6)[line 5]÷ìðáåKALNEVO- a place in Bavel, named for Nevo, one of their idols (see Yeshayah 46:1)

7)[line 6]ðáìòéï áî÷åîïNIVLA'IN BI'MEKOMAN- they become swallowed up [into the ground] in their places (this is one of the miracles that occurred in the Beis ha'Mikdash)


8)[line 1]åàôé' ø' éåñé áøáé éäåãäVA'AFILU REBBI YOSI B'REBBI YEHUDAH- even Rebbi Yosi b'Rebbi Yehudah [who maintains, in Sukah 50b, that a Keli Shares may be made out of wood, agrees that it may not be made out of earthenware]

9)[line 3]ùá÷éä åàæéìSHAVKEI V'AZIL- he [Rav Yitzchak] left him [Rami bar Chama] and went

10)[line 4]ôâò áéäPAGA BEI- he happened to meet him

11)[line 4]àì÷ôèà ð÷èïALKAFTA NAKTAN- the duke (governor) has taken hold of me (my hand)

12)[line 5]øéçà àúé ìä ìéãREICHA ASI LAH L'YAD- and the scent [of kingship] has come into my hand (you seem to have an air of haughtiness, since you are frequenting a great Torah sage)

13)[line 7]ëé áòéðà îéìúà [îéðéä]KI VA'INA MILSA [MINEI]- when I ask something from him (i.e. from you, Rami bar Chama)

14)[line 8]îñáøàMI'SEVARA- [you answer me] from logic

15)[line 8]ëé îùëçðà îúðéúàKI MASHKACHNA MASNISA- when I find a Beraisa (or Mishnah)

16)[line 8]ôøëà ìäPARCHAH LAH- it refutes the logic

17)[line 11]îúðéúà åîúðéúà äéàMASNISA U'MASNISA HI- it is [a dispute between] two Beraisos (or Mishnayos)

18a)[line 11]áòé îéðé îéìúàBA'I MINI MILSA- ask me a Halachic question

b)[line 12]ãàéôùéè ìê ëé îúðéúàD'IFSHIT LACH KI MASNISA- and I will answer you with [an answer that has] support from a Beraisa

19)[line 14]îéãé ãäåä àäæàäMIDI D'HAVAH A'HAZA'AH- similar to the law of cleaning blood of a Korban Chatas that splattered on a garment, about which the Mishnah (93b) states that it requires cleaning only on the part of the garment on which the blood splattered

20)[line 15]îñúáøà ëáâãMISTABRA K'VEGED- it is logical to compare it to the law in the Mishnah concerning cleaning a garment on which blood of a Chatas spilled

21)[line 18]îôòôòMEFAPE'A- spreads

22)[line 27]àé úðéà úðéàIY TANYA TANYA- if a Beraisa teaches thusly, then such is the law as taught by the Beraisa (and my logic is incorrect)

23)[line 36]áðåúï èòíB'NOSEN TA'AM - [it prohibits the mixture if it] lends taste (MIN B'MINO)

(a)When a forbidden object is mixed with a permitted object, the mixture may be prohibited to be eaten mid'Oraisa, prohibited to be eaten mid'Rabanan, or permitted to be eaten, as follows:

1.If most of the mixture is Isur, it is prohibited mid'Oraisa.

2.If most of the mixture is Heter, but the Isur is more than one sixtieth of the Heter, i.e. the Isur is "Nosen Ta'am" (lends taste) to the Heter, it is prohibited mid'Rabanan (since "Ta'am k'Ikar," the "taste" is like the essence is a Din d'Rabanan - there are those who prohibit this mixture mid'Oraisa, when the two mixed substances are dissimilar ("Min beshe'Eino Mino"), asserting that "Ta'am k'Ikar" is mid'Oraisa).

3.If the amount of Isur is less than one sixtieth of the Heter, and is not Nosen Ta'am to the Heter, the mixture is permitted.

(b)The above applies when dissimilar substances are mixed (e.g. they were cooked together and the Isur is Nosen Ta'am to the Heter). However, when a liquid mixes with an identical liquid, the Tana'im argue as to the status of the mixture. According to Rabanan, since identical substances are not Nosen Ta'am to each other at all, the Isur can be nullified by a majority of Heter (and sixty parts of Heter are not required). According to Rebbi Yehudah, the opposite is true. Even a miniscule amount of Isur prohibits the mixture, since mid'Oraisa the Isur is not nullified at all. (When two identical dry substances become mixed together, all agree that the majority in the mixture determines the mixture's Halachic status - TOSFOS to Yevamos 82a, DH Rebbi Yehudah. See, however, RASHI cited by Tosfos 81b DH Rebbi Yehudah.)

24)[line 42]ùèéôä éúéøúàSHETIFAH YESEIRTA- an extra rinsing

25a)[last line]ëîøé÷ú äëåñK'MERIKAS HA'KOS- it is like the cleaning out of the inside of the cup [used for Kidush, the inside of which must be cleaned before filling it with wine and reciting Kidush, as described in Berachos 51a]

b)[last line]ëùèéôú äëåñK'SHETIFAS HA'KOS- it is like the rinsing of the outside of the cup [used for Kidush, the outside of which must be rinsed with water before filling it with wine and reciting Kidush, as described in Berachos 51a]