[66a - 22 lines; 66b - 35 lines]

1)[line 4]òìåéä äåà ãøîé ìëñåééILAVEI HU D'RAMI L'CHASUYEI- it is incumbent upon him to cover it

2)[line 12]ãøåá ãîéí áâåó ùëéçéD'ROV DAMIM B'GUF SHECHICHEI- most of the blood is found in the body (as opposed to in the head)


3)[line 13]çèàú äòåó ùòùä ìîèä ëîòùä çèàúCHATAS HA'OF SHE'ASAH L'MATAH K'MA'ASEH CHATAS- if the Chatas ha'Of was offered below [the red line on the Mizbe'ach] like the service of a Chatas (i.e. for the sake of a Chatas or with no intent whatsoever), it is still valid

4)[line 17]òùàä ìîòìäASA'AH L'MA'ALAH- if he did it above the red line


5)[line 4]áäæàäB'HAZA'AH- with the sprinkling of the blood (of the Chatas ha'Of)

6)[line 13]ááéú äáìéòäB'VEIS HA'BELI'AH - in the throat (NIVLAS OF TAHOR)

(a)Normally, items that are Tamei spread Tum'ah through touching them or carrying them ("Maga" or "Masa"). The only object that is Metamei mid'Oraisa while being eaten is Nivlas Of Tahor. Nivlas Of Tahor is a kosher bird that died or was killed without Shechitah. (This includes a bird that is unfit to be brought as a Korban upon which Melikah — see Background to Kidushin 53:7 — was performed.) It is only Metamei while in the Beis ha'Beli'ah (throat), during the process of being swallowed.

(b)A Nivlas Of Tahor is Metamei the person eating it, as well as any clothes or utensils that he is touching at the time that it is in his throat, giving them the status of "Rishon l'Tum'ah." (Once it is swallowed, the person remains Tamei, but is only Metamei food and drinks, i.e. he is a Rishon l'Tum'ah).