CHANGES DUE TO THE LACK OF THE ARON (Yerushalmi Perek 5 Halachah 3 Daf 27a)
îúðé' îùðéèì äàøåï àáï äéúä ùí îéîåú äðáéàéí äøàùåðéí åùúééä äéúä ð÷øàú âáåä îï äàøõ ùìùä àöáòåú åòìéä äéä ðåúï:
(Mishnah): From when the Aron was taken, there was a rock there from the days of early Nevi'im, and it was called Sheisyah. It was three fingers high above the ground, and he put [the Machtah] on it.
âî' úðé òã ùìà ðéèì äàøåï äéä ðëðñ åéåöà ìàåøå ùì àøåï îùðéèì äàøåï äéä îâùù åðëðñ îâùù åéåöà
(Gemara - Beraisa): Before the Aron was taken, he used to enter and leave via the light of the Aron (it illuminated). From when the Aron was taken, he would grope (feel his way in the darkness) and enter, and grope and leave.
à''ø éåçðï ìîä ð÷øà ùîä àáï ùúééä ùîîðä äåùúú äòåìí.
(R. Yochanan): Why was it called Even Sheisyah? From it the world was created.
úðé ø' çééä åìîä ð÷øà àáï ùúééä ùîîðä äåùúä äòåìí.
Support (R. Chiyah - Beraisa): Why was it called Even Sheisyah? From it the world was created.
ëúéá [úäéìéí ð à] îæîåø ìàñó àì àìäéí ä' ãáø åé÷øà àøõ åâå' îöéåï îëìì éåôé àìäéí äåôéò åàåîø [éùòé' ëç èæ] ìëï äððé éñã áöéåï àáï åâå':
It says "Mizmor l'Asaf Kel Elokim Hash-m Diber va'Yikra Aretz...; Mi'Tziyon mi'Chlal Yofi Elokim Hofi'a'' (the source of beauty of the world is from Tziyon), and it says "Lachen... Hineni Yisad b'Tziyon Aven...''