[45a - 48 lines; 45b - 31 lines]

1)[line 1]שדומה לפזSHE'DOMEH L'PAZ- that it glows like a pearl

2)[line 1]שנטוה כחוטSHE'NITVEH K'CHUT- that it is [soft enough to be] spun like thread

3a)[line 2]שנפתחSHE'NIFTACH- that it is available

b)[line 2]כל החנויות נסגרותKOL HA'CHANUYOS NISGAROS- all other stores [selling gold] close [since their product is obviously inferior]

4)[line 5]תניא נמי הכיTANYA NAMI HACHI- we learned that [Zahav Parvayim is called such due to its reddish color] in a Beraisa as well

5)[line 9]"דקה," מה ת"ל"DAKAH," MAH TALMUD LOMAR- why is it necessary [for the Torah] to state [that the Ketores of Yom ha'Kipurim is] finely ground (Vayikra 16:12)?

6)[line 10]"וְשָׁחַקְתָּ מִמֶּנָּה הָדֵק ...""V'SHACHACHTA MI'MENAH HA'DEK ..."- "And you shall grind some of it finely ..." (Vayikra 30:36). This verse refers to the Ketores offered on a daily basis.

7a)[line 12]כל פינות שאתה פונהKOL PINOS SHE'ATAH PONEH- every turn that you make

b)[line 13]דרך ימין למזרחDERECH YEMIN L'MIZRACH- to the right, eastward. This applies to the service performed upon the Mizbe'ach, which is approached from its ramp on the southern side of the Beis ha'Mikdash.

8)[line 17]מאי טעמא?MAI TAIMAH?- what is the reason [that the Kohen Gadol washed from a golden pitcher on Yom ha'Kipurim]?

9a)[line 20]מערכה גדולהMA'ARACHAH GEDOLAH- the large arrangement of wood in the middle of the Mizbe'ach

b)[line 21]מערכה שניה של קטורתMA'ARACHAH SHENIYAH SHEL KETORES- the smaller arrangement of wood [located toward the southwestern corner of the Mizbe'ach, from which embers were taken in order to burn] the [daily] Ketores [on the golden Mizbe'ach inside the Heichal]

c)[line 22](ל)בו ביום(L')BO BA'YOM- [to produce coals upon which the Ketores taken into the Kodesh ha'Kodashim] on the day of Yom ha'Kipurim [was burned]

d)[line 25]של קיום האשSHEL KIYUM HA'ESH- from which to maintain the fire ( i.e., from which to add to the central fire should its flames weaken)

e)[line 29]לאיברים ופדרים שלא נתעכלו מבערבL'EIVARIM U'FEDARIM SHE'LO NIS'AKLU MIBA'EREV (HEKTER CHALAVIM V'EVARIM)

(a)All of the service performed in the Beis must be performed during the day. This includes the slaughter of the Korban and all of the subsequent Avodos up to and including the application or dashing of its blood upon the Mizbe'ach. If there was no time to burn its Chalavim (certain fats, also called Pedarim) and Evarim (limbs) during the day, however, then they may be placed on the fire atop the Mizbe'ach for the entire following night. As long as the Zerikas ha'Dam was performed before nightfall, the Korban is kosher.

(b)The limbs burned upon the Mizbe'ach depend upon the type of Korban offered. The fats burned include the layer of fat covering the stomachs, all other fat attached to the stomachs, the two kidneys, the fat on the kidneys, and the Yoseres, which is either the diaphragm (RASHI, RADAK) or a certain lobe of the liver (RAV HAI GA'ON) (Vayikra 3:3-4).

(c)Rebbi maintains that there was a fire atop the Mizbe'ach designated for burning those fats and limbs that were not consumed over the course of the previous night.

10)[line 32]מוקדהMOKDA- burning [upon]

11)[line 36]הצתת אליתאHATZASAS ALISA- kindling of the small pieces of wood [in order to light the Ma'arachah]

12)[line 42]בכלי שרתB'KLI SHARES- while wearing Bigdei Kehunah

13)[line 43]וכי תעלה על דעתך שזר קרב לגבי מזבח?V'CHI TA'ALEH AL DA'ASCHA SHE'ZAR KAREV L'GABEI MIZBE'ACH?- [Once you have already established that the kindling must take place atop the Mizbe'ach,] could one possibly think that a non-Kohen would be allowed to approach the Mizbe'ach in order to do so? Regarding Leviyim, the verse states, "... however, they may not approach the sanctified vessels and the Mizbe'ach ..." (Bamidbar 18:3)!

14a)[line 45]קאי אארעאKA'I A'AR'A- [a Zar may] stand on the ground [next to the Mizbe'ach]

b)[line 45]ועביד במפוחאV'AVID B'MAPUCHA- and fan [the flames on the Mizbe'ach] with a bellows


15)[line 1]אין מחזיקןEIN MACHZIKAN- it cannot hold them

16)[line 2]כבש ... סובבKEVESH ... SOVEV

(a)The outer Mizbe'ach in the Beis ha'Mikdash, also known as the Mizbach ha'Olah (TY #47), consists of three square concrete and stone platforms placed one atop the other. The base (Yesod) measures thirty-two Amos square by one Amah high. (The Yesod did not full extend around the entire Mizbe'ach; see (b) below.) The middle platform measures thirty Amos square by five Amos high. The upper platform upon which the sacrifices were burned (termed the "Mekom ha'Ma'arachah" by the Rambam), was twenty-eight Amos square by three Amos high. A Keren (lit. horn) - a block measuring one-Amah cubed - was placed upon each corner of the upper platform (RAMBAM Hilchos Beis ha'Bechirah 2:5-8). The Amos with which the Mizbe'ach is measured consist of five Tefachim (Menachos 97a).

(b)The Yesod protruded one Amah along the entire northern and western sides. It protruded for the length of only one Amah to the south of the southwest corner and one Amah to the east of the northeast corner, however. As such, there was no Yesod on the southeastern corner. The blood of many Korbanos was dashed upon the flank of the Mizbe'ach above the Yesod, from which point it ran down the side to the Yesod (Midos 36a, Mishnah 2; Zevachim 37a, based upon Vayikra 5:9). What remained of this blood was poured directly onto the Yesod (Shemos 29:12; Vayikra 4:7; etc.).

(c)The one-Amah width where middle platform jutted out beyond the upper platform is called the "Sovev", since it encircles the Mizbe'ach. Kohanim used the Sovev as a walkway from which to perform various parts of the service. (d) The Keranos were hollow. (RAMBAM ibid. 2:8)

(e)A Kevesh (ramp) leads up to the top of the Mizbe'ach on its southern side. The Kevesh is thirty-two Amos long and sixteen Amos wide, and is separated from the south side of the Mizbe'ach by a hair's breadth (Pesachim 77a, Zevachim 62b). It is indented on its underside where it meets the Mizbe'ach such that it fits over the Sovev and the Yesod. The question of Rav Papa is whether to reckon the last four Amos of the Kevesh from the bottom edge - not including the two Amos that cover the Yesod and the Amah - or from the top edge that meets the Mizbe'ach.

17)[line 3]"... אֲשֶׁר תֹּאכַל הָאֵשׁ אֶת-הָעֹלָה עַל-הַמִּזְבֵּחַ ...""... ASHER TOCHAL HA'ESH ES HA'OLAH AL HA'MIZBE'ACH ..."- "... that the fire has consumed the Olah offering on the Mizbe'ach ..." (Vayikra 6:3). The Torah has already informed us that the Korban Tamid must be burned upon the Mizbe'ach; therefore this verse must be teaching us what to do with those parts that were not completely consumed on the following day.

18)[line 4]ור' מאירV'REBBI MEIR- and Rebbi Meir [derives the following Halachah from this verse]

19)[line 4]עיכולי עולהIKULEI OLAH- partially consumed [limbs of a Korban] Olah [that broke open violently from the heat of the fire and fell off onto the Mizbe'ach]

20a)[line 16]אש מחתהESH MACHTAH- The coals in the shovel [upon which the Ketores was burned inside the Kodesh ha'Kodashim on Yom ha'Kipurim]

b)[line 16]ומנורהU'MENORAH- and [the fire from which] the Menorah [was lit]

21)[line 19]או כלך לדרך זוO KELACH L'DERECH ZU- lit. or turn this way; or perhaps one can argue as follows

22a)[line 21]בסמוך לוB'SAMUCH LO- from [the Mizbe'ach] closest to it (i.e., the Mizbe'ach ha'Chitzon)

b)[line 22]בסמוך לוB'SAMUCH LO- from [the Mizbe'ach] closest to it (i.e., the Mizbe'ach ha'Zahav in the Heichal)

23)[line 22]אש תמיד שאמרתי לךESH TAMID SHE'AMARTI LECHA- the continual fire of which I spoke [regarding the Menorah (Shemos 27:20)]

24)[line 27]"וְלָקַח מְלֹא-הַמַּחְתָּה גַּחֲלֵי-אֵשׁ מֵעַל הַמִּזְבֵּחַ מִלִּפְנֵי ה' ...""V'LAKACH MELO HA'MACHTAH ..."- And he shall take a shovel-full of coals from atop the Mizbe'ach that is in front of Hash-m ..." (Vayikra 16:12). This verse refers to the burning of the Ketores in the Kodesh ha'Kodashim on Yom ha'Kipurim. Our Gemara interprets this to mean that he must remove coals from the part of the Mizbe'ach that is "in front of Hash-m;" namely, the western half of the fire that is closer to the Ohel Mo'ed.

25)[last line]דוקא מלפני ה'DAVKA MI'LIFNEI HASH-M- from only [the part of the fire] directly opposite the entrance to the Heichal