[10a - 34 lines; 10b - 37 lines]

1)[line 1]וסימניךSIMANEICH- a way for you to remember this is

2)[line 1]מת נולד ויבם מת נולד ויבםMES NOLAD V'YIBEM MES NOLAD V'YIBEM- lit. death, birth, and Yibum, death, birth, and Yibum. This means that Reuven died, and then Shimon was born, Yissachar did Yibum to Esther (wife of Reuven), and then Levi (brother of Reuven and Shimon) died. Yehudah was born and Zevulun (another brother of Reuven and Shimon) did Yibum to Devorah (wife of Levi). If Yissachar and Zevulun now die, Esther is forbidden (Eshes Achiv she'Lo Hayah b'Olamo) to Shimon but permitted to Yehudah. Devorah is forbidden to Yehudah but permitted to Shimon.

3)[line 2]הני כלליHANEI KLALEI- these rules

4)[line 5]בחדאB'CHADA- in one case

5)[line 6]אנסANAS- he raped

6)[line 7]האסורה לזה מותרת לזה לא משכחתHA'ASURAH L'ZEH MUTERES L'ZEH LO MISHKACHAS- we do not find a case in which she is forbidden to one and permissible to the other. In the case in which Yakov raped two sisters (and Shimon and Yehudah were born from those unions, and the sisters married other sons of Yakov), the law that each is permitted to a different brother does not apply (she is the mother of one Yavam, and the aunt (his mother's sister) of the other).

7)[line 9]נכריותNOCHRIYOS- two unrelated women

8)[line 16]שהן נשואות לאחריםSHE'HEN NESU'OS L'ACHERIM- they may marry only others (but not any of the brothers), which shows that these Arayos are more severe than these (of the first Mishnah)

9)[line 17]צרותיהן מותרותTZAROSEIHEN MUTAROS- their Tzaros are permitted: Imo (the Yavam's mother), his father's wife, his father's sister...

10)[line 24]דאי עבר ונסיבD'IY AVAR V'NASIV- if he transgressed and married her

11)[line 24]דאי לא קתניD'IY LO KA'TANI- (lit. [cases of] "What if..." are not taught [in our Mishnah]) our Mishnah is not discussing contingent, forbidden situations

12)[line 25]בלא דאיB'LO D'IY- it must be referring to the case not mentioned in the Mishnah

13)[line 26]כלתוKALASO- his daughter-in-law

14)[line 27]ראובןREUVEN- the son of Yakov; i.e. Yakov raped his wife and died without children

15)[line 28]ברהBRAH- her son

16)[line 29](באחותה) [באחוה] דהתירא(ACHOSAH) [ACHVAH] D'HETEIRA- when the brothers were born in a permitted way, not a forbidden way

17)[line 30]בדקהBADKAH- Levi edited his Mishnah [and added the following]

18)[last line]שאין פוטרת צרתהSHE'EIN POTERES TZARASAH- [if she was raped by the father and married a brother,] she exempts her Tzarah


19)[line 6]וחזר וקדשהV'CHAZAR V'KIDSHAH- one who did Chalitzah to his Yevamah, and then he was Mekadesh her and died without children

20)[line 7]דאיהי אסורהD'IHI ASURAH- that she is forbidden and may not do Yibum

21)[line 8]שאינה בצרת צרהSHE'EINAH B'TZARAS TZARAH- there cannot be, in this case, the Tzarah of a Tzarah (since the Tzarah cannot do Yibum with any brother)

22)[line 8]חייבי לאוין היאCHAYAVEI LAVIN HI- it is a case of a union forbidden by a negative commandment. Such a prohibition is punishable by Malkus.

23)[line 19]"[ככה יעשה לאיש אשר] לא יבנה [את בית אחיו]""[... KACHAH YE'ASEH LA'ISH] ASHER LO YIVNEH [ES BEIS ACHIV.]"- "[... this shall be done to that man] that will not build up [his brother's house.]" (Devarim 23:9)

24)[line 20]שוב לא יבנהSHUV LO YIVNEH- once he decides not to build, he will not build; i.e. once he decides not to do Yibum, he cannot change his mind

25)[line 26]איהו שליחותא דאחים קעבידIHU SHELICHUSA D'ACHIM KA'AVID- [by doing Chalitzah,] he is like the messenger of the brother

26)[line 33]וקדשהV'KIDSHAH- and he (one of the brothers) betrothed her

27)[last line]וליתני לדברי ר''ע אין לו עליו כלוםV'LISNI L'DIVREI REBBI AKIVA EIN LO ALAV KLUM- it should teach, "According to Rebbi Akiva, she has no claim against him"!