úåñ' ã"ä ìîàï ãàîø èøôä àéðä éåìãú
(Summary: Tosfos reconciles Rava here with the Sugya earlier and the ruling in Chulin.)
åîùëçú ìä ùòéáøä åìáñåó ðèøôä - åá'òåáø éøê àîå äåà' ôìéâé.
Clarification: The case is where it became a T'reifah after it became pregnant - and they arguing over whether 'Ubar Yerech Imo' or not.
úéîä, ãäà àîø ìòéì 'àáì òéáøä åìáñåó ðøáòä, ã"ä àñåø îùåí ã'äéà ååìãä ðøáòå' ...
Introduction to Question: The Gemara said earlier that where it became a T'reifah after it became pregnant it is Asur because 'It and its V'lad were raped' ...
åäëà àîø ãìî"ã 'èøôä àéðä éåìãú', îùëçú ìä áùòéáøä åìáñåó ðèøôä ...
Introduction to Question (cont.): And here it says that according to the opinion that 'T'reifah Einah Yoledes', the case is where it became a T'reifah after it became pregnant ...
ãøáðï ñáøé îåúø, ã'ìàå éøê àîå äåà' - å÷ééîà ìï áàìå èøôåú (çåìéï ðç.) ã'èøôä àéðä éåìãú' ...
Introduction to Question (concl.): And the Rabbanan hold that it is permitted, because 'Ubar La'av Yerech Imo hu' - and we Pasken in 'Eilu T'reifos' (Chulin, 55a) 'T'reifah Einah Yoledes' ...
åàí ëï, ðéîà øáà ãìà ëøáðï?
Question: Does this mean that Rava does not go according to the Rabbanan?
åé"ì ãìà ãîé ...
Answer: The two rulings are not comparable ...
ãåãàé èøôåú ùäåà úìåé áçéåú åáøéàåú, ëéåï ùàðå øåàéï äåìã çé åáøéà, àéï ìðå ìåîø ùðèøó äåìã òí àîå, åàéï ìðå ìôåñìå áùáéì ôñåì èøôåú àîå ...
Reason: Since certainly Treifus is a matter of life and health, and since we see that the V'lad is alive and well, we cannot maintain that it became a T'reifah together with its mother, and we cannot therefore declare it Pasul on account of its mother'aT'reifus ...
àáì âáé øáéòä åðâéçä, åãàé ëéøê àîå äåà.
Answer (cont.): But as far as rape and goring are concerned, the V'lad is for sure considered the Yerech of its mother.
åîéäå ÷"÷, ãà"ë äåé îúðé 'ìöããéï' - ãâáé åìã ðøáò ö"ì ùðøáòå åìáñåó òéáøå, åâáé åìã èøéôä ö"ì ùòéáøå åìáñåó ðèøôå? ...
Question: The difficulty remains however, that thye Mishnah goes 'li'Tzedadin' (speaks in two different cases) - since in the case where the V'lad is Nirva, it speaks where the animal became pregnant after it was raped, whereas in the case of the V'lad of a T'reifah, it speaks where it became a T'reifah after it was raped? ...
ãîñ÷ðà äéà ôø÷ àìå èøôåú (âæ"ù) ã'èøôä àéðä éåìãú'.
Source: Since the Gemara concludes in Perek Eilu T'reifos (Ibid.) that a T'reifah cannot give birth'.
åé"ì, ëéåï ãáèøôä ìà ùééê òåáø àìà áöã àçã ìà äåé ìöããéï, ùàéðå éåøã àìà ìäâéã ìê ëì äéúø äåìãåú ùì ëì äàñåøéí ìâáé äîæáç ...
Answer: Seeing as by T'reifah, there is only one case where Ubar is applicable, it is not considered 'li'Tzedadin', since the Tana is only coming to teach us the Heter of V'lados by all cases with regard to the Mizbe'ach ...
åáðøáò ãàéëà á' öããéï åàéðå îåúø àìà öã àçã, çùéá ìéä áùáéì àåúå öã äîåúø, åáèøôä ãìéëà àìà öã àçã, çùéá àåúå öã äîåúø.
Answer (cont.): Consequently, regarding Nirva, where there are two possible cases, by one of which it is Mutar, he lists it on account of the case which is Mutar, and regarding T'reifah, where is only one possible case, he lists it because it is Mutar.
úåñ' ã"ä ãîàåéøà ÷à øáé
(Summary: Tosfos cites the two Leshonos cited by Rashi.)
ôéøåù åìã áîòé áäîä àéðå àãå÷ áâåôä àìà úìåé äåà áàåéø, åîòöîå äåà ðåöø åâãì; àáì áéöä îòåøä äéà áàùëåì.
Explanation #1: The baby inside its mother's womb is not attached to her body and it forms and grows independently; whereas the egg is joined to the cluster (of eggs).
ì"à, 'îàåéøà äåà ÷øáé' - ìàçø ùðåìã, äåìê åâãì, äìëê òé÷ø âéãåìå àéðå áà îàîå ...
Explanation #2: 'It grows from the air' - After it is born, it continues to grow, a proof that its basic growth is not from its mother ...
àáì áéöä îâåôä ãúøðâåìú ÷øáé - åäãáø îåëéç ùìàçø ùðåìãä àéðä âãéìä Ñ(ùðé äìùåðåú ôøù"é).
Explanation #2 (cont.): Whereas an egg grows from the body of the chicken - as proven from the fact that after it is born it does not continue to grow (Both Leshonos are taken from Rashi).
úåñ' ã"ä îìà úøååã øéîä äáàä îàãí çé åàç"ë îú øáé àìéòæø îèîà ãâåôé' äåà ãòã ëàï ìà ôìéâ ø"à òìé' ëå'
(Summary: Tosfos, citing Rashi, clarifies Rebbi Eliezer's opinion, and attempts to reconcile this Sugya withy the Sugya in Maseches Nazir.)
åôøù"é - 'åðøàä áòéðé ãàôéìå áçééå ðîé îèîà øáé àìéòæø ...
Clarification: 'It seems to me' says Rashi, that 'Rebbi Eliezer declares it Tamei even in his lifetime ...
ã"àáø îï äçé îèîà áîâò åáîùà åáàäì" - áäòåø åäøåèá (çåìéï ÷ëç:).
Reason: Since "Eiver min ha'Chai is Metamei by touching, transporting and Ohel" ' - as we learned in 'ha'Or ve'ha'Rotev' (Chulin, 128b).
úéîä, ãáîñëú ðæéø ôø÷ ë"â (ãó ðà:) áòé 'äø÷éá ëùäåà çé, åîú, îäå?'
Question: In Maseches Nazir (Perek kohen Gadol, Daf 51b) the Gemara asks what the Din will be if it became rotten in his lifetime, and he then died.
åîàé ÷îéáòéà ìéä? äà ø"à îèîà ìôéøåù øàùåï, åìôéøåù ùðé àôé' ìà îú, åë"ù îú?
Question (cont.): What is the She'eilah? Rebbi Eliezer renders it Tamei, according to Rashi's first explanation; whilst according to his second one, it will be Tamei even if he does not die, Kal va'Chomer if he does?
åé"ì, ãîéáòéà ìéä àìéáà ãøáðï - ãéìîà ò"ë ìà îèäøé øáðï àìà áøéîä ãôéøùà áòìîà, åàéðå îâåó äàãí àìà áøéä áôðé òöîä ...
Answer: The She'eilah is according to the Rabbanan - Perhaps they only declare him Tahor by worms, which are merely droppings from the person; they are not directly from his body, but are an independent entity ...
àáì ø÷á îåãå.
Answer (cont.): But by rot, they will concede (that it is Tamei).
åáâîøà ãîééúé ìîéôùè äáòéà ùäáàúé îääéà ãòãéåú (ô"å î"â) 'à"ø éäåùò, ìà àí àîøú áîú, ùéù ìå øåá åøåáò åø÷á, úàîø áçé ùàéï ìå øåá åøåáò åø÷á'.
Clarification: To answer the above-mentioned She'eilah, the Gemara cites the Mishnah in Iduyos (6:3) 'Amar Rebbi Yehoshua, Lo Im Amarta be'Meis, she'Yesh lo Rov ve'Rova ve'Rekev, Tomar be'Chai she'Ein lo Rov ve'Rova ve'Rekev'.
àåø"é, ãø' éäåùò äééðå øáðï ãäëà, ãñáøé ãçé àéï ìå øéîä, ãàé ìø' àìéòæø ëéåï ãéù ìå øéîä, ë"ù ùéù ìå ø÷á!
Clarification: The Ri explains that Rebbi Yehoshua is synonymous with the Rabbanan here, who hold that a live animal does not have worms, because according to Rebbi Eliezer, since it has worms, it certainly has rot!
åä÷ùä äø"é àçé îåøé ãäëà àîøé' 'îìà úøååã (ø÷á) øéîä', åáîùðéåú (àäìåú ô"á î"á) úðï 'ëæéú øéîä áéï çéä áéï îúä, îèîàä, ãáøé ø' àìéòæø; åçëîéí îèäøéï'?
Question: Tosfos' brother, the Ri asks that here the Gemara mentions a Tarvad (a medical spoon-full) of worms, whereas in the Mishnah in Ohalos (2:2) Rebbi Eliezer declares Tamei a k'Zayis of worms, whether dead or alive, and the Chachamim declare it Tahor?
åðøàä ìîåøé ãäééðå ãå÷à ëùôéøù îàãí ìàçø îéúä, ùàæ àåîø ø"à ùéù ìå úåøú áùø îú ...
Answer: Tosfos' Rebbe answers that it is only when it comes from the person after his death that Rebbi Eliezer (in Ohalos) ascribes to it the Din of the flesh of a dead person ...
àáì ôìåâúééäå ãäëà ëùôéøù îàãí çé.
Answer (cont.): Whereas the Machlokes here speaks when it comes from a live person.
åìà äéà, ãî"î ùéòåø úøåã îàé áòé äëà.
Refutation: This is not correct however, since in any case, what is the Shi'ur Tarvad doing here (i.e. what is its source)?
úåñ' ã"ä àìà áàãí î÷øé øéîä ëå'
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the distinction and explains why it is necessary to cite it.)
àáì áéöä (ìëé) àéîú âãìä, ìëé îñøçà, åëé îñøçà, òôøà áòìîà äåà.
Clarification: Whereas when does an egg grow, after it rots, at which stage it is mere dust.
úéîä, ìîä äåöøê ìåîø äàé èòîà, úéôå÷ ìéä ãàãí àé÷øé øéîä, àáì âáé áéöä ìà ùééê äàé èòîà?
Question: Why is it necessary to give this reason? What is wrong with the reason that a person is called a worm, which is not applicable to an egg?
åé"ì, ãàéðå àìà ìøååçà ãîéìúà, ãëé ðîé àãí ìà îé÷øé øéîä, î"î ìà ãîé ìáéöú àôøåç.
Answer: This reason is just a bonus, inasmuch as even if that of a person would not be called a worm, it would nevertheless not be comparable to the egg of a chick.
úåñ' ã"ä ùéð÷ä çìá øåúç
(Summary: Tosfos elaborates.)
åä"ä áëøùéðé òáåãú ëåëáéí - àí àëìä ëì éîéä ùòé÷ø âãéìúä îäï, ùäåà àñåø ...
Clarification: The same would in fact apply regarding oats of Avodas-Kochavim, in the event that all its life, that is mainly what it ate ...
åìôåí øéäèà àôéìå ìäãéåè.
Clarification (cont.): And it would appear that this will apply even to a Hedyot.
úåñ' ã"ä éù á÷ãùé îæáç [åëå'] (àéï áäï) îùåí ôéâåì
(Summary: Tosfos, citing the source, clarifies the statement.)
ëãàîø ñ"ô á"ù áæáçéí (ãó îå.) 'â' ëøéúåú áùìîéí ìîä? àçú ìëìì åàçú ìôøè' - ëìåîø ìãåï 'áãáø ùäéä áëìì åéöà îï äëìì ... ', ùäéå îøåç÷éí ...
Source: As the Gemara says in Zevachim (46a) 'Why does the Torah write three times Kareis by Shelamim? One for a K'lal and one for a P'rat - meaning to learn from it 'Something that was initially included in the K'lal ... ' - since they are (written) far away - See Tosfos there, Amud Beis DH 'Achas').
åîä ùìîéí ÷ãùé îæáç, àó ëì ÷ãùé îæáç ...
Source (cont.): And just as Shelamim is Kodshei Mizbe'ach, so too, by all Kodshei Mizbe'ach ...
åðåúø "òåï" "òåï" îôéâåì, åèîà "çéìåì" "çéìåì" îðåúø.
Source (concl.): And we learn Nosar "Avon" "Avon" from Pigul and Tamei "Chilul" "Chilul" from Nosar.
úåñ' ã"ä åìãï åçìáï àñåø ìàçø ôãéåðï
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.)
ááëåøåú (ãó éã.) îå÷é ìä áàéòáåø ÷åãí ôãéåðí åàåìéã ìàçø ôãéåðí ...
Clarification: The Gemara in Bechoros (Daf 14a) establishes it where it became pregnant before the Pidyon and gave birth after the Pidyon ...
ãàé àéòáåø åàåìéã ÷åãí ôãéåðí àîø ìòéì áôø÷ àìå ÷ãùéí (ãó éæ:) "àí" ìøáåú åìã áòìé îåîéï - àå ìé÷øá ìîàï ãàéú ìéä, àå ìøòééä ìîàï ãàéú ìéä ...
Reason: Because if it became pregnant and gave birth before the Pidyon, the Gemara said earlier in Perek Eilu Kodshim (Daf 17b) that "Im" comes to include the V'lad of Ba'alei-Mumin - to be brought on the Mizbe'ach according to one opinion, and to graze, according to the other opinion ...
åàé àéòáåø åàåìéã ìàçø ôãéåðí, 'åìã àéì åöáé' îé÷øå.
Reason (cont.): Whereas if it became pregnant and gave birth after the Pidyon, it is called 'the V'lad of a gazelle and a deer'.
àìà åãàé îééøé ãàéòáåø ÷åãí ôãéåðí åàåìéã ìàçø ôãéåðí, ãìà îäðé ìäå ôãéåï àîï, ùäï úîéîéí áîòé àîï ...
Clarification (cont.): It must therefore be speaking about where it became pregnant before the Pidyon and gave birth after the Pidyon, in which case the mother's Pidyon is not effective on the V'lad, which is a Tamim in its mother's womb ...
àôé' àí éôåì áäï îåí ëùéåìãå, àéðï îåúøéï, ëãúðéà äúí ãìà àìéîé ìîéúôñ ôãéåðí, åäí ÷ãåùéï ...
Clarification (cont.): And even if it becomes a Ba'al-Mum after it is born, it will not become permitted, as the Beraisa learns there, 'It is not strong enough for the Pidyon to take effect and it remains Kadosh'.
ãëéåï ãàéòáåø ìôðé ôãéåðí ÷ãùå îéã -ìî"ã 'áîòé àîï äí ÷ãåùéí' ...
Reason: Because seeing as it became pregnant before the mother's Pidyon, it was Kadosh immediately - according to the opinion that holds that 'They become Kadosh whilst still in their mother's womb' ...
åàôé' ìîàï ãàîø 'áäåééúï' åáùòú äåééú (÷ãåùú?) àîï çåìéï, îëì î÷åí úôñéðäå ÷ãåùú àîï ì÷ãùï áùòú äåééúï.
Reason (cont.): And even according to the opinion that they become Kadosh when they are born, and at the time that their mother was sanctified they remained Chulin, nevertheless the Kedushah of their mother takes effect when they are born.
úåñ' ã"ä äà ÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú ðåúðéï îðà ä"î
(Summary: Tosfos explains what we might otherwise have thought.)
úéîä, àìà îàé òáãéðï îéðééäå, àé ìà ãéäáéðï ìäå ìàåîðéï áùëøï ìçæ÷ áã÷ äáéú?
Question: What else should one do with them, other than give it to the workers as remuneration for strengthening Bedek ha'Bayis?
åàåîø îåøé äøî"ø ãñ"ã ãàéï îåúø ì÷ðåú àìà òöéí åàáðéí ùäï öåøê äáðéï, å÷ãåùúï ðùàøä òìéäï ...
Answer: Tosfos' Rebbe ha'Rav Mordechai answers that we would have thought that one is only permitted to purchase wood and stones that are needed for the building, and that their Kedushah remains intact ...
àáì ìéúï ìàåîðéï áùëøí ìäåöéàï ìçåìéï, àñåø ...
Answer (cont.): And that giving it to the craftsmen as payment, thereby taking it out to Chulin is forbidden ...
àìà à"ë îúðãá àãí îòåú áôðé òöîï ìôøåò ìàåîðéï ...
Answer (cont.): Unless someone donates money on its own to pay the craftsmen ...
îùåí äëé àéöèøéê ÷øà ãîàåúï òöîï ùäå÷ãùå ðåúðéï ìàåîðéï.
Answer (concl.): That is why we need a Pasuk to teach us that one pays them with what was actually sanctified.
úåñ' ã"ä æëøéí éîëøå ìöøëé òåìåú
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the Gemara's Kashya.)
îùåí ã÷ééîà ìï ì÷îï (ãó ìâ:) ã'îúôéñ úîéîéí ìáã÷ äáéú, àéðï éåöàéï îéãé îæáç' ...
Clarification: Because we Pasken later (on Daf 33b) that 'If someone is Matfis unblemished animals to Bedek ha'Bayis, they do not leave the realm of the Mizbe'ach (See Shitah Mekubetzes 34) ...
åøáé éäåùò ñáø 'æëøéí é÷øáå òåìåú' ...
Clarification (cont.): And Rebbi Yehoshua holds that 'males are brought as Olos' ...
ãìà ùáé÷ àéðéù ÷ãùé îæáç åî÷ãéù ÷ãåùú ãîéí ...
Reason: Since people do not tend to ignore Kodshei Mizbe'ach and to be Makdish Kedushas Damim ...
àìîà ìø' éäåùò àéï ñúí ä÷ãùåú ìáã÷ äáéú.
Clarification (concl.): So we see that according to Rebbi Yehoshua S'tam Hekdesh does not go to Bedek ha'Bayis.
úåñ' ã"ä åôìéâà ãøá àãà áø àäáä
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.)
ãàîø àôé' ìø' àìéòæø 'àéï ñúí ä÷ãùåú ìáãä"á' ...
Clarification: Who says that even according to Rebbi Eliezer, on principle S'tam Hekdesh does not go to Bedek ha'Bayis ...
åäëà äééðå èòîà, îùåí ãàéï àãí çåì÷ ðãøå ...
Clarification (cont.): And the reason here is because one does not tend to divide one's Neder ...
åëéåï ùéù ëàï æëøéí åð÷áåú, ò"ë ìáã÷ äáéú ÷àîø ...
Reason: Consequently, since in this case, there are both male and female, he must have meant to say 'for Bedek ha'Bayis' ...
ãàé ìîæáç, à"ë éäéä ðãøå çìå÷ - ùäæëøéí é÷øáå òöîï òåìåú, åäð÷éáåú öøéëåú ìéîëø.
Reason (cont.): Because had he meant 'for the Mizbe'ach', his Neder would be divided - the males on the Mizbe'ach, and the females to be sold.
úåñ' ã"ä ìàúåéé ùéôåé åðáééä
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the case and the continuation of the Mishnah.)
åîééøé áî÷ãéù àú äçåøù ...
Clarification: It speaks where he was Makdish the forest ...
ãàé áâæáøéí ùì÷çå òöéí, àåîø áîòéìä ñåó ôø÷ åìã çèàú (ãó éã.) ã'àéï îåòìéï áùéôåé åìà áðáééä'.
Reason: Because if it was referring to Hekdesh treasurers who purchased wood, the Gemara says at the end of Perek V'lad Chatas (Me'ilah, Daf 14a) that 'The shavings and the leaves are not subject to Me'ilah'.
åäùúà öøéê ìåîø ôéøåù îàé 'îä ùàéï ëï á÷ãùé îæáç', äéëé ùééê ùéôåé åðáééä á÷ãùé îæáç?
Question: We will now need to explain (the continuation of the Mishnah) 'which is not the case regarding Kodshei Mizbe'ach'. How are shavings and leaves applicable to Kodshei Mizbe'ach?
åé"ì, ëâåï î÷ãéù ùðé âæøé òöéí ìîòøëä.
Answer: Where someone donated two logs of wood for the Ma'arachah (the wood-pile).
úåñ' ã"ä åîåòìéï áâãåìéäï ìàéúåéé îàé
(Summary: Tosfos queries the Lashon 'La'asuyei')
äìùåï ÷ùä, ãä"ì ìîéîø 'ìîòåèé îàé?'?
Question: The Lashon is difficult, since it ought to have said 'What does it come to preclude?'?
úåñ' ã"ä åàôé' ìî"ã îåòìéï áâéãåìé îæáç ä"î âéãåìé ãçæå ìîæáç
(Summary: Tosfos cites Rashi's explanation and clarifies it.)
ôéøù øù"é ëâåï ååìãåú.
Explanation #1: This refers to V'lados - Rashi.
åìé ðøàä ãåãàé ååìãåú àéðï ÷ãåùéí îèòí âéãåìéï àìà îèòí ãëúéá "éäéå ìê" (ìòéì éæ:), 'àìå ååìãåú'?
Question #1: Tosfos however, maintains that V'lados are certainly not Kadosh because of Gidulin, but because the Torah writes "Yih'yu lach" 'these are the V'lados (above, 17b)?
åò"÷, ãìà àùëçðà ùåí úðà ãàéú ìéä 'îåòìéï áâéãåìé îæáç' ...
Question #2: Moreover, there is no Tana who holds 'Mo'alin be'Gidulei Mizbe'ach' ...
ãåãàé áâéãåìé ÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú àùëçðà úðàé ãôìéâé áîòéìä (ãó éâ.), àáì á÷ãùé îæáç ìë"ò àéï îåòìéï?
Question #2 (cont.): Yes, regarding Gidulei Bedek ha'Bayis we do find a Machlokes Tana'im, in Me'ilah (Daf 13a), but as far as Kodshei Mizbe'ach is concerned, they all agree that there is no Me'ilah.
åàåîø îåøé äøî"ø, ãùîà äééðå æòéøé ãàîø áîòéìä ôø÷ åìã çèàú (ãó éá:) 'äî÷éæ ãí ìáäîú ÷ãùéí, îåòìéï áå' ...
Answer: However Tosfos' Rebbe ha'Rav Mordechai suggests that maybe it is Ze'iri, who says in Perek V'lad Chatas (Me'ilah, Daf 12b) that 'Someone who lets blood on an animal of Hekdesh, it is subject to Me'ilah' ...
åôøéê òìä øá äîðåðà 'åäúðï çìá îå÷ãùéï åáéöé úåøéï ìà ðäðéï åìà îåòìéï'? ...
Answer (cont.): And Rav Hamnuna queries him from the Mishnah that 'The milk of Hekdesh and doves' eggs are not subject to Me'ilah'? ...
åîãôøéê ìéä îâãåìéï, àìîà çùéá ãí ìâéãåìéï ...
Answer (cont.): Now since he queries him from Gidulin, we see that it considers blood to be Gidulin ...
åìäëé ÷àîø 'àôéìå ìîàï ãàîø îåòìéï áâéãåìéï' - åä"ô, àôéìå ìî"ã éù îòéìä áãí, ä"î ãí ãçæé ìéæø÷, àáì âéãåìéï ëâåï çìá äîå÷ãùéï åáéöé úåøéï, ìà.
Answer (concl.): And that is why the Gemara says 'even according to the opinion that holds 'Mo'alin be'Gidulin' - meaning even according to the opinion that holds that blood is subject to Me'ilah, that is confined to blood which is fit to sprinkle, but not to the milk of Hekdesh and to doves' eggs.