(a)The Mishnah permits saving Kol Kisvei Kodesh from a fire. What does 'Kol Kisvei Kodesh' incorporate?
(b)To which location may one take them?
(c)Which additional (dual) condition is required for this concession to take effect?
(d)What is the Tana referring to when he adds 'whether one ...
1. ... reads in them'? ...
2. ... or whether one does not read in them'?
(e)Why did Chazal forbid reading Kesuvim on Shabbos?
(f)Why did they fix specifically Shabbos afternoon to learn practical Halachos?
(a)The Mishnah permits saving 'Kol Kisvei Kodesh' - incorporating Torah, Nevi'im and Kesuvim, from a fire.
(b)One may take them - to another Chatzer in the same Mavoy, even though there is no Eiruv (see Tos. Yom-Tov) ...
(c)... provided they are written in the Ashuri script (as ours are) and in Lashon ha'Kodesh (i.e. not translated into a different language).
(d)When the Tana adds 'whether one ...
1. ... reads in them' ...
2. ... or whether one does not read in them' - he is referring to Nevi'im (which one reads for Maftir) and Kesuvim (which one is forbidden to read) respectively.
(e)Chazal forbade reading Kesuvim on Shabbos - for fear that people will read them on Shabbos afternoon, and because they are so attractive, they will become so absorbed that they will miss the D'rashah (at which practical Halachos were taught) in Shul.
(f)They fixed specifically Shabbos afternoon to learn practical Halachos - because during the week, the people were so involved with making a Parnasah that they did not have time for it.
(a)How do others explain the Mishnah, based on the fact that one is not permitted to learn Kessuvim on Shabbos?
(b)What does the Mishnah nevertheless rule with regard to Kesuvim?
(c)What does the Tana say about the 'bag' in which the Seifer is kept?
(d)What other similar ruling does he present?
(e)Which Additional Chidush does he add to it?
(a)According to others - since one is not permitted to learn Kesuvim on Shabbos, one is not permitted to save them either.
(b)The Mishnah nevertheless rules - that Kesuvim require Genizah (burial).
(c)The Tana permits - saving the 'bag' in which the Seifer is kept together with the Seifer.
(d)Similarly - he permits saving the Tefilin-bag together with the Tefilin (see Tif'eres Yisrael) ...
(e)... as well as any money which happens to be in the bag.
(a)The Tana Kama permits saving Kisvei Kodesh to a Mavoy she'Eino Mefulash. What is the difference between a 'Mavoy she'Eino Mefulash and one that is Mefulash'?
(b)What does ben Beseira say?
(c)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The Tana Kama permits saving Kisvei Kodesh to a Mavoy she'Eino Mefulash - (i.e. a Mavoy of three sides, with a plank on the fourth side which serves as an Eiruv; whereas a Mavoy Mefulash' [in this regard] is one of three sides but which does not have a plank on the fourth saide).
(b)ben Beseira permits saving Kisvei Kodesh - even into a Mavoy Mefulash.
(c)The Halachah is - like Tana Kama.
(a)How much food does the Mishnah permit one to save from a fire into a Mavoy she'Eino Mefulash?
(b)How about animal food?
(a)The Mishnah permit one to save from a fire into a Mavoy she'Eino Mefulash - enough for three meals for the members of his household ...
(b)... as well as for his animals.
(a)According to the Tana Kama, how much food is one permitted to save should a fire break out on Shabbos ...
1. ... morning?
2. ... at Minchah time?
(b)What does Rebbi Yossi say?
(c)What is Rebbi Yossi's reason?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)According to the Tana Kama, one is permitted to save should a fire break out on Shabbos ...
1. ... morning - sufficient food for the remaining two meals.
2. ... at Minchah time - sufficient for one meal.
(b)According to Rebbi Yossi - Chaxal permitted to save enough for three meals at any time on Shabbos ...
(c)... since it is a day on which saving food is permitted, and one is doing something that is basically permitted on Shabbos.
(d)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.
(a)Why might we have thought that one is permitted to save a limitless amount of food from the fire?
(b)Then why did Chazal place the restrictions?
(a)We might have thought that one is permitted to save a limitless amount of food from the fire - since the Heter of saving food is restricted to a Chatzer with an Eiruv.
(b)Chazal nevertheless placed the restrictions - because since a person becomes confused when one's 'money' is involved, they were afraid that if one gives him a free hand, he might extinguish the fire.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about saving a basket that contains even a hundred loaves that will suffice for a hundred meals?
(b)How about saving a large cake of dried figs or a barrel of wine?
(c)Seeing as one is only permitted to save enough food for three meals, why does the Mishnah then permit all of these?
(a)The Mishnah permits saving a basket that contains even a hundred loaves that will suffice for a hundred meals ...
(b)... as well as a large cake of dried figs and a barrel of wine.
(c)In spite of the fact that one is only permitted to save enough food for three meals, the Mishnah nevertheless permits all of these - since he is carrying them in one go (so what difference does it make whether he carries a little less or a little more?)
(a)What does the Tana say about the owner inviting others to come and join him in saving food?
(b)Are they obligated to return the food to him after Shabbos?
(c)Why is that?
(a)The Tana - permits the owner to invite others to come and join him to save food.
(b)They are not obligated to return the food to him after Shabbos ...
(c)... because anything that is lost to the owner and that he is unable to retrieve is Hefker.
(a)What does the Tana permit the others to do if they are smart?
(b)Why does he refer to them as smart?
(c)Why is the money not considered S'char Shabbos?
(d)What is the significance of establishing the case where the 'others' are G-d-fearing people?
(e)Then why are they asking for payment?
(a)The Tana permits the others, if they are smart - to return whatever they saved and to ask for payment.
(b)He refers to them as smart - in that they know that the money that they will receive is not S'char Shabbos (which would be forbidden to take) ...
(c)... because they did not save the food with the intention of receiving payment.
(d)The significance of establishing the case where the 'others' are G-d-fearing people is - that they do not want to benefit from other people.
(e)Nevertheless they are asking for payment - because they are not willing to go to that trouble free of charge (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)According to the Tana Kama, one is only allowed to take the food into a Chatzer with an Eiruv. What does ben Beseira say?
(b)Like whom is the Halachah (see Tif'eres Yisrael)?
(a)According to the Tana Kama, one is only allowed to take the food into a Chatzer with an Eiruv. ben Beseira - permits taking it even into one with no Eiruv.
(b)The Halachah, says the Tif'eres Yisrael is - like the Tana Kama.
(a)What else, besides Kisvei Kodesh and food, is one allowed to carry into that above domain?
(a)Besides Kisvei Kodesh and food, one is allowed to carry - whatever household articles that one will need that Shabbos.
(b)He is not permitted to carry out clothes - only to wear as many clothes and shawls as he can put on.
(c)According to Rebbi Yossi - he is only permitted to wear one set of the eighteen garments that were customarily worn in those times.
(d)The first of the eighteen garments is a 'Sarbol ha'Elyon' ...
1. ... a top cloak; then comes a garment that is called in Arabic ...
2. ... a 'Machshi', which consists of wads of soft cloth and cotton-wool between the stitches.
(b)Is he permitted to carry out clothes?
(c)In which point does Rebbi Yossi disagree?
(d)The first of the eighteen garments is Sarbol ha'Elyon; then comes a garment that is called in Arabic a 'Machshi'. What is ...
1. ... a 'Sarbol ha'Elyon'?
2. ... the Machshi made of?
(a)Rebbi Yossi's list includes a vest, a shirt and two belts. What is the difference between the two belts?
(b)How many head-coverings does he allow one to wear?
(c)After two socks and two shoes comes two gloves. What kind of gloves were they?
(d)The list ends with two Redidim, a Talis Katan and a scarf. What exactly, were the two Redidim? Where were they used (see Rambam)?
(a)Rebbi Yossi's list includes a vest, a shirt and two belts - one on top of the shirt; the other, a thick belt that was worn on top of the cloak.
(b)He allows two head-coverings - a hat (or cap) and a turban.
(c)After two socks (see Tos. Yom-Tov) and two shoes comes two gloves - that went right up to his arm-pit.
(d)The list ends with two Redidim - (veils that were used to dry oneself after bathing [Rambam]) a Talis Katan and a scarf.
(a)What if there are more than one of each of the eighteen garments?
(b)What can he announce to encourage others to come and save these items too?
(c)Why does the Tana here use the Lashon 'Imi", whereas regarding food, he used the Lashon 'Lachem'?
(a)If there are more than one of each of the eighteen garments - Rebbi Yossi permits one to return and wear a second set.
(b)He can announce - 'Come and save with me!' to encourage others to come and save these items too.
(c)And the reason that Tana here uses the Lashon 'Imi", whereas regarding food, he used the Lashon 'Lachem' is - because whereas here anybody else is permitted to save just as much as he is; with reard to food it is possible that they have already eaten one meal that he has not, in which case they are not permitted to save as much as he is (or vice-versa).
(a)Our Mishnah now discusses a Shidah, tTeivah u'Migdal that have caught fire. If a Shidah is a box and a Teivah, a drawer, what is a Migdal?
(b)What are they all made out of?
(c)Shimon ben Nannes permits spreading a kid-goat skin over it. What is the point of doing that?
(a)Our Mishnah now discusses a Shidah, tTeivah u'Migdal that have caught fire. A Shidah is a box, a Teivah, a drawer and a Migdal - a cupboard ...
(b)... which are all made out of wood.
(c)Shimon ben Nannes permits spreading a kid-goat skin over it - since it gets scorched but will not catch fire, thereby saving the vessel from getting burned.
(a)And what does he say about making a wall of vessels in front of the fire?
(b)What if they are full of water?
(c)On what grounds does Rebbi Yossi forbid doing this with new earthenware vessels?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)He also - permits making a wall of vessels in front of the fire ...
(b)... even if they are full of water.
(c)Rebbi Yossi forbids doing this with new earthenware vessels - which cannot take the heat. Consequently, they are bound to split and to spill their contents on to the fire and extinguish it.
(d)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama (see Tiferes Yisrael).
(a)Why, if a Nochri comes o extinguish the fire ...
1. ... is one not permitted to actually ask him to do so?
2. ... does one not need to instruct him not to?
(b)In which case will the latter be forbidden, too?
(c)How will the Din differ if a Jewish child comes to extinguish it?
(a)If a Nochei comes to extinguish the fire ...
1. ... one is not permitted to actually ask him to do so - due to the principle 'Amirah le'Nochri Sh'vus' (the rpohibition of asking a Nochri to do something that one cannot do oneself).
2. ... one does not, on the other hand, need to instruct him not to - since there is no obligation on our part to stop him from doing a Melachah (see Tif'eres Yisrael) ...
(b)... unless he is one's slave.
(c)If a Jewish child comes to extinguish it however - then one is obligated to stop him (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)What does the Tana say about placing a dish over a lamp to prevent a beam in the rafters from catching fire?
(b)Why does this pose a Kashya on Rebbi Yitzchak?
(c)How will Rebbi Yitzchak then establish the Mishnah?
(a)The Tana - permits one to place a bowl over a lamp to prevent a beam in the rafters from catching fire ...
(b)... a Kashya on Rebbi Yitzchak - who restricts the Heter to pick up an object unless it is to be used with another object that may be taken on Shabbos.
(c)Rebbi Yitzchak therefore establishes the Mishnah - in a case where he has already picked up the bowl because he needed its location (which is permitted).
(a)By the same token, he also says that one may use the overturned bowl to cover the excrement of a small child. Why can this statement not be meant literally?
(b)Then what does the Tana really mean to say?
(c)Why is the chicken's dung not also considered a 'G'raf shel Re'i'?
(a)By the same token, he also says that one may use the overturned bowl to cover the excrement of a small child, a statement that cannot be meant literally - since (based on the Din of a 'G'raf shel Re'i' [the concession to remove a potty from a room and to take it to a trash-heap), it would not be necessary to cover it.
(b)What the Tana really means to say is - that one is permitted to use the bowl to cover chicken's dung to prevent a small child from playing with it and making himself dirty.
(c)And the reason that the chicken's dung is not also considered a 'G'raf shel Re'i' - is because it is lying in a trash-heap, in the vicinity where the child is playing.
(a)The third thing the Tana permits one to cover with the bowl is a scorpion, to prevent it from stinging someone. What did Raban Yochanan ben Zakai say about that when someone actually did it?
(b)On what condition would even Raban Yochanan ben Zakai agree that it is permitted?
(c)Halachah le'Ma'aseh what is the Din regarding creatures that ...
1. ... automatically bite and kill such as venomous snakes and rabid dogs?
2. ... creatures that sometimes bite and kill and sometimes don't, such as scorpions?
(d)What is one permitted to do in both cases?
(e)What is the Halachah with regard to trapping a non-poisonous snake in order to play with it?
(a)The third thing the Tana permits one to cover with the bowl is a scorpion, to prevent it from stinging someone. When someone actually did that, Raban Yochanan ben Zakai said - that he suspects that he transgressed a sin for which he was Chayav to bring a Chatas (for trapping on Shabbos).
(b)Even Raban Yochanan ben Zakai would agree that it is permitted however - if the scorpion was actually chasing him.
(c)Halachah le'Ma'aseh, creatures that ...
1. ... automatically bite and kill such as venomous snakes and rabid dogs - one may kill as soon as one sees them.
2. ... creatures that sometimes bite and kill and sometimes don't, such as scorpions - one is permitted kill if they are chasing him.
(d)In both cases - one is permitted to place an averturned bowl on top of them.
(e)Trapping a non-poisonous snake in order to play with it - is forbidden (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)On what condition does the Mishnah permit a Yisrael to use a lamp that a Nochri lit on Shabbos, and on what condition does it forbid him to do so?
(b)The Tana now discusses a bucket of water that a Nochri draws on Shabbos for his animal to drink. What is the problem?
(c)What does he say about it?
(a)The Mishnah permits a Yisrael to use a lamp that a Nochri lit on Shabbos - provided he did so for his one benefit and not on behalf of the Yisrael.
(b)The Tana now discusses a bucket of water that a Nochri draws on Shabbos - from the R'shus ha'Rabim to the R'shus ha'Yachid for his animal to drink.
(c)He applies the same distinction as he did in the previous case.
(d)The third Din discussed by the Mishnah is - where the Nochri manufactures a ramp on Shabbos to alight from a ship ...
(e)... where the same distinction applies once more.
(d)What third Din (regarding a ramp) discussed by the Mishnah?
(e)What is the Halachah there?
(a)What does the Mishnah inform us about Raban Gamliel and the Elders (in connection with the last ruling)?
(b)Having taught us the Din with regard to ...
1. ... the lamp, why does the Tana then see fit to add the case of the water?
2. ... the water, why does the Tana then see fit to add the case of the lamp?
(c)Why is it really not necessary to add the case of the ramp?
(d)Then why did he add it?
(a)The Mishnah informs us that Raban Gamliel and the Elders - were arrived in a ship and a Nochri actually manufactured a ramp on Shabbos to alight from the ship.
(b)Having taught us the Din with regard to ...
1. ... the lamp, the Tana nevertheless sees fit to add the case of the water - since (unlike the case of lamp, 'where a lamp for one is a lamp for a huindred']), we might have suspected that the Nochri will perhaps add water on behalf of the Yisrael.
2. ... the water, the Tana sees fit to add the case of the lamp - where (unlike the case of water, which he boils exclusively for the Yisrael) he benefits from too.
(c)It is really not necessary to add the case of the ramp - due to its similarity to the lamp (in that 'a ramp for one is a ramp for a hundred').
(d)... and the reason that he added it - is in order to cite the actual case of Raban Gamliel and the Elders.