(a)According to Rebbi Eliezer, how many threads must a person weave in order to be Chayav ...
1. ... at the beginning of the weaving process?
2. ... if he comes to add threads to the weaving loom?
(b)The Chachamim disagree with both rulings. What common Shi'ur do they give for both?
(a)According to Rebbi Eliezer, in order to be Chayav ...
1. ... when he begins the weaving process - he must weave three threads.
2. ... if he comes to add threads to the weaving loom - then he is Chayav already with one thread.
(b)The Chachamim disagree with both rulings. According to them - the Shi'ur for both is two threads.
(a)What are ..
1. ... Nirin?
2. ... 'Batei Nirin'?
(b)How many threads must one arrange in the Batei Nirin in order to be Chayav?
(c)Likewise, the Tana requires weaving two threads into a Kirus, a Nafah, a sieve or a basket. What is ...
1. .. a Kirus?
2. ... a Nafah?
(d)If the Tana gives the Shi'ur for sewing as two stitches, what Shi'ur does he give for making a tear in a piece of cloth?
(a)The definition of ...
1. ... 'Nirin' is - the cross-beams of the weaving-loom.
2. ... 'Batei Nirin' are - the rings (that are attached to them and) through which one passes the threads of the warp.
(b)In order to be Chayav one needs to arrange two threads in the Batei Nirin.
(c)Likewise, the Tana requires weaving two threads into a Kirus a Nafah, a sieve or a basket. The definition of ...
1. .. 'Kirus' is - a curtain made from the bast of a date-palm.
2. ... 'Nafah' is - a fine sieve.
(d)The Tana gives the Shi'ur for sewing as two stitches, and for making a tear in a piece of cloth - one that is large enought to sew two stitches.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about someone who tears his clothes ...
1. ... in his anger?
2. ... on account of someone who died?
(b)In which case will the latter ruling not apply?
(c)What principle does the Tana add to this list?
(d)In that case, why is the Halachah that someone who tears his clothes in his anger is Chayav?
(e)What Shi'ur does the Tana give for someone who tears in order to rectify the cloth to be Chayav?
(a)The Mishnah rules that someone who tears his clothes ...
1. ... in his anger or ...
2. ... as a sign of mourning for someone who died - is Patur.
(b)The latter ruling will not apply however - if he tears his clothes over someone for whom he is Chayav to tear K'ri'ah.
(c)The Tana adds - that 'Whoever performs an act of destruction is Patur'.
(d)Yet the Halachah is that someone who tears his clothes in his anger is Chayav - since although he destroys the garment, he rectifies himself against his Yeitzer-ha'Ra.
(e)The Shi'ur the Tana gives for someone who tears, in order to rectify the cloth to be Chayav is -the same Shi'ur as the Tikun.
(a)The Mishnah gives the Shi'ur for bleaching, combing (or beating) and dyeing as a thread that is double M'lo Rochav ha'Sit. Which additional Melachah does it insert in the list?
(b)What is M'lo Rochav ha'Sit?
(c)How else could the Tana have described it?
(d)What length must the two threads be to be Chayav for weaving?
(a)The Mishnah gives the Shi'ur for bleaching, combing (or beating) and dyeing as a thread that is double M'lo Rochav ha'Sit. The additional Melachah in the list is spinning.
(b)'M'lo Rochav ha'Sit'is is - the space between the middle finger and the fore-finger when they are both extended.
(c)The Tana could also have described it as - the space between the thumb and the forefinger when they are extended.
(d)To be Chayav for weaving, the two threads must be one M'lo ha'Sit.
(a)Rebbi Yehudah declares Chayav someone who traps a bird in a Migdal. What is a Migdal?
(b)What does he say about trapping a deer?
(c)And what will he hold with regard to trapping a bird in a room?
(a)Rebbi Yehudah declares Chayav someone who traps a bird in a Migdal - (a cupboard) ...
(b)... or a deer in a room, but Patur ...
(c)... someone who traps a bird in a house.
(a)The Chachamim agree with Rebbi Yehudah with regard to trapping a bird, but add two items with regard to trapping a deer. One of them is trapping it in a Chatzer or in Bibrin. What are 'Bibrin'?
(b)What distinction does Raban Shimon ben Gamliel draw between two different kinds of enclosures?
(c)What is the definition of Mechusar Tzeidah?
(d)What do the Chachamim say about that?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The Chachamim agree with Rebbi Yehudah with regard to trapping a bird, but he adds that one is also Chayav for trapping a deer in a Chatzer or in Bibrin. A Bibar is - an enclosure (where animals are kept).
(b)Raban Shimon ben Gamliel declares the trapper Patur - in an enclosure where the animal is not properly trapped (Mechusar Tzeidah), but Chayav - in one where it is.
(c)The definition of 'Mechusar Tzeidah' is - where one cannot catch in one swoop.
(d)Raban Shimon ben Gamliel comes to explain the Chachamim - not to argue with them.
(e)The Halachah is - like Raban Shimon ben Gamliel.
(a)What distinction does the Mishnah draw between one person who closes a door on a deer that has entered a room on Shabbos and two people who close it?
(b)And in which case does he declare Chayav even two people who close it?
(c)Why is that?
(d)What does Rebbi Shimon say about the latter case?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The Mishnah rules that if one person closes a door on a deer that has entered a room on Shabbos - he is Chayav, but that of two people close it - they are Patur ...
(b)... unless neither of them was able to close it by himself, in which case they are Patur ...
(c)... since that is then the normal way to close it; and ittranspires that each one performed a Melachah which could not have been performed without him.
(d)Rebbi Shimon declares them Patur - even in the latter case (see Tiferes Yisrael).
(e)The Halachah is like the Tana Kama.
(a)What does the Tana rule in the case of the deer where Shimon sits in a doorway ...
1. ... beside Reuven who sat there first but without filling the space?
2. ... behind Reuven who was already filled the space and Reuven then got up and walked away?
(b)What Mashal does he give to explain his ruling?
(a)The Tana rules that, in the case of the deer where Shimon sits in a doorway ...
1. ... beside Reuven, who sat there first but without filling the space - he is Chayav
2. ... behind Reuven who was already filled the space and Reuven then got up and walked away - he is Patur.
(b)He cmpares it to someone who shuts the door of a room and then discovers that there is a deer that was already trapped inside (see Tos. Yom-Tov & Tiferes Yisrael).