Mishnah 1
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What are the specifications of a basic R'shus ha'Yachid?

(b)On what condition is a town which conforms with these specifications considered a R'shus ha'Yachid?

(c)How about ...

1. ... an alleyway?

2. ... a mound of earth?

3. ... a pit or a ditch?


(a)The specifications of a basic R'shus ha'Yachid are - four walls that are at least ten Tefachim high and an area of at least four by four Tefachim.

(b)A town which conforms with these specifications is considered a R'shus ha'Yachid - provided its gates are shut at night.

(c)An ...

1. ... alleyway ...

2. ... a mound of earth and ...

3. ... a pit or a ditch - are all considered a R'shus ha'Yachid provided their measurements conform with those that we mentioned above.


(a)Can a K'li such as a ship or a cupboard fall under the category of R'shus ha'Yachid?

(b)How far above a R'shus ha'Yachid is the air considered a R'shus ha'Yachid?

(c)What is the status of the top of a wall that surrounds a R'shus ha'Yachid?


(a)A K'li (such as a ship or a cupboard) - can fall under the category of R'shus ha'Yachid, provided it too conforms with the required specifications.

(b)The air above a R'shus ha'Yachid is considered a R'shus ha'Yachid - right up to the sky.

(c)The top of a wall that surrounds a R'shus ha'Yachid has the status - of a R'shus ha'Yachid, too.


(a)What is the status of ...

1. ... an open market?

2. ... a large street?

3. ... a desert?

(b)On what two conditions are the roads that lead into the above considered a R'shus ha'Rabim too?

(c)What third condition do some commentaries add?


(a)The status of ...

1. ... an open market ...

2. ... a large street and ...

3. ... a desert is - that of a R'shus ha'Rabim.

(b)The roads that lead into the above are considered a R'shus ha'Rabim too - provided they are at least sixteen Amos wide and are not covered.

(c)Some commentaries add - that in order to be considered aR'shus ha'Rabim, at least six hundred thousand people need to traverse it each day (like they did in the desert).


(a)If the air above a R'shus ha' Rabim is considered a R'shus ha' Rabim only up to ten Tefachim, what is the status of the air above ten T'fachim?

(b)Which other area falls under the category of a 'M'kom P'tur'?


(a)The air above a R'shus ha' Rabim is considered a R'shus ha'Rabim only up to ten Tefachim, above ten T'fachim - it is considered a M'kom P'tur.

(b)An area that is higher than ten Tefachim and that measured less than four Tefachim by four Tefachim is also considered a M'kom P'tur ...

(c)... irrespective of how high up or how deep down it stretches.

(c)How high up or deep down does a 'M'kom P'tur stretch?


(a)What is the basic definition of a Karm'lis?

(b)What is the status of ...

1. ... a Mavoy with three walls that does not have a Lechi (an upright beam [or a Koreh, a cross-beam over two side-posts]) at the entrance?

2. ... a sea?

3. ... a valley"

4. ... a R'shus ha'Rabim that is covered?

(c)What is Karm'lis the acronym of?

(d)Why is it then called by that name?

(e)If the air above a Karm'lis is considered a Karm'lis only up to ten Tefachim, what is the status of the air above ten T'fachim?


(a)The basic definition of a Karm'lis is - an area that is surrounded by four walls that is between three and ten Tefachim high and that measures at least four by four Tefachim.

(b)The status of ...

1. ... a Mavoy with three walls that does not have a Lechi (an upright beam [or a Koreh - a cross-beam over two side-posts]) at the entrance ...

2. ... a sea ...

3. ... a valley and ...

4. ... a R'shus ha'Rabim that is covered - is that of a Karm'lis.

(c)Karm'lis is the acronym of - ke'Armelis' (like a widow) ...

(d)... because, like a widow, who has neither the Din of a virgin nor of a married woman, it is neither considered a R'shus ha'Yachid nor of a R'shus ha'Rabim.

(e)The air above a Karm'lis is considered a Karm'lis only up to ten Tefachim; above ten T'fachim - it is considered a M'kom P'tur.


(a)What does the Mishnah say about someone who throws an object from ...

1. ...a R'shus ha'Yachid into a R'shus ha'Rabim?

2. ...a R'shus ha'Rabim into a R'shus ha'Yachid?

(b)What if someone carries (or throws) from either of the two Reshuyos ...

1. ... into a Karm'lis or vice-versa?

2. ... M'kom P'tur or vice-versa?

(c)And what if one carries from a Karm'lis into a M'kom P'tur or vice-versa?

(d)It is obvious that one is permitted to carry in a R'shus ha'Yachid. What if someone carries four Amos in...

1. ... the R'shus ha'Rabim?

2. ... a Karm'lis?

3. ... a M'kom P'tur?


(a)The Mishnah - declares Chayav someone who throws an object from ...

1. ...a R'shus ha'Yachid into a R'shus ha'Rabim or from ...

2. ...a R'shus ha'Rabim into a R'shus ha'Yachid.

(b)Whereas if someone carries (or throws) from either of the two Reshuyos into a ...

1. ... Karm'lis or vice-versa - he is Patur Aval Asur.

2. ... M'kom P'tur or vice-versa - he has done nothing wrong; and this is certainly the case if he ...

(c)... carries from a Karm'lis into a M'kom P'tur or vice-versa.

(d)It is obvious that one is permitted to carry in a R'shus ha'Yachid. Someone who carries four Amos in ...

1. ... the R'shus ha'Rabim - is Chayav a Chatas.

2. ... a Karm'lis - is Patur Aval Asur.

3. ... a M'kom P'tur - has done nothing wrong.


(a)Rebbi Akiva in our Mishnah declares Chayav someone who throws an article from one R'shus ha'Yachid to another via a R'shus ha'Rabim. What do the Chachamim say?

(b)What is the basis of their Machlokes?

(c)In which case will Rebbi Akiva concede that he is Patur?

(d)Why is that?

(e)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)Rebbi Akiva in our Mishnah declares Chayav someone who throws from one R'shus ha'Yachid to another via a R'shus ha'Rabim. The Chachamim - declare him Patur.

(b)The basis of their Machlokes is - whether something that passes through a R'shus ha'Rabim is considered as if it has stopped there (Rebbi Akiva) or not (the Chachamim).

(c)Rebbi Akiva concede that he is Patur however - if he is throws the article above a height of ten Tefachim ...

(d)... since that is considered a M'kom P'tur, as we explained earlier.

(e)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.

Mishnah 2
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah now refers to a case where someone is Chayav for handing over or throwing an object from a ledge that juts out over one side of the street to a ledge on the other side of the street. According to which Tana in the previous Mishnah does this go?

(b)Why is he Patur?


(a)The Mishnah now refers to a case where someone is Chayav for handing over or throwing an object from a ledge that juts out over one side of the street to a ledge on the other side of the street - like the Chachamim in the previousrding to which Tana in the previous Mishnah.

(b)He is Patur - because passing or throwing an object from one R'shus ha'Yachid to another via the air o the R'shus ha'Rabim did not take place in the Mishkan.


(a)What will be the Din if both ledges are on the same side of the street, and one passes an object along the street from one ledge to the other by ...

1. ... handing it over?

2. ... throwing it?

(b)What is the reason for ...

1. ... the first ruling?

2. ... the second ruling

(c)Why is there no problem with the fact that it is higher than ten Tefachim from the ground?


(a)If both ledges are on the same side of the street, and one passes an object along the street from one ledge to the other by ...

1. ... handing it over or ...

2. ... throwing it - one is Patur.

(b)The reason for ...

1. ... the first ruling is - because in order to load the planks of the Mishkan on to the wagons (which were also a R'shus ha'Yachid in the desert, they would hand them from the edge of the camp (which was a R'shus ha'Yachid) on to the wagons (which were also considered a R'shus ha'Yachid and which faced away from them rather than alongside them), via the desert which was a R'shus ha'Rabim.

2. ... the second ruling is - because the planks were too heavy to throw.

(c)... and there too, they would hand the planks from one to the other at a height of more than ten Tefachim from the ground.


(a)The Tana now discusses the Chulyah of a pit (Chulyas ha'Bor) or a rock that stands ten Tefachim tall and measures four by four Tefachim in the street. What is 'Chulyas ha'Bor'?

(b)What does he say about taking an article from the top of it or placing it on to it?

(c)What important principle do we learn from the Din of 'Bor ve'Chulyaso'?

(d)Which additional condition is required before one will be Chayav for ...

1. ... taking an article from the top of the Chulyah or the rock?

2. ... placing an article on top of them?


(a)The Tana now discusses the Chulyah of a pit (Chulyas ha'Bor - the mound of earth that forms the wall of the pit from which they dug it) or a rock that stands ten Tefachim tall and measures four by four Tefachim in the street.

(b)He rules that someone who takes an article from the top of it or placing it on to it - is Chayav.

(c)The important principle that we learn from the Din of 'Bor ve'Chulyaso' - is that the Chulyah of a pit combines with its inside wall to make up the ten Tefachim that render it a R'shus ha'Yachid.

(d)However, one will only be Chayav for ...

1. ... taking an article from the top of the Chulyah or the rock - if one puts it down in the street (Hanachah).

2. ... placing an article on top of them - if one initially picked it up from the R'shus ha'Rabim (Akirah)

Mishnah 3
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Tana mean when he talks about 'Someone who throws (an article) four Amos on a wall'?

(b)What sort of article must he therefore be referring to?

(c)What distinction does the Mishnah draw between whether it lands above or below ten Tefachim?


(a)When the Tana mean when he talks about 'Someone who throws (an article) four Amos on a wall', he means that he throws it four Amos along the street and it sticks to the wall.

(b)He must therefore be referring to - something like a moist fig.

(c)The Mishnah states that if it lands above ten Tefchim - it is as if it landed in the air (and he is Patur); whereas if it landed below ten Tefachim - it is as if it landed on the ground (and he is Chayav).


(a)Why is he Patur in the former case?

(b)What is the Chidush in the latter case? Why is he Chayav?

(c)On what condition will he be Patur?


(a)The reason that he is Patur in the former case is - because above ten Tefachim in the R'shus ha'Rabim is considered a M'kom P'tur (as we explained earlier).

(b)The Chidush in the latter case is - that he is Chayav even though the fig actually detracts from the four Amos of the R'shus ha'Rabim ...

(c)... because it speaks where the owner intends to retrieve it. Were he to decide to leave it there, it would become Bateil to the wall an he would be Patur.


(a)What distinction does the Mishnah now draw between someone who throws an article less than four Amos, and it then rolls to a point outside four Amos, and one who throws it outside four Amos, and it rolls back to a point inside four Amos?

(b)On what condition is he Chayav in the latter case?


(a)If someone throws an article less than four Amos, and it then rolls to a point outside four Amos - the Mishnah rules that he is Patur, but that he is Chayav - if he throws it outside four Amos, and it rolls back to a point inside four Amos.

(b)He is Chayav in the latter case - only if it stopped momentarily before rolling back.

Mishnah 4
Hear the Mishnah


(a)On what grounds does the Mishnah declare Patur someone who carries four Amos in the sea?

(b)The Tana now discusses a R'kak Mayim. What is a 'R'kak Mayim'?

(c)What does he say about someone who carries four Amos in a R'kak Mayim through which a R'shus ha'Rabim passes?

(d)What does he mean by 'through which a R'shus ha'Rabim passes'?

(e)What other condition does the Mishnah require to be Chayav?


(a)The Mishnah declares Patur someone who carries four Amos in the sea - because the sea is classified as a Karm'lis (as we already explained).

(b)The Tana now discusses a R'kak Mayim - (a pool of muddy water).

(c)He rules that if someone carries four Amos in a R'kak Mayim through which a R'shus ha'Rabim passes - he is Chayav.

(d)When he says 'through which a R'shus ha'Rabim passes', he means - that people actually walk through it (rather than merely circumvent it).

(e)In order to be Chayav, the Mishnah requires the R'kak to be less than ten Tefachim deep. Otherwise it is classified as a Karm'lis (see Tos. Yom-Tov).


(a)And what does the Mishnah say where one throws an article four Amos along a R'kak Mayim?

(b)To teach us this latter ruling, why does the Tana find it necessary to repeat ...

1. ... the entire case?

2. ... 'the phrase 'u'Reshus ha'Rabim Mehalechin bo'?


(a)The Mishnah also declares Chayav someone who throws an article four Amos along a R'kak Mayim.

(b)To teach us this latter ruling, the Tana finds it necessary to repeat ...

1. ... the entire case - to teach us that even though the R'kak exceeds four by four Tefachim, it is considered part of a R'shus ha'Rabim, since it is less than ten Tefachim deep.

2. ... 'the phrase 'u'Reshus ha'Rabim Mehaleches bo' - to teach us that even if people pass through it only with difficulty it is still considered paert of the R'shus ha'Rabim (because 'Hiluch al-Y'dei ha'Dechak Sh'meih Hiluch' [walking with difficulty is still called walking).

Mishnah 5
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Mishnah say about someone who throws from the sea?

1. ... on to dry land or vice-versa?

2. ... on to a boat or vice-versa?

(b)And what does the Tana say about carrying from one boat to another ...

1. ... assuming they are not tied together?

2. ... provided they are tied together?

(c)What if the boats are owned by two different people?

(d)On what grounds does the Mishnah forbid carrying from one boat to the other if they are next to each other but not tied?


(a)The Mishnah rules that if someone throws from the sea ...

1. ... on to dry land or vice-versa, or ...

2. ... on to a boat or vice-versa (see Tiferes Yisrael) - he is Patur.

(b)And the Tana rules that carrying from one boat to another ...

1. ... assuming they are not tied together - is Patur Aval Asur.

2. ... provided they are tied together - is permitted Lechatchilah.

(c)If the boats are owned by two different people - then an Eiruv Chatzeiros is required.

(d)The Mishnah forbids carrying from one boat to the other if they are next to each other but not tied - because the boats are like to float apart, thereby nullifying the Eiruv.

Mishnah 6
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Mishnah say about someone who throws something into the street on Shabbos and remembers that it is Shabbos after the article has left his hand?

(b)Why is that?

(c)On what condition will he therefore be Chayav even in the current case?

(d)And what does the Tana say in a case where Reuven throws the article and ...

1. ... Shimon catches the thrown article in mid-air (see Tiferes Yisrael)?

2. ... it lands in the mouth of a dog that appeared on the scene after he threw it (see Tiferes Yisrael)?

3. ... it falls into a fire and gets burned before reaching the ground (see Tiferes Yisrael)?


(a)The Mishnah - declares Patur someone who throws something into the street on Shabbos and remembers that it is Shabbos after the article has left his hand ...

(b)... because in order to be Chayav, both the beginning and the end of the Melachah must be performed be'Shogeg (as we shall see later).

(c)He will therefore be Chayav even in the current case - should he forget that it is Shabbos before the article lands.

(d)The Tana rules that if Reuven throws the article, and ...

1. ... Shimon catches the thrown article in mid-air (see Tiferes Yisrael) - he (Reuven) is Patur, and the same will apply if

2. ... it lands in the mouth of a dog that appeared on the scene after he threw it (see Tiferes Yisrael), or if ...

3. ... it falls into a fire and gets burned before reaching the ground (see Tiferes Yisrael).


(a)What will be the Din in a similar case where someone throws something at a person or at an animal on Shabbos in order to inflict a wound, and he remembers that it is Shabbos before the article strikes his victim (see Tiferes Yisrael)?

(b)The Tana concludes with 'Zeh ha'Kelal'. What principle governs the current Halachos? On what condition is one Chayav?

(c)And the Mishnah cites two cases where the perpetrator is Patur; one of them is where the beginning is Shogeg and the end, Meizid. What is the other?

(d)What does the Tana come to include with 'Zeh ha'Kelal'?


(a)In a similar case where someone throws something at a person or at an animal on Shabbos in order to inflict a wound, and he remembers that it is Shabbos before the article strikes his victim - he will be Patur (see Tiferes Yisrael), just like in the previous case.

(b)The Tana concludes with 'Zeh ha'Kelal'. The principle that governs the current Halachos is - that the thrower is Chayav only if the beginning and the end are performed be'Shogeg ...

(c)... but not where the beginning is Shogeg and the end, Meizid - or the beginning Meizid and the end, Shogeg.

(d)With 'Zeh ha'Kelal', the Tana comes to include - where the perpetrator (did not throw the article, but he) carried it in the street; to teach us that the same conditions apply.