[150a - 56 lines; 150b - 43 lines]

1)[line 2]"ורבו יתירה ...""U'REVU YATIRAH ..." - "[At that time, my senses returned to me, and I returned to the glory of my kingdom; my appearance came back to me, and my nobles sought me. I was reestablished over my kingdom] and additional greatness was given to me." (Daniel 4:33) (NEVUCHADNETZAR PRAISES HASH-M)

(a)In order to show Nevuchadnetzar that the world is ruled by HaSh-m and that his glory was given to him by HaSh-m, it was decreed that Nevuchadnetzar live like a beast in the fields for seven years. He ate grass like oxen, his hair grew like eagles' feathers, and his nails grew like birds' claws. After seven years he lifted up his eyes to heaven and blessed, praised and honored HaSh-m, and his reason and understanding returned to him. He returned to his former glory as king of the known world, receiving added dominion over the wild beasts of the fields.

(b)When the seven years that Nevuchadnetzar spent in the wild among the animals came to an end, the king came to his senses and began to sing the most remarkable praises of Hash-m (even greater, Chazal say, than the praises of David ha'Melech). Nevuchadnetzar declared (in verse 32), "And all the inhabitants of the earth are considered like nothing [before Him]. He does as He pleases with the hosts of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth, and there is nobody who can protest at what He does, or who can tell Him what to do."

(c)After acknowledging his current situation in this verse (v. 33), he continued (in verse 34): "Now I, Nevuchadnetzar, will praise, extol, and glorify the King of the heavens, Whose deeds are true, Whose ways are just, and Who is able to humble those who walk arrogantly."

2)[line 8]אין מחשיכין על התחוםEIN MACHSHICHIN AL HA'TECHUM- it is forbidden to walk to the farthest limit of the Techum Shabbos and stay there until the end of Shabbos, with intention to leave the Techum when Shabbos departs for the sake of doing an activity that on Shabbos is prohibited

3)[line 14]אמירה לנכרי שבותAMIRAH L'NOCHRI SHEVUS

(a)Shevus refers to actions that the Rabanan prohibited on Shabbos. The Torah states "u'va'Yom ha'Shevi'i Tishbos" - "and you shall rest on the seventh day" (Shemos 23:12). The Rabanan learn that this applies even to things that are not Melachos, and as a result they prohibited actions that were permitted mid'Oraisa (see Shabbos 114b).

(b)Telling a Nochri to do Melachah for a Jew is one of the Shevus decrees. Even though Nochrim transgress no prohibition by doing Melachah on Shabbos, the Rabanan prohibited telling them to do Melachah for Jews. This prohibition applies even if they are told on Friday, and even if the Melachah is only needed for after Shabbos. (See RAMBAM Hilchos Shabbos, Chapter 6.)

4)[line 17]הנראה שתעמוד עמי לערבHA'NIR'EH SHE'TA'AMOD IMI LA'EREV- do you think that you can meet me this evening?

5)[line 25]"ממצוא חפצך ודבר דבר""MI'METZO CHEFTZ'CHA V'DABER DAVAR"- "[If you will restrain your foot because it is Shabbos, refrain from accomplishing your own needs on My holy day; if you will proclaim the Shabbos a pleasure, the holy day of HaSh-m an honor; if you will honor it by not engaging in your own affairs,] by not indulging in your own affairs and discussing matters that are forbidden (on Shabbos). " (Yeshayah 58:13) (SHABBOS, THE KEY TO TESHUVAH) - See Background to Shabbos 113:21.

6)[line 35]אסור לקרות קרית שמע כנגדוASUR LIKROS KERI'AS SHEMA KENEGDO- One may not read Shema before him, but one may think about Torah matters before a non-Jew - or even a Jew - that is not dressed.

7a)[line 45]מפקחין פיקוח נפשMEFAKCHIN PIKU'ACH NEFESH- we may discuss on Shabbos matters that may lead to life-saving situations

b)[line 45]פיקוח רביםPIKU'ACH RABIM- matters that concern the public, such as speaking to government officials

8a)[line 48]טרטיאותTARTEYA'OS- theaters

b)[line 48]קרקסאותKIRKESA'OS- circuses, places of amusement

c)[line 49]בסילקאותBASILKA'OS- basilicas, a building with colonnades used as a meeting place for merchants and exchange, and as a forum

9a)[line 54]חשבונות של מלךCHESHBONOS SHEL MELACH- (a) the word "Melach" comes from the root of the word that means "counsel" - calculations that do not concern the person who is making them, i.e. it would cost such and such to build such a house, when he has no intention of building; (b) alt. SHEL MALACH (Mah Lach, lit. "what are they to you?") calculations of no practical purpose. (RASHI); (c) Others suggest, SHEL MEILECH, or counting his guests (ARUCH)

b)[line 54]של מה בכךSHEL MAH B'CHACH- (lit. "what is in it?") of no practical purpose


10)[line 8]איכא אגרא דאגירא גביהIKA AGRA D'AGIDA GABEI- he still has to pay the wage of the hired laborer

11)[line 13]צלףTZLAF- a caper-berry bush

12)[line 16]בורגניןBURGENIN- temporary huts of the watchmen that are on guard outside of the city

13)[line 24]תיבנא סריאTIVNA SARYA- rotted straw

14)[line 28]למיגזא ליה אסאL'MIGZA LEI ASA- to cut for him a myrtle branch

15)[line 39]בין הגיתות שנוBEIN HA'GITOS SHANU- at the time of year when the grapes are pressed in the field

16)[line 40]עבדינן צורכיןAVDINAN TZORCHIN- we do any Melachos that we need to

17)[line 41]מסלתינן סילתיMESALTINAN SILTEI- (a) we would cut chips of wood (RASHI); (b) we would tear apart the fibers that grow around palm trees, which results in a fine flour (RABEINU CHANANEL 74b)