[109a - 46 lines; 109b - 41 lines]

1)[line 1]גיגיתGIGIS- a barrel (of beer)

2)[line 1]מעלה פוליפוסMA'ALEH POLIFOS- brings on bad breath or a foul odor emanating from the nose

3)[line 2]בת חורין היא זוBAS CHORIN HI ZU- the Ru'ach Ra'ah (evil spirit) that rests upon the hands before being washed in the morning is a strong, free spirit

4)[line 4]פוך מעביר בת מלךPUCH MA'AVIR BAS MELECH- tinting the eyes with stibium (eye-paint) gets rid of the Ru'ach Ra'ah that has afflicted the eyes

5)[line 5]עפעפיםAF'APAYIM- eyelashes

6)[line 8]עליןALIN- a medicinal herb that: (a) is ingested (RASHI); (b) is placed over the eyes (TOSFOS DH Alin)

7)[line 9]כוסברתאKUSBARTA- (O.F. allendre) coriander

8)[line 10]כשותKESHUS- hops

9)[line 12]גרגיראGARGIRA- (O.F. orugue, Eruca sativa, the rocket plant) a medicinal plant that is beneficial for the eyes

10)[line 14]טרוזאTERUZA- a species of hops that has medicinal qualities

11)[line 15]שריקא טויאSHERIKA TAVYA- (a) oil and slightly roasted eggs spread on roast meat, as long as the meat is not hot enough to cook them (RASHI); (b) the liquid strained from melons that is used to induce diarrhea (TOSFOS DH SHERIKA TAVYA, citing RABEINU CHANANEL)

12)[line 15]פיעפועי ביעיPI'APU'EI BEI'EI- (a) to scramble slightly roasted eggs in a bowl, which looks like the person intends to use them for cooking (RASHI); (b) a medicinal food that is eaten only after straining (presumably TOSFOS DH SHERIKA TAVYA, citing RABEINU CHANANEL)

13)[line 19]המשמרתHA'MESHAMERES- a strainer

14)[line 20]משתתי הכיMISHTATI HACHI- people drink them (clear water and clear wine) without straining

15)[line 21]מיתכיל הכיMISCHIL HACHI- (a) people eat [roast] as is (without the egg and oil coating) (RASHI); (b) people eat as is (without straining) (TOSFOS DH SHERIKA TAVYA, citing RABEINU CHANANEL)

16)[line 22]שנגפה ידוSHE'NAGFAH YADO- whose hand was wounded or bruised

17)[line 23]צומתהTZOMSAH- he seals it [with wine or vinegar, which are astringent]

18)[line 24]חלאCHALA- vinegar

19)[line 26]מפנקיMEFANKEI- they are extremely pampered, spoiled

20)[line 28]דריכא ליה חמראDERICHA LEI CHAMRA- a donkey stepped on his foot

21)[line 37]מכה של חללMAKAH SHEL CHALAL- a fatal wound that may be healed even if it entails desecrating Shabbos

22)[line 38]מי (גרר) [גדר]MEI (GERAR) [GEDER]- in the hot springs of Geder (a city located on the slope of a mountain above Chamesan; see following entry and Eruvin 61a), which contain salts

23)[line 38]מי חמתןMEI CHAMESAN- the hot springs of Chamesan (either an area of hot springs within a kilometer of Teveryah, as in Megilah 2b, or the hot springs of Chamas Gader in Ever ha'Yarden, which lies beneath the Jordanian town of Ummqeis - biblical "Gadarah" - see previous entry), which contain salts

24)[line 38]מי עסיאMEI ASYA- the hot springs of Asya (possibly Callirhoe and its surroundings, on the east side of the Jordan River, near the Dead Sea), which contain salts

25)[line 39]מי טבריאMEI TEVERYA- the hot springs of Teveryah (Chamei Teverya), which contain salts

26)[line 39]מי משרהMEI MISHRAH- water used to soak flax

27)[line 45]זוחליןZOCHALIN

(a)Immersion in spring water is Metaher whether the water is flowing (Zochalin) or whether it is collected in a cavity.

(b)Immersion in rainwater (Notfin) is Metaher if the water is collected in a cavity, or "b'Ashboren." This is learned from Vayikra 11:36, where the verse states that a Mikveh Mayim (an accumulation of water) purifies. While the rainwater is flowing, it cannot be Metaher.

(c)Rebbi Yosi rules that all sea water is considered like spring water in that it is Metaher while flowing (b'Zochalin). However, they are not considered to be spring water for the purification of Zavim and Metzora'im, who need Mayim Chayim (spring water) for their immersion.

28)[last line]זבים ... ולמצורעיםZAVIM … METZORA'IM

(a)A Zav (see Background to Shabbos 84:1) must count seven "clean" days in which he sees no Zov in order to start his purification process, as it states in Vayikra 15:13. Afterwards, he immerses in a spring to complete the process (ibid.). Since the Torah specifies Mayim Chayim, immersing in a Mikvah will not make him Tahor.

(b)A Metzora (see Background to Shabbos 94:18) must live outside of his settlement until a Kohen has confirmed that the signs of Tum'ah of Tzara'as have disappeared. He may then start his purification process, in which he uses spring water, Mayim Chayim, in an earthenware utensil. The ceremony is described in Vayikra 14:5.

29)[last line]לקדש בהן מי חטאתL'KADESH BAHEN MEI CHATAS

(a)The Parah Adumah, an exclusively red-haired cow, is burned on Har ha'Zeisim and its ashes are used for making a person Tahor if he is Tamei Mes (Bamidbar 19:1-22). Only a cow that has not had a yoke placed upon it and has had no other work done with it is fit to be used as a Parah Adumah (Bamidbar 19:2).

(b)A place is prepared for its slaughter on Har ha'Zeisim, opposite the eastern gate to the Azarah (the courtyard of the Beis ha'Mikdash). The Kohen Gadol and all of the Kohanim who help him in the preparation of the Parah Adumah exit from this gate. After it is slaughtered, its blood is sprinkled in the direction of the Beis ha'Mikdash seven times.

(c)Sereifas ha'Parah (burning the cow) is also performed on Har ha'Zeisim. A cedar branch, some Ezov branches and a piece of crimson wool, are thrown into the carcass of the cow while it is burning (Bamidbar 19:6).

(d)If a person or utensil became Tamei through touching or carrying Tum'as Mes or being in the same room as a corpse or something that is Metamei b'Ohel, he must wait seven days to become Tahor. On the third and seventh days he must have spring water mixed with the ashes of the Parah Adumah (Mei Chatas or Mei Nidah) sprinkled on him. A person who is Tahor dips three Ezov branches that have been bound together into the mixture, and sprinkles them on the person who is Tamei. On the seventh day, he immerses in a Mikvah after the mixture is sprinkled on him in order to complete his Taharah (Bamidbar 19:17-19).

(e)The water that is used to make Mei Chatas must be spring water; sea water is not acceptable.


30)[line 2]אישתהיISHTAHI- he person remained [in the Yam ha'Gadol] for a long time

31)[line 4]חטטיםCHATATIM- (O.F. malanz) sores

32)[line 7]איזביוןEIZOVYON/EIZOVYAVAN- a type of hyssop that grows among thorn bushes

33)[line 8]אבוברואהABUVRO'EH- lit, shepherd's flute

34)[line 9]מי דקליםMEI DEKALIM- a certain spring in Eretz Yisrael that emanates from the base of two palm trees

35)[line 9]כוס עיקריןKOS IKARIN- a potion containing crushed roots of vegetables and spices

36)[line 10]ירוקהYERUKAH- jaundice

37)[line 11]אזוב אברתה בר המגEZOV ABARTAH BAR HAMEG- the hyssop that is mentioned in the Torah is called "Bar Hameg". This may mean that it grows among the bulrushes.

38)[line 11]איזביון אברתה בר הינגEZOVYON ABARTAH BAR HINEG- the hyssop that is mentioned in our Mishnah is called "Bar Hineg". This may mean that it grows among the thorn bushes.

39)[line 12]מרוא חיוראMARVA CHIVRA- (O.F. salje, Origanum maru) an aromatic plant related to marjoram

40)[line 13]שומשוקSHUMSHUK- Origanum majorana; the Gemara concludes that this is the hyssop that is mentioned in the Torah

41a)[line 14]קלחיןKELACHIN- branches

b)[line 15]גבעוליןGIV'OLIN- thin shoots at the end of which grow the seeds

42)[line 15]קוקאיניKUKA'INI- parasite worms of the intestines

43)[line 16]תמרי אוכמתאTAMREI UCHMESA- black dates

44)[line 16]קימחא דשעריKIMCHA D'SA'AREI- barley flour

45)[line 17]פותנקPUSNAK- (O.F. poliol) pennyroyal (a type of mint)

46)[line 18]ארקתאARKESA- parasite worms of the liver

47)[line 18]מאומצא ומיא אליבא ריקנאME'UMTZA U'MAYA A'LIBA REIKANA- from eating coal-roasted meat and water on an empty stomach

48)[line 19]בישרא דתוראBISRA D'TORA- beef

49)[line 20]אמגוזאAMGUZA- a nut

50)[line 20]מגירי דרוביאMEGIREI D'RUBYA- fenugreek shoots

51)[line 20]משתי מיא אבתריהU'MASHTI MAYA A'BASREI- and then he drinks water (after eating one of the above)

52)[line 21]תחלי חיוורתאTACHALEI CHIVARTA- (O.F. cresson) white cress, possibly the pepperwort

53)[line 22]לישדי אגומריLISHDEI A'GUMREI- toss it on the coals

54)[line 22]לימיץ גרמאLEIMITZ GARMA- suck on a juicy limb, such that he ingests a quantity of grease

55)[line 22]ליגמע חלאLIGMA CHALA- sip vinegar

56)[line 23]כבדאKAVDA- the liver

57)[line 23]גורדא דאסינתאGURDA D'ASINTA- the pared bark of a low thorn bush

58)[line 23]גרידא מעילאי לתתאיGEREIDA ME'ILA'EI D'SATA'EI- was pared in a downward direction

59)[line 24]דילמא נפקא איידי פומיהDILMA NAFKA AIDI PUMEI- lest they (the parasites) exit from the mouth

60)[line 24]לישלקה בשיכראLISHALKAH B'SHICHRA- boil it in beer

61)[line 24]בי שיבביBEI SHIVEVEI- (a) at dusk; (b) at one of his neighbor's houses, such that he does not smell the potion while it is being prepared

62)[line 25]נסכרינון לנקבין דידיהNESACHRINUN L'NIKVIN DIDEI- (a) he should close his nostrils such that he does not smell the potion while he is drinking it; (b) he should hold his nostrils and ear canals closed so that the power of the potion does not escape

63)[line 25]מפני אפשיחה דדקלאMEFANI A'PESHICHAH D'DIKLA- he should defecate on a palm tree in a place where it was pruned (O.F. esenbrajier, to prune)

64)[line 26]חומטריאCHUMTARYA- the beggar weed (Eupatorium)

65)[line 26]חוטרא יחידאהCHUTRA YECHIDA'A- it grows in one long stalk; i.e., it has one long stem without offshoots.

66)[line 27]גילויאGILUYA- a person who became sick after drinking water which was left uncovered. There is a possibility that a poisonous snake drank from the water, injecting poison into it.

67)[line 27]כליליKELILEI- roses

68)[line 27]כוסתא דשיכראKUSTA D'SHICHRA- cups of beer

69)[line 28]אאנפקאA'ANPAKA- [it should be boiled down until] a Revi'is of a Log (between 86 - 150 cc) [remains]

70)[line 29]שגרא תנורא וגרפתיהSHAGRA TANURA V'GARFTEI- she lit the oven and raked out the coals after it was hot

71)[line 30]כהוצא ירקאK'HUTZA YARKA- [he threw up the poison, which resembled] a dark green palm leaf

72)[line 31]חליתאCHALISA- sweet

73)[line 31]לחייקיהL'CHAIKEI- carve out a small hole

74)[line 32]לימלייה דובשאLIMLEYEI DUVSHA- fill it with honey

75)[line 32]בי מיללי דנוראBEI MILELEI D'NURA- [and roast it] on glowing coals

76)[line 33]ברזינא לזיבוראBARZINA L'ZIBURA- a very small cup called a Barzina of urine is ingested by a person who was bitten by a wasp or hornet

77)[line 33]רביעאה לעקרבאREVI'A'A L'AKRABA- a Revi'is of a Log (between 86 - 150 cc) of urine is ingested by a person who was bitten by a scorpion

78)[line 34]אניגרוןANIGRON- a soup which usually contains the juice of beets

79)[line 34]ואבנגרAVANGAR- a soup which contains the aromatic herb Anthriscus cerefolium

80)[line 34]ותירייקהTIRAIKAH- (Gr. Theriaca) a remedy for poisonous bites

81)[line 35]דבלע חיויאD'VALA CHIVYA- who swallowed a snake

82)[line 35]כשותא במילחאKESHUSA B'MILCHA- hops in brine

83)[line 36]לירהטיה תלתא מיליLIRHATEI TELASA MILEI- he should run three Mil (3147 or 3774 yd., 2.88 or 3.46 km)

84)[line 37]אידמי ליה כפרשאIDMI LEI K'PARASHA- he presented himself as a cavalry soldier

85)[line 38]גובי גוביGUVEI GUVEI- in sections

86)[line 40]דטרקיהD'TARKEI- who was bitten by [a snake]

87)[line 40]עובראUBRA- fetus