[92a - 47 lines; 92b - 53 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 92b [line 32]

The words "v'Iy Atah Modeh k'l'Achar Yado" ואי אתה מודה כלאחר ידו

should be "v'Iy Atah Modeh b'l'Achar Yado" ואי אתה מודה בלאחר ידו (Dikdukei Sofrim #60, Rashash)

This is consistent with the Girsa later in the Gemara, "l'Achar Yado" לאחר ידו, and this is also the Girsa of Tosfos 92a DH l'Achar.


1a)[line 1]בנסכאNASKA- bullion, a long bar of cast silver or gold

b)[line 2]שנציןSHANTZIN- (O.F. esterles) laces

2)[line 2]מפיק ליה עד פומיהMAPIK LEI AD PUMEI- He can remove it backwards until the mouth of the purse leaves the property of its owner.

3)[line 2]ושרי ושקילV'SHARI V'SHAKIL- and he can untie it and take out the contents

4)[line 3]ושנצין אגידי מגואיSHANTZIN AGIDEI MI'GAVAI- the laces still remain inside of the house

5)[line 4]ומכרכי עילויהMECHARCHEI ILAVEI- they are bound around the purse

6)[line 17]חיקוCHEIKO- his bosom

7)[line 18]כלאחר ידוKIL'ACHAR YADO- he took it out in an unusual manner, lit., "like with the back of his hand." [There is another Girsa: L'ACHAR YADO - he took it out on the back of his hand.]

8)[line 19]ובמרפקוMARPEKO- (O.F. aisele) his armpit

9)[line 20]ובפונדתוPUNDASO- his money-belt

10)[line 20]לחלוקוCHALUKO- his undershirt

11)[line 21]ובשפתSEFAS- the edge; hem

12)[line 23]מעשרה טפחיםME'ASARAH TEFACHIM- ten Tefachim, approx. 3.15 - 3.78 in. or 8 - 9.6 cm, depending upon the differing opinions

13)[line 31]טונאTUNA- load, burden

14)[line 31]דמידלי במוטותD'MIDLI B'MOTOS- that is carried on poles

15)[line 31]תילתא מלעילTILSA MIL'EIL- one third of its height is above the poles

b)[line 32]ותרי תילתי מלתחתTREI TILSEI MIL'TACHAS- two thirds of its height is below the poles

16)[line 32]דהוה מידלי טובאD'HAVAH MIDLI TUVA- that it was raised a lot higher than ten Tefachim off the ground


17)[line 4]באמת אמרוB'EMES AMRU- it is an accepted Halachah; alt., it is a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai (Yerushalmi Shabbos 1:3)

18)[line 4]החוגרתHA'CHOGERES- that girds herself

19)[line 4]בסינרSINAR- a sort of petticoat or breech-cloth

20)[line 5]שכן ראוי להיותחוזרS HE'KEN RA'UY LIHEYOS CHOZER- it normally moves from the front to the back

21)[line 6]מקבלי פתקיןMEKABLEI PISKIN- (a) those who receive letters from the king for delivery, which they insert inside a hollow reed hung around their necks (BARTENURA); (b) those who carry confidential papers for the king containing the number of his soldiers, the contents of his treasuries and the like, which they place inside a bag attached to their belts (TOSFOS)

22)[line 8]דלא אתעביד מחשבתוD'LO IS'AVID MACHSHAVTO- his intention was not carried out

23)[line 10]תבראTAVRA- (a) there is a contradiction (between the two parts of the Mishnah) (RASHI Yevamos 13a); (b) a word used as an oath (TOSFOS Kesuvos 75b DH Tavra, citing RABEINU CHANANEL)

24)[line 37]מכלל דפטרי רבנןMICHLAL D'PATREI RABANAN- That is, it is clear that the Rabanan would exempt a person for taking something out behind his back, since the Beraisa concludes that "the Rabanan found no answer to Rebbi Yehudah's question." If they found no answer, i.e. distinction, between carrying something behind one's back and carrying something in an upturned money belt, they must exempt the person who carries behind his back just as they exempted the person who carries in an upturned money belt.

25)[line 41]הלכה היאHALACHAH HI- (a) it is an accepted and unquestioned Halachah (RASHI Bava Metzia 60a and the RITVA on our Daf); (b) it is a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai (Yerushalmi Shabbos 1:3, RABEINU CHANANEL and RAMBAM in his Introduction to Peirush ha'Mishnayos); (c) it is a Halachah d'Rabanan which is accepted as if it were a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai (the Rash's explanation of the Yerushalmi Terumos 2:1)

26)[line 42]לבלריLAVLAREI- scribes

27)[line 51]אוחזין במלגז ולוגזיןOCHZIN B'MALGEZ, V'LOGZIN- holding a pitchfork and pitching stalks together

28)[line 52]בכרכר ושובטיןB'CHIRKAR, V'SHOVTIN- [holding] a Karkar (a pointed wooden tool), and separating the warp (longitudinal threads of the loom)