[65a - 37 lines; 65b - 20 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Gemara 65a [line 20]:
"Shen Toseves Shen Shel Zahav" שן תותבת שן של זהב
It appears from Rashi on the Mishnah (64b DH v'Chachamim) that he was not Gores the words "Shen Toseves" שן תותבת here.
[2] Rashi 65a DH Shuchesa ד"ה שוכתא:
The word "Lichluchis" ליחלוחית (spelled with two letters Ches)
should be "Lichluchis" ליכלוכית (spelled with two letters Chaf)
(Rashi is referring to the "rust" of silver (tarnish, i.e. silver oxide) which seems to correlate to the word for "dirt" as opposed to the word for "dampness.")
[3] Gemara 65b [line 8]:
"Porefes Al ha'Even ... " פורפת על האבן
It seems that this citation from the Mishnah should read "u'Vilvad she'Lo Sifrof l'Chatchilah b'Shabbos" ובלבד שלא תפרוף לחתחילה בשבת
[4] Rashi 65b DH Ela Peras:
The words "v'Ani Shamaiti b'Bechoros Metaharin" ואני שמעתי בבכורות מטהרין
should be "v'Ani Shamaiti b'Bechoros Mitaharin" ואני שמעתי בבכורות מיטהרין
[5] Rashi 65b [last line]
The words "she'Hu Yoshev" שהוא יושב
should be "keshe'Hu Yoshev" כשהוא יושב
[6] Tosfos 65b DH Shema [at the end] : ד"ה שמא
The words "Rabah miche'Shi'ur, veha'Hi" רבה מכשיעור וההיא
should be "Rabah miche'Shi'ur ha'Heter, veha'Hi" רבה מכשיעור ההתר וההיא
1)[line 1]שוטחן בחמהSHOTCHAN BA'CHAMAH- he spreads [clothes that became soaked in water] in the sun
2)[line 13]חלוקין עליו חבריוCHALUKIN ALAV CHAVERAV- his colleagues argue with him
3)[line 16]מיהדקMIHADAK- affixed well
4)[line 19]זנגבילאZANGEVILA- (O.F. jenjevre) ginger
5)[line 19]דרצונאDARTZONA- cinnamon
6)[line 23]דמיגניא ביהD'MIGANYA BEI- that one is embarrassed by
7)[line 24]לאחוייL'ACHVUYEI- to show it
8)[line 24]כובלתKOVELES- balsam that is tied up in a knot and worn around the neck
9)[line 24]צלוחית של פלייטוןTZELOCHIS SHEL POLYATON- a flask of balsam oil (O.F. balsme)
10)[line 26]הסבכהHA'SEVACHAH- a covering for the head
11)[line 27]הציניתHA'TZINIS- blisters or calluses
12)[line 28]קיסמיןKISMIN- slivers
13)[line 28]ערביותARAVIYOS- Jewish women living in Arabia
14)[line 28]רעולותRE'ULOS- (a) veiled so that only their eyes are exposed (RASHI); (b) with bells attached to their garments (RAMBAM, Peirush ha'Mishnayos) (see Insights)
15)[line 28]מדיותMADIYOS- Jewish women living in Media
16)[line 28]פרופותPERUFOS- with their garment held in place by attaching a string to one edge and winding and tying the other end of the string around a stone or nut that is placed inside the other side of the garment
17)[line 29]פורפתPOREFES- fastens a garment in the aforementioned method
18)[line 30]בת ארעאBAS AR'A- blisters or calluses
19)[line 31]אקושאAKUSHA- hard
20)[line 31]חספאCHASPA- a piece of pottery
21)[line 31]שוכתאSHUCHESA- (O.F. rodil) "rust" of silver, i.e. tarnish (silver oxide)
22)[line 32]טסאTASA- a small piece of flat silver that is not a coin
23)[line 32]צורתאTZURSA- the image
24)[line 32]פולסאPULSA- a circular piece of wood [that one can engrave an image onto]
25)[line 33]לא שביק להוLO SHAVIK LEHU- did not let them
26)[line 34]גניאן גבי הדדיGANI'AN GABEI HADADEI- sleep next to each other
27)[line 34]מקואותMIKVA'OS- pools of rainwater
28)[line 35]מפציMAFTZEI- mats
29)[last line]המסוללות זו בזוHA'MESOLELOS ZU B'ZU- who rub each other, seeking the titillating sensation of marital relations
30)[line 1]פסולות לכהונהPESULOS L'KEHUNAH
(a)The Torah (Vayikra 21:14) commands a Kohen Gadol not to marry a widow (Almanah), divorcee (Gerushah), prostitute ("Zonah" — see Background to Kidushin 77:17), or Chalalah, but only a virgin. Rav Huna adds that women "ha'Mesolelos Zu b'Zu" are also unfit to marry a Kohen Gadol.
(b)An ordinary Kohen (Hedyot) is permitted to marry a widow, but not any of the other women listed above (Vayikra 21:7). The child from one of the above-mentioned unions is invalidated from the Kehunah, and is called a "Chalal" or "Chalalah" (fem.) (see Background to Bechoros 47:4). The Rabanan also prohibited all Kohanim from marrying a Chalutzah (see Background to Sanhedrin 18:2a), and made the children of a Kohen from a Chalutzah into Chalalim mid'Rabanan.
31)[line 1]סבר כי היכי דלא לילפן גופא נוכראהSAVAR KI HEICHI D'LO LILFAN GUFA NUCHRA'AH- he forbade it so that they should not get accustomed to sleeping with another person (so that they should not desire to sleep with men)
32)[line 3]מטרא במערבא סהדא רבה פרתMITRA B'MA'ARAVA, SAHADA RABAH PRAS- the rise of the Euphrates is testimony that rain has fallen in the vicinity of Eretz Yisrael
33)[line 4]הנוטפין / הזוחליןHA'NOTFIN / HA'ZOCHALIN
(a)Rainwater (Notfin) is Metaher (purifies) if it is collected in a cavity, or "b'Ashboren," a fact that is learned from Vayikra 11:36, where the verse states that a "Mikveh Mayim" (an accumulation of water) purifies. While the rainwater is flowing (down a slope, for example), it cannot be Metaher.
(b)Spring water is Metaher both while it is flowing (Zochalin) as in a river, and when it is collected in a cavity.
(c)Avuha d'Shmuel felt that during the month of Nisan the rivers swell from an influx of rainwater and melting snow. The rivers may contain a majority of Notfin, making them invalid for Taharah while flowing. He therefore constructed Mikva'os in which to immerse.
34)[line 6]נהרא מכיפיה מיברךNAHARA MI'KIFEI MIVRICH- A river's own underground source (lit. its rock) is what causes its water level to periodically increase (and not an influx of rainwater)
35)[line 11]שתעריםSHE'TA'ARIM- whether or not she may use a deceptive act to accomplish something prohibited in a (seemingly) permissible way
36)[line 15]לכבוייL'CHABUYEI- to extinguish the fire
37)[line 16]לאפוקיLA'AFUKEI- to take out [the nut into Reshus ha'Rabim]
38)[last line]הקיטעKITEI'A- an amputee (of the foot)
39)[last line]קבKAV- with a wooden leg