ARE SPOUSES CONSIDERED RELATIVES? (Yerushalmi Halachah 6 Daf 17a)
אגיסו אית תניי תני יש לו בנים וחתנים אית תניי תני אין לו בנים וחתנים.
[Our Mishnah taught] Giso - some teach that he has sons and Chasanim (e.g. David has sons and Chasanim who cannot testify for Levi, without married David's wife's sister), and some teach that he does not have [Pasul] sons and Chasanim;
מאן דמר יש לו בנים וחתנים ממנה ומאן דמר אין לו בנים וחתנים ממקום אחר.
The one who says that [David] has sons and Chasanim - it is from her (his wife), and the one who says he does not have sons and Chasanim, i.e. from another wife (they can testify for Levi).
רב נפק (למיתרי) [צ''ל למיירי - גליון אפרים] משכון לרבי חייה רבה עבר בחד אתר ואשכח רבי יוחנן יתיב ומקשי תנינן חורגו לבדו אשת חורגו מהו בעל חורגתו מהו אשה כבעלה ובעל כאשתו
Rav went to bring hides for R. Chiyah Rabah [to write Chumashim on them - KORBAN HA'EDAH]. He went to one place and found R. Yochanan sitting and asking "our Mishnah taught his stepson alone - what is the law of his stepson's wife, or his stepdaughter's husband? Do we say that a woman is like her husband, and a husband is like his wife?
וקמת אשת חורגו כחורגו והבעל כאשה.
They concluded that his stepson's wife is like a stepson, and a husband is like his wife. (The Mishnah said "alone'' to exclude his sons and Chasanim.)
רב חסדא בעי דור שלישי מהו שיהא מותר באשת ראשון משה מהו שיהא מותר באשת פינחס.
Question (Rav Chisda): Is the third generation permitted with the wife of the first generation? May Moshe testify for the wife of Pinchas (the grandson of his brother)?
ריש לקיש אמר מקבלין דור שני ודור שלישי מדוחק
Answer #1 (Reish Lakish): We accept the second and third generations [to testify about the first] in pressed circumstances.
רבי יוחנן אמר אפילו מריוח.
Answer #2 (R. Yochanan): [We accept them] freely.
כחדא אגיסיה דרב הונא [דף כב עמוד א (עוז והדר)] הוה ליה דין עם חד בר נש אמר כל מה דרב הונא אמר אנא מקבל עלי.
(The Mishnah says that one who was a relative and was distanced is Kosher; R. Yehudah says, even if his daughter died and he has children from her, he is disqualified.) This is like Rav Huna's Gis (who became distanced). He had a Din with someone. He said "whatever Rav Huna will say, I accept on myself'';
שמע רב הונא ואמר כהדין. יודעני כשם שאמרו מלמעלן כך אמרו מלמטן.
Rav Huna heard, and said like this (that he is Kosher now). I know that just like they argue above, they argue below. (Since R. Yehudah said "even...'' this shows that the first Tana argues is Machshir also a son-in-law who was distanced. Surely, he is Machshir two Gisim when one of their wives died.)
רב ירמיה בשם רב הלכה כרבי יודה:
(Rav Yehudah citing Rav): The Halachah follows R. Yehudah (he is disqualified).
THE PESUL OF FRIENDS AND ENEMIES (Yerushalmi Halachah 7 Daf 17a)
משנה האוהב והשונא אי זהו האוהב זה שושבינו והשונ' כל שלא דיבר עמו שלשת ימים באיבה
(Mishnah): A close friend or enemy cannot testify. A close friend refers to a Shushbin (one who brought gifts to a Chasan). An enemy is one who did not speak to him for three days due to hatred. (R. Yehudah, who taught the end of the previous Mishnah, taught also this.)
אמרו לו [דף יז עמוד ב] לא נחשדו ישראל על כך:
Chachamim: Yisraelim are not suspected of this [to testify falsely due to love or hatred].
גמרא רבי טבליי רבי אבינא בשם רב בשבעת ימי המשתה שנו:
(Gemara - R. Tavlai citing R. Avina citing Rav): [A Shushbin is Pasul] during the the seven days of Mishteh (nuptial feasts).