תוספות ד"ה אלא האדם
(SUMMARY: Tosfos query Rashi, who maintains that R. Meir does not hold of the D'rashah 'Atem Keruyim Adam' (to preclude Nochrim), from a Gemara in Kerisos. Although they answer the Kashya on Rashi, they offer various other explanations which differ from Rashi, including that of Rabeinu Tam, who differentiates between "Adam" and "ha'Adam". Finally, R. Meshulam answers the discrepancy by drawing a distinction between punishment (where the Torah refrains from mentioning Yisrael by name, and regular references. He supports his answer with a Midrash, and deals with the problem that the Gemara in Yevamos queries the principle from Pesukim, even though the term 'Adam' is applicable by Nochrim too).
פרש"י, ולית ליה לר"מ 'אתם קרוין אדם'.
Explanation #1: Rashi explains that R. Meir does not hold of the D'rashah (of R. Shimon in Yevamos) 'Atem Keruyim Adam' (to preclude Nochrim).
וקשה, דבפ"ק דכריתות (דף ו:) פטר סך משמן המשחה לעובד כוכבים. ומשמע דהוי טעמא משום דכתי' "על בשר אדם לא יסך" - 'אתם קרוין אדם'?
Question: In the first Perek of Kerisos, 6b, the Gemara exempts someone who anoints a Nochri with the anointing oil, apparently because the Torah writes "Al B'sar Adam Lo Yisach"?
מיהו מצינו למימר דטעמא משום דכל שישנו בסך ישנו ב'בל יסך', וכל שאינו בסך אינו 'בבל יסך'.
Answer: It is however, possible to attribute the reason there to the D'rashah that whoever is forbidden to anoint is forbidden to be anointed, whereas whoever is permitted to anoint, is permitted to be anointed.
וי"ס דגרסי הכא 'רבי ירמיה'.
Explanation #2: Some texts quote R. Yirmiyah here in place of R. Meir.
ור"ת מפרש דיש חילוק בין "אדם" ל"האדם" (כי "אדם" רצונו ע"ד היתרון לאדם המעולה ומעוטר בתורת ה').
Explanation #3: Rabeinu Tam draws a distinction between "Adam" (in Kerisos) and "ha'Adam" (in our Sugya), since "Adam" implies the superior 'Adam' who is elevated and crowned with the Torah of Hash-m.
תדע - דלא מייתי בפרק הבא על יבמתו (יבמות דף סא. ושם) מדכתיב בנינוה "כל האדם והבהמה אל ירעו" (יונה ג).
Proof: The proof for this is the fact that the Gemara in Yevamos (Daf 61a & 61b) does not cite the Pasuk in Yonah "Kol ha'Adam ve'ha'Beheimah ... "
והא דקאמר הכא 'כהנים לוים וישראלי' לא נאמר'?
Implied Question: And when the Gemara says here 'Kohanim, Levi'im ve'Yisre'elim Lo Ne'emar' (and not 'Adam Lo Ne'emar') ...
ה"ק לא נאמ' "אדם" דלישתמע כהנים לוים וישראלים.
Answer: ... it means that it doesn't say "Adam", which would have implied 'Kohanim, Levi'im and Yisre'elim.
וה"ר משולם פי' - דוקא גבי פורענות קורא אותם "אדם", דאין ראוי לכתוב שם 'ישראל', אבל גבי "האדם וחי בהם" ה"ל למכתב 'כהנים לוים וישראלים' כמו שרגיל בכל מקום, כדכתיב (ויקרא כא) "אמור אל הכהנים"; (במדבר יח) "ואל הלוים תדבר"; (שמות יד) "דבר אל בני ישראל".
Explanation #3: R. Meshulam explains that it is in connection with punishment exclusively, where it is not befitting to write 'Yisrael', that the Torah refers to them as 'Adam'; whereas in the Pasuk "ha'Adam va'Chai bahem" it ought to have written 'Kohanim, Levi'im ve'Yisre'elim', as it accustomed to do everywhere else (for example in Vayikra - "Emor el ha'Kohanim"; in Bamidbar - "ve'el ha'Levi'im Tedaber", and in Sh'mos - "Daber el B'nei Yisrael").
והכי איתא במדרש ויכולו "מה אקוב לא קבה אל" - שלא הזכיר שמו על פורענות; "אדם כי יהיה בעור בשרו"; "נגע צרעת כי תהיה באדם", 'ולא בישראל'; "אלה יעמדו לברך את העם" - וגבי פורענות "אלה יעמדו על הקללה".
Proof: And so the Midrash Vayechulu, commenting on the Pasuk in Balak, "Mah Ekov Lo Kabo Keil" states - 'The Torah does not mention Yisrael by name with regard to punishment: "Adam ki Yih'yeh be'Or Besaro ... "; "Nega Tzara'as ki Sih'yeh ba'Adam", and not 'be'Yisrael'; On the one hand the Torah writes "Eileh Ya'amdu Levarech es Yisrael", and in connection with punishment, "Eileh Ya'amdu al ha'Kelalah".
והא דפריך התם מקראי אף ע"ג דעובדי כוכבים נמי קרויים אדם?
Implied Question: And although the Gemara asks there (in Yevamos) from Pesukim, even though Nochrim are also called 'Adam' ...
מ"מ פריך שפיר, כיון שמכנה גבי פורענות את ישראל ב"אדם", היכא דלא איירי אלא בעובדי כוכבים לא היה לו לקרותן 'אדם'.
Answer: ... the Gemara's queries are justified, seeing as, since with regard to punishment, the Torah calls Yisrael 'Adam', it ought not to have used the same term when speaking specifically about Nochrim.
תוספות ד"ה אף דם מן החי
ולרבנן אבר מן החי.
Clarification: And according to the Rabbanan, Eiver min ha'Chai.
וקשה דתנא דלעיל (דף נו:) (דדריש) דנ"ל אבר מן החי מ"אכל תאכל", ולא מוקי האי קרא אלא למישרי שרצים, כדנפקא לקמן 'מי שדמו חלוק מבשרו'.
Question: Earlier we learned a Beraisa that learns Eiver min ha'Chai from "Achol Tocheil", and it established the current Pasuk by Sheratzim, as it will extrapolate later in the Sugya 'a creature whose blood is separated from its flesh'?
תוספות ד"ה ורבנן ההוא לדם הקזה
בפרק גיד הנשה (חולין קא.) מוקי לה דאבר מן החי נוהג בין בטמאים בין בטהורי'.
Clarification #1: In Perek Gid ha'Nasheh, Chulin, 101a, we learn from this Pasuk that Eiver min ha'Chai applies both to Tahor and to Tamei animals.
והכא דמוקים לה לדם הקזה כמ"ד התם (דף ק:) אינו נוהג אלא בטהורין.
Clarification #2: And when we establish it here to teach us dam Hakazah, it is according to the opinion there in 100a, that confines it to Tahor animals.
תוספות ד"ה נאמר לבני נח ולא נשנית בסיני
עובד כוכבים ששבת לא שייך כאן, דישראל הוזהרו לשבות.
Clarification: A Nochri who rests on Shabbos (that the Gemara mentioned above) is not applicable here, seeing as Yisrael are commanded to keep Shabbos.
תוספות ד"ה ליכא מידעם דלישראל שרי
(SUMMARY: Tosfos states a principle that wherever it is a Mitzvah for a Yisrael to perform, this ruling does not apply. They then go on to explain why it is that it does even apply with regard to a Nochri who rests on Monday, even though it is not a Mitzvah for a Yisrael to do so, and why Nochrim are Chayav for killing a fetus, even though a Yisrael is Patur. Finally, they discuss why it is that a Nochri is Chayav for killing a fetus in order to save the mother, even though a Yisrael may do so. On second thoughts however, they are not so sure that he is Chayav).
בדבר שהוא מצוה לישראל, לא אמרינן הכי - 'העובד כוכבים ששבת חייב, ולישראל מצוה'.
Clarification: We do not say this with regard to something that is a Mitzvah on a Yisrael to perform, such as keeping Shabbos, for which a Nochri is Chayav, whereas a Yisrael performs a Mitzvah.
אף על גב דבשני בשבת אין מצוה לישראל?
Implied Question: Even though on Monday (for example) a Nochri is Chayav for resting even though there is no Mitzvah for a Yisrael ...
מ"מ יש עליו מצות שביתת שבת
Answer: ... nevertheless, there is a Mitzvah per se for a Yisrael to keep Shabbos.
ועל העוברים דעובד כוכבים חייב, וישראל פטור?
Implied Question: Why are Nochrim Chayav for killing a fetus, even though a Yisrael is Patur?
אע"ג דפטור, מ"מ לא שרי.
Answer: Even though a Yisrael is Patur, he is nevertheless not permitted to do so.
מיהו קשה, דאמרינן בפרק בן סורר ומורה (לקמן דף עב:) 'יצא ראשו, אין נוגעין בו, דאין דוחין נפש מפני נפש'. אבל קודם שיצא ראשו, החי' פושטת ידה וחתכתו לאברים ומוציאה, כדי להציל את אמו.
Question (Part 1): We have learned in Perek ben Sorer u'Moreh, later on Daf 72b, that once the head of a fetus emerges one is not permitted to as much as touch him (to save the mother), since one is not permitted to not push away one soul to save another. Before it has emerged however, the midwife is permitted to place her hand inside the mother's womb and cut its limbs apart, and remove them, in order to save the mother ...
וכה"ג בעובד כוכבים אסור, כיון שהוזהרו על העוברים?
Question (Part 2): Yet this latter case is forbidden in the case of a Nochri, since they are warned against killing fetuses?
וי"ל, דהא נמי בישראל מצוה כדי להציל.
Answer (Part 1): Here too, like we answered earlier, in the case of a Yisrael it is a Mitzvah to kill the fetus to save the mother.
ואפשר דאפילו בעובד כוכבים שרי.
Observation: In fact, it may well be permitted even for a Nochri to do so.
תוספות ד"ה והא פריה ורביה
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discuss from where we know that this Mitzvah was not said to the B'nei No'ach, notwithstanding the fact that it is basically a Mitzvas Asei, which is not included in the seven Mitzvos B'nei No'ach).
תימה, מנא לן דלא נאמרה לבני נח?
Question: From where do we know that the Mitzvah of Piryah ve'Rivyah was not said to the B'nei No'ach?
ואי משום דלא חשיב ליה בהדי שבע מצות.
Implied Answer: We cannot learn it from the fact that it is not included in the seven Mitzvos B'nei No'ach ...
הא אמר לעיל [דף נח:] 'קום עשה לא קא חשיב'.
Refutation: ... because, as we learned earlier, that that list does not incorporate Mitzvos Asei?
וי"ל דשב ואל תעשה נמי הוא, דמי שמצווה על פריה ורביה, מצווה שלא להשחית זרע.
Answer: Because Piryah ve'Rivyah incorporates a Mitzvas Lo Sa'aseh, seeing as whoever is commanded to have children is also commanded not to waste their seed.
תוספות ד"ה לכל דבר שבמנין
(SUMMARY: Tosfos cite Rashi, who initially requires a Beis-Din to permit what the Beis-Din previously decreed with a time-limit, but later retracts, confining the ruling to a decree that is connected with a certain issue that is no longer applicable, for which they cite two examples).
פ"ה, דכל דבר הנאסר במנין אפי' קבעו זמן לדבר, צריך מנין אחר להתירו כשיעבור הזמן.
Clarification (Part 1): Rashi explains that whatever is forbidden by a Beis-Din, even though it has a time-limit, requires a Beis-Din to permit it, even though the time-limit has passed.
ושוב (חזר) ופי' "אל תגשו אל אשה" (שמות יט) לא הוה ביה זמן.
Clarification (Part 2): Rashi then retracts however, and explains that the prohibition of "Al Tigshu el Ishah" (in Sh'mos, 19:15) did not have a time-limit ...
והא דכתיב (שם) "היו נכונים לשלשת ימים"?
Implied Question: And when the Torah writes "Be prepared for three days time"?
היינו לקבל התורה ביום השלישי; אבל דבר הקצוב לזמן, יעבור הזמן ומותר מאליו.
Answer: It says that with reference to receiving the Torah on the third day (and not to the prohibition of "Al Tigshu el Ishah"). But a prohibition that is time-bound, once the time has passed, the prohibition does indeed fall away, and it is automatically permitted!
וכ"ת, אי בדבר שנגזר סתם, פשיטא שצריך מנין אחר להתירו?
Question: And if you will ask that, surely, if something is forbidden S'tam (without a time-limit) it is obvious that it requires a Beis-Din to permit it?
אצטריך - סד"א, כיון דבטל דבר שנאסר עבורו, ממילא הותר,
Answer: We need the ruling in a case where the reason for the prohibition has fallen away, and we would therefore have otherwise thought that the prohibition no longer applies either ...
כגון הכא שנאסרו בתשמיש כדי לקבל התורה.
Example #1: ... such as here, where they were forbidden to be intimate only in order to receive the Torah be'Taharah.
וכי ההיא דפ"ק דביצה (דף ה. ושם) ד'כרם רבעי היה עולה לירושלים מהלך יום לכל צד, כדי לעטר שוקי ירושלים בפירות' ...
Example #2 (Part 1): Like the case cited in the first Perek of Beitzah, (Daf 5a & 5b) regarding a vineyard of R'vai within the distance of one day's journey, which had to be brought to Yerushalayim (and not redeemed) - in order to 'adorn the streets of Yerushalayim'.
דאף לאחר חורבן הוצרך מנין אחר להתירו.
Example #2 (Part 2): And that required a Beis-Din to permit it even though the Beis-ha'Mikdash was no longer standing.