תוספות ד"ה חקים שחקקתי לך כבר
(SUMMARY: After posing a variety of Kashyos on this D'rashah from Pesukim both here and by Ma'aseh Bereishis (based on the Gemara in Chulin), as well as from the Gemara in Bava Kama, they conclude that it [the D'rashah from "es Chukosai"] runs in conjunction with "Lemineihu". Without both, the D'rashah is not applicable. They nevertheless justify the Gemara's Kashya from "u'Shemartem es Chukosai". To reconcile the Sugyos in 'ha'Parah' and 'Eilu T'reifos' like the Rabbanan [who do not Darshen "Lemineihu", with regard to the B'nei No'ach], Tosfos establish the D'rashah with regard to Yisrael. They present two reasons as to why "Lemineihu" is needed according to them, and finally, they reconcile the She'eilah of 'grafting two species of herbs' - discussed in 'Eilu T'reifos', with the above).
תימה, תיתסר נמי כלאים מהכא' דכתיב בהאי קרא "בגד כלאים שעטנז לא יעלה עליך"?
Question #1: Why is Sha'atnez not also forbidden, seeing as the Torah writes in the same Pasuk "Beged Kil'ayim Sha'atnez Lo Ya'aleh Alecha"?
ועוד קשה, למה לי "את חקותי", תיפוק ליה מדכתיב "למינהו" במעשה בראשית באילנות ובבהמה"
Question #2: Furthermore, why do we need "es Chukosai in the first place? Why will the fact that the Torah writes "Lemineihu" at the creation not suffice?
דבפ' אלו טריפות (חולין דף ס: ושם.) משמע דאי הוה כתיב "למינהו" בדשאים, ה"א דאסירי בני נח להרכיב שני דשאין זה על זה?
Precedent: After all, the Gemara in 'Eilu T'reifos' (Daf 60b & 61a) implies that, had the Torah written "Lemineihu" by the grasses, we would have thought that the B'nei No'ach are forbidden to graft two kind of herbs one with the other?
וע"ק, הא דאמרינן ס"פ הפרה (ב"ק דף נה. ושם) 'המרביע שני מינים שבים, לוקה', אתיא "למינהו" "למינהו" מיבשה. תיפוק ליה מדכתיב "למינהו" בגופייהו?
Question #3: And what's more, at the end of Perek ha'Parah (Bava Kama, 55a & 55b) the Gemara learns the Din prohibiting the interbreeding of two species of sea-creatures from "Lemineihu" written by the land-animals. Why does it not learn it from "Lemineihu" that is written by them specifically?
ומפר"ת, דאי לאו "את חקותי", ה"א "למינהו" לאו לאיסור כתיב; ואי לאו "למינהו" ה"א", "את חקותי" - שחקקתי לך כבר במרה.
Answer: Rabeinu Tam therefore explains that, on the one hand, if the Torah had not written "es Chukosai", we would not have learned the aspect of Isur from "Lemineihu"; whilst on the other, were it not for "Lemineihu", we would have interpreted "es Chukosai" to mean 'the Chukim that I taught you at Marah' (and at the creation).
והא דפריך 'אלא מעתה "ושמרתם את חקותי", אע"ג דלא מוקמינן האי בבני נח אלא משום דאשכחן "למינהו" במעשה בראשית?
Implied Question: And when the Gemara asks from "u'Shemartem es Chukosai", even though we only establish the Pasuk by the B'nei No'ach due to the fact that it writes "Lemineihu" at the creation ...
פריך שפיר, דדילמא כי היכי דהאי לא קאי א'בני נח, האי נמי לאו א'בני נח קאי.
Answer: ... the Gemara's query is justified, because it is asking that perhaps, just as the latter does not pertain to the B'nei No'ach (in spite of "Lemineihu"), neither does the former?
וא"ת, כיון דלא מחייבי רבנן א'בני נח - לא בהרבעה ולא בהרכבה, אלמא לא דריש "למינהו"; אם כן, אתי סוגיא דפרק הפרה ודאלו טריפות לא כרבנן?
Question: Since the Rabbanan do not incorporate the B'nei No'ach in the Isur of either interbreeding or grafting, they clearly do not Darshen "Lemineihu". In that case, the Sugyos in 'ha'Parah' and 'Eilu T'reifos' (which do) do not go like them?
וי"ל, דנהי דלא דרשו רבנן "למינהו" גבי בני נח, משום דלא כתיב בצווי דאדם, גבי ישראל דרשינן, כיון דאשכחן דנצטוו ישראל על הכלאים.
Answer #1: Even though the Rabbanan do not Darshen "Lemineihu" with regard to the B'nei No'ach, since it is not written in connection with the command to Adam, they do Darshen it with regard to Yisrael, who are commanded on Kil'ayim ...
ונפקא מינה לענין דגים.
Ramifications #1: ... and the reason that the Torah writes "Lemineihu" is in order to incorporate fish (which Yisrael are not specifically commanded) in the Isur, from the Gezeirah-Shavah "Lemineihu" "Lemineihu".
אי נמי, לא הוה אסרינן הרכבה באילנות בישראל מדרש 'מה בהמתך בהרבעה, אף שדך בהרכבה' ...
Ramifications #2 (Part 1): Alternatively (if not for "Lemineihu" of the creation) we would not have forbidden Harkavah (grafting trees) by a Yisrael, from the Torah's comparison to Beheimah ...
דלא הוה מפקינן קרא ממשמעותיה, דכתיב "לא תזרע", אי לאו דאשכחן כבר "למינהו" במעשה בראשית.
Ramifications #2 (Part 2): ... so as not to take the Pasuk out of its context - since the Torah writes "Lo Tizra" - which implies planting seeds (and not either kinds of Kil'ayim) - had it not already mentioned "Lemineihu by the creation ...
וניחא השתא דמילתא דשמואל דמייתי הכא "חקותי" 'שחקקתי לך כבר', איתא נמי בשילהי פ"ק דקדושין (דף לט.), ואתי אפילו כרבנן.
Conclusion: It is now clear as to why Shmuel's statement "Chukosai" 'she'Chakakti l'cha K'var' is cited also in Kidushin, seeing as it goes even like the Rabbanan (see Tosfos ha'Rosh [with regard to a Yisrael]).
והשתא ההוא ד'הרכיב שני דשאים' דפרק אלו טריפות (חולין דף ס. ושם), לרבנן קמיבעיא ליה, אע"ג דמתני' היא בפ"ק דכלאים [מ"ז] 'אין נוטעין ירק בירק'?
Conclusion (Part 1): And consequently, the She'eilah of 'grafting two species of herbs', discussed in 'Eilu T'reifos' (Chulin, 60a) goes according to the Rabbanan, Even though the basic prohibition of planting two kinds of vegetable is a Mishnah in the first Perek of Kil'ayim (Mishnah 7) ...
מ"מ קמיבעיא ליה אי חשיבי ליה דשאים כמאן דכתיב בהו "למינהו", משום דאסכים רחמנא על ידייהו לאסור בחו"ל כמו הרכבת אילן, מדרשא דשמעתין.
Conclusion (Part 2): ... the Gemara nevertheless asks whether 'herbs' are considered as if the Torah had written by them "Lemineihu", bearing in mind that Hash-m agreed with them (when it produced vegetation, species by species) to forbid it in Chutz la'Aretz like Harkavas ha'Ilan, from the D;rashah cited in our Sugya.
תוספות ד"ה חקותי דהשתא
(SUMMARY: Tosfos refutes Rashi's Kashya from the Pasuk by Shevi'is and Yovel "es Mishpatai Ta'asu ve'es Chukosai Tismoru, in that he seems to have misquoted the Pasuk. On the other hand, the Pasuk that he does quote is written in connection with Arayos, where 'Chukim she'Chakakti l'cha K'var' is appropriate. Finally, they resolve the problem from the fact that the Pasuk from which the Gemara asks is written there too).
מה שהקשה בקונטרס מדכתיב גבי שביעית ויובל "את משפטי תעשו ואת חקותי תשמרו" ... .
Clarification: What Rashi asks from the Pasuk regarding Sh'mitah and Yovel (where it also says) "es Mishpatai Ta'asu ve'es Chukosai Tishmoru" ...
לא דק, דלא כתיב הכי, אלא בפרשת בהר סיני כתיבי "ועשיתם את חקותי ואת משפטי תשמרו".
Implied Question (Part 1): ... is not accurate, seeing as that is not what the Torah actually writes/ Only in Parshas B'har, it writes "Va'asisem es Chukosai ve'es Mishpatai Tishmoru" ...
והא קרא דאייתי בקונטרס בפרשת אחרי מות גבי עריות כתיב ...
Implied Question (Part 2): ... whereas the Pasuk that Rashi quotes is written in Parshas Acharei-Mos in connection with the Arayos ...
ושפיר מ"ל שחקקתי לך כבר, דבני נח נצטוו על העריות?
Implied Question (Part 3): ... and as far as Arayos is concerned, it is indeed appropriate to extrapolate "Chukim she'Chakakti l'cha K'var', since the B'nei Noach are indeed commanded on Arayos.
ואע"ג דהאי קרא דפריך מיניה הש"ס "ושמרתם את חקותי" התם נמי כתיב?
Query: And even though the Pasuk from which the Gemara asks "u'Shemartem es Chukosai" is written there (in Acharei-Mos) too ...
מכל מקום מסתבר דבכל התורה איירי, דמסיים "אשר יעשה אותם האדם וחי בהם".
Refutation: ... nevertheless, it is logical to say that that Pasuk covers the whole Torah (and not just Arayos), since it concludes there "Asher Ya'aseh osam ha'Adam va'Chai bahem".
תוספות ד"ה אתיא קריעה קריעה
תימה, דבפ"ב דמו"ק (דף כ: ושם) דיליף קריעה מעומד מדכתיב "ויקם איוב ויקרע",
Question (Part 1): The Gemara in the second Perek of Mo'ed Katan (Daf20b & 21a) learns that Keri'ah must be performed standing from the Pasuk "And Iyov arose and rent his garments" (see Maharsha).
נילף נמי דלא מאחין קריעה מהכא?
Question (Part 2): Why does it not also learn there that Keri'ah may not be sewn, from the D'rashah here?
תוספות ד"ה המלך קרע
תימה, היאך אמרו למלך מה ששמעו בפירוש,
Question (Part 1): On what grounds were they permitted to repeat to the king what they heard ...
הא גבי עדים תנן (לעיל דף נו.) כל היום היו דנין את העדים בכינוי?
Question (Part 2): Seeing as we have learned in the Mishnah earlier, Daf 56a, that when questioning the witnesses, they only used a Kinuy?
תוספות ד"ה וליחשוב נמי זורק
(SUMMARY: Tosfos citing Rashi, explain that there is no problem with Mekabel and Molich, seeing as there is no Pasuk which refers to them as an Avodah, like there is by Nisuch, Even though the Pasuk cited by Rashi regarding Nisuch is confined to R. Yehudah in the Sifri, Tosfos quote another Pasuk in Yirmiyah which will go according to R. Nechemyah too).
פירש הקונטרס, 'בשלמא מקבל ומוליך, משום דלא אשכחן דליהוו עבודה הנעשות לשם עבודת כוכבים - כדאשכחן גבי ניסוך "ישתו יין נסיכם".
Clarification (Part 1): Rashi explains that there is no problem with Mekabel (receiving the blood) and Molich (taking it to the Mizbe'ach), seeing as we do not find them being referred to as an Avodah with regard to Avodah-Zarah, as we find with regard to Nisuch - "Yishtu Yein Nesicham".
והיינו כר' יהודה, דדריש בספרי להאי קרא ד'יין נסיכם' גבי עובדי כוכבים אבל ר' נחמיה מוקי לה בישראל.
Clarification (Part 2): And this goes like R. Yehudah, who Darshens in the Sifri the Pasuk "Yishtu Yein Nesicham" with regard to Nochrim. Whereas R. Nechemyah establishes it by a Yisrael.
ומיהו לרבי נחמיה בלאו הכי אשכחן קראי בדברי קבלה "וקטר לבעל והסך נסכים לאלהים אחרים" (ירמיה ז).
Observation: Even according to R. Nechemyah however, we find a Pasuk in Navi "And he brought sacrifices to Ba'al and he poured out drink-offerings (Nisuch) to other gods (Nechemyah, 7).
תוספות ד"ה זובח לאלהים יחרם
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explain why Rashi had to extrapolate that the Pasuk is talking about Avodah she'Lo ke'Darkah from the omission of the word 'bi'Zevichah', and why we cannot learn it from the fact that we already know 'ke'Darkah from the Pasuk "Va'yeilech Va'ya'avod").
פ"ה 'כל אלהים במשמע' - אפילו שלא כדרכה, מדלא כתיב 'עובד לאלהים בזביחה יחרם'.
Clarification (Part 1): Rashi explains that this implies even Avodah which is not ke'Darkah, since the Torah does not write "Oved la'Elohim bi'Zevichah Yochoram".
ולא היה יכול לפרש דע"כ לשלא כדרכה אתא, דאי לכדרכה מ"וילך ויעבוד" נפקא.
Implied Question: He could not have explained that it must be talking about 'she'Lo ke'Darkah, because we already know ke'Darkah from "Va'yeilech Va'ya'avod" ...
דה"א לעולם לכדרכה, ובא ללמדך על הכלל דאפי' כדרכה לא מחייבה אלא בעבודת פנים.
Answer: ... because we would have established it by ke'Darkah, and it comes to qualify the general rule, to teach us that even ke'Darkah is only Chayav by Avodas P'nim (an Avodah that is performed in the Beis-Hamikdash).
תוספות ד"ה המקטר והמנסך מניין ת"ל בלתי לה' לבדו
תימה, דבסמוך יליף מיציאת זביחה - ללמד על הכלל כולו?
Question: The Gemara will shortly learn from the fact that the Torah specifically mentions 'Zevichah' - that the Isur extends to the entire K'lal?
וי"ל, דאי לאו "בלתי לה' לבדו", ה"א מה זביחה שהיא עבודת דם, ואתא לרבויי זורק, אבל מקטר ומנסך לא.
Answer: If not for "Bilti la'Hashem Levado", we would have thought that we only include Avodos to do with the blood, like Zevichah itself, but not Mekater and Menasech (buring incense and pouring wine).
תוספות ד"ה מניין לרבות השתחואה
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explain as to why we cannot learn this from the Eigel ha'Zahav, from the Hekesh of Hishtachavayah to Zevichah, even though we learn 'Eili Atah' from the Pasuk there "Va'yomru "Eileh Elohecha Yisrael!")
וא"ת, ת"ל מדאיתקש לזביחה - דכתיב (שמות לב) "וישתחוו לו ויזבחו לו" ...
Question: Why do we not learn it from the Pasuk in Sh'mos 32:8, which compares it to Zevichah "Va'yishtachavu lo Va'yizb'chu lo" ...
כדיליף (לקמן דף סג.) 'האומר "אלי אתה" דכתיב "ויאמרו 'אלה אלהיך ישראל!' "?
Precedent: Like the Gemara will later learn the Isur of declaring 'Eili Atah' from the Pasuk there "Va'yomru "Eileh Elohecha Yisrael!"?
וי"ל, דהתם הוי כדרכה, דאותו עגל אורחיה בזביחה הוה!
Answer: Because the latter case was ke'Darkah, since it was normal to worship that calf by way of Zevichah (but not by way of Hishtachavayah).
והא דיליף מהתם 'אלי אתה'?
Implied Question: And the reason that the Gemara learns 'Eili Atah' from there is ...
משום ד'אלי אתה' אורחיה בכל עבודת כוכבים.
Answer: ... because 'Eili Atah' is considered ke'Darkah by all forms of idolatry.
תוספות ד"ה אזהרה מניין
וא"ת, ות"ל מהיכא דנפקא לי' אזהרה למגפף ומנשק מ"לא תעבדם", כדפ"ה במתני'?
Question: Why can we not learn it from "Lo Sa'avdem", the same source as we learn the warning against Megafef and Menashek (embracing and kissing), as Rashi explained in our Mishnah?
וי"ל, דאי אתא לאזהרה דהשתחואה, לא הוה מוקמינן ליה למגפף ומנשק.
Answer: Because if it came as a warning against Hishtachavayah, we would not then be able to learn Megafef and Menashek from it.