[105a - 58 lines; 105b - 56 lines]
1)[line 33]ריתחא לירתח רחמנא עלן, ולפרוקינןRISCHA LIRTACH RACHAMANA ALAN V'LIFROKINAN- if only HaSh-m would bring His wrath upon us, and [then] redeem us
2)[line 40]שבלה עםSHE'BILAH AM- he confused the people [and caused them to sin]
3)[line 40]שבא על בעירSHE'BA AL BE'IR- that he had relations with an animal
4)[line 40]כושן רשעתיםKUSHAN RISH'ASAYIM- Bil'am's real name was Lavan, but he was called "Kushan Rish'asayim" because he did two evils to Yisrael
5)[line 44]פושעי ישראלPOSH'EI YISRAEL- sinners of Yisrael
6)[line 47]אותו רשעOSO RASHA- that wicked one (Bil'am)
7)[line 49]בעדרB'EDER- with a flock
8)[line 49]צהוביןTZEHUVIN- angry
9a)[line 51]כרכושתאKARKUSHTA- a marten, weasel or rat
b)[line 51]ושונראV'SHUNRA- and a cat
c)[line 51]הילולאHILULA- a feast
d)[line 51]מתרבאMI'TARBA- from the fat
e)[line 51]דביש גדאD'VISH GADA- of the one whose luck is bad (i.e., the unlucky victim)
10)[line 53]כלפי שמיאKELAPEI SHEMAYA- towards Heaven (HaSh-m)
11)[line 53]חוצפא מלכותא בלא תאגאCHUTZPA MALCHUSA B'LO TAGA- impudence is a king without a crown
12)[line 54]"ואנכי היום רך ומשוח מלך, והאנשים האלה בני צרויה קשים ממני...""V'ANOCHI HAYOM RACH U'MASHU'ACH MELECH, V'HA'ANASHIM HA'ELEH BENEI TZERUYAH KASHIM MIMENI; [YESHALEM HASH-M L'OSEH HA'RA'AH K'RA'ASO]" - "I am today soft-hearted and freshly anointed, and these men, the sons of Tzeruyah, are toughter than I; [may HaSh-m pay to the evil-doer according to his evil]" (Shmuel II 3:39) (THE AFTERMATH OF THE KILLING OF AVNER)
(a)These are the words of David ha'Melech, spoken after the killing of Avner at the hands of Yo'av, David's general. David insisted that he had no role in the murder.
(b)Following Shaul's death at Har Gilbo'a, Avner ben Ner took Shaul's son Ishboshes and crowned him over most of the tribes in an attempt to wrest the kingdom from David. There followed a war between the forces of Avner and those of Yo'av (David's general). During the course of the war, Avner killed Asah'el, Yo'av's brother, who was pursuing him.
(c)It was when Ishboshes confronted Avner for having had relations with Ritzpah bas Ayah, the concubine of his father (Shaul), that Avner left him and went to David's side. David accepted his overtures and made peace with him, provided that he would bring back his wife, Michal, whom Shaul had given to Paltiel ben Layish. He gave the same request to Ishboshes, and with the efforts of the two of them, Michal returned to her husband David.
(d)Meanwhile, Avner broke up Ishboshes' rebellion and convinced the people of Yisrael to accept David as their king. He also met with David, who forgave him for supporting Ishboshes, and the two made a treaty, which they celebrated with a feast.
(e)When Yo'av, who hated Avner for having killed his brother Asah'el, heard that David had spoken with him and had sent him away in peace, he was furious. He immediately rebuked David, warning him that Avner came to see him only in order to spy on him. Unbeknownst to David, Yoav sent a contingent of men to bring Avner back. Yo'av asked Avner a Halachic question about how the procedure of Chalitzah is performed, and when the unsuspecting Avner bent down to demonstrate, Yo'av stabbed him, thereby avenging his brother's blood.
(f)When David heard about the murder, he declared his innocence and cursed Yo'av with a string of curses for what he had done. (These curses would later return to David's own descendents.) From that moment onward, until after Avner's burial, David made a great display of mourning, rending his garments as though he was a mourner, and he fasted until nightfall. He wept uncontrollably, and he eulogized Avner, ensuring that nobody would accuse him of complicity in the murder. He succeeded, as the verse relates that all of Yisrael knew that David had no role in the murder.
13)[line 55]חיגרCHIGER- lame
14)[line 55]... וילך שפי""... VA'YELECH SHEFI"- "[And Bil'am said to Balak, 'Stand by your burnt offering, and I will go; perhaps HaSh-m will come to meet me; and whatever He shows me I will tell you.'] And he went away limping" (Bamidbar 23:3) - RASHI explains that the word "Shefi" has the connotation of "limping" due to a dislocation.
15a)[line 55]שמשון, בשתי רגליוSHIMSHON, BI'SHTEI RAGLAV- Shimshon was lame in both legs, similar to a snake (see next entry), which must slither on its belly. The snake lies in wait at the side of a road and bites the legs of a horse, causing its rider to fall off. The MAHARSHA explains that the Gemara refers to the incident at the end of Shimshon's life, when he was caught and chained by the Pelishtim in their house of idol worship. During their festival, where thousands crowded into the house, Shimshon begged HaSh-m to strengthen him once again so that he could take revenge against his captors. HaSh-m complied, and he was able to kill more Pelishtim at that time than during the rest of his reign as Shofet. He died with those in the house, along with many more who were "riding" on the roof (Shoftim 16:23-30).
b)[line 30]"שפיפון עלי אורח...""SHEFIFON ALEI ORACH..."- "[Dan shall be a serpent by the way,] an adder in the path, that bites the heels of a horse, [so that his rider shall fall backward]" (Bereishis 49:17).
16)[line 56]קוסם באמתו היהKOSEM B'AMASO HAYAH- he (Bil'am) performed sorcery with his male organ (see BEN YEHOYADA)
17)[last line]אתונוASONO- his donkey
18)[line 4]שדאי להו ברטיבאSHADAI LEHU B'RETIVA- I sent them (my horses) out to pasture (Bil'am was embarrassed that he did not ride on a horse)
19)[line 6]לטעינא בעלמאL'TE'INA B'ALMA- only for carrying loads (Bil'am was embarrassed that he rode on a donkey)
20)[line 6]אקראי בעלמאAKRAI B'ALMA- only upon chance occasions
21)[line 10]"ותהי לו סוכנת""U'SEHI LO SOCHENES"- "[And his servants said to him, 'Let there be sought for my lord the king a young maiden; and let her stand before the king,] and she will be an attendant for him'" (Melachim I 1:2).
22)[line 12]"עַמִּי, זכר נא מה יעץ בלק מלך מואב ומה ענה אותו בלעם בן בעור; מן השטים עד הגלגל, למען דעת צדקות ה' ""AMI, ZECHOR NA MAH YA'ATZ BALAK MELECH MO'AV, U'MEH ANAH OSO BIL'AM BEN BE'OR; MIN HA'SHITIM AD HA'GILGAL, LEMA'AN DA'AS TZIDKOS HASH-M"- "O My people, remember now what Balak king of Moav planned, and what Bil'am the son of Be'or answered him; from the [Plains of] Shitim to the Gilgal, that you may know the righteousness of HaSh-m" (Michah 6:5).
23a)[line 19]נשתיירNISHTAYER- remained
b)[line 19]משונאיהן של ישראלMI'SON'EIHEN SHEL YISRAEL- (a euphemism; lit. from the enemies of Yisrael) from Yisrael
24)[line 20]שריד ופליטSARID U'PALIT- a remnant and a refugee
25)[line 21]"מה אקוב, לא קַבֹּה ק-ל...""MAH EKOV, LO KABO KEL; [U'MAH EZ'OM LO ZA'AM HASH-M?]"- "How can I curse? HaSh-m has not cursed. [How can I anger? HaSh-m has not become angry]" (Bamidbar 23:8).
26)[line 23]וכמה זעמו, רגעV'CHAMAH ZA'MO? REGA- And how long does his fury last? An instant.
27)[line 23]"כי רגע באפו...'""KI REGA V'APO; CHAYIM BI'RETZONO"- "For His anger lasts but a moment; in His favor is life; [weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning]" (Tehilim 30:6).
28)[line 24]"לֵךְ עַמִּי בֹּא בַחֲדָרֶיךָ...""LECH AMI, BO VA'CHADARECHA, U'SEGOR DELASECHA BA'ADECHA; CHAVI CHI'M'AT REGA, AD YA'AVOR ZA'AM"- "Come, my people, enter into your chambers, and close your doors behind you; hide yourself for a little while, until the wrath has passed" (Yeshayah 26:20).
29)[line 26]בתלת שעי קמייתאBI'TELAS SHA'EI KAMAISA- during the first three hours [of the day]
30)[line 27]כי חוורא כרבלתא דתרנגולאKI CHIVRA KARBALTA D'TARNEGOLA- when the crest (comb) of the rooster turns white
31)[line 29]סורוקי סומקיSHURAIKEI SUMKEI- (O.F. tajes) red speckles. It seems that at a certain point in the morning these red speckles on the comb turn white.
32)[line 30]דהוה בשיבבותיה דרבי יהושע בן לויD'HAVAH B'SHIVEVUSEI D'REBBI YEHOSHUA BEN LEVI- who lived in the neighborhood of Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi
33)[line 32]ואסר ליה בכרעיה ואותיבV'ASAR LEI B'CHAR'EI V'OSIV- he bound it (the rooster) by its foot and sat it up
34)[line 33]אילטייהILTAYEI- I will curse him
35)[line 34]נמנםNIMNEM- he dozed
36)[line 34]לאו אורח ארעאLAV ORACH ARA- it is not proper conduct
37)[line 34]"גם ענוש לצדיק לא טוב""GAM ANOSH LA'TZADIK LO TOV"- "Also a person who is not good will punish the righteous" (Mishlei 17:26). The Gemara reads this phrase as, "Also it is not good for a righteous person to mete out punishment."
38)[line 37]שורה של גדולהSHURAH SHEL GEDULAH- eminent personality
39)[line 42]מעין קאמרה ליהME'EN KA'AMRAH LEI- something (of your reknown) is what they said to him.
40)[line 47]חכהCHAKAH- a fishing hook
41)[line 50]בעלי קומהBA'ALEI KOMAH- men of stature
42)[line 54]"נֶאֱמָנִים פִּצְעֵי אוֹהֵב; וְנַעְתָּרוֹת נְשִׁיקוֹת שׂוֹנֵא""NE'EMANIM PITZ'EI OHEV; V'NA'TAROS NESHIKOS SONEI"- "The wounds of a friend are faithful; but the kisses of an enemy are superfluous" (Mishlei 27:6). RASHI in Ta'anis (20a) offers two explanations for the word "Na'taros": (a) fickle, capricious; (b) (O.F. encres - burdensome) excessive.
43)[last line]וגיזעו מחליףV'GIZ'O MACHALIF- and its stump grows new stems that become another trunk