[80a - 20 lines; 80b - 26 lines]

1)[line 2]אבא חלפתאABA CHALAFTA- [my] honorable father Chalafta (the word "Aba" is a term of honor, as the Gemara says in Berachos 16b)

2)[line 3]חץCHETZ- an arrow

3)[line 6]בשוורין אחרים מעלייאSHEVARIN ACHERIM MA'ALYA- other good (tame) bulls

4)[line 10]וולדה אסורVELADAH ASUR - her newborn is prohibited (UBAR YERECH IMO)

There is a Machlokes whether "Ubar Yerech Imo" - "a fetus is no more than a thigh of its mother" (i.e. it is only to be considered as a part of its mother), or whether the mother and its fetus are considered to be two different entities. The reason why the Beraisa here says that the fetus of the cow that killed is prohibited is because the Tana holds "Ubar Yerech Imo," and just as its mother is forbidden to be used since it must be put to death, so, too, the fetus is forbidden to be used since it must be put to death.

5)[last line]זה וזה גורםZEH V'ZEH GOREM

If two objects - one forbidden ("Isur") and one permitted ("Heter") - combine to produce a third object, the Tana'im argue as to whether the third object is forbidden or permitted. In our case, the fetus was formed by its mother who was to be killed because of the Din of Shor ha'Niskal, and by its father who was permitted.


6)[line 5]עובר ירך אמו הואUBAR YERECH IMO HU- see above, entry #4

7)[line 6]מותרה לדבר חמור הוי מותרה לדבר קלMUSREH L'DAVAR CHAMUR HEVEI MUSREH L'DAVAR KAL- if a person is warned for a severe crime, it is considered that he has been warned for a less serious crime

8)[line 8]שהתרו בו סתםHISRU BO STAM- the people who warned him warned him in a non-specific manner, such as, "If you do that sin, you will be liable to the death penalty"

9a)[line 10]בעדהEDAH- a Beis Din [of 23 for capital cases]

b)[line 10]ועדיםEDIM- [two] witnesses

c)[line 10]והתראהHASRA'AH

If a person transgresses a Lav for which the punishment is the death penalty or lashes, he can only be put to death or lashed if he has been given a proper Hasra'ah (warning). The warning must be, "Abstain, because this action is prohibited and you will be punished with the death penalty (or with lashes) for doing it," or something to that effect. The warning must specifically name the Lav or Av Melachah that the person is about to transgress.

10)[line 13]תנא קמא יליף ממקוששTANA KAMA YALIF MI'MEKOSHESH- The Tana Kama learned this Halachah from the person who gathered kindling sticks on Shabbos, thus incurring the death penalty (Bamidbar 15:32-36). It was not known at the time with which death penalty he was to be punished. As such, Tana Kama learns that being warned about the death penalty is enough of a warning, and the specific death penalty does not need to be mentioned.

11)[line 14]הוראת שעה היתהHORA'AS SHA'AH HAYESAH- it was an enactment that applied only at that specific time

12)[line 18]אבאABA- my father (Rav Yechezkel was the father of Rav Yehudah and Rami)

13)[line 19]תיפוק ליה דרובה נסקליןTEIPUK LEI D'RUBAH NISKALIN NINHU- it should be enough to learn that they all are punished with Sekilah since most of them have been sentenced to Sekilah (and Rebbi Shimon would not need to say that Sereifah is too severe a punishment)

14)[last line]שיננאSHINENA!- well-learned (sharp) person!