[9a - 28 lines; 9b - 38 lines]

1)[line 1]שנת חמשים אתהSHNAS CHAMISHIM V'ACHAS- [as] the fiftieth year [of the old cycle, as well as] the first year [of the subsequent seven-year Shemitah cycle]

2)[line 5]"[ששת ימים תעבד וביום השביעי תשבת] בחריש ובקציר תשבת""[SHESHES YAMIM TA'AVOD, UVA'YOM HA'SHEVI'I TISHBOS;] BE'CHARISH UVA'KATZIR TISHBOS"- "[Work for six days, and on the seventh, rest;] rest from plowing and harvesting." (Shemos 34:21) - Rebbi Akiva maintains that, despite the context, the last phrase in the verse does not refer to Shabbos. This is because there is no reason to single out these two Melachos for special mention when there are an additional thirty-seven that are prohibited on Shabbos. Rather, it must be referring to the Shemitah year (which is also described as "Shabbos"). Rebbi Yishmael maintains that this phrase does indeed refer to Shabbos, and it is written to impart a specific Halachah.

3)[line 11]יצא קציר העומר שהוא מצוהYATZA KETZIR HA'OMER SHE'HU MITZVAH- this excludes the cutting [of barley] for the Korban ha'Omer (see Background to 7:35), which is a Mitzvah [and may be carried out on Shabbos when it falls on the sixteenth of Nisan]

4)[line 13]"[שבת שבתון הוא לכם] ועניתם את נפשתיכם בתשעה [לחדש בערב מערב עד ערב תשבתו שבתכם]""[SHABBOS SHABASON HU LACHEM,] V'INISEM ES NAFSHOSEICHEM; B'SISH'AH [LA'CHODESH BA'EREV, ME'EREV AD EREV, TISHBESU SHABATCHEM.]"- "[It is an ultimate Shabbos for you,] and you should afflict yourselves; on the ninth [of the month in the evening, from that evening until the next, you should take respite in your day of rest.]" (Vayikra 23:32)

5)[line 21]שבותSHEVOS- a commandment to rest [from certain prohibited actions, which applies to Shabbos, Yom ha'Kipurim, Yom Tov, and Shemitah, all of which are described in the Torah as "Shabbos"]


6)[line 1]"...[וקראתם דרור בארץ לכל ישביה] יובל הוא תהיה לכם ושבתם איש אל אחזתו...]""[... U'KERASEM DROR BA'ARETZ L'CHOL YOSHVEHA;] YOVEL HI TIHEYEH LACHEM, [V'SHAVTEM ISH EL ACHUZASO...]"- "[... and you shall announce freedom in the land for all of its inhabitants;] it shall be a Yovel year for you, [and each man shall return to his inheritance...]" (Vayikra 25:10) - The phrase describing the year as Yovel is seemingly unnecessary, as the Torah uses this description a number of other times in the Parshah. Our Gemara understands that this added stress of the word "Yovel" teaches us that the Shemitah-like characteristics of Yovel forbidding the working of the land etc. apply even when certain other Halachos of Yovel have not been properly upheld.

7a)[line 2]שמטוS HAMTU- return [acquired land to the family for whom it is a permanent inheritance]

b)[line 2]תקעוTAK'U- blow [the Shofar on Yom ha'Kipurim (the Mitzvah of which to do so appears in the previous verse)]

c)[line 3]שלחוSHALCHU- send [their Jewish slaves free to their own homes]

8a)[line 9]שאפשר לעולם בלא שילוח עבדיםEFSHAR LA'OLAM B'LO SHILU'ACH AVADIM- it is possible for there to be no freeing of [Jewish-owned Jewish] slaves in the world [if no Jews are owned by others]

b)[line 10]ואי אפשר לעולם בלא תקיעת שופרV'IY EFSHAR LA'OLAM B'LO TEKI'AS SHOFAR- it is impossible for there to be no Shofar [available for] blowing in the world

9a)[line 11]זו מסורה לבית דיןZU MESURAH L'BEIS DIN- [the blowing of the Shofar] is entrusted to Beis Din

b)[line 11]וזו אינה מסורה לבית דיןV'ZU EINAH MESURAH L'BEIS DIN- [the freeing of slaves] is not entrusted to Beis Din [but rather to each and every individual who owns slaves]

10)[line 17]מקרא נדרש לפניו ולא לפני פניוMIKRA NIDRASH L'FANAV V'LO LI'FNEI FANAV- when expounding a phrase that appears in a verse, it may be assumed to qualify that which was discussed directly preceding it, but not that which was discussed prior to that

11a)[line 20]כמדייר בי דייראK'MEDAYEIR BEI DEYARA- as one who is able to choose his dwelling place

b)[line 20]ומוביל סחורה בכל מדינהU'MOVIL SECHORAH B'CHOL MEDINAH- and transport merchandise throughout the entire country

12)[line 24]ולאחריוUL'ACHARAV- as well as that which is discussed following it

13a)[line 35]הנוטעHA'NOTE'A- one who plants

b)[line 36]המבריךHA'MAVRICH- one who bends a branch of a plant and buries a section of it in the ground so that it puts forth new roots [intending to sever it from the mother plant at that point]

c)[line 36]המרכיבHA'MARKIV- one who grafts [a branch from one tree onto another tree]

14)[line 37]עלתה לו שנהALSA LO SHANAH- the year counts [as a full year toward the reckoning of the three years of Orlah (see Background to Beitzah 25:30)]

15)[last line]ואסור לקיימן בשביעיתASUR L'KAIMAN B'SHEVI'IS- it is forbidden to allow them to continue growing during Shemitah [since he planted them during the time period that one must add to Shemitah from the year before (Tosefes Shevi'is)]