UNTIL WHEN MAY ONE EAT CHAMETZ (Cont'd) (Yerushalmi Halachah 4 Daf 4a)
מחלפה שיטתיה דר''מ. תמן הוא אמר אך לרבות והכא הוא אמר אך למעט
Question: The opinion of Rebbi Meir has been switched - There (in the case of Chametz) he said that "ach'' comes to include (part of the 14th) and here (in the case in the first Perek of Beitzah where we learn from the word "ach'' that 'machshirei ochel nefesh' are prohibited on Yom Tov) he said that it comes to exclude?! (Pnei Moshe)
[דף ה עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] א''ר שמואל בר אבידומא מיעטו שאינו בחמץ
Answer (Rebbi Shmuel bar Avidoma): For Chametz it is also an exclusion, as one may not have Chametz on the 14th.
ר''מ אומר (דברים טז) לא תאכל עליו חמץ על אכילתו. ור' יודה אומר לא תאכל עליו חמץ על עשייתו
Rebbi Meir explains the pasuk (Devarim 16,3), "You shall not eat upon it Chametz'' applies to when eating the Pesach offering (but one could have Chametz during the afternoon of the 14th when one is only sacrificing it.) Rebbi Yehudah explains that the prohibition applies to when sacrificing it (during the afternoon of the 14th).
ר' יודה אית ליה עשה ולא תעשה על אכילתו עשה ולא תעשה על ביעורו.
Rebbi Yehudah has a positive and a negative mitzvah both for eating Chametz and for destroying it -
עשה על אכילתו (שם) שבעת ימים תאכל עליו מצות ולא חמץ. כל לא תעשה שהוא בא מכח עשה עשה.
The positive mitzvah against eating it is (Devarim 16,3),''Seven days you shall eat upon it matzah'', but not Chametz - any negative mitzvah that comes through a positive mitzvah is called a positive mitzvah.
לא תעשה על אכילתו לא תאכל עליו חמץ.
The negative mitzvah against eating it is (ibid), "You shall not eat upon it Chametz''. (Rebbi Yehudah learns that if this pasuk prohibits Chametz at the time of sacrificing the Pesach offering, then all the more so Chametz will be prohibited during Pesach itself. However, according to Rebbi Meir, the pasuk refers to the time of eating the Pesach offering, but this would not apply to the rest of Pesach.)
עשה על ביעורו תשביתו שאור.
The positive mitzvah of destroying Chametz is (Shemos 12,15), "...you must destroy leaven''.
לא תעשה על ביעורו (שמות יב) שבעת ימים שאור לא ימצא בבתיכם
The negative mitzvah for destroying Chametz is (Shemos 12,19), "For seven days leaven may not be found in your houses''.
[דף ד עמוד ב] הא ר''מ אומר משש שעות ולמעלה מדבריהן
(The Gemara taught in 1c): Rebbi Meir holds that the prohibition to eat Chametz after the 6th hour is Rabbinic.
שביעית אסור משום גדר ששית למה
Question: Only from the 7th hour [should it be prohibited](as Rebbi Meir holds that only the hour before sunset is a Torah prohibition, but the Rabbis extended the prohibition back to half way through the day, which begins at the 7th hour)-so why is the 6th hour prohibited?!
משום גדר
Answer: As a fence to protect the 7th hour.
ויש גדר לגדר
Question: Do Chazal make a fence around a fence?
אלא שעה ששית מתחלפת בשביעית
Answer: One will confuse the 6th hour with the 7th hour (consequently even the 6th was included in the original gezeirah).
הא ר' יהודא אומר מחמש ולמעלה מדבריהן ששית אסורה משום גדר חמישית למה משום גדר. ויש גדר לגדר
Question: Rebbi Yehudah holds that the 5th hour is Rabbinic. If the 6th hour is prohibited as a fence, why would the 5th hour also be prohibited as a fence? Do we make a fence around a fence?
אלא שחמישית מתחלפת בשביעית
Answer: One will confuse the 5th hour with the 7th hour (consequently even the 5th hour was included in the original gezeirah).
מחלפא שיטתיה דר' יהודה תמן הוא אמר אין חמישית מתחלפת בשביעית
Question: The opinion of Rebbi Yehudah has been switched - There (the Mishnah in Sanhedrin Ch.5 concerns a case of testimony - If one witness said that something took place at the 5th hour and one said it was at the 7th hour, the testimony is invalid as the sun is on different sides of the sky at those two times) he said that one would not confuse the 5th hour with the 7th hour!
א''ר יוסי תמן הדבר מסור לב''ד וב''ד זריזין הן ברם הכא הדבר מסור לנשים והנשים עצילות הן
Answer #1 (Rebbi Yosi) There, the matter is given over to Beis Din (witnesses) who act with alacrity [and they would not confuse the times]; here it is given over [even] to women who are sluggish [and they might err].
[דף ו עמוד א (עוז והדר)] א''ר יוסי בר בון תמן תחילת חמישית סוף שביעית ברם הכא סוף חמישית תחילת שביעית
Answer #2 (Rebbi Yosi bar Bun): There refers to the beginning of the 5th hour and the end of the 7th hour (since there is such a great difference, one could not get confused); here refers to the end of the 5th hour and the beginning of the 7th (where the difference is minor).
ותני כן שבתחילת חמש חמה במזרח וסוף שעה חמה במערב. לעולם אין החמה נוטה למערב אלא בסוף שבע
Support (Beraisa): At the beginning of the 5th hour the sun is in the east and at the end of the hour it is moving towards the west. The sun only actually goes to the west at the end of the 7th hour (therefore these times are easily confused).