PESACHIM 115 (14 Iyar) - this Daf has been dedicated by Harav Yosef Pearlman of London, England, l'Iluy Nishmas his father, ha'Rabbani Reb Rephael David ben Yosef Yitzchak Pearlman, who passed away on Pesach Sheni 5758.



Objection (Rav Chisda): It is unreasonable to bless Al Achilas Maror after he already ate it!


Answer #2 (Rav Chisda): The first time he blesses Borei Peri ha'Adamah and Al Achilas Maror; the second time he does not bless. (Rashi - he is Yotzei Maror the first time; later he eats it to fulfill two dippings; Tosfos - he is Yotzei the second time, for he does not intend the first time; Mishnah Berurah - he may not speak about anything other than Hagadah in between.)


In Sura they followed Rav Huna; Rav Sheshes brei d'Rav Yehoshua followed Rav Chisda.


The Halachah follows Rav Chisda.


Rav Acha brei d'Rava strove to get another vegetable to avoid the dispute.


(Rav Mesharshiya brei d'Rav Noson): Hillel had a tradition that nowadays (after the Churban) one should not wrap Matzah and Maror together to eat them - since Matzah is a Mitzvah mid'Oraisa and Maror is only mid'Rabanan, Maror is Mevatel Matzah (see note 59 in Appendix).


Even the opinion that says that Mitzvos do not Mevatel each other says this only when both are mid'Oraisa or both are mid'Rabanan - but if one is mid'Oraisa and the other is mid'Rabanan, the mid'Rabanan is Mevatel the mid'Oraisa.


Question: Who says that Mitzvos do not Mevatel each other?


Answer #1: Hillel says so:


(Beraisa): Hillel used to wrap Pesach, Matzah and Maror together and eat them - "Al Matzos u'Morerim Yochluhu" (none of these Mitzvos is Mevatel another, even though each may be a minority of the total).


(R. Yochanan): Hillel's colleagues (presumably the majority, since the following Beraisa is Stam) disagree:


(Beraisa) Suggestion: Perhaps one wraps Pesach, Matzah and Maror together and eats them like Hillel did!


Rejection: "Al Matzos u'Morerim Yochluhu" (it could have said 'Yochlu' - rather, it says Yochluhu, we read this 'Yochal Hu'), one may even eat each by itself.


Objection (to Answer #1 - Rav Ashi): If so (this Tana holds that Mitzvos Mevatel each other, he would have said that one must eat each by itself) - why does he say even? (We explain like Milchamos Hash-m.)


Answer #2 (Rav Ashi): [All agree that Mitzvos do not Mevatel each other;] the Beraisa means as follows:


(Beraisa) Suggestion: Perhaps one must wrap Pesach, Matzah and Maror together like Hillel did to be Yotzei!


Rejection: "Al Matzos u'Morerim Yochluhu" - one may even eat each by itself.


Conclusion: The Halachah was not fixed like Hillel, nor like Chachamim - [nowadays] we bless Al Achilas Matzah, eat Matzah, bless Al Achilas Maror, eat Maror, and then eat both together without a Berachah, to commemorate when there is a Mikdash, according to Hillel. (See note 60 in Appendix.)




(R. Elazar): One must wash his hands before eating anything dipped in a liquid. (Mid'Rabanan, unwashed hands are a Sheni l'Tum'ah and they make liquids a Rishon.)


Inference (Rav Papa): This teaches that one must [fully] submerge the lettuce in Charoses on account of Kapa (a poisonous sap or worm) inside;


If one need not submerge it, there would be no need to wash for it [when it is eaten - he could avoid touching the liquid in the Charoses]!


Rejection: Perhaps it suffices to dip it - the smell of the Charoses kills [or neutralizes] the Kapa (see note 61 in Appendix). (Tosfos - one checks the lettuce, so there probably is not a worm inside, so it is not forbidden on account of eating worms; we are more stringent regarding danger.)


Question: If so, why must one wash?


Answer: This is in case one will submerge it.


(Rav Papa): One should not leave the Charoses on the Maror, lest its sweetness (it is made with apples) blunt the bitterness of the Maror (one must taste Maror to be Yotzei).


(Rav Chisda): [Even though] one washed his hands for the first dipping, he washes for the second dipping.


(Rabanan): This refers to other days (he does not know that he will dip again) - but here (Seder night), he knows that he will dip again, he need not wash again.


Objection (Rav Papa): Just the contrary! It refers to here - but on other days, why should we assume that he dips twice?!


Counter-question: If it refers to here, why must he wash again? He already washed (knowing that he will dip again)!


Answer: Since we say Hagadah (recount leaving Mitzrayim) and Hallel in between, perhaps he was distracted and touched [something that is Metamei the hands].




(Rava): If one swallowed Matzah [without chewing it], he was Yotzei (one need not taste it to be Yotzei); if he swallowed Maror, he was not Yotzei (Rashi's text - he was Yotzei, because he got some taste of Maror);


If one swallowed Matzah and Maror, he was Yotzei Matzah (the Maror is not a Chatzitzah), but not Maror (he did not taste it at all).


If one wrapped them in a Siv [a shoot that grows around date trees], he was not even Yotzei Matzah (the Siv is a Chatzitzah).


(Rav Simi Bar Ashi): We put Matzah, Maror and Charoses in front of every person at the Seder (Tosfos - so everyone can taste immediately after the Berachah; Rashbam - this is only when everyone has his own table);


We remove the table only from the one who says Hagadah.


(Rav Huna): All of these are only in front of the one who says Hagadah.


The Halachah follows Rav Huna.


Question: Why do we remove the table?


Answer (d'Vei R. Yanai): This is to arouse children to ask questions.


Abaye was in front of Rabah - he saw that they removed the table from in front of him.


Abaye: We still did not eat, and you remove the table already?!


Rabah: You have exempted us from saying 'How different is tonight...(the four questions! Tosfos - Abaye also asked about other differences.)


(Shmuel): "Lechem Oni" - bread over which Onim (we recite) things (Hallel and Hagadah).


Support (Beraisa): "Lechem Oni" - bread over which Onim many things;


Also - "Oni" is written without a Vov, so we can read it 'Ani' (a poor person) - just like an Ani has [only] a partial loaf, here also we eat from a partial loaf. (We bless on two full loaves [in addition to the partial loaf], like every Shabbos and Yom Tov meal.)


Also - normally, an Oni lights the oven and his wife bakes (they work together, lest the oven cool off and more wood will be needed) - here also, he lights the oven and she bakes [to avoid delays that could cause Chimutz].