


(Rav): The roofs and Aliyos (upper stories) did not receive Kedushas Yerushalayim.


Question: But Rav said in the name of R. Chiya that '[The large Chaburah, of which each member gets only] a k'Zayis of Pesach and [a resounding] Hallel [almost] pierced the roof!'


Suggestion: They ate Pesach on the roof (i.e. the roofs were Hukdash!)


Answer: No, they ate on the ground floor and sang Hallel on the roof.


Question (Mishnah): Afikoman (dessert) after Pesach is forbidden;


(Rav): [This is like Afiku Mani, take out your Kelim -] this teaches that a Chaburah may not go to another Chaburah [to eat more; similarly, it may not go elsewhere to say Hallel].


Answer: It may not go elsewhere at the time of eating, but it may go elsewhere when not eating.


Question (Beraisa - Aba Sha'ul): The Aliyah above the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim was more Kodesh than the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim (this shows that Aliyos were Hukdash; the Gemara brings the entire Beraisa);


The Kohen Gadol enters the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim every year [on Yom Kipur], but someone enters the Aliyah only once every seven years, to check if repairs are needed;


Some say that it is checked twice every seven years; some say, once every 50 years.


Answer (Rav Yosef): The Heichal is different, for it says "...Tavnis ha'Ulam...v'Aliyosav" and "Ha'Kol bi'Chsav mi'Yad Hash-m Alai Hiskil" (it is all Kadosh).


Question (Mishnah): If a Lishkah (chamber in the walls of the Azarah) is built in Kodesh (the inside is in the Azarah) and its only opening is Chol (a place without Kedushas Azarah), the inside is Chol and the roof is Kodesh.


Answer (Rav Chisda): The case is, [it is below the Azarah,] its roof is even with the Azarah.


Question (Seifa): If it is built in Chol and its only opening is Kodesh, the inside is Kodesh and the roof is Chol.


If the roof is even with the Azarah, it is a Mechilah (tunnel), and R. Yochanan taught that Mechilos were not Hukdash!


Answer: R. Yochanan discusses only Mechilos that open to Har ha'Bayis - the Mishnah discusses Mechilos that open to [under] the Azarah.


Question (Beraisa - R. Yehudah): Mechilos under the Heichal are Chol.


Answer: That discusses Mechilos open to Chol.


Question (against Rav - Beraisa): The roof [of the Heichal] is Kodesh.


Counter-question (Beraisa): One may not eat Kodshei Kodoshim or slaughter Kodshim Kalim on these roofs [of the Azarah and its Lishkos].


Question: The Beraisos contradict each other!


Answer: (Rav Chama bar Gurya): The roof [of the Heichal] is Kodesh for putting there Klei Kodesh, like the two Amos (measuring rods above the eastern gate of Har ha'Bayis):


(Mishnah): There were two rods in [a place in the Mikdash called] Shushan ha'Birah, in the northeast and southeast corners; the former was half an Etzba bigger than the [six-Tefach] Amah of Moshe, the latter was one Etzba bigger.


Question: Why were there different Midos? (One Amah, that of Moshe, would suffice!)


Answer: Workers (who contracted to build for Hekdesh) would be hired [to build] according to the small Amah [of Moshe]; what they made was measured by a larger Midah, lest they be overpaid and transgress Me'ilah. (Tosfos (Menachos) - they did not want to be overpaid, but in any case they would not transgress Me'ilah.)


Question: Why were there two different larger Midos?


Answer: Things made of gold and silver were measured according to a Midah only a half-finger too big (otherwise, the workers would lose too much); things made of other (cheaper) building materials were measured according to the bigger Midah.


Question (Mishnah): Windows in the wall and the thickness of the wall itself are like inside.


Granted, windows in the wall could be even with the [floor of] the Azarah - but surely, 'the thickness of the wall' refers to its top, which is like a roof!


Answer: No - 'the thickness of the wall' refers to a low wall inside the tall wall, its top was even with the Azarah;


(R. Acha): "Va'Ya'avel Chel v'Chomah" - this is a tall wall with a low wall inside.




(Mishnah): If two Chaburos are eating the same Pesach in one house, they may face away from each other, and use a common hot water urn in the middle [even though it divides them];


If a waiter eats in one Chaburah serves both Chaburos, when he goes to the other Chaburah he closes his mouth and turns his face towards his Chaburah [lest people suspect that he eats with the other Chaburah] until he returns to his Chaburah and eats.


[Therefore,] a Kalah may [or must] turn away and eat (this will be explained).


(Gemara): Our Mishnah is like R. Yehudah:


(Beraisa - R. Yehudah): "Al ha'Batim Asher Yochlu Oso Bahem" - this teaches that one Pesach may be eaten [in two houses] by two Chaburos;


Suggestion: Perhaps one person may eat it in two places!


Rejection: "B'Vayis Echad Ye'achel;"


This is why Chachamim taught that if a waiter [roasting his Chaburah's Pesach forgot and] ate a k'Zayis by the oven, if he is clever he will eat his fill then [for he may not eat more elsewhere, and later he will be where his Chaburah eats, to serve them];


If his Chaburah want to do a favor for him, they sit next to him [near the oven, so he can eat leisurely with them].


R. Shimon says, "Al ha'Batim Asher Yochlu Oso Bahem" - this teaches that one may eat Pesach in two places;


Suggestion: Perhaps it may be eaten in two Chaburos!


Rejection: "B'Vayis Echad Ye'achel."


Question: What do they argue about?


Answer: R. Yehudah holds that [when we have a tradition to pronounce a word unlike it is written], we expound according to how it is written (Ye'achel can be read Yochal, he will eat [in one house - the verse does not discuss how the Korban is eaten]);


R. Shimon expounds according to how it is pronounced (Ye'achel, it (the Pesach) will be eaten [in one house - it does not discuss how a person eats it]).


If a Chaburah was eating Pesach, and they were separated into two groups by a divider:


R. Yehudah, who permits eating Pesach in two Chaburos, permits them to continue eating; R. Shimon, who forbids it to be eaten in two Chaburos, forbids continuing to eat.


If two Chaburos were eating Pesachim on opposite sides of a wall, and the wall fell [it is as if they are now in a new place]:


R. Shimon, who allows one to eat Pesach in two places, permits them to continue eating; R. Yehudah, who forbids eating in two places, forbids continuing to eat.


(Rav Kahana): These laws are clear.


Objection (Rav Ashi): You should ask whether or not after adding or removing a partition, continuing to eat indeed depends on eating in two Chaburos or in two places!


This is not resolved.




(Mishnah): A Kalah turns away and eats.


Question: What is the reason?


Answer (R. Chiya bar Aba): She is embarrassed [to eat in front of men, for they look at her].


Rav Huna brei d'Rav Noson visited Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak's house; he told them that his name is Rav Huna. They offered him to sit on a bed, and to drink - he did not refuse; he drank pausing once in the middle, without turning away from them.


The household: Why did you say that your name is Rav Huna?


Rav Huna: [From my youth] this is how people call me (Rashi; Maharsha - they did not know that he was ordained with this title).


The household: When we offered you to sit on a bed, why did you agree? (Only important people sit on a bed - normally, we sit on the floor or on a bench!)


Rav Huna: One should do anyone his host says [except for 'leave' (some delete this from the text); Maharsha - you must leave, but after this he is not your host].


The household: When we offered you a drink, why did you accept it immediately?


Rav Huna: One may decline [an offer from] a simple person, but one may not decline an important person [unless asked to do something haughty].


The household: Why did you pause once in the middle of drinking?


Rav Huna: A Beraisa says that one who drinks [a Revi'is of wine] at once (i.e. without pausing) is a glutton; to pause once in the middle is proper; to pause twice in the middle is haughtiness.


The household: Why didn't you turn away from us while drinking?


Rav Huna: The Mishnah says that a Kalah turns away [but men do not].


R. Yishmael b'Rebbi Yosi visited R. Shimon b'Rebbi Yosi's house. They offered him to drink - he did not refuse; he drank it at once.


The household: Don't you hold that one who drinks at once is a glutton?!


R. Yishmael: This was not said regarding a small cup [like you gave me], sweet wine, or one with a large stomach (Bava Metzi'a 84A - his daily food intake [or bicep or thigh] was like a pouch of 18 liters).


(Rav Huna): When three people enter to eat, the waiter must attend to them [but not for one or two]; one may leave whenever he wants [even though it is inconvenient for the waiter to serve the one or two remaining].


(Rabah): This is only if they enter at a normal time (Rashi - and the last one does not delay too long), and they informed the waiter that they will leave individually.


(Ravina): They must pay him, and the last one must pay extra.


The Halachah does not follow Ravina.