(Beraisa #1): The Tamid is offered before the Pesach; the Pesach precedes the Ketores; the Ketores precedes [lighting] the Menorah;
Something (Pesach) about which it says "ba'Erev" and "Bein ha'Arbayim" is after something (the Tamid) about which it says only "Bein ha'Arbayim."
Question: If so, Ketores and the Menorah, about which it says only "Bein ha'Arbayim," should also precede the Pesach!
Answer: "Oso" teaches that this is not so:
(Beraisa): "Me'Erev Ad Boker" - we put enough oil in to burn from evening until morning;
This also teaches that Hadlakas ha'Menorah is the only Avodah that applies all night.
Question: What is the reason?
Answer: "Ya'aroch Oso Aharon u'Vanav me'Erev Ad Boker" - this is the only Avodah [that one may begin] from night until morning.
A Hekesh equates Ketores to the Menorah [that other Avodos may not follow it].
Another Beraisa [argues and] holds that the Halachah is like our question!
(Beraisa #2): The Tamid is offered before the Ketores; the Ketores precedes the Menorah; the Menorah precedes the Pesach;
Something (Pesach) about which it says "ba'Erev" and "Bein ha'Arbayim" is after something (Tamid, Ketores and Menorah) about which it says only "Bein ha'Arbayim."
Question: But it says "Oso" (other Avodos may not follow the Menorah)!
Answer: "Oso" teaches that no other Avodah inside [the Heichal, like the Menorah] may follow the Menorah.
Question: Which Avodah does this refer to?
Answer: It refers to the Ketores.
Since it says "Uv'Ha'alos Aharon Es ha'Neros Bein ha'Arbayim Yaktirenah," one might have thought that Ketores follows the Menorah - Oso teaches that it does not.
Question: Why does it say "Bein ha'Arbayim Yaktirenah"?
Answer: It teaches that when you light the Menorah the Ketores should already be burning.
(Beraisa): The Ketores is the only thing offered before the morning Tamid;
It says "V'Hiktir Alav Aharon Ketores Samim ba'Boker ba'Boker" - therefore it is before the Tamid, about which it says 'Boker' only once.
(Beraisa #2): The Tamid is offered before the Ketores; the Ketores precedes the Menorah; the Menorah precedes the Pesach;
The only Avodos after the afternoon Tamid are the Ketores, Menorah, Pesach and [the Korban of a] Mechusar Kipurim on Erev Pesach - the Mechusar Kipurim immerses again [after his Korban is brought] and eats the Pesach at night.
R. Yishmael, son of R. Yochanan ben Brokah says, also Mechusar Kipurim on any day may follow the Tamid, he immerses and eats Kodshim at night.
Question: We understand the first Tana - the Mitzvas Ase of Korban Pesach has Kares [for one who does not bring it], therefore to enable one to fulfill it we override the Ase of Hashlamah (not to offer other Korbanos after the afternoon Tamid), which does not have Kares;
But according to R. Yishmael, why does one Ase (eating other Kodshim) override the other (Hashlamah - neither has Kares)?
Answer #1 (Rav Chisda): The case is, the Mechusar Kipurim only needs to bring Chatas ha'Of - only its blood goes on the [walls of the] Mizbe'ach (Hashlamah only applies to things burned on the Mizbe'ach).
Answer #2 (Rav Papa): He may even bring Chatas Behemah after the Tamid - [its blood is thrown during the day, and] the Eimurim [the parts burned on the Mizbe'ach] are brought up on the Mizbe'ach and left overnight [and burned after the morning Tamid; the Pesul of Linah (being left overnight) does not apply on top of the Mizbe'ach].
Question: A Metzora must also bring an Asham in order to eat Kodshim (it cannot be a bird)!
This is not difficult for Rav Papa - [its blood is thrown during the day, and] the Eimurim are left overnight on top of the Mizbe'ach;
How can Rav Chisda answer?
Answer: The case is, he already offered his Asham.
Question: He must also bring an Olah!
Suggestion: Perhaps the Olah is not Me'akev (essential for) eating Kodshim.
Rejection (Beraisa - R. Yishmael, son of R. Yochanan ben Brokah): Just like the Chatas and Asham of a Metzora are Me'akev Taharah, also the Olah.
Suggestion: Perhaps he already offered his Olah!
Rejection (Beraisa) Question: [Regarding Chatas ha'Of and Olas ha'Of it says "V'Hikriv Es Asher la'Chatas Rishonah" - what do we learn from this?
We already know that the Chatas is offered first - "V'Es ha'Sheni Ya'aseh Olah"!
Answer: This is extra to teach, through Binyan Av (precedent), that whenever a Chatas and Olah are brought together, the Chatas comes first;
This is true even when Chatas ha'Of is brought with Olas Behemah [i.e. a rich Yoledes].
Answer (Rava): Regarding Metzora it says "V'He'elah ha'Kohen Es ha'Olah" - [the past tense teaches that] even if the Olah was offered first, it is Mechaper.
Question (R. Shemen bar Aba, of Rav Papa): You say that he leaves [Eimurim of] the Chatas on top of the Mizbe'ach overnight - this may cause Kohanim to stumble! Perhaps at night, when they offer Eimurim of Korbanos whose blood was thrown before the afternoon Tamid, they will think that also these Eimurim are from such a Korban, and they will offer them, transgressing Hashlamah!
Answer (Rav Papa): Kohanim are zealous (we are not concerned lest they err).
Question (Rav Ashi): Kohanim may not eat the meat until the Eimurim are offered;
(Beraisa) Suggestion: Perhaps Kohanim may eat Chazah v'Shok (the chest and foreleg they receive from a Shelamim) before the Eimurim are offered!
Rejection: Only after "V'Hiktir ha'Kohen Es ha'Chelev ha'Mizbechah" it says "v'Hayah he'Chazeh l'Aharon ul'Vanav"!
The Korban does not atone [or Metaher] until the Kohanim eat!
"V'Ochlu Osam Asher Kupar Bahem" - this teaches, Kohanim eat and the owner of the sacrifice gets atonement!
Answer (Rav Kahana): Since it is impossible to offer the Eimurim now, it is considered as if the Eimurim became Tamei or were lost:
(Beraisa) Suggestion: If the Eimurim became Tamei or were lost, perhaps Kohanim do not receive Chazah v'Shok!
Rejection: "V'Hayah he'Chazeh l'Aharon ul'Vanav" - in any case (see note 37 in Appendix).
Question (Rav Kahana): It says "V'Lo Yalin Chelev Chagi Ad Boker" - one may not leave Chelev [of the Chagigah of the 14th (Yerushalmi) or 15th (Tosfos)] until morning, but one may leave it [until offering it virtually] the entire night;
Contradiction: It also says "V'Hiktir Aleha Chelvei ha'Shelamim" - Aleha Hashlem all the Korbanos (the Chelev must be offered before the afternoon Tamid)!
Answer (Rav Kahana): [The blood was thrown before that of the Tamid, hence the Chelev could have been offered before the Tamid, therefore if] the Chelev was not offered before the Tamid [it may be offered afterwards].
Question (Rav Safra): It says "V'Lo Yalin la'Boker Zevach Chag ha'Posach" - one may not leave it until morning, but one may leave it [virtually] all night [and then burn it]!
Contradiction: [Pesach is offered on Erev Yom Tov, its Chelev may be offered at night, i.e. Yom Tov - but] it says "Olas Shabas b'Shabato" - but one may not offer [leftover Chelev of] an Olah of Chol on Shabbos or Yom Tov!
Answer (Rava): Rav Aba bar Chiya already asked this of R. Avahu - R. Avahu answered that the Heter to burn Chelev of the Pesach at night is when Erev Pesach is on Shabbos, for Chelev of Shabbos may be offered on Yom Tov.
Question (Rav Safra): Because Chelev of Shabbos may be offered on Yom Tov, must we limit the verse to when Erev Pesach is on Shabbos?!
Answer (Rava): Indeed, it is difficult, but we are forced to establish it like this!
(Mishnah): Pesach is Pasul in the following cases:
The slaughter was Lo Lishmah, and also Kabalah, Holachah and Zerikah (see note in Appendix);
He intended Lishmah and then Lo Lishmah, e.g. l'Shem Pesach and then l'Shem Shelamim;
He intended Lo Lishmah and then Lishmah, e.g. l'Shem Shelamim and then l'Shem Pesach.