[116a - 51 lines; 116b - 35 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 116a [line 30]:

"v'Im Eino Chacham, Ishto Sho'alto" ואם אינו חכם, אשתו שואלתו

The Girsa of the manuscripts, Rav Amram Ga'on, Rif, and Rosh is "v'Im Lav, Ishto Sho'alto" ואם לאו, אשתו שואלתו

(Dikdukei Sofrim #60 — see Insights)

[2] Gemara 116a [line 49]:

"Amar Lei Patartan mi'Lomar Mah Nishtanah" אמר ליה פטרתן מלומר מה נשתנה

These words do not appear in the manuscripts. It is also evident that they were not in the Gemara of the Rashbam. (Dikdukei Sofrim #300)

[3] Gemara 116b [line 5]:

"Matzah Al Shum she'Nig'alu Avoseinu mi'Mitzrayim..." מצה על שום שנגאלו אבותינו ממצרים...

This is the Girsa of the manuscripts. The Rambam's Girsa is "Matzah Al Shum she'Lo Hispik Betzeikam l"Hachmitz... מצה על שום שלא הספיק בציקם להחמיץ..., as is the Girsa in the standard edition of the Hagadah. (See also Derushei Tzelach 38:11.)

[4] Gemara 116b [line 28]:

The words "d'Bei Rav Yosef Man d'Amar Agadta" דבי רב יוסף מאן דאמר אגדתא

should be "d'Bei Rav Yosef Man Amar Agadta" דבי רב יוסף מאן אמר אגדתא


1)[line 2]מסיקMASIK- lights the oven [since he does not have enough firewood to heat the oven for long periods]

2)[line 2]אף כאן נמיAF KAN NAMI- so too here [in order that the dough should not become Chametz]

3)[line 5]קפא דחסא חמאKAPA D'CHASA CHAMA- [the remedy for one who fell ill after eating] Kapa of lettuce (see Background to 115:9a) is [to eat] a radish

4)[line 6]כרתיKARTEI- leeks

5)[line 6]חמימיCHAMIMEI- hot water

6)[line 7]דכולהוD'CHULHU- of all [vegetables]

7)[line 7]אדהכי והכיAD'HACHI V'HACHI- in the meantime (before one is able to take the remedy)

8a)[line 8]דכירנא לךDACHIRNA LACH- I remember you

b)[line 8]ולשב בנתיךUL'SHEV BENASICH- and your seven daughters

c)[line 8]ולתמני כלתךUL'TAMNI KALASECH- and your eight daughters-in-law

9)[line 10]תפוחTAPU'ACH- the apple tree [under which the Jewish women in Mitzrayim would painlessly give birth, out of sight of the Egyptians (Sotah 11b, based on Shir ha'Shirim 8:5)]

10)[line 11]טיטTIT- cement

11)[line 12]לקהוייהL'KAHUYEI- to [add apples which] give it an acidic flavor

12)[line 12]לסמוכיהL'SAMUCHEI- to thicken it

13)[line 14]תבליןTAVLIN- spices [such as cinnamon and ginger, cut lengthwise such that they resemble straw]

14)[line 16]תגרי חרךTAGAREI CHARACH- shopkeepers who sit at the doors of their shops

15)[line 16]וטלוTELU- take

16)[line 19]אביו מלמדוAVIV MELAMDO- see Insights

17)[line 23]אנו אוכלין בשר צלי...ANU OCHLIN BASAR TZLI...- this question was asked only in the times of the Beis ha'Mikdash

18a)[line 23]שלוקSHALUK- thoroughly cooked

b)[line 24]מבושלMEVUSHAL- cooked

19)[line 27]גנותGENUS- disgrace

20)[line 30]ואם אינו חכםV'IM EINO (CHACHAM)- see Insights

21)[line 40]חיובא לדרדקי?CHIYUVA L'DARDEKEI?- how can you term that which is done for no reason other than to pique the interest of the children an "obligation"?

22)[line 44]עבודת גלוליםAVODAS GILULIM- idol worship

23)[line 46]דרו עבדיהDARU AVDEI- his slave named Daru

24)[line 47]דהבאDAHAVA- gold

25)[line 48]לאודוייL'ODUYEI- to thank

26)[line 49]פטרתן מלומר מה נשתנהPATARTAN MI'LOMAR MAH NISHTANAH- you have relieved me of my responsibility to induce those present to ask the four questions, since your reply will stimulate them to do so (see HAGAHOS MOHA'RAV RENSBURG; see also Girsa Section #2)


27)[line 2]על שום שפסח המקוםAL SHUM SHE'PASACH HA'MAKOM- since HaSh-m passed over

28)[line 6]הבצקBATZEK- dough

29a)[line 14]לפארL'FA'ER- to glorify

b)[line 14]להדרL'HADER- to honor

c)[line 14]לעלהL'ALEI- to extol

d)[line 14]ולקלסUL'KALES- to laud

30)[line 16]יגוןYAGON- sorrow

31)[line 20]וחותם בגאולהV'CHOSEM B'GE'ULAH- and one closes [this section of Halel] with [a Berachah, the theme of which is] redemption. Rebbi Tarfon and Rebbi Akiva proceed to disagree over the precise structure and wording of this Berachah.

32)[line 22]יגיענוYAGI'ENU- will bring us

33)[line 24]צריך שיאמר ואותנו...TZARICH SHE'YOMAR V'OSANU...- before reciting "l'Fikach...," one should recite the verse, "v'Osanu..." (Devarim 6:23). This is indeed our custom.

34)[line 25]מצה צריך להגביהMATZAH TZARICH L'HAGBI'AH- [when discussing the Matzah,] one must raise the Matzah

35)[line 26]אוכל קדשים בחוץOCHEL KODSHIM B'CHUTZ- one who is eating a Korban outside [of Yerushalayim, within which al Korbanos must be consumed]

36)[line 26]סומאSUMA- one who is blind

37)[line 27]התםHASAM (BEN SORER U'MOREH)

(a)A boy can become a Ben Sorer u'Moreh (Devarim 21:18-21; lit a "stubborn and rebellious son") from the time that he shows signs of puberty (when two hairs grow) until he reaches a further stage of development (approximately three months later). He must steal money from his father, and buy 50 Dinars' weight of meat, eating it rare outside his father's property and in bad company. He must also drink half a log (5 oz.) of wine with the meal. It is therefore forbidden for a boy of this age to eat such a meal at any time (SEFER HA'MITZVOS, Lo Sa'aseh #195).

(b)A Ben Sorer u'Moreh is punished with Sekilah (stoning). Rebbi Yosi ha'Gelili explains that since he is running after worldly pleasures, he will eventually deplete all of his father's possessions, and when there is nothing left, he will stand at a crossroads and steal from people. It is better to kill him when he is young and has few sins than to let him live and die a wicked man (Sanhedrin 72a).

(c)The Gemara (Sanhedrin 68b-72a) learns that there are additional conditions necessary to become a Ben Sorer u'Moreh, which are so numerous and intricate that it is unfeasible for this punishment ever to be executed.

38)[line 29]רב יוסף... רב ששתRAV YOSEF... RAV SHESHES- Both Rav Yosef and Rav Sheshes were blind.