[105a - 37 lines; 105b - 20 lines]

1)[line 1]קשיא לעולאKASHYA L'ULA- [this seems to pose] a question to Ula [who did not conclude the Berachah of Havdalah with "Baruch..."]

2)[line 6]אי מקדיש יומא, נפסיק וניקבעיה לשבתאIY MAKDISH YUMA, NAFSIK V'NIKVE'EI L'SHABATA- If Shabbos has begun, we will stop our meal [completely] and start again with specific intent to eat a Shabbos meal

3)[line 7]שבתא קבעה נפשהSHABATA KAV'AH NAFSHAH- [since one may not eat once Shabbos has begun without making Kidush,] Shabbos automatically determines [the continuation of the meal to be a Shabbos meal. Therefore one need only cover the table with a cloth, make Kidush, and continue eating.]


(a)According to Torah Law, one is required to tithe his grain only if he harvests it in a normal manner. This includes removing the chaff in the field, piling the grain there, and afterwards bringing it through the front door of his house (Berachos 35b). It is then Hukba l'Ma'aser (designated for tithing).

(b)If one of these steps is missing, the produce still may not be eaten mid'Rabanan until Terumos and Ma'asros are separated. The Rabanan did not prohibit eating such produce, however, in an irregular fashion (Achilas Ara'i). Achilas Ara'i includes situations such as eating the produce as a snack while it is still in the field and feeding it to one's livestock.

(c)This exception, however, does not apply on Shabbos. Any food eaten on Shabbos, however small an amount, is a fulfillment of Oneg Shabbos, and therefore cannot be considered insignificant or temporary. For this reason no food may be eaten on Shabbos unless Ma'aser was taken from it prior to Shabbos.

5)[line 19]לא מיסתפי מר מאסכרה?LO MISTEFI MAR ME'ASKERAH?- Are you not afraid of choking? (O.F. bon malant; quinsy, the development of severe pain, redness and swelling in the throat (RASHI Berachos 40a)

6)[line 23]בערב שבתB'EREV SHABBOS- on Shabbos night

7)[line 25]כל השבת כולוKOL HA'SHABBOS KULO- the entire week

8)[line 29]הזכרה בברכת המזוןHAZKARAH B'BIRKAS HA'MAZON- a mention in Birkas ha'Mazon (Retzei on Shabbos and Ya'aleh v'Yavo on Yom Tov)

9)[line 29]שבת ויום טובSHABBOS V'YOM TOV- [the day of] Shabbos and Yom Tov

10)[line 36]דאי לא קתניD'IY LO KA'TANI- the Beraisa is not dealing with a situation in which one did not follow the proper protocol

11)[line 36]כבוד יום וכבוד לילה כבוד יום קודםKAVOD YOM V'KAVOD LAILAH, KAVOD YOM KODEM- if one only has enough wine or delicacies for one Shabbos meal, he should save them for the day meal


12)[line 1]קידוש היוםKIDUSH HA'YOM- Kidush [recited on Shabbos night, which sanctifies] the day [of Shabbos]

13)[line 1]קודם לכבוד יוםKODEM LI'CHVOD YOM- precedes the honor of the day

14a)[line 10]לא חכימא' אנאLO CHAKIMA'AH ANA- I am not wise [enough to have said it on my own]

b)[line 10]ולא חוזאה אנאLO CHOZA'AH ANA- I am no seer

c)[line 11]ולא יחידא' אנאLO YECHIDA'AH ANA- nor am I [quoting it in the name of] an individual

15)[line 11]גמרנא וסדרנא אנאGAMARNA V'SADARNA ANA- this is the how I learned it in Yeshivah and how I organized my learning before my teachers (see Insights). An alternate Girsa brought by the RASHBAM reads V'LO GAMARANA ANA, ELA SADARNA ANA - nor did I learn the following explanation from my teachers, rather I carefully learned all of the Halachos of Kidush and Havdalah until I had properly organized in a sensible manner

16a)[line 13]עיולי יומאAYULEI YUMA- the arrival of Shabbos

b)[line 13]לאפוקי יומאAFUKEI YUMA- the departure of Shabbos

17)[line 14]מחבבינן ליהMECHAVEVINAN LEI- we show affection for it

18)[line 16]טונאTUNA- a burden

19)[line 18]ברכהBERACHAH- Birkas ha'Mazon

20)[last line]טעמו, פגמוTA'AMO, PAGMO- if one drank from the cup, he damaged it (i.e., it may not subsequently be used for a Kos Shel Berachah)

21)[last line]טעם, מבדילTA'AM, MAVDIL- [even] one who ate may recite Havdalah [immediately]