NIDAH 68 (9 Av) - Dedicated by Mrs. Gitti Kornfeld in memory of her father, Reb Yisrael Shimon ben Shlomo ha'Levi Turkel, whose Yahrzeit is on 10 Av.


TOSFOS DH Kach Amru... Hei'ach Ishah Chofefes b'Yom v'Toveles b'Laylah

úåñôåú ã"ä ëê àîøå... äéàê àùä çåôôú áéåí åèåáìú áìéìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives three explanations of the distinction.)

ùäøé á÷åùé äúéøå ìä ìäøçé÷ çôéôúä ëì ëê àìà îùåí ãàé çåôôú áìéì èáéìúä àéîåø ìà çééôà ùôéø îúåê ùîäåîä ìáéúä îîäøú ìèáéìúä


Explanation: With difficulty they permitted to distance Chafifah so much [from Tevilah], only because if she does Chafifah on Leil (the night of) Tevilah, perhaps she will not do it well. Since she is anxious to be with her husband, she rushes to immerse.

åôéøù øù''é äà ãàôùø ìçåó áéåí ëâåï áéîé äçåì çåôôú áéåí åèåáìú áìéìä


Explanation #1 (Rashi): "This is when it is possible" to do Chafifah during the day, e.g. on a weekday. She does Chafifah during the day and immerses at night;

äà ãìà àôùø ìçåó áéåí ëâåï ùàéøòä èáéìúä áîåöàé ùáú åàí úçåó áò''ù úøçé÷ éåúø îãàé îèáéìúä çåôôú áìéì èáéìúä áîåöàé ùáú


"This is when it is not possible" to do Chafifah during the day, e.g. when Tevilah is on Motza'ei Shabbos. If she does Chafifah on Erev Shabbos, it is distanced too much from Tevilah. [Rather,] she does Chafifah on Leil Tevilah, on Motza'ei Shabbos.

åà''ú äà ãôñ÷éðï ìòéì äìëúà ëøá çñãà åëãîúøõ øá ééîø ìà ÷àé ãäëà àîøéðï ãàéðä çåôôú ò''ù åèåáìú ìîåöàé ùáú


Question: This that we ruled above (67b) that the Halachah follows Rav Chisda, like Rav Yemar answered, does not persist, for here we say that she may not do Chafifah on Erev Shabbos and immerse on Motza'ei Shabbos!

åé''ì ãàéëà ìàå÷îé ôñ÷ ãìòéì ùìéì èáéìúä áîåö''ù åäåà éå''è àæ åãàé úçåó îò''ù åìà úôñéã òåðúä äåàéì åàéðä éëåìä ìçåó áìéì èáéìúä åìà áéåí ùìôðé èáéìä


Answer: We can establish the ruling above when Leil Tevilah is Motza'ei Shabbos, and it is Yom Tov. Surely she does Chafifah on Erev Shabbos, and she does not lose her Onah (Leil Tevilah, a time for intimacy), since she cannot do Chafifah on Leil Tevilah, and not the day before Leil Tevilah.

î''î ìôéøåù øù''é ðøàä ãîåúø ìçåó áìéì èáéìä àìà ùèåá ìä éåúø ìçåó áéåí îôðé ùîäåîä ìáéúä


Remark: In any case, according to Rashi it seems that Chafifah on Leil Tevilah is permitted, just it is better that she do Chafifah during the day, for [at night] she rushes to be with her husband.

åëï îùîò îã÷àîø àùä çåôôú áéåí åìà ÷àîø àùä ìà úçåó àìà áéåí ëã÷àîø àùä ìà úçåó àìà áìéìä


Support #1: [The Gemara] connotes like this. It says that a woman does Chafifah during the day. It does not say that she may do Chafifah only during the day, like [the other ruling] says "she may do Chafifah only at night."

åëï îùîò ìòéì áòåáãà ãáé øéù âìåúà ãîåúø ìçåó áìéì èáéìä


Support #2: Above, in the episode in the Reish Galusa's house, it connotes that Chafifah on Leil Tevilah is permitted;

åìà îñúáø ìôìåâé îùåí ãàé÷åè îãîééúé îääåà òåáãà ãðãä çåôôú áìéìä îùîò àó áìà àåðñ


It is unreasonable to distinguish that [it was permitted only] because they quarreled, for we bring from that episode that a Nidah may do Chafifah at night. This connotes even without Ones!

åáùàìúåú ãøá àçàé ôøùú àçøé îåú [ñé' öå] ôéøùä äà ãàôùø ìçåó áìéì èáéìä ùäåà çåì ìà úøçé÷ çôéôä îèáéìä ëìì åàôéìå àí äéåí ëîå ëï çåì ìà úçåó àìà áìéìä


Explanation #2: The She'altos of Rav Achai (Acherei Mos 96) explained "this is when it is possible" to do Chafifah on Leil Tevilah, when [the night] is a Yom Chol. She should not distance Chafifah from Tevilah at all, even if also the day was Chol. She does Chafifah only at night;

åäà ãìà àôùø ëâåï ùìéì èáéìä éåí èåá àå ùáú àæ úçåó áéåí ùìôðé äèáéìä


"This is when it is not possible", e.g. Leil Tevilah is Yom Tov or Shabbos. Then she does Chafifah during the day before the Tevilah;

åàôéìå àí éåí ùìôðé äèáéìä ëîå ëï éå''è àå ùáú àæ úçåó îòøá ùáú àå îòøá éå''è ëôñ÷ ùìîòìä ããøéù îøéîø ãäéìëúà ëøá çñãà åëãîúøõ øá ééîø


Even if the day before the Tevilah is also Yom Tov or Shabbos, then she does Chafifah on Erev Shabbos or Erev Yom Tov like the ruling above, that Mereimar expounded that the Halachah follows Rav Chisda, like Rav Yemar answered.

åìãáøé äùàìúåú ëì æîï ùúåëì àéï ìçåó àìà áìéì èáéìä


Consequence: According to the She'altos, whenever possible she should do Chafifah only on Leil Tevilah.

îéäà ìôé îðäâ äðùéí ùì òëùéå ùùåäåú áîøçõ òã äìéìä îåúø ìçåó áéåí àó ìôé äùàìúåú


Distinction: However, according to the custom of women nowadays, that they delay in the bathhouse until the night, it is permitted even according to the She'altos;

åàéðå àñåø àìà ìçåó îáòåã éåí åìöàú îï äîøçõ ÷åãí äìéìä àáì áùùäúä ùí òã äìéìä çôéôä àøéëúà äéà ùëì ùòä òåñ÷ú áçôéôú âåôä åùòøä åúáà òìéä áøëä


He forbids only to do Chafifah during the day and leave the bathhouse before night. However, if she stays there until night, it is a long Chafifah. As long as she engages in Chafifah of her body and hair, she should be blessed!

åòåã éù ùîçîéøåú àò''ô ùçåôôú ðåùàåú òîäï îñø÷ åñåø÷åú òöîï ááéú äèáéìä


Remark: Also, some women are stringent, that even though she does Chafifah, they take a comb and comb themselves in the place where they immerse.

åø''ú ôéøù åúîä òì òöîê æäå ëôì îìä ëìåîø äéàê àúä àåîø ãáø æä ùàùä çåôôú áéåí åèåáìú áìéì îåöàé ùáú åäà áòéðï ñîåê ìçôéôä èáéìä


Explanation #3 (R. Tam): "You should be astounded at yourself!' is a repetition (of what was said. His next words do not object to every case of Chafifah during the day and Tevilah at night, rather, only the case just mentioned.) I.e. how can you say so, that a woman does Chafifah during the day (on Erev Shabbos) and immerses at night on Motza'ei Shabbos? (This is wrong.) We require Samuch l'Chafifah Tevilah!

åàåîø ø''é ãëé äàé âååðà àéëà áôñçéí ôø÷ ëì ùòä (ãó ëâ.) åúîä òì òöîê äéàê çîõ àñåø áäðàä ëì ùáòä


Objection (Ri): We find like this [expression] in Pesachim (23a) "you should be astounded at yourself! How is Chametz Asur b'Hana'ah all seven days?" (This begins a Beraisa there. It means "you cannot say the following." We can say so also here!)


Note: Aruch l'Ner says that the coming Diburim DH v'Hilchesa and DH Ha are continuations of R. Tam's opinion. They appear like separate Diburim due to a printing mistake.


TOSFOS DH v'Hilchesa Ishah Chofefes b'Yom v'Toveles b'Laylah

úåñôåú ã"ä åäìëúà àùä çåôôú áéåí åèåáìú áìéìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos continues the Perush of R. Tam.)

ôé' áòøá ùáú åèåáìú áîåöàé ùáú åäìëúà àùä ìà úçåó àìà áìéìä ôéøåù áîåöàé ùáú åìà úîäø ìçåó áòøá ùáú


Explanation #3 (cont.): [The Halachah is that] She does Chafifah on Erev Shabbos and immerses on Motza'ei Shabbos. And, the Halachah is that she does Chafifah only at night, i.e. on Motza'ei Shabbos, and she does not rush to do Chafifah on Erev Shabbos.


TOSFOS DH Ha d'Efshar

úåñôåú ã"ä äà ãàôùø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos continues the Perush of R. Tam.)

ìçåó áîåöàé ùáú ùäåà çåì úçåó áå åìà úîäø ìçåó îòøá ùáú


Explanation #3 (cont.): [This is when it is possible] to do Chafifah on Motza'ei Shabbos, for it is not Yom Tov, she does Chafifah then, and does not rush to do it on Erev Shabbos;

åäà ãìà àôùø ìçåó áîåöàé ùáú ìéì èáéìúä ëâåï ùäåà éåí èåá çåôôú îòøá ùáú àó òì ôé ùèáéìúä ìîåöàé ùáú àå ìéì ùðé áùáú åäí ùðé éîéí èåáéí àçø äùáú


And this [other law] is when it is not possible to do Chafifah on Motza'ei Shabbos, which is Leil Tevilah, e.g. it is Yom Tov. She does Chafifah on Erev Shabbos, even though her Tevilah is on Motza'ei Shabbos or Sunday night, and there are two days of Yom Tov after Shabbos;

åìà àééøé ëìì äù''ñ áàéñåø çôéôä ùçøéú åèáéìä òøáéú áìà äôñ÷ú éåí


The Gemara does not discuss at all the Isur of Chafifah in the morning and Tevilah at night without a [full] day in between.

åëï ìà àééøé áàéñåø çôéôú ìéìä


Similarly, it does not discuss the Isur of Chafifah at night.

åàåîø ø''é ãàí àéøò èáéìúä ìéì úùòä áàá àñåøä ìèáåì ãìéú äìëúà ëäê áøééúà ãëì ëúáé ä÷ãù (ùáú ÷éà.) ãëì çééáé èáéìåú èåáìéï ëãøëï áéï áè' áàá áéï áéä''ë


Pesak (Ri): If Leil Tevilah falls on Tish'ah b'Av, it is forbidden to immerse, for the Halachah does not follow the Beraisa in Shabbos (111a) that anyone obligated to immerse, he immerses normally, whether on Tish'ah b'Av or Yom Kipur;

àìà ÷é''ì ëøáé çðéðà ñâï äëäðéí ãàîø ñåó ôø÷ ÷îà ãúòðéú (ãó éâ.) ëãé äåà áéú àìäéðå ìàáã òìéå èáéìä àçú áùðä


Rather, we hold like R. Chanina Segan ha'Kohanim, who says in Ta'anis (13a) that the Beis ha'Mikdash is worthy that we lose one Tevilah [due to mourning its loss] in a year;

åàåîø òìä áéøåùìîé áô''á ãáéöä àåøé øáé ìåé ëäãà ãøáé çðéðà ñâï äëäðéí


Support #1: It says about this in the Yerushalmi in Beitzah that R. Levi ruled like R. Chanina Segan ha'Kohanim's teaching.

åòåã éù ìôøù ãääéà ãëì ëúáé áéîé äúðàéí ùäéå òñå÷éí áèäøåú åäéå öøéëéí áéåí úùòä áàá ìäúòñ÷ áèäøåú ìôéëê èåáìú îáòøá


Support #2: Also, we can say that the Gemara in Shabbos [permitted immersing on Tish'ah b'Av) in the days of the Tana'im, when they needed to engaged in Taharos on Tish'ah b'Av. Therefore, she was permitted to immerse at night;

àáì áæîï äæä ãìáòìä ãå÷à àôùø ìä ìçåó åìèáåì áîåöàé úùòä áàá


Nowadays that she immerses only for her husband [and Bi'ah is forbidden on Tish'ah b'Av], she can do Chafifah and immerse on Motza'ei Tish'ah b'Av;

åàí àéï ìä ôðàé ìøçåõ åìçåó áìéìä úøçåõ åúçåó òøá úùòä áàá ëãé ùéäéä á÷ì ìä òãééï ìçåó ÷öú îåöàé úùòä áàá åìèáåì:


If she will not have time to bathe and do Chafifah at night, she bathes and does Chafifah Erev Tish'ah b'Av, so it will be easy for her to do a little Chafifah on Motza'ei Tish'ah b'Av and immerse.



TOSFOS DH Amru Lo Harei Zu b'Chezkas Taharah

úåñôåú ã"ä àîøå ìéä äøé æå áçæ÷ú èäøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we challenge only R. Yehudah.)

åà''ú ú÷ùä ãøáé éåñé ãäëà ã÷àîø ãñâé ìä áäôøùä ùçøéú


Question: We should challenge R. Yosi! Here he says that it suffices to separate in the morning;

àãøáé éåñé ãôø÷ áà ñéîï (ìòéì ãó ðâ.) ã÷àîø åîä àéìå ðãä ùìà äôøéùä áèäøä îï äîðçä åìîòìä ìà úäà áçæ÷ú èåîàä àìîà áòé äôøùä îï äîðçä åìîòìä


Above (53a), R. Yosi said "if a Nidah did not separate in Taharah from [the time of] Minchah and onwards, does she not have Chezkas Tum'ah?!" This shows that she must separate from Minchah and onwards! (Meforshim argue about whether this is Minchah Ketanah (two and a half hours before night), Plag ha'Minchah (one and a quarter hours before night), or shortly before Bein ha'Shemashos).

åéù ìåîø ãäúí îééøé ëùäôøéùä áéåí ùøàúä áå ùçøéú åäëà îééøé ááã÷ä ùçøéú åîöàä èäåøä


Answer: There, we discuss when she separated on the day that she saw [blood] in the morning. Here we discuss when she checked in the morning and found that she is Tehorah.

å÷ùä ãàí ëï ëé ôøëéðï ìøáé éäåãä àéìå éãéä áòéðéä ëì áéï äùîùåú åëå' ìéîà ø' éåñé ìðôùéä ãäà àéäå ðîé îöøéê äôøùä îï äîðçä åìîòìä ëùäôøéùä áéåí ùøàúä


Question: If so, when we challenge R. Yehudah "if her hand was in her eyes (she was checking) all of Bein ha'Shemashos...", R. Yosi should challenge himself, for also he requires separating after Minchah when she separated on the day that she saw!

åîä îåòéì òéëåá æä ùîà òí ñéìå÷ éãéä øàúä


How does it help to delay [separating until the time of Minchah]? Perhaps she saw right after removing her hand!

åé''ì ãìðôùéä ìà ÷ùä ãëéåï ãäåçæ÷ä øåàä ùçøéú ãéï äåà ìäöøéëä äôøùä îï äîðçä åìîòìä áìà çåîøà àìà îï äãéï


Answer: It is not difficult for him. Since she was established to see the morning, it is proper to obligate her to separate from Minchah and onwards, without a stringency, rather, based on letter of the law;

åàéï ìðå ìäçîéø åìñô÷ ùîà òí ñéìå÷ éãéä øàúä ìäöøéëä áãé÷ä áñåó äéåí


We should not be stringent and say that perhaps she saw right after removing her hand, to obligate Bedikah at the end of the day;

àáì øáé éäåãä ùáà ìäçîéø åìñô÷ ãàôéìå áùìà øàúä ùçøéú àìà ááã÷ä òöîä åîöàä èäåøä äåà îöøéê äôøùä âí áñåó äéåí äéä ìå ìäçîéø åìáãå÷ îñô÷ ùîà òí ñéìå÷ éãéä øàúä


However, R. Yehudah comes to be stringent and consider it a Safek. Even when she did not see in the morning, rather, she checked and found herself Tehorah, he obligates separating also at the end of the day. He should be stringent to obligate her to check, lest she saw right after removing her hand!


TOSFOS DH Aval Halachah k'R. Eliezer

úåñôåú ã"ä àáì äìëä ëøáé àìéòæø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the source to say so.)

àò''â ãàéï ìîãéï äìëä îôé úìîåã


Implied question: We do not rule based on [what it says in a Mishnah or Beraisa, about whom the Halachah follows]!

äà ôñ÷éðï áô''÷ ìòéì (ãó æ:) ëøáé àìéòæø áàøáò åäà çã îéðééäå:


Answer: We rule above (7b) like R. Eliezer in four [places in Taharos] and this is one of them.