TOSFOS DH u'Shneihem Lo Lamduha Ela mi'Sotah
úåñôåú ã"ä åùðéäí ìà ìîãåä àìà îñåèä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that really, they do not learn from Sotah.)
úéîä ãäà øáðï îèîàéï àó áø''ä îùåí ãäåé úøúé ìøéòåúà àí ëï ìà äåé ñô÷ åìà ùééê æä ìñåèä îéãé
Question #1: Rabanan are Metamei even in Reshus ha'Rabim because there are two Re'usos. If so, this is not a Safek, and it has no connection to Sotah!
åëï áçáéú ãäåé åãàé èáì ìøáðï ãåîéà ãî÷åä äà ìà âîøéðï îñåèä àìà èåîàä
Question #2: Similarly a barrel, which is Vadai Tevel according to Rabanan, like the case of a Mikveh (how can we learn it from Sotah?) We learn only Tum'ah from Sotah!
åøáé ùîòåï ðîé ãâîø çáéú îèåîàä äà ìà ùééê îéãé ìñåèä
Question #3: Also R. Shimon, who learns a barrel from Tum'ah, this has no connection to Sotah!
åàåîø ø''ú ãìà ÷àîø äëé àìà ìôøù ãìà ú÷ùé ìäå îñåèä
Answer (R. Tam): It says here [that both learn from Sotah] only to explain why we should not ask from Sotah;
åèòîà ãøáðï îùåí ãäåé úøúé ìøéòåúà åäåé åãàé åìà ñô÷
Rabanan's reason is because there are two Re'usos, so it is Vadai, and not a Safek;
åìøáé ùîòåï äåé ñô÷ ãìéú ìéä èòîà ãäøé çñø ìôðéê ãäùúà äåà ãçñø
R. Shimon holds that it is a Safek. He does not hold that "it is deficient in front of you [so also before it was deficient; rather,] now it became deficient."
åëðâã äòîã î÷åä áçæ÷ú ùìí àéëà ìîéîø äòîã èîà òì çæ÷úå åìëê áøä''é úåìéï îãéðà åàò''â ãìà éìôéðï îñåèä åìëê áçáéú ðîé ñô÷
Against "establish the Mikveh in its Chazakah of being complete", we can say "establish the Tamei on his Chazakah." Therefore, in Reshus ha'Yachid we suspend, according to letter of the law, even though we do not learn from Sotah. And therefore, also a barrel is a Safek.
àáì áøä''ø îèäø àò''â ãìéëà çæ÷ä ãîñåèä éìôéðï ëãôé' ìòéì åáëì ñô÷ èåîàä àéú ìéä áøä''é úåìéï
Distinction: However, in Reshus ha'Rabim he is Metaher, even though there is no Chazakah, for we learn from Sotah, like I explained above. Regarding every Safek Tum'ah in Reshus ha'Yachid, he holds that we suspend.
TOSFOS DH Gamar Sof Tum'ah mi'Techilas Tum'ah
úåñôåú ã"ä âîø ñåó èåîàä îúçìú èåîàä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how R. Shimon can answer Rabanan's challenge.)
úéîä ãùôéø ÷àîøé øáðï ãäúí àéëà çæ÷ú èäøä.
Question: Rabanan said properly (to refute this)! There, there is Chezkas Taharah!
åé''ì ãâîø îúçìú èåîàä äéëà ãìéëà çæ÷ú èäøä ëâåï ääéà ãúðå÷ ãô' áúøà ã÷ãåùéï (ãó ô.) ãàéëà øåá úéðå÷åú îèôçéï ëðâã çæ÷ú äòéñä
Answer: He learns from the beginning of Tum'ah when there is no Chezkas Taharah, e.g. the toddler in Kidushin (80a, who was found next to a dough). The majority of toddlers who touch is against the Chezkas [Taharah] of the dough;
åàéðå øåá âîåø åäåé ôìâà ëðâã äçæ÷ä åàéìå äéä áä ãòú ìéùàì îï äúåøä äéä áøä''é èîà âîåø åáøä''ø èäåø âîåø ãâîøéðï îñåèä
It is not an absolute majority. It is like half against the Chazakah, and if [the dough] was Yesh Bo Da'as Lish'ol, mid'Oraisa it would be totally Tamei in Reshus ha'Yachid, and totally Tahor in Reshus ha'Rabim, for we learn from Sotah;
åøáðï äúí àéëà çæ÷ú èäøä ôé' ëðâã øåá èéôåç åäåé ñô÷ åâîøé îñåèä ìèäø áøä''ø
Rabanan say that there, there is Chezkas Taharah, i.e. against the majority who touch, and it is a Safek, and we learn from Sotah to be Metaher in Reshus ha'Rabim;
àáì äëà âáøà áçæ÷ú èåîàä åäåé úøúé ìøéòåúà åäåé åãàé
However, here the man has Chezkas Tum'ah. There are two Re'usos, so it is like Vadai.
TOSFOS DH ha'Sheretz she'Nimtza b'Mavuy
úåñôåú ã"ä äùøõ ùðîöà áîáåé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we ask against Shamai.)
ìùîàé ôøéê ãîèäø ìâîøé
Explanation: We challenge Shamai, who is Metaher totally.
TOSFOS DH u'Sheratzim deme'Alma
úåñôåú ã"ä åùøöéí ãîòìîà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Kesamim are Metamei retroactively.)
åà''ú ñéôà ã÷úðé äúí ëúí ùðîöà áçìå÷ä îèîà ìîôøò òã ùúàîø áã÷úé àú äçìå÷ åìà äéä áå ëúí àå òã ùòú äëáåñ îàé àéëà ìîéîø
Question: The Seifa taught there 'if a stain was found on her cloak, it is Metamei retroactively, until she says "I checked the cloak, and there was no stain", or until it was laundered.' How can we explain this?
ãäúí ìéëà ìîéîø ãàéëà ãí îâåôä åîòìîà
Suggestion: There, we can say that there is blood from her body and from elsewhere [so this is like two Re'usos]!
ãîùåí ãí ãîòìîà àéðå èîà àìà çìå÷ åì÷îï áôø÷éï (ãó å.) ðîé àîøéðï äøåàä ëúí î÷åì÷ìú ìîðéðä
Rejection: Due to blood from elsewhere, only the cloak would be Tamei! Also below (6a), we say that one who finds a stain is confused about her count (it is a Safek when she became Nidah)!
åé''ì ãäåàéì åàí äëúí éáù äåà ò''ë èîàä ìîôøò åôòîéí ðîé àó ëùäåà ìç îåëéç ãìà àúà äùúà àìà òì éãé ùçééä àå ò''é øé÷åã ëãàîø áäøåàä ëúí (ì÷îï ðæ:) ìà ôìåâ øáðï áëúîéí
Answer: Since if the stain is dry, you are forced to say that she is Temei'ah retroactively, and also sometimes when it is moist, it is proven that it did not come now, rather, [earlier] through bending or dancing [e.g. it is on her skin, above her belt], like it says below (57b), Rabanan did not distinguish among stains [and always are Metamei retroactively].
TOSFOS DH v'Iba'is Eima Taima d'Shamai Ho'il v'Ishah Margeshes b'Atzmah
úåñôåú ã"ä åàéáòéú àéîà èòîà ãùîàé äåàéì åàùä îøâùú áòöîä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we still need the reason of Chazakah.)
ðøàä ãìäàé ìéùðà ðîé öøéê èòîà ãäòîã àùä òì çæ÷úä
Assertion: According to this version, we also need the reason that we establish the woman on her Chazakah.
ãàì''ë ëé ÷àîø îåãä ùîàé áùåèä åëï îåãä ùîàé áîåê åëé éèîàðä ìîôøò àó ìçåìéï åäìà ëì äðùéí ãééï ùòúï ìçåìéï àó ìäìì
Proof: If not, when it says that Shamai agrees about a lunatic, and similarly that Shamai agrees about a Moch (a wad that would hold in the blood), will he be Metamei her retroactively even for Chulin?! All women are Dayan Shaitan for Chulin, even according to Hillel!
àìà äðé èòîé ìà àéöèøéê àìà ëé äéëé ãìà ðòáã ñééâ á÷ãùéí
Rather, these reasons are needed only so we do not make a fence within Kodshim.
TOSFOS DH Margeshes b'Atzmah
úåñôåú ã"ä îøâùú áòöîä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why Shamai is lenient when she found blood through Bedikah.)
ôé' ëùðò÷ø ãí îï äî÷åø åîãìà äøâéùä òã òëùéå äùúà äåà ãçæàé
Explanation: [She feels] when blood is uprooted from the Makor. Since she did not feel until now, she saw only now.
åà''ú åëé áã÷ä òöîä åîöàä èîàä åìà äøâéùä îàé [èòîà ãùîàé ðéîà ëîå ùìà äøâéùä òëùéå ëê ðéîà ùîà ðò÷ø îàúîåì åìà äøâéùä]
Question: When she checked herself and found herself Temei'ah and did not feel, what is Shamai's reason? We should say that just like she did not feel now, so we can say that perhaps [the blood] was uprooted yesterday, and she did not feel!
åé''ì ãìà ôìåâ øáðï äåàéì åøåá ôòîéí îøâùú
Answer #1: Rabanan did not distinguish, since most times she feels;
ãäà ìèòîà ãàí àéúà ãäåä ãí îòé÷øà äåä àúé ùåëáú àôø÷éã îàé àéëà ìîéîø àìà ìà ôìåâ øáðï
Support: According to the reason that if there really was blood earlier, it would have come out, how can we answer for one who lies on her back? Rather, Rabanan did not distinguish.
åäà ã÷àîø îåãä ùîàé áùåèä åáîåê
Implied question: Why does it say that Shamai agrees about a lunatic and one who uses a Moch? (We should say that Rabanan did not distinguish!)
îùåí ãäðäå çìå÷åú îùàø ðùéí åìà ùééê ìîéîø áäå ìà ôìåâ øáðï
Answer: These are very different from other women, so it is not applicable to say that Rabanan did not distinguish!
åøù''é ôéøù îä ùòëùéå ìà äøâéùä ëñáåøä äøâùú òã äåà
Answer #2 (Rashi): She did not feel now, because she thought that she felt the Bedikah.
å÷ùä îàúîåì ðîé ðéîà äà ãìà äøâéùä àí ùîùä ëñáåøä äøâùú ùîù äåà åàîàé îèäøéï ìîôøò
Objection: Also from yesterday, we should say that she did not feel, if she had relations, is because she attributed the Hargashah to the Ever. Why are we Metaher retroactively?
àìà ùîàé àéú ìéä ãìòåìí àùä îøâùú åàéðä çåùùú áäøâùú òã åùîù ëîå ùàéðä çåùùú áäøâùú îé øâìéí
Rather, Shamai holds that always, a woman feels [blood], and she has no doubt about [attributing it to] Hargashah of a Bedikah or the Ever, just like she has no doubt about [attributing feeling blood to] the Hargashah of urine.
TOSFOS DH Modeh Shamai Shotah
úåñôåú ã"ä îåãä ùîàé áùåèä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he is not Metaher due to Ein Bo Da'as Lish'ol.)
åàí úàîø åäà àéï áå ãòú ìéùàì
Question: (Why is he stringent?) Ein Bo Da'as Lish'ol!
åé''ì ëâåï àãí ùðâò áä åøåöä ìòñå÷ á÷ãùéí åàåúå àãí éù áå ãòú ìéùàì
Answer: The case is, a person touched her, and he wants to engage in Kodshim, and that person Yesh Bo Da'as Lish'ol.
TOSFOS DH v'Ha Ika Kesamim
úåñôåú ã"ä åäà àéëà ëúîéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is difficult only for Shamai.)
ôéøåù ìùîàé ãàéú ìéä èòîà ãäøâùä ìèäø àó á÷ãùéí äéä ìðå ìèäø ëúîéí àôé' îëàï åìäáà
Explanation: According to Shamai, who relies on the reason of Hargashah to be Metaher even for Kodshim, we should have been Metaher Kesamim even from now and onwards!
ãàéú ìï ìîéîø ëéåï ãìà äøâéùä åãàé îòìîà àúé ëãàîø (ì÷îï ãó ä.) âáé úéðå÷ú ùìà äâéò æîðä ìøàåú
We should say that since she did not feel, surely it came from elsewhere, like it says below (5a) regarding a girl who did not reach the age [at which we expect her] to see blood;
àôéìå ñãéðéï ùìä îìåëìëéï áãí àéï çåùùéï ìä àéîø áùå÷ ùì èáçéí òáøä åìàå àãòúä
Even if her garments are dirty with blood, we are not concerned for her. I can say that she passed through a butcher's market (and blood splashed on her), and she was unaware.
àáì ìäìì ìà ÷ùä ëéåï ãàéðå áøåø ìå èòîà ãäøâùä ìèäø á÷ãùéí àéï ìðå ìúìåú áëúîéí åìåîø ãîòìîà àúé àôéìå ìçåìéï ãøâìéí ìãáø äåà ãîâåôä àúå (äâäú îäø"í) àôéìå ìîôøò:
Distinction: However, this is not difficult for Hillel. Since the reason of Hargashah is not clear to him to be Metaher Kodshim, we should not attribute Kesamim and say that they came from elsewhere, even for Chulin, for there are Raglayim l'Davar that they came from her body, even retroactively (we should be Metamei).
TOSFOS DH Ika Beinaihu Lemirmei Chavis u'Mikveh
úåñôåú ã"ä àéëà áéðééäå ìîøîé çáéú åî÷åä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why cannot ask these according to the latter reasons.)
åà''ú ìäðé èòîé ðîé àéëà ìîøîé ãäà îåãä ùîàé áùåèä ãìà îøâùú ãìîôøò úåìéï åáî÷åä ùåøôéï
Question #1: Also according to these reasons, we can ask [from a barrel and Mikveh], for Shamai agrees about a lunatic, who does not feel, that retroactively we are Toleh, and regarding a Mikveh we burn!
åëï ìäìì ãìéú ìéä äðé èòîé öøéê ìùðåéé ëãîùðé ãäúí úøúé ìøéòåúà
Question #2: Similarly, according to Hillel, who disagrees with these reasons, we must answer like we answered, that there, there are two Re'usos!
åé''ì ãèòîà ãäøâùä îäðé ìäìì ùìà ìèîà åãàé åìùîàé îäðé àó áùåèä ùìà ìèîàåúä áåãàé
Answer #1: The reason of Hargashah helps according to Hillel not to be Metamei Vadai, and for Shamai it helps even for a lunatic, not to be Metamei her Vadai.
à''ð éù ìåîø ãéãò èòîà ãúøúé ìøéòåúà ìùøåó àáì úåìéï àò''â ãìéëà úøúé ìøéòåúà
Answer #2: He knew the reason of two Re'usos to burn. However, we suspend even when there are not two Re'usos;
åòé÷ø ôéøëà ãìòéì ìùîàé ãîùåí ãìéëà áàùä úøúé ìøéòåúà î''î ìà äéä ìå ìèäø ìâîøé
The primary question above against Shamai is because [even though] in a woman there are not two Re'usos, he should not be Metaher totally.
åà''ú àëúé àéëà ìîéøîé ãáî÷åä îèîàéðï àó áøä''ø åáðâò áàçã áìéìä îèäøéí çëîéí áøä''ø áøàäå çé îáòøá àìà ò''ë äééðå èòîà îùåí ãáî÷åä àéëà úøúé ìøéòåúà
Question: Still, we can ask that regarding a Mikveh we are Metamei even in Reshus ha'Rabim, and when one touched someone at night Chachamim are Metaher in Reshus ha'Rabim when he saw him alive the previous day. You are forced to say that the reason is because in a Mikveh, there are two Re'usos!
åé''ì ãìà ÷ùä ìéä ìòéì àìà áîàé ãîèäø ùîàé àó áøùåú äéçéã
Answer: Above, he asked only why Shamai is Metaher even in Reshus ha'Yachid.
TOSFOS DH l'Abaye Ika Moch
úåñôåú ã"ä ìàáéé àéëà îåê
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out another difference that we could have mentioned.)
ä''î ìîéîø ðîé ãàéëà áéðééäå ùåèä ãììéùðà ÷îà ãàùä îøâùú îåãä ùîàé áùåèä
Observation: We could have said that they argue about a lunatic! According to the first version, that a woman feels, Shamai agrees about a lunatic!
åàéï ìåîø ãììéùðà ãàé äåä ãí îòé÷øà äåä àúé îåãä ðîé ùîàé áùåèä ãùîà ãí àçø ðôì ÷åãí áãé÷ä
Suggestion: Also according to the version that if there were blood, it would have come earlier, Shamai agrees about a lunatic, for perhaps other blood fell before the Bedikah!
îùåí ãîùîò ãòì ãí ùðîöà òëùéå ÷àîø
Rejection: It connotes that [Shamai] says so about blood that was found now [that it would have come earlier].
TOSFOS DH Ki Pligi Chizkiyah v'R. Yochanan b'Kupah she'Ein Lah Shulayim
úåñôåú ã"ä ëé ôìéâé çæ÷éä åø' éåçðï á÷åôä ùàéï ìä ùåìéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the argument.)
ùàæ îùúîùéï áä ëùäéà îåùëáú å÷åôä äéà îøåáòú åîùúîùéï áä ìøçáä åðîöàå èäøåú áéîéï åùøõ áùîàì åôìéâé
Explanation: Then (when it has no bottom), they use it when it lies down. The box is square, and we use it widthwise. Taharos were found in the right, and a Sheretz in the left. They argue as follows:
ãìçæ÷éä àéú ìéä èäøåú äàçøåðåú èîàåú àáì äøàùåðåú èäåøåú ãùøõ áúø äëé ðôì
Chizkiyah holds that the last Taharos are Tamei, but the first Taharos are Tahor, for the Sheretz fell afterwards;
ãàéìå äåä äúí îòé÷ø' ëùäâáéä ä÷åôä ìòøåú îîðä äèäøåú äéä ðåôì âí äùøõ
If it were there initially when he lifted the box to pour the Taharos from it, also the Sheretz would have fallen.
åø' éåçðï àîø ãèäøåú äøàùåðåú ðîé èîàåú ùäàåâðéí òëáå äùøõ îìéôåì áàøõ åìëê ìà øàäå ìôé ùäèäøåú ðôìå ìöã éîéï åìöã ùîàì ùäùøõ ùí ìà øàä
R. Yochanan holds that also the first Taharos are Tamei, for the Ognim (the boards near the bottom bend in) held back the Sheretz from falling to the ground. Therefore, he did not see it, for the Taharos fell to the right, and he did not see to the left side, where the Sheretz was.
àáì àí äéúä ä÷åôä òâåìä îåãä øáé éåçðï ãäøàùåðåú èäåøåú ãàæ ðåôìéï äùøõ åäèäøåú áî÷åí àçã
Distinction: However, if the box was round, R. Yochanan agrees that the first [Taharos] are Tahor, for then the Sheretz and Taharos fall in one place;
åàò''ô ùäàåâðéí îòëáéï îìéôåì áàøõ î''î àé äåä äùøõ äúí äéä øåàäå åìëê ð÷è ãå÷à ðîöà áæåéú àçøú
Even though the Ognim hold back the Sheretz from falling to the ground, in any case if there were a Sheretz there, he would have seen it. Therefore, he discussed specifically when [the Sheretz] was found in a different corner.
åëï îåëç áô''÷ ãùáú (ãó ç.) ãñúí ÷åôä îøåáòú ãâáé (ëï äåà áãôåñ åéðéöéä) ëååøú ð÷è øçáä ùùä ìôé ùäéà òâåìä åöøéê ìäéåú áä ã' îøåáòéí åá÷åôä ð÷è øçáä ã' [ìôé ùäéà îøåáòú]
Proof: It is proven in Shabbos (8a) that a Stam Kupah (box) is square, for regarding a hive it says that it is six (Tefachim) wide, for it is round, and it needs to contain a square four by four, and regarding a Kupah it said that it is four wide, for it is square.
åãìééí àôé' äí òâåìéí àúé ùôéø ãøâéìåú äåà ìòøåú äîéí îäø åàéï øåàéï àí ðùàø ùøõ áëìéí
Buckets, even if they are round, this is fine, for it is normal to pour water quickly, and people do not see if a Sheretz remained in the Kelim.
åìø' éåçðï ÷åôä ãùîàé ä''ä ãîöé ìîð÷è àôéìå áàéï ìä ùåìéí àê éù ìä àåâðéí
Observation: According to R. Yochanan, [we said that] Shamai agrees about a Kupah. Likewise, we could have discussed even a Kupah without a bottom, and it has Ognim.
TOSFOS DH veha'Tanya ha'Madleh Yud Deliyim v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä åäúðéà äîãìä é' ãìééí ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we could not bring from a Mishnah.)
ä÷ùä äø''ø îðçí àîàé ìà îééúé îúðéúéï ãèäøåú ô''ã (î''ã) ãúðï äîãìä é' ãìééí åðîöà ùøõ áà' îäï äåà èîà åëåìï èäåøéï
Question (R. Menachem): Why don't we bring the Mishnah in Taharos (4:4) which teaches that one who drew 10 buckets [of water], and a Sheretz was found in one of them, it is Tamei, and all [the rest] of them are Tahor?
åé''ì ãäúí ìà ÷úðé æä àçø æä åàéëà ìîéîø ãîééøé ëùîãìä ùí é' ãìééí åäí ëåìí éçã ááåø åäòùéøé ùäâáéä ðîöà áå ùøõ
Answer #1: There, it did not teach "one after the other", and we can say that the case is, that he draws there 10 buckets, and all are together in the pit, and the 10th that he lifted, a Sheretz was found in it;
åìà éãòéðï ëùäéä äùøõ òì äîéí ááåø àí áùàø ãìééí ðâò áòåãï ááåø åäåé ñô÷ èåîàä öôä òì ôðé äîéí ãèäåø àó áøä''é (äâää áâìéåï) ëãàéúà áñåó ðæéø (ãó ñã.)
We do not know, when the Sheretz was on the water in the pit, whether it touched the other buckets while they were in the pit. This is Safek Tum'ah floating on water. It is Tahor, even in Reshus ha'Yachid, like it says in Nazir (64a).
åàéï çéìå÷ áéï éù ìä àåâðéí áéï àéï ìä àåâðéí
There is no difference between whether or not it has Ognim.
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Answer #2: The Mishnah does not teach "water". We can say that it discusses a pit with wine or oil, and the Chidush is that the first nine buckets are Tehorim, and we do not say that the Sheretz was in the pit initially and was Metamei everything;
Note: Water in the pit is considered "attached" to the ground, so it is not Mekabel Tum'ah, but other liquids in a pit are Mekabel Tum'ah. Therefore, now Tosfos says that if the Sheretz was in the pit initially, it was Metamei everything. Maharam and Maharsha prove that we still discuss drawing in 10 buckets.
àìà àîøéðï ãáãìé æä àçøåï ðôì úçìä áòåãå øé÷ï åëùãìàå ìáåø ìáñåó äåà èîà åîèîà ëì îä ùááåø àáì ùàø ãìééí äøàùåðéí èäåøéí:
Rather, we say that it fell in the last bucket initially, while it was still empty, and when he lowered it to the pit at the end, it is Tamei, and it is Metamei everything in the pit, but the first buckets are Tahor.